Signs, they don't want you to know were held at the "One Nation" Rally

The only thing that surprises me about this filth is that they were confident enough to be blatant about it.

My Dad fought against communism. He lost a lot of freinds.

And these fucking filth filled liberals are carry their banners in front of Lincolns Monument.

Honestly, liberals never stop and think about what they are doing as long as it pisses good people off, they think it must be right.

Liberals do NOT like America. They do NOT like what America is. They do NOT like how America was founded. They do NOT like the constitution. They do NOT like freedom. They do NOT like capitalism. They do NOT like a free market system. They do NOT like individualism. They do NOT like our military. They do NOT like our founding fathers. They do NOT like our heritage. They do NOT like our traditions. They do NOT like patriotism.

Must I go on? I doubt it. I think most people are beginning to see just what kind of pure TRASH liberals are and what they stand for.

This country is prime for another Civil War, and it will be those radical commies on the left against the conservative patriots on the right. The war will last thirteen hours, and the left will have had their pathetic, pussy asses kicked clean up around their pencil necks.

The only thing that surprises me about this filth is that they were confident enough to be blatant about it.

My Dad fought against communism. He lost a lot of freinds.

And these fucking filth filled liberals are carry their banners in front of Lincolns Monument.

Honestly, liberals never stop and think about what they are doing as long as it pisses good people off, they think it must be right.

Liberals do NOT like America. They do NOT like what America is. They do NOT like how America was founded. They do NOT like the constitution. They do NOT like freedom. They do NOT like capitalism. They do NOT like a free market system. They do NOT like individualism. They do NOT like our military. They do NOT like our founding fathers. They do NOT like our heritage. They do NOT like our traditions. They do NOT like patriotism.

Must I go on? I doubt it. I think most people are beginning to see just what kind of pure TRASH liberals are and what they stand for.

This country is prime for another Civil War, and it will be those radical commies on the left against the conservative patriots on the right. The war will last thirteen hours, and the left will have had their pathetic, pussy asses kicked clean up around their pencil necks.

There won't be a war or any fighting. How do you war with someone that goes crying for its mommy as soon as you give it an agry look?

Everything worked fine for about 150 years. How about we take what worked, don't do what didn't. Seems simple, but these fools want to do what has failed time and again, wherever it's been tried.

How did we go from demanding freedom from a tyrant to demanding a tyrannt and screaming at freedom? :confused::cuckoo:

Actually, all things considered, we've done quite well as a country until you whackos started slithering out from under your rocks.
Of course you feel that we've done quite well until now.

The Ponzi Scheme always feels good as long as more suckers sign up to pay off the earlier ones. Your problem now is that there are less suckers.
liberals don't like rednecks with GED level education pumping conservatardism. Pale!!!

I always think of my freind Frank when you idiots talk like this.

When he was 16 his parents were in a wreck, his mom died and his dad was crippled.

He got a full time job to pay for the bills so his family could keep the house, a double wide trailer.

4 years later he earned his GED.

But he gets insulted by elitist snob fucks like you, b/c he's country and has a GED.

oh, fyi for you traitor, last I heard he owned his own land scapping biz.

What's scapping biz? Is biz some kind of mineral that can be mined by using a scapper? Hmmm.

Whatever it is, kudos to your friend for his efforts and success. Of course country boys aren't the only ones who've succeeded by their singular efforts. Sometimes northeastern boys have too--you know, those kids you insult by calling them elitist fucks.

Grow the fuck up, hypocrite.
Socialism for all the people (as opposed to merely giving it to the top escheons of society) is looking better and better to more and more people.

How much socialism did the richest people in the nation get? TARP = $800 billion

How much did the rest of the nation, including mostly the local governments get? $787 billion.

You do the math and then tell me who gets the better socialist deal.

The socialism we give to the rich, or the socialism that's doled out for the rest of the nation.

Half of us never gave the rich anything. Cause about 50% of you dumbass leeches pay no FEDERAL TAX so quit saying "WE" there ain't no "WE"

Everytime you post this, which it seems is at least once a day, I will post to remind you that you are part of that 50% that doesn't pay taxes since you don't actually work.
Morning to the fear monger faction of the teabagger party. Wouldn't be Monday morning without ya!


Yes they just made it up. All those Extremely Far left signs were not really there.


Naive!!!!! to the core.

Seems to me that extremism on display by right wingers is hailed as simply expressing free speech rights. Incredible how that same value doesn't apply when extremism is on display by left-wingers. Guess what, folks: Even Communists (all 12 of them) who live in this country have the same rights to free speech as the screeching extremists in your own party(ies).
IF you righties want to claim that certain carried at the One Nation Rally reflect the values of the people who organzied the rally, then why cannot the same thing be said by the left for sign carried at Tea Hadist Rallies?

Racist signs have been carried at Tea Hater Rallies, yet all we hear is "We Are Not Racist" if you stand by and allow such signs to be carried at your rallies, then you support and condone racism.

"Not all members of the Tea Movement believe Obama is a Nazi", yet at Tea Hater Rallies, we have seen many signs portraying Mr. Obama as Hitler. If you do not speak out against such signs, that means you are more than willing to allow such signs.

It seems the Tea Baggers are once again, do as I say, not as I sign.
Have you considered why the disparity in media portrayal of extremist signs?

It's simple: The media wish to paint all Tea Party members as racist and hateful. At the same time, they wish to hide the extremists at liberal rallies.

Well if any of you could bear to tear yourselves away from FoxNews and watch other channels, you would have already known that ALL OF THEM covered Beck's rally quite well, as well as much coverage last summer of the tea party rallies. C-Span always does a wonderful job with its cameras too. So what I saw and what you didn't see because you were too intent on believing there was only coverage of ugly signage are two entirely different things.
The only thing that surprises me about this filth is that they were confident enough to be blatant about it.

My Dad fought against communism. He lost a lot of freinds.

And these fucking filth filled liberals are carry their banners in front of Lincolns Monument.

Honestly, liberals never stop and think about what they are doing as long as it pisses good people off, they think it must be right.

Liberals do NOT like America. They do NOT like what America is. They do NOT like how America was founded. They do NOT like the constitution. They do NOT like freedom. They do NOT like capitalism. They do NOT like a free market system. They do NOT like individualism. They do NOT like our military. They do NOT like our founding fathers. They do NOT like our heritage. They do NOT like our traditions. They do NOT like patriotism.

Must I go on? I doubt it. I think most people are beginning to see just what kind of pure TRASH liberals are and what they stand for.

This country is prime for another Civil War, and it will be those radical commies on the left against the conservative patriots on the right. The war will last thirteen hours, and the left will have had their pathetic, pussy asses kicked clean up around their pencil necks.

Just wondering how you know it will last 13 hours? Are you the fortune teller of the republican party? Conservadomus?
This story and ones like it are all over this site and Im sure on many others.

Something that's starting to bug me.

The left has no issue, none, in saying all Tea Baggers are racist.
But if we say the left wants socialisms and show the signs, we are going over the top b/c not everyone is like that.

And where is anyone from the left that's has the maturity to say, "Damn, that was over the top, and I want to apolgise for my people leaving piles of garbage all over and am deeply sorry that we offended our greatest generation by leaving trash on the WW2 Memorial.

You hit the key word with "maturity."

The left doesn't have that. They are narcissists. It's all about them, and ONLY them.

That's why when they do something there is always an excuse.

If there is even so much as ONE racist sign at a tea party event (where they asked them to leave) it's proof of tea party racism.

But an ENTIRE EVENT staged for the left where there are all kinds of marxist signs and trash left everywhere? Well that DOESN'T COUNT! :eusa_snooty:

How can you say that counts?

It's ludicriously and laughably hypocritical.

The only thing that surprises me about this filth is that they were confident enough to be blatant about it.

My Dad fought against communism. He lost a lot of freinds.

And these fucking filth filled liberals are carry their banners in front of Lincolns Monument.

Honestly, liberals never stop and think about what they are doing as long as it pisses good people off, they think it must be right.

Liberals do NOT like America. They do NOT like what America is. They do NOT like how America was founded. They do NOT like the constitution. They do NOT like freedom. They do NOT like capitalism. They do NOT like a free market system. They do NOT like individualism. They do NOT like our military. They do NOT like our founding fathers. They do NOT like our heritage. They do NOT like our traditions. They do NOT like patriotism.

Must I go on? I doubt it. I think most people are beginning to see just what kind of pure TRASH liberals are and what they stand for.

This country is prime for another Civil War, and it will be those radical commies on the left against the conservative patriots on the right. The war will last thirteen hours, and the left will have had their pathetic, pussy asses kicked clean up around their pencil necks.

Just wondering how you know it will last 13 hours? Are you the fortune teller of the republican party? Conservadomus?
13 hours til he pees his pants from having to get up off his couch for more than his next beer, I'll wager.

There were 2-3 million at the inauguration, packed in like sardines, fool. Attendees at the Beck rally (200,000 tops) were specifically told to bring their own plastic bag for trash (undoubtedly so people like you could go on the net an display side-by-side pictures).
IF you righties want to claim that certain carried at the One Nation Rally reflect the values of the people who organzied the rally, then why cannot the same thing be said by the left for sign carried at Tea Hadist Rallies?

Racist signs have been carried at Tea Hater Rallies, yet all we hear is "We Are Not Racist" if you stand by and allow such signs to be carried at your rallies, then you support and condone racism.

"Not all members of the Tea Movement believe Obama is a Nazi", yet at Tea Hater Rallies, we have seen many signs portraying Mr. Obama as Hitler. If you do not speak out against such signs, that means you are more than willing to allow such signs.

It seems the Tea Baggers are once again, do as I say, not as I sign.
Have you considered why the disparity in media portrayal of extremist signs?

It's simple: The media wish to paint all Tea Party members as racist and hateful. At the same time, they wish to hide the extremists at liberal rallies.

Well if any of you could bear to tear yourselves away from FoxNews and watch other channels, you would have already known that ALL OF THEM covered Beck's rally quite well, as well as much coverage last summer of the tea party rallies. C-Span always does a wonderful job with its cameras too. So what I saw and what you didn't see because you were too intent on believing there was only coverage of ugly signage are two entirely different things.
Why do you assume I watch Fox News?

There were 2-3 million at the inauguration, packed in like sardines, fool. Attendees at the Beck rally (200,000 tops) were specifically told to bring their own plastic bag for trash (undoubtedly so people like you could go on the net an display side-by-side pictures).
So the inauguration attendees were too stupid to bring their own trash bags or use existing trash cans?

There were 2-3 million at the inauguration, packed in like sardines, fool. Attendees at the Beck rally (200,000 tops) were specifically told to bring their own plastic bag for trash (undoubtedly so people like you could go on the net an display side-by-side pictures).
So the inauguration attendees were too stupid to bring their own trash bags or use existing trash cans?
Imagine the chaos if all these people were holding a plastic bag for trash, or that a trash can was conveniently placed every three feet. People would have been tripping over them, trash bags dropped and stepped on making a bigger mess. Don't be ridiculous.


There were 2-3 million at the inauguration, packed in like sardines, fool. Attendees at the Beck rally (200,000 tops) were specifically told to bring their own plastic bag for trash (undoubtedly so people like you could go on the net an display side-by-side pictures).

Big Fat Lie ! There was not even a million at Obamas inauguration. Just more lies from the left & their biased media. Obamas inauguration crowd was only slightly larger than Becks rally.

There were 2-3 million at the inauguration, packed in like sardines, fool. Attendees at the Beck rally (200,000 tops) were specifically told to bring their own plastic bag for trash (undoubtedly so people like you could go on the net an display side-by-side pictures).

Big Fat Lie ! There was not even a million at Obamas inauguration. Just more lies from the left & their biased media. Obamas inauguration crowd was only slightly larger than Becks rally.

Riiiiiight! :doubt:
Firefly isn't too far off. If Obama had a million and Beck 200,000, it means for every one person you see in Beck's crowd pics there need to be five peopel occupying the same space. Just not physically possible. Obama's numbers were overstated by a factor of 2.5 and Beck's under by 1.5.
Firefly isn't too far off. If Obama had a million and Beck 200,000, it means for every one person you see in Beck's crowd pics there need to be five peopel occupying the same space. Just not physically possible. Obama's numbers were overstated by a factor of 2.5 and Beck's under by 1.5.

Good point. I mean everyone who is intelligent understands this by now. These numbers have been proven time and time again.

Also everyone knows that everyone at the Beck rally is a convicted sex offender and child rapist. Everyone knows that.

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