Signs, they don't want you to know were held at the "One Nation" Rally

You serious with this bullshit?

Veterans for Peace and Iraq Veterans Against The War are "anti-American groups" that have "supported terrorists in Iraq who were killing American troops and liberated Iraqis"? Jesus Christ.

I've worked with the IVAW and know many veterans who fought for this country against the terrorists in Iraq who were killing their brothers and Iraqi civilians. Through their experience they came to see the war as futile or counter-productive or illegal or otherwise against the best interests of their country and their fellow servicemembers.

They're just as honorable and commendable as anyone else who served, whether they happened to conclude the war was a winnable and worthwhile effort or it wasn't. It's a simple and legitimate difference of opinion Americans have and for them it's based on firsthand knowledge. You casually smear these soldiers, because based on their personal experience actually fighting in this war for their country they've decided it's a mistake we need to extricate ourselves from and stop sending more soldiers to, and decided to voice their opposition to the policy as is their first amendment right, as "anti-American terrorist supporters"?

Go take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut you ignorant, slanderous douche.

You didn't follow the link did you genius?

European Tribune - Community, Politics & Progress.

Take a look at the SIGNATORIES at the bottom.

You were saying????????????


You didn't follow the link did you genius?

Take a look at the signatories at the bottom:

Signatories of World Tribunal on Iraq Declaration said:
IPB (Interdiocesaan Pastoraal Beraad)

Iraqi Democrats Against Occupation (IDAO) / UK

Iraqi Network for Human Rights Culture and Development

Izmir Barre Association / Turkey

NO Iraq Veterans Against The War.

You were saying????????


I believe that's what they call on the internet:

Let's hear it now: "I just called a bunch of American vets who served their country in Iraq fighting terrorists 'anti-American terrorist supporters' because I have no idea what the fuck I'm talking about and had no problem smearing them as traitors for nothing more than their disagreement with me on an issue they have firsthand knowledge and personal experience of and I don't."

Well, tps? If you want to go easier on yourself, "I was dead wrong, I shouldn't have smeared those vets before I knew what I was talking about" would suffice.
IF you righties want to claim that certain carried at the One Nation Rally reflect the values of the people who organzied the rally, then why cannot the same thing be said by the left for sign carried at Tea Hadist Rallies?

Racist signs have been carried at Tea Hater Rallies, yet all we hear is "We Are Not Racist" if you stand by and allow such signs to be carried at your rallies, then you support and condone racism.

"Not all members of the Tea Movement believe Obama is a Nazi", yet at Tea Hater Rallies, we have seen many signs portraying Mr. Obama as Hitler. If you do not speak out against such signs, that means you are more than willing to allow such signs.

It seems the Tea Baggers are once again, do as I say, not as I sign.
This is what people like Dante, jillian, vayank support... Sad....
IF you righties want to claim that certain carried at the One Nation Rally reflect the values of the people who organzied the rally, then why cannot the same thing be said by the left for sign carried at Tea Hadist Rallies?

Racist signs have been carried at Tea Hater Rallies, yet all we hear is "We Are Not Racist" if you stand by and allow such signs to be carried at your rallies, then you support and condone racism.

"Not all members of the Tea Movement believe Obama is a Nazi", yet at Tea Hater Rallies, we have seen many signs portraying Mr. Obama as Hitler. If you do not speak out against such signs, that means you are more than willing to allow such signs.

It seems the Tea Baggers are once again, do as I say, not as I sign.
Have you considered why the disparity in media portrayal of extremist signs?

It's simple: The media wish to paint all Tea Party members as racist and hateful. At the same time, they wish to hide the extremists at liberal rallies.
Posted on Saturday, October 02, 2010 Boy oh boy! That "One Nation" Rally was sure a "typical slice" of America huh?

Maybe that's why they dropped the signs and beat it out of there when it was over. Check out my other thread about that!


Well since anyone left of center is automatically labeled a "Socialist" anyway, it's catching on. So?
Don't be silly. You can't paint the whole Left with the signs of a few.

On the other hand, you can paint the whole Right with the signs of a few.

Right, USMB lefties?

Only problem with that is, those signs reflect the SPONSORS of the One Nation Rally.

Included among large, traditional labor organizations sponsoring the rally: AFL-CIO; National Education Association; the union of federal government workers’ American Federation of Government Employees; United Auto Workers; and United Mine Workers .

Joining them are anti-American, anti-Israel groups: Stalinist ANSWER Coalition; and the terrorist supporting Obama funders Code Pink and United for Peace and Justice, which since its inception and until recently was led by noted communist Leslie Cagan. Listed on the sidebar as sponsors are anti-American groups Veterans for Peace and Iraq Veterans Against the War.

All have supported terrorists in Iraq who were killing American troops and liberated Iraqis.

Also listed as partners of the One Nation rally are the Communist Party USA; the Democratic Socialists of America; the International Socialist Organization; and the War Resisters League.
One Nation Working Together also lists as a partner the American Muslim Association of North America, whose leader Sofian Abdelaziz Zakkout was fired this summer by the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights for his ties to Hamas and David Duke.

Communist, Pro-Terrorist, Anti-Israel Groups Sponsor NAACP’s ‘One Nation’ Counter Rally

And before you scream Breitbart lies take a look at this:

One Nation Working Together

Only problem with that is, those signs reflect the SPONSORS of the One Nation Rally.

Communist, Pro-Terrorist, Anti-Israel Groups Sponsor NAACP’s ‘One Nation’ Counter Rally

And before you scream Breitbart lies take a look at this:

One Nation Working Together
That's different. Somehow. It just is. [/USMB lefty mode]


Interesting that it's only Daveman who's been saying that.
You idiots have been screaming about "tea baggers" for months and you talk about fear?



I hear the baggers are planning voter supression in November. Confident in their ability to win on their agenda, aren't they?


Tell me, do you scare everyone in your neighborhood with that cackle? Starting Halloween a little early arencha ole girl?



Get back to me WHEN YOU HAVE EVIDENCE OF VOTER INTIMIDATION. As a matter of fact, get back to me, when you have EVIDENCE FOR ANYTHING YOU SAY. I always do!


Four guys with intimidating looks doesn't hold a candle to the Republican shenanigans brought about by Ohio's Secretary of State in 2004 and to a lesser extent in 2008.


How Ohio Pulled It Off Home
It's another post by del inable to refute the op!


yeah, that's it. i'm horrified by the idea of freedom of expression, just like you.:lol:

you didn't have to worry about people having opinions under stalin, did you comrade?

and it's *unable*, shitkicker

da svidanya

Liberals are a joke, I swear.

FOR MONTHS they have ranted about "tea baggers" and all the "hate" from the tea party.

But we expose the real HATE FOR THIS COUNTRY at the One Nation Rally and what do we hear?



Typical liberal! When they say it, it's "free speech." If you disagree, THAT'S HATE SPEECH!!! :blahblah:

On top of that, did it EVER occur to you that posting these signs from the rally is "FREE SPEECH" too?????????

No, of course it didn't occur to you. Surprise, surprise!



Hey teepee. How old are you? Five? You force me to get down to your level.

There is a growing segment of the population who think Socialism is a better path. They are certainly entitled to express their beliefs, and I can respect those who are at least open about wanting that sort of change.

When "Socialism" is intended to equate the policies of Lenin, it's a mistake. European "Socialism" isn't even close, and a helluva lot of Americans would love to see these kinds of advantages in our own country.

What Europe gets for its taxes

Europeans pay higher taxes than do Americans, but for their money, they get a vast array of services that in the U.S., we must pay a major chunk of our incomes to match, said Steven Hill in The Sacramento Bee.

posted on April 22, 2010, at 3:29 PM

When Americans complain about taxes, said Steven Hill, they often point to Europe as the ultimate nightmare. But people in “socialist” countries like Sweden are hardly “overtaxed serfs.” Yes, Europeans pay higher taxes than do Americans, but for their money, they get a vast array of services that in the U.S., we must pay a major chunk of our incomes to match.

The $200,000 Americans pay for college educations? In most European nations, university educations are free, or very cheap.

All that money you’re stuffing into your 401(k), because Social Security payments are so anemic? In Europe, pensions provide more than 75 percent of what people need in retirement.

Your soaring health-care premiums? In Europe, health care is available to all without charge, and the average cost per person is half that in the U.S. Child care, senior care, state-of-the-art mass transportation

—all are provided without additional charges, in return for the Europeans’ taxes. The reality is that when you include our out-of-pocket expenses for essential services, “Americans pay out just as much as Europeans—but receive a lot less for our money.”

What Europe gets for its taxes - The Week
Don't be silly. You can't paint the whole Left with the signs of a few.

On the other hand, you can paint the whole Right with the signs of a few.

Right, USMB lefties?

Generally, the right's extremism has leaked much further into the mainstream of conservatism than has the left's into mainstream liberalism.

That's common knowledge.

Of course it is. Democrats have been accused of being "Socialists/Communists" for seven decades. Some are, some aren't.
Listed on the sidebar as sponsors are anti-American groups Veterans for Peace and Iraq Veterans Against the War.

All have supported terrorists in Iraq who were killing American troops and liberated Iraqis.

You serious with this bullshit?

Veterans for Peace and Iraq Veterans Against The War are "anti-American groups" that have "supported terrorists in Iraq who were killing American troops and liberated Iraqis"? Jesus Christ.

I've worked with the IVAW and know many veterans who fought for this country against the terrorists in Iraq who were killing their brothers and Iraqi civilians. Through their experience they came to see the war as futile or counter-productive or illegal or otherwise against the best interests of their country and their fellow servicemembers.

They're just as honorable and commendable as anyone else who served, whether they happened to conclude the war was a winnable and worthwhile effort or it wasn't. It's a simple and legitimate difference of opinion Americans have and for them it's based on firsthand knowledge. You casually smear these soldiers, because based on their personal experience actually fighting in this war for their country they've decided it's a mistake we need to extricate ourselves from and stop sending more soldiers to, and decided to voice their opposition to the policy as is their first amendment right, as "anti-American terrorist supporters"?

Go take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut you ignorant, slanderous douche.

You didn't follow the link did you genius?

European Tribune - Community, Politics & Progress.

Take a look at the SIGNATORIES at the bottom.

You were saying????????????


So? Did you ever look at the signatories to the Project for a New American Century that advocated military takeover of the Middle East? Somehow many of those neocons made their way into the Pentagon as top advisors in the Bush Administration.
Everything with the tea parties is privately paid for by participants or donations. That the unions provided all those freebies, I wonder how all of their members feel about such, those are paid for out of their dues.

Why would they care about that?
Posted on Saturday, October 02, 2010 10:35:12 PM by csd

15 Photos From The #OneNation Rally You'll Never See In Legacy Media

Boy oh boy! That "One Nation" Rally was sure a "typical slice" of America huh?

Maybe that's why they dropped the signs and beat it out of there when it was over. Check out my other thread about that!


I'm seeing 15 red x's.

Can we use the typical rightwing response to these and simply claim they're plants from the other side?

No, as the left has put up a website that promotes infiltration. Then they attempted that in the up coming election. Those states that require repayment for fraud have withdrawn. 5 HAVE WITHDRAWN TO DATE.

Socialism for all the people (as opposed to merely giving it to the top escheons of society) is looking better and better to more and more people.

How much socialism did the richest people in the nation get? TARP = $800 billion

How much did the rest of the nation, including mostly the local governments get? $787 billion.

You do the math and then tell me who gets the better socialist deal.

The socialism we give to the rich, or the socialism that's doled out for the rest of the nation.

Whenever I see/hear the accusation, it always makes me laugh.

Socialism, Republican-Style by Michael Tennant
Socialism for all the people (as opposed to merely giving it to the top escheons of society) is looking better and better to more and more people.

How much socialism did the richest people in the nation get? TARP = $800 billion

How much did the rest of the nation, including mostly the local governments get? $787 billion.

You do the math and then tell me who gets the better socialist deal.

The socialism we give to the rich, or the socialism that's doled out for the rest of the nation.

All you have to do is take a look at any number of European countries and the state they are currently in. It doesn't work.

Personally, if you want socialism, go there. Leave us americans alone.

Ditto in spades.

The only European country in serious trouble is Greece, and that's because they didn't collect enough taxes to cover their programs. Great Britain and Germany do, however. Ask them if they would want it any different and you get a resounding NO.
And things they don't want us to know: some high schoolers were forced to attend the rally:

Not only were thousands of supporters given free rides by unions and the NAACP to the rally, far left teachers at High School for Math, Science and Engineering were giving students class credits to attend.

High Schools Required to Attend One Nation Rally

Gateway Pundit

:lol: You people are sure getting desperate over this, aren't ya?

There is an old addage that is being revived in an up coming movie.

If you quit lying about us, we will quit telling the truth about you.

Then take some advil.

A Movie?? Will it include Harry Truman's famous quote "I never did give anybody hell. I just told the truth and they thought it was hell." (He was talking about the morons even then of accusing and abusing by propaganda Democratic policies.)
This story and ones like it are all over this site and Im sure on many others.

Something that's starting to bug me.

The left has no issue, none, in saying all Tea Baggers are racist.
But if we say the left wants socialisms and show the signs, we are going over the top b/c not everyone is like that.

And where is anyone from the left that's has the maturity to say, "Damn, that was over the top, and I want to apolgise for my people leaving piles of garbage all over and am deeply sorry that we offended our greatest generation by leaving trash on the WW2 Memorial.

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