Sigh. White Women Are So Politically Incorrect

Check all statements you believe to be true

  • White women are people too.

  • Anything consisting of all white people is automatically racist.

  • If there isn't sufficient racial diversity, it shouldn't be done.

  • Mostly, this whole racism thing is getting more and more stupid.

  • None of the above.

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Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Desert Southwest USA
White women have apparently become the new scourge of America, people. Maybe we should start the process to ban them entirely?

Remember how, amidst the litany of excuses Hillary Clinton proposed for why she lost the 2016 election, was the now iconic line that too often white women were told who to vote for by their bosses, husbands, brothers, sons? Alas, it seems white women have no ability to think or choose on their own whatsoever.

And now it seems that a "Women's March" to coincide with International Women's Day in January has been cancelled because too many white women would be involved.
Organizers cancel Women’s March in Humboldt County for being too white

At what point will America wake up and see how absurd all this is so that we might start gravitating back to something more like reason, logic, common sense?
I blame soccer.

Economic and social resources have limits, you have to ignore that in order to promote the idea each of us can have it all.
99% of America couldn't care less if some women's march is cancelled.

Just a fact

But apparently enough took note of it for it to make headlines in several publications.

Do you think that particular inicident is not typical of a component in American sociopolitics these days?
White women have apparently become the new scourge of America, people. Maybe we should start the process to ban them entirely?

Remember how, amidst the litany of excuses Hillary Clinton proposed for why she lost the 2016 election, was the now iconic line that too often white women were told who to vote for by their bosses, husbands, brothers, sons? Alas, it seems white women have no ability to think or choose on their own whatsoever.

And now it seems that a "Women's March" to coincide with International Women's Day in January has been cancelled because too many white women would be involved.
Organizers cancel Women’s March in Humboldt County for being too white

At what point will America wake up and see how absurd all this is so that we might start gravitating back to something more like reason, logic, common sense?

It isn’t absurd. It’s part of a larger attempt at genocide.
White women have apparently become the new scourge of America, people. Maybe we should start the process to ban them entirely?

Remember how, amidst the litany of excuses Hillary Clinton proposed for why she lost the 2016 election, was the now iconic line that too often white women were told who to vote for by their bosses, husbands, brothers, sons? Alas, it seems white women have no ability to think or choose on their own whatsoever.

And now it seems that a "Women's March" to coincide with International Women's Day in January has been cancelled because too many white women would be involved.
Organizers cancel Women’s March in Humboldt County for being too white

At what point will America wake up and see how absurd all this is so that we might start gravitating back to something more like reason, logic, common sense?
Hillary is (was) a politician and politicians have no compunctions about bullshit.

There are bullies and boors, and others who are over-sensitive or pretend to be. So life has become a circus of extremes. I don't think we will gravitate to reason and common sense for a long while because of the extreme polarity in our populace. It continues to get worse.
Let em wear shoes and they start marching. It figures. Who couldn't have seen this stuff coming...
White women have apparently become the new scourge of America, people. Maybe we should start the process to ban them entirely?

Remember how, amidst the litany of excuses Hillary Clinton proposed for why she lost the 2016 election, was the now iconic line that too often white women were told who to vote for by their bosses, husbands, brothers, sons? Alas, it seems white women have no ability to think or choose on their own whatsoever.

And now it seems that a "Women's March" to coincide with International Women's Day in January has been cancelled because too many white women would be involved.
Organizers cancel Women’s March in Humboldt County for being too white

At what point will America wake up and see how absurd all this is so that we might start gravitating back to something more like reason, logic, common sense?
Wait, you think white women are a persecuted minority?
White women have apparently become the new scourge of America, people. Maybe we should start the process to ban them entirely?

Remember how, amidst the litany of excuses Hillary Clinton proposed for why she lost the 2016 election, was the now iconic line that too often white women were told who to vote for by their bosses, husbands, brothers, sons? Alas, it seems white women have no ability to think or choose on their own whatsoever.

And now it seems that a "Women's March" to coincide with International Women's Day in January has been cancelled because too many white women would be involved.
Organizers cancel Women’s March in Humboldt County for being too white

At what point will America wake up and see how absurd all this is so that we might start gravitating back to something more like reason, logic, common sense?

In a Facebook statement, the group said it opted to nix the third annual march “after many conversations between local social-change organizations and supporters of the march,” saying they would work on how to “broaden representation in the organizing committee.”

“Up to this point, the participants have been overwhelmingly white, lacking representation from several perspectives in our community,” said the statement. “Instead of pushing forward with crucial voices absent, the organizing team will take time for more outreach.”​

So, the organizers, apparently after getting an earful for being less than inviting to minority women, wisely decided to take some time to reach out to minority women.

Maybe, gravitating towards "something more like reason, logic, common sense" might happen once such decision is no longer willfully misrepresented as a declaration of white women to be "the new scourge of America", or white women declared to "have have no ability to think". Maybe, just maybe, once everyone realizes there's an actual argument to be made, and that merely playing the victim isn't an argument at all, things might actually change for the better.
White women have apparently become the new scourge of America, people. Maybe we should start the process to ban them entirely?

Remember how, amidst the litany of excuses Hillary Clinton proposed for why she lost the 2016 election, was the now iconic line that too often white women were told who to vote for by their bosses, husbands, brothers, sons? Alas, it seems white women have no ability to think or choose on their own whatsoever.

And now it seems that a "Women's March" to coincide with International Women's Day in January has been cancelled because too many white women would be involved.
Organizers cancel Women’s March in Humboldt County for being too white

At what point will America wake up and see how absurd all this is so that we might start gravitating back to something more like reason, logic, common sense?

It isn’t absurd. It’s part of a larger attempt at genocide.

Do you really believe that? Because I haven't seen that mentality in the most foolish political correct nonsense I have dealt with.
99% of America couldn't care less if some women's march is cancelled.

Just a fact

But apparently enough took note of it for it to make headlines in several publications.

Do you think that particular inicident is not typical of a component in American sociopolitics these days?

Shit like this gives me a headache

It is sometimes just amusing to me. But within the larger implications, I think it should give everybody a headache.
White women have apparently become the new scourge of America, people. Maybe we should start the process to ban them entirely?

Remember how, amidst the litany of excuses Hillary Clinton proposed for why she lost the 2016 election, was the now iconic line that too often white women were told who to vote for by their bosses, husbands, brothers, sons? Alas, it seems white women have no ability to think or choose on their own whatsoever.

And now it seems that a "Women's March" to coincide with International Women's Day in January has been cancelled because too many white women would be involved.
Organizers cancel Women’s March in Humboldt County for being too white

At what point will America wake up and see how absurd all this is so that we might start gravitating back to something more like reason, logic, common sense?
Wait, you think white women are a persecuted minority?

I checked my OP very VERY carefully and can be very confident that I did not suggest that, say that, imply that.

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