Shutdown is threatening food stamps


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Bham, AL
so maybe I can admit that I was wrong about how bad the government shutdown really is

canwe really allow these poor people to starve to death over this?

Ever go to someone's house who is on Food Stamps? Freezer is packed so full you can barely get anything in there. Same with the Fridge and Cupboards.

Then go to someone's house who works for a living.

You'll see a big difference.
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so maybe I can admit that I was wrong about how bad the government shutdown really is

canwe really allow these poor people to starve to death over this?


Republicans don't care if Americans starve to death; who needs food stamps?
Ever go to someone's house who is on Food Stamps. Freezer is packed so full you can barely get anything in there. Same with the Fridge and Cupboards.

Then go to someone's house who works for a living.

When I go to people's homes I don't look in their freezer, their fridge, or their pantry.

Wouldn't be any of my business.
I've noticed an uptick in numbers for our food bank and for another place I volunteer often.
so maybe I can admit that I was wrong about how bad the government shutdown really is

canwe really allow these poor people to starve to death over this?


Republicans don't care if Americans starve to death; who needs food stamps?

Doesn't seem that either party cares about anything other than their agenda's and there is no middle ground.

The Democrats and Republicans are full speed ahead on the ruining of America.
so maybe I can admit that I was wrong about how bad the government shutdown really is

canwe really allow these poor people to starve to death over this?


Republicans don't care if Americans starve to death; who needs food stamps?

Wow, ignorance reigns supreme.

The Ignorati thrives in this nation

To depict some fat welfare queen , while our seniors go w/out is the hieght of unmitigated gall

Although checks are being sent, the partial shutdown is hurting seniors in other ways. Sixty-seven million seniors depend on many other government programs besides Social Security. For example, the Department of Agriculture may run out of money for food stamps (Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program) which means 4.8 millionpeople over 60 will not get full food assistance.

Social Security Checks Paid, But Government Shutdown Can Still Damage Program

may all you self made azzholes choke on your next meal

so maybe I can admit that I was wrong about how bad the government shutdown really is

canwe really allow these poor people to starve to death over this?


Republicans don't care if Americans starve to death; who needs food stamps?

Doesn't seem that either party cares about anything other than their agenda's and there is no middle ground.

The Democrats and Republicans are full speed ahead on the ruining of America.

But you see that is what Putin desires & Putin has his rube Trump to do just that
These food banks are such a joke and a ripoff. First big companies actually get paid for rotting stuff or excess supply. Then so called starving seniors go out, load up the car and then go home and pass out all the stuff they won’t eat to the family or neighbors. I see it first hand in our community, but for heavens sake don’t let the truth get in the way of your bleeding hearts.
Here in Reno there are over a dozen food banks and one can go to all of them for food and eat at several kitchens. No one will starve if they do not get their food stamps. Also, there are free breakfast and lunch for school kids. I am sure you will find the same in all of Americans cities. Shut the government down until Pissy Pelosi agrees to negotiate a wall, etc.
I am being serious here - was the NPR reporter or editor really stupid enough to think that photo from my OP was a good idea? that it would elicit sympathy?

or does he just hate fat people?
These food banks are such a joke and a ripoff. First big companies actually get paid for rotting stuff or excess supply. Then so-called starving seniors go out, load up the car and then go home and pass out all the stuff they won’t eat to the family or neighbors. I see it first hand in our community, but for heaven's sake don’t let the truth get in the way of your bleeding hearts.
Lies. Foodbanks do not get rotting food neither do they give out rotting food. They have some food that is labeled Best by ...and that food is still good to eat. AND people do take food and pass it on to family and friends. At least it gets eaten and not thrown in the trash. Stores throw away too much good food that food banks could use also. Supermarkets throw away 43 billion pounds of food every year because they are not allowed to sell outdated food. There is no reason why anyone in this country to go hungry. Starving seniors are either drunks or gamblers.
so maybe I can admit that I was wrong about how bad the government shutdown really is

canwe really allow these poor people to starve to death over this?


Republicans don't care if Americans starve to death; who needs food stamps?

Doesn't seem that either party cares about anything other than their agenda's and there is no middle ground.

The Democrats and Republicans are full speed ahead on the ruining of America.

But you see that is what Putin desires & Putin has his rube Trump to do just that

I see Democrats and Republicans putting party over country, that is what I see.

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