Shows, movies, books, stories you wish would happen for real

Just wondered how animal you wanted your beast.

Disney beast, (flown blown animal)

1st series beast, (Ron Perlman)

Or current beast, (Jay Ryan)


Well in Disney he could talk, I mean, it wouldn't be like beastiality or anything! But yeah, I like the Disney beast :)
Was a Jeopardy answer just last night. $1600 I think? :)

yep, as soon as I saw where the girl was standing I just said it... hubby was like how did you know it so fast?
He has never seen it .....

I rock the movie, music and the categories where they give you the letter or letters in them... so easy!

Got it too but only because I don't put it in the form of a question. :) They're too fast for me.

yeah I never do that ... I would never make it on Jeopardy! too many categories I'm clueless about (Geography, Shakespeare, Poetry, Art etc.)

Listening to them clicking furiously on the clicker things that'd be my stumbling point. :)

you gotta get in a rhythm with those things - I wonder if they let the contestant practice with them beforehand....

I wonder if they tamper with them so as to fix results. Add a few microseconds lag here or there...:)
.... so many threads do... so many are unwilling to initiate......
If you have a smart phone and a credit card, they already have all the info. Done and done.
I wouldn't put a credit card process through a smart phone...

No, what I am saying is, if you have a smart phone, all of your behavior is tracked through it, it has a gps. If you go into a business, the gps is pinged. You can't go to a business with a smart phone with out that data being logged.

If you use a credit card, all of your purchases are tracked and known through that, and then sold off to data miners so corporations know your purchasing habits.
I used to have a smart phone but I didn't like it so I went back to a basic phone...
I'd say Harry Potter...

but I believe part of it is already real.

I've known numerous women that use brooms for travel, or at least seem like they do
a lot of Witch themes on here today.........

I'll be this one:

Not this one?

(Kim Novak)

I kinda like Jane (Susan Sarandon) in Witches of Eastwick.
She was a school teacher spinster type, repressed, that became "unleashed" .....
... and, unapologetic about it ...
there's a lot of debate over who actually did this version.
Either way it's amazing!


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