Shouldn't Republicans give money to every company affected by Trump's Tariffs? It's only fair.


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Layoffs from Trump tariffs are piling up. So are calls for more bailouts.

Extending those bailouts would be an expensive proposition. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce on Monday estimated the total price tag could hit $39 billion if Trump compensated the losses across all industries.

Nearly 29,000 requests have come in to the Commerce Department for exclusions from the steel and aluminum tariffs, according to Ross. The vast majority of the applications were for relief from the steel tariffs, yet the department has made decisions about only 1,317 steel applications so far, according to the American Iron and Steel Institute, which has been tracking the process. Just under half of the decisions have been denials, meaning companies will still have to pay the 25 percent steel tariff.


Just do what you did for the farmers. Pay them all off.
Layoffs from Trump tariffs are piling up. So are calls for more bailouts.

Extending those bailouts would be an expensive proposition. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce on Monday estimated the total price tag could hit $39 billion if Trump compensated the losses across all industries.

Nearly 29,000 requests have come in to the Commerce Department for exclusions from the steel and aluminum tariffs, according to Ross. The vast majority of the applications were for relief from the steel tariffs, yet the department has made decisions about only 1,317 steel applications so far, according to the American Iron and Steel Institute, which has been tracking the process. Just under half of the decisions have been denials, meaning companies will still have to pay the 25 percent steel tariff.


Just do what you did for the farmers. Pay them all off.

So, what you are saying is that America should just surrender to the unfair trade agreements like NAFTA, CAFTA and GATT? There is going to be a little pain that will come with the blow back of countries that have grown accustomed to a docile America and an unfair trade imbalance.
Yes we have a huge bail out coming, and not just the farmers, its time to play redistribution of money again , we have to give to the wealthy. They need all our money.

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