Zone1 Should You Raise a Gender Neutral Son?


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2014
This is one of the articles that popped in my MicroSoft Start Page browser this morning: MSN , "Should you Raise a Gender Neutral Son?"

This is the kind of crap that millions of people are falling for. The obvious answer is Hell No! Otherwise you are setting up your son to be confused. Affirm from birth that he is a boy because he has boy parts. There is no need to confuse him about his gender as if gender is role that people play. There is no need to set him on a path of confusion that can lead to the mutilation of his body (cutting of his dick), being a life long patient of hormone treatments, and sterilization. Can anyone say Jazz Jennings?
One might point out that this could only be an issue in Leftist enclaves like NYC, Chicago, Boston, SF, etc. The real world thinks it's laughable.

Part of parenting is SOCIALIZATION, teaching kids how to behave in normal human interactions. In that responsibility, the Left (which fortunately doesn't procreate a lot) utterly fails.
Given that children, and especially males, usually reject this kind of thing and do the opposite, it may be better that idiots who would want to do this go ahead.
This is one of the articles that popped in my MicroSoft Start Page browser this morning: MSN , "Should you Raise a Gender Neutral Son?"

This is the kind of crap that millions of people are falling for. The obvious answer is Hell No! Otherwise you are setting up your son to be confused. Affirm from birth that he is a boy because he has boy parts. There is no need to confuse him about his gender as if gender is role that people play. There is no need to set him on a path of confusion that can lead to the mutilation of his body (cutting of his dick), being a life long patient of hormone treatments, and sterilization. Can anyone say Jazz Jennings?
You might as well raise a dog to be a vegetarian.
This is one of the articles that popped in my MicroSoft Start Page browser this morning: MSN , "Should you Raise a Gender Neutral Son?"

This is the kind of crap that millions of people are falling for. The obvious answer is Hell No! Otherwise you are setting up your son to be confused. Affirm from birth that he is a boy because he has boy parts. There is no need to confuse him about his gender as if gender is role that people play. There is no need to set him on a path of confusion that can lead to the mutilation of his body (cutting of his dick), being a life long patient of hormone treatments, and sterilization. Can anyone say Jazz Jennings?
If there was a poll, my answer is No.

If any parent(s) do, they should have the child removed from them and then the parent(s) sterilised.


This is one of the articles that popped in my MicroSoft Start Page browser this morning: MSN , "Should you Raise a Gender Neutral Son?"

This is how Deep State get you to do some of their work

My browser news is appalling all the time -- some simple propaganda and lots of deliberate misinformation. But most of all , this type of longer term influence activity all based on winning longer term narrative control .
Recognise it for what it is , get your news outside of Fake MSM, and warn others wherever possible .
imho .
When we grew up gender reveal parties were right before the baby was born. Today they are when the kid is around 14 years old.
What's this crazy thing where you get invited to a baby party before the birth? You're expected to take cards and gifts. My girlfriend has been to two, I told her she's off her rocker, I told her I'm not going to these daft idea things.

People are born with a pole or a hole, that determined their sex/gender (both are the same) at birth. Apart from having a sneak preview on a scan during pregnancy, parents find out on delivery day. Future days do not and can not determine or alter sex/gender. Dressing up and operations can mask, but not change.
I am anti-gender reveal parties, even the traditional ones before a baby is born.
This is one of the articles that popped in my MicroSoft Start Page browser this morning: MSN , "Should you Raise a Gender Neutral Son?"

This is the kind of crap that millions of people are falling for. The obvious answer is Hell No! Otherwise you are setting up your son to be confused. Affirm from birth that he is a boy because he has boy parts. There is no need to confuse him about his gender as if gender is role that people play. There is no need to set him on a path of confusion that can lead to the mutilation of his body (cutting of his dick), being a life long patient of hormone treatments, and sterilization. Can anyone say Jazz Jennings?
As a supporter of the LGTBQ community this seems well intentioned but maybe misguided. Not the letting your child experience different toys and games and activities. That's fine and normal. I thought that's what you were supposed to do before the notion of gender was even popular. But I think it's okay to gender you child so long as you're open to adjusting your perspective if, when they're able, they express to you confusion over it. As for Jazz Jennings there's always regret among medical treatments. Trans treatment show some of the lowest rates.
As a supporter of the LGTBQ community this seems well intentioned but maybe misguided. Not the letting your child experience different toys and games and activities. That's fine and normal. I thought that's what you were supposed to do before the notion of gender was even popular. But I think it's okay to gender you child so long as you're open to adjusting your perspective if, when they're able, they express to you confusion over it. As for Jazz Jennings there's always regret among medical treatments. Trans treatment show some of the lowest rates.
Translated .. let your child grow into what naturally happens, instead of coercing or mandating a decision from the normal development of child. Boys like GI Joe and action figures .. girls like dolls and feminine items. Why would some stupid parent attempt to skew this (which they do). Parents are the lynch pin in child development and to see what is normal.
Translated .. let your child grow into what naturally happens, instead of coercing or mandating a decision from the normal development of child. Boys like GI Joe and action figures .. girls like dolls and feminine items. Why would some stupid parent attempt to skew this (which they do). Parents are the lynch pin in child development and to see what is normal.
Except that's not always the case. Letting your child grow into their natural selves includes accepting them if they're LGBTQ.
Parents groom their children in all sorts of ways, being open to gender fluidity isn't one of the worst ones. Religious grooming for instance is significantly worse.
The problem is .. your premise .. boys can be girls and vice-versa vs. boys / girls grow up based on their parental influence. When children grow up .. they can change what they didn't like about their upbringing and maintain what they did enjoy. It's pretty simple.
The problem is .. your premise .. boys can be girls and vice-versa vs. boys / girls grow up based on their parental influence. When children grow up .. they can change what they didn't like about their upbringing and maintain what they did enjoy. It's pretty simple.
Yes. You're pretty simply, wrong.

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