Should we revisit the Beliefs of the Clinton team?


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
During research I noticed the Cloud storage logo for Platte River Networks of Denver, Colorado, the Company Hillary used as her server storage cloud IT service was a
fallen morning star (Lucifer symbol).
Now her devil horn hand signal with open thumb tmp_16365-devilhandgesture-1120493784.jpg
can be just a I love you hand signing, but lets face it, unless she did that hand gesture in a mirror there is nobody she would sign that to, because even Chelsea doesn't want to watch one of her mom's speaches.
I have seen her flash the devil horn sign thumb in on a TV clip of her speach, but can't find it in picture form online.
OTHER hand signals surrounding her closest are more specifically Devil horn hand gesture signals or 3 -6's beast number hand gesture.


Nov 4, 2016 WikiLeaks stated: Leaked email reveals Hillary Clinton's campaign chair Podesta attended disturbing
"Spirit Cooking" satanic ritual.
Sometimes these are eating off an imitation corpse or live person posing as a food plate which represents the sadistic belief that eating the flesh gives you the power of that person, or in this case seen below=Youth.
It might be their Egyptian mysticsm influence of their guild, perhaps they are Rosecrucians? This is why pyramids had missing mummies as people as recent as last century would take pieces of decayed flesh and make teas from it for purpose of thinking they were gaining the power of these kings. The Egyptian influenced forbidden maggis Yeshu or Rome who puts ritual in his mouth is telling Christians to eat his flesh and drink his blood for this very reason=to absorb his power.
Others noted Podestas very dark satanic taste in art which you might be able to find online. Then there is the dark truth about the Clintons willing to do anything to remain in power.
I've listed the many mysterious deaths to whistleblowers surrounding the Clintons and someone came foward to verify they were
silencing potential problems.
On the Pete Santilli radio show of September 24, 2013, Larry Nichols a former Green Beret and a longtime associate of Bill Clinton
admitted that he had killed people as the Clintons’ hit man -murderer-for-hire .

Stating also that back when Hillary was first lady, she would go home on the weekends to California with Linda Bloodworth-Thomason and some of the women, and they went to a church for witches. So perhaps that explains that crazy witches resist rally in Chicago recently and her unusual cackle laugh.
The question is "what the hell are these people into?" and it would explain a lot, since the Luciferian philosophy is
"Deny everything and regret nothing".
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-Education is a important part of our society
-That science is good
-That investing in our infrastructure makes good sense
-That we should care for our poor, old and sick.

I don't agree with everything the Clintons believe but they're better then Trump by a mile.
-Education is a important part of our society
-That science is good
-That investing in our infrastructure makes good sense
-That we should care for our poor, old and sick.

I don't agree with everything the Clintons believe but they're better then Trump by a mile.

Quite sad that you don't realize that Charity and Social Justice is often used to establish provident schemes as seen in her emails.
Most terrorist orgs claimed themselves based on charity & started as charity to garner support and claim to be social justice movements. Hamas being a great example how they fooled Palestinians to vote them in and yet they pretty much bullied themselves in and cheated elections, sound familiar to Clinton's strategies?
Now stick to the topic, about what exactly is her belief system and now I question yours.
OBAMA and Hillary both cherish the Progressive Chicago mob influenced
Saul Alinsky who was a known satanist who actually dedicated his book,
Rules for Radicals , to Lucifer. So I am told, can someone verify or deny that info?
Saul Alinsky who was a known satanist who actually dedicated his book,
Rules for Radicals , to Lucifer. So I am told, can someone verify or deny that info?
Would it make any difference to your delusions one way or another?
Obama and Hillary were fashioned after Progressive Chicago mob influenced
Saul Alinsky who was a known satanist who actually dedicated his book,
Rules for Radicals , to Lucifer.
So I am told, so if someone can verify or deny that with substance and sources that would help verify or squelch that.


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Saul Alinsky who was a known satanist who actually dedicated his book,
Rules for Radicals , to Lucifer. So I am told, can someone verify or deny that info?
Would it make any difference to your delusions one way or another?

This is a discussion questioning their beliefs, the fact you find asking questions and deducing -investigating their reasoning behind their bizarre lack of morality as being what's delusional is fascinating. It means they created your twisted logic and you'd thus be adding evidence.
Ad Hominems are not refutations.
I think the Clintons believe in power, their own power. Everything they do and say is for themselves. I saw a documentary on Alinsky (it was on EWTN so you'd think they'd mention it if he was a satanist). Anyway, the gist was Alinsky used social issues like helping the poor and minorities to manipulate and control people, government, events, etc. Quotes attributed to him suggest that if he had anything to do with satan, it was that he admired satan for his ability to twist words for his own purpose.

The Clintons play word games too.
Can;t slip anything past you. Yes, Hillary is really a demon who has been working with space invaders from Mars to take over our world. The only reason your late night abductions and anal probes have stopped is because you enjoyed them too much.
Hmmmmm.....The way Bill looks at women like he is looking for his last meal and the way Hillary responds in kind gives one food for thought... Does Bill only play the saxophone? Or do Bill and Hilary just enjoy playing the people ESP the ones who are not in on their private jokes...I honestly can't believe that Bill was once president and Hilary was close enough to taste it. If one can't see the humour in all this then one is taking life far to seriously to say the least...
Then maybe Bulldog, Mathew, and CNM can chime in and tell us what is the faith of the Clintons? Notice they never told us as a contrary to evidence any other belief system.
Then maybe Bulldog, Mathew, and CNM can chime in and tell us what is the faith of the Clintons? Notice they never told us as a contrary to evidence any other belief system.

I already told you. She is a demon. We're all demons. We fly around making spooky sounds and have the magical ability to make people do evil things. Just today, I made a little boy pull his sister's hair, and steal a cookie out of the cookie jar. Isn't that what you are implying, anyway?
Then maybe Bulldog, Mathew, and CNM can chime in and tell us what is the faith of the Clintons? Notice they never told us as a contrary to evidence any other belief system.

I already told you. She is a demon. We're all demons. We fly around making spooky sounds and have the magical ability to make people do evil things. Just today, I made a little boy pull his sister's hair, and steal a cookie out of the cookie jar. Isn't that what you are implying, anyway?
I think you are confusing pagan beliefs and the mythical basis of Christianity.
Read my post about the difference between Jesuit concepts of soul-spirit and Judaic precepts. We weren't and aren't the ones that believed spirits come out your nose when you sneeze.
How appropriate Bulldog mentioned " Cookies" It was my favourite Don Rickles joke ..If someone was annoying he gave them a cookie and they went bad we can't give the Clintons a Cookie and they would go away... Rest in peace Don Rickles and may your memory be a blessing....
Then maybe Bulldog, Mathew, and CNM can chime in and tell us what is the faith of the Clintons? Notice they never told us as a contrary to evidence any other belief system.

I already told you. She is a demon. We're all demons. We fly around making spooky sounds and have the magical ability to make people do evil things. Just today, I made a little boy pull his sister's hair, and steal a cookie out of the cookie jar. Isn't that what you are implying, anyway?
I think you are confusing pagan beliefs and the mythical basis of Christianity.
Read my post about the difference between Jesuit concepts of soul-spirit and Judaic precepts. We weren't and aren't the ones that believed spirits come out your nose when you sneeze.

I don't know. Your OP brought up satanic rituals and hand signals, along with "spirit cooking", what ever that is. It's hard to separate your crazy crap from all the other bible thumper crazy crap.
Then maybe Bulldog, Mathew, and CNM can chime in and tell us what is the faith of the Clintons? Notice they never told us as a contrary to evidence any other belief system.

I already told you. She is a demon. We're all demons. We fly around making spooky sounds and have the magical ability to make people do evil things. Just today, I made a little boy pull his sister's hair, and steal a cookie out of the cookie jar. Isn't that what you are implying, anyway?
I think you are confusing pagan beliefs and the mythical basis of Christianity.
Read my post about the difference between Jesuit concepts of soul-spirit and Judaic precepts. We weren't and aren't the ones that believed spirits come out your nose when you sneeze.

I don't know. Your OP brought up satanic rituals and hand signals, along with "spirit cooking", what ever that is. It's hard to separate your crazy crap from all the other bible thumper crazy crap.

So you finally admit CNN and MSNBC and the ranting raving Left wing Senators and the dem party are crazy b.s. artists, because I was using their standard of connecting dots, demonization, propaganda through insinuations.
Check Mate!
You forgot I use mirror reflection techniques for teaching people to look at their own reasoning and process of discerning info.
Basically I get people to call their own reasoning the names they fling at that mirror reflection. :)

Now, I'm still waiting to find out what is the Clinton's faith, otherwise we have to assume I was right all along as it's the only source of evidence to discern with. If I wasn't right then answering the question would have been simple and swift.
Then maybe Bulldog, Mathew, and CNM can chime in and tell us what is the faith of the Clintons? Notice they never told us as a contrary to evidence any other belief system.

I already told you. She is a demon. We're all demons. We fly around making spooky sounds and have the magical ability to make people do evil things. Just today, I made a little boy pull his sister's hair, and steal a cookie out of the cookie jar. Isn't that what you are implying, anyway?
I think you are confusing pagan beliefs and the mythical basis of Christianity.
Read my post about the difference between Jesuit concepts of soul-spirit and Judaic precepts. We weren't and aren't the ones that believed spirits come out your nose when you sneeze.

I don't know. Your OP brought up satanic rituals and hand signals, along with "spirit cooking", what ever that is. It's hard to separate your crazy crap from all the other bible thumper crazy crap.

So you finally admit CNN and MSNBC and the ranting raving Left wing Senators and the dem party are crazy b.s. artists, because I was using their standard of connecting dots, demonization, propaganda through insinuations.
Check Mate!
You forgot I use mirror reflection techniques for teaching people to look at their own reasoning and process of discerning info.
Basically I get people to call their own reasoning the names they fling at that mirror reflection. :)

Now, I'm still waiting to find out what is the Clinton's faith, otherwise we have to assume I was right all along as it's the only source of evidence to discern with. If I wasn't right then answering the question would have been simple and swift.

Well,no. I didn't say any of that stuff. You need to be careful. Sometimes you think people say things, like you just did with me, when it's really just the voices in your head. I'm sure it gets confusing for you.
Then maybe Bulldog, Mathew, and CNM can chime in and tell us what is the faith of the Clintons? Notice they never told us as a contrary to evidence any other belief system.

I already told you. She is a demon. We're all demons. We fly around making spooky sounds and have the magical ability to make people do evil things. Just today, I made a little boy pull his sister's hair, and steal a cookie out of the cookie jar. Isn't that what you are implying, anyway?
I think you are confusing pagan beliefs and the mythical basis of Christianity.
Read my post about the difference between Jesuit concepts of soul-spirit and Judaic precepts. We weren't and aren't the ones that believed spirits come out your nose when you sneeze.

I don't know. Your OP brought up satanic rituals and hand signals, along with "spirit cooking", what ever that is. It's hard to separate your crazy crap from all the other bible thumper crazy crap.

So you finally admit CNN and MSNBC and the ranting raving Left wing Senators and the dem party are crazy b.s. artists, because I was using their standard of connecting dots, demonization, propaganda through insinuations.
Check Mate!
You forgot I use mirror reflection techniques for teaching people to look at their own reasoning and process of discerning info.
Basically I get people to call their own reasoning the names they fling at that mirror reflection. :)

Now, I'm still waiting to find out what is the Clinton's faith, otherwise we have to assume I was right all along as it's the only source of evidence to discern with. If I wasn't right then answering the question would have been simple and swift.

Well,no. I didn't say any of that stuff. You need to be careful. Sometimes you think people say things, like you just did with me, when it's really just the voices in your head. I'm sure it gets confusing for you.

See once again, you show everyone how you hate your own arguments when it's reflected, and your only reply when traped is an
ad hominem.
Because you were never taught Teshuva, you repeat your ways and "expose your deceptions"(Genesis word translated a nakedness is naked truth not bodily) then cover them up with your fig leaves.
Your arguments on both religion and politics has exposed you and all your sins.
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