Should we cut off funding to Egypt and Libya?

Should we cut funding to Egypt and Libya?

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Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
In light of the recent attacks, should we cut off funding to those nations?

Why the fuck were we funding them in the first place? We can't pay our own damn bills why the hell would we be giving money to someone else?
Add Israel to that list.

Yeah, those damn Jews. Attacking U.S. diplomats, killing U.S. civilians, lopping off the heads of U.S. citizens. Crashing planes into skyscrapers.

To hell with Israel. Let the Islamo-terrorists have their way with those dirty Jews!


Israel is perfectly capable of sustaining itself w/re: to finance and defense. Just aks JStone.
Lybia under Ghaddafi handed out paychecks to African nations.
When Lybian hostilities began, foreign nations froze Lybian-money abroad which the current Lybian government has still problems to reclaim. Some estimate, that Lybians have assets (frozen) which surpass Libya's annual economic output.

In case of Egypt: Money = influence.
As long as USA wants to play Superpower (and Israel is the cornerstone of US's Mid-East policy) the USA has no other option than wanting to have influence in Egypt.
Normal-Joe in Egypt doesn't see any aid from USA, it goes to Egyptian Army.
Maybe you should think it through before... Why on earth would the US (and Israel) want to "cut" its relations with Egyptian Army?
Those countries are bordering Israel.
US-relations to these countries serve as bridgeover to overcome the situation of Israel not having the friendliest relations to them.

It's the same reason why USA will be dragged into Syria, which also shares borders with Israel. Syria will be regime-changed by certain powers, and Israelis don't have influence on the situation as they don't sit on the negotiation table.
But don't be afraid, not many Joes will die in Syria.
We ( US under Obama) created the environment that allowed the muslem extremists to take control of Egypt and Libya. Isn't it our responsibility to support their revolutionary muslem agenda?

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