Should the whole country quarantine for 30 days?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Basically a form of marshall law and after 30 days, it should be..gone?

How would that work?

Saw someone say South Korea did that and they have not reported any new cases for a while now.
Basically a form of marshall law and after 30 days, it should be..gone?

How would that work?

Saw someone say South Korea did that and they have not reported any new cases for a while now.
Basically a form of marshall law and after 30 days, it should be..gone?

How would that work?

Saw someone say South Korea did that and they have not reported any new cases for a while now.
Basically a form of marshall law and after 30 days, it should be..gone?

How would that work?

Saw someone say South Korea did that and they have not reported any new cases for a while now.
Basically a form of marshall law and after 30 days, it should be..gone?

How would that work?

Saw someone say South Korea did that and they have not reported any new cases for a while now.
Basically a form of marshall law and after 30 days, it should be..gone?

How would that work?

Saw someone say South Korea did that and they have not reported any new cases for a while now.
Is this a new and dangerous pandemic or is this just a different virus strain for the common cold? First of all, it does not seem too serious to me. In the U.S., population 327 million, there are 1500 known cases and 40 deaths. That is a rate of .027% or about the death rate for the common cold.

Yes, there is a severe shortage of test kits, however, Fact reports, "FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn provided the clearest answer about testing capacity on March 7, when he said that the CDC had shipped enough kits to state and local public health labs to test 75,000 people for COVID-19.

"In addition, more than 1.1 million tests manufactured by Integrated DNA Technologies had been shipped as of March 6 for non-public health labs to use, with another 400,000 possibly shipping by March 9. A separate manufacturer had also produced 640,000 tests that could have shipped as early as March 9, once quality control testing was complete.

“The actual number of tests that have shipped is larger than the number of patients that can be tested,” Hahn explained, noting that the approximately 2.1 million tests from IDT and another company would allow roughly 850,000 Americans to be tested." The Facts on Coronavirus Testing -

In light of those numbers, 1500 known cases and 40 deaths, 31 in Seattle-area nursing homes, does not seem all that serious to me.

The U.S. is shutting down the NBA, NHL, MLB, NCAA tournament, Broadway, Disneyland, any gather over 50 people (L.A.) or 1,000 people (many states), and so on. The stock market is tanking, and Americans have lost billions in retirement funds and investment. This leads to one very important question.

Is the cure worst than the disease? Is this all happening because people are afflicted with the common cold, an annual occurrence since the birth of man?

Sorry, that's two.
Allow me to continue with my fantasy.

Viruses for the common cold are extremely contagious and are airborne pathogens. 80% of the people who come down with the common cold certainly know they are sick. In fact, caused by a runny nose, headachy feeling, shortness of breath, coughing spells, they are quite miserable. The symptoms last for about two weeks.

For the other 20%, the common cold can be quite serious. Many are elderly with underlying conditions such as respiratory ailments, heart conditions, and weaken immune systems. A very small percentage of these people die from the common cold.

Sound familiar?
Five people have died in the U.S. since yesterday. That compares easily to the number of people who died last year and the year before that of the common cold or illnesses brought on by the common cold such as pneumonia.

In 2018, an average 641 people died of lung cancer in the U.S.

Are we going a little overboard on all this? Just asking.

A total of 45 have died in the U.S., 41 in Seattle area nursing homes.
Are we going a little overboard on all this? Just asking.


it's all >>>


Basically a form of marshall law and after 30 days, it should be..gone?

How would that work?

Saw someone say South Korea did that and they have not reported any new cases for a while now.

We do have a for profit internment / concentration camp apparatus up and running. We do have a militarized police force. We do have everyone under constant corporate state surveillance. Concentrated capital is very uneasy about the mood of the masses. We do have people begging to be walled in by authority. All the pieces do seem to be in place. Will this be the crisis we don't waste? The next one perhaps? The economic system is fragile, obviously, watch your marketeers shat themselves, they know. If things get too frightening for concentrated capital, the masses will require "managing" of some type.
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Five people have died in the U.S. since yesterday. That compares easily to the number of people who died last year and the year before that of the common cold or illnesses brought on by the common cold such as pneumonia.

In 2018, an average 641 people died of lung cancer in the U.S.

Are we going a little overboard on all this? Just asking.

A total of 45 have died in the U.S., 41 in Seattle area nursing homes.

It is an emerging retroviral pandemic. As with all those of the past, hindsight will tell. As of now, we have no way of knowing, and those infected and infectious are so before they experience any symptoms. Testing capacities lag so we are unable to track the spread in real time.
Can't shut down everything for 30-days.
Just keep on trucking and checking temperatures.

didn’t the world health organization say warm temperatures won’t slow this virus down?
30 days is not enough. this corona epidemic will take longer than a makeover on Queer Eye For The Straight Guy!
Everything ends in April. All the shutdowns and quarantines will be done by April. This will be over.

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