Should the GOP repeal O care? or watch the Dem party choke on it


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2015
There will be no repeal, until the Dems beg forgiveness and cooperate with the GOP on a real replacement bill.

The GOP is about to pass tax reform and lower unemployment. The idiots who voted for O care will soon be begging forgiveness, 2018 will be the year the Dem party died......................
Well, something's gotta change. Obamacare has been failing since the day it passed, Democrats/Republicans have been kicking the fiasco down the road and now they're defining just how inept they are.

The failure is totally on the legislative branch, they and all federal employees should be required to have medical care under whatever plan they come up with and presently that's Obamacare.
You said "Dems beg forgiveness.." :biggrin:

I can't remember ever hearing a Dem say "I'm sorry, I apologize". The new Democrat Party slogan is "Resist", so don't look for any compromises.
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As much as we would like to choke the life out of Dem's with Obamacare's failure the GOP promised to repeal that turd.
True, but Obamacare is the most valuable asset the GOP has. This may be very strange, but the truth often is just that, very strange
You said "Dems beg forgiveness.." I can't remember ever hearing a Dem say "I'm sorry, I apologize". The new Democrat Party slogan is "Resist", so don't look for any compromises.
And yet Republicans refusing to compromise was applauded by RWNJs! The lack of self awareness is mind boggling.
ObamaCare was about:

1) Moving the Porch Sitters & Illegals out of the Emergency Room, and onto Medicare, at the expense of the Working American; and

2) Insuring that people with Pre-Existing conditions get insured at the same cost as everyone else...and forcing Young Americans to pay for it.

Now that the Porch Sitters and Illegals and the people with Pre-Existing conditions have gotten a Federal is impossible to take it away...and now the Young People have realized how badly Obama fucked them, and they are demanding relief...and will get it, because Congress is filled with Bolsheviks pretending to be Democrats and Pussies pretending to be Republicans....and so the ones who will get fucked in all this is the Working American.

Pretty much everybody knows this is the deal...and most also know that the debates are a charade...that they amount to this:

1) We Republicans are Pussies; we admit it. We are scared shit-less of the New York Media.

2) Our debates are how to:

a) Leave all of Obama's Porch Sitters and Illegals on the Taxpayer Dole known as Medicare for long enough to get re-elected and before Medicare collapses; make both the folks with Pre-Existing Conditions and the Healthy Young who have been paying for them...make them both they will all vote for us, and the New York Media won't call us do we do all this, and still lay the bill at the feet of the Working American...and their children, without them knowing it? That's what we are trying to figure out!

The thing some Good Americans don't know yet, or don't want to believe how bad a pack of Pussies the Republicans actually are.

Nobody, except maybe Trump, is looking out for the Working American.

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There will be no repeal, until the Dems beg forgiveness and cooperate with the GOP on a real replacement bill.

The GOP is about to pass tax reform and lower unemployment. The idiots who voted for O care will soon be begging forgiveness, 2018 will be the year the Dem party died......................
The republicans can't repeal Obamacare because it would require 60 votes for cloture in the Senate. Republican are using the Byrd rule to pass a bill that only makes changes in the existing law, the ACA that effect the budget. For this reason Obamacare will remain with all it's requirements on insurance companies such as the essential benefits, profit caps, disclosure requirements, healthcare exchanges, and dozens of other requirements.
Should the GOP repeal O care? or watch the Dem party choke on it

Too late. Republicans already sabatoged it and America knows.
Well, something's gotta change. Obamacare has been failing since the day it passed, Democrats/Republicans have been kicking the fiasco down the road and now they're defining just how inept they are.

The failure is totally on the legislative branch, they and all federal employees should be required to have medical care under whatever plan they come up with and presently that's Obamacare.
Obamacare was far to ambitious, requiring everyone in the country to have comprehensiveness insurance, expanding Medicaid, abolishing pre-existing conditions, carrying young people to age 26 on their parents policy, and dozens of other changes. This was simply too much too fast. By the time it was clear that cost increases in the individual market were rising too high and subsidies were inadequate, Democrats had loss control of congress and republicans were certainly not going to negotiate with democrats.

Obamacare can certainly be fixed. In fact, that is what republicans are trying to do because they can't repeal it. If democrats controlled congress they would also be trying to fix it. Although both sides want to fix the problem, there fixes are far different and they are not likely to agree. However, if both sides would be willing to compromise a bit, costs could be lowered without any real healthcare disasters.
There will be no repeal, until the Dems beg forgiveness and cooperate with the GOP on a real replacement bill.

The GOP is about to pass tax reform and lower unemployment. The idiots who voted for O care will soon be begging forgiveness, 2018 will be the year the Dem party died......................
The republicans can't repeal Obamacare because it would require 60 votes for cloture in the Senate. Republican are using the Byrd rule to pass a bill that only makes changes in the existing law, the ACA that effect the budget. For this reason Obamacare will remain with all it's requirements on insurance companies such as the essential benefits, profit caps, disclosure requirements, healthcare exchanges, and dozens of other requirements.
There is no need to repeal Ocare, all the GOP has to do is nothing and Ocare vanishes, because the democraps counted on a democrap president to keep it on life support. The GOP will not do this, Ocare is already dead
There will be no repeal, until the Dems beg forgiveness and cooperate with the GOP on a real replacement bill.

The GOP is about to pass tax reform and lower unemployment. The idiots who voted for O care will soon be begging forgiveness, 2018 will be the year the Dem party died......................
The republicans can't repeal Obamacare because it would require 60 votes for cloture in the Senate. Republican are using the Byrd rule to pass a bill that only makes changes in the existing law, the ACA that effect the budget. For this reason Obamacare will remain with all it's requirements on insurance companies such as the essential benefits, profit caps, disclosure requirements, healthcare exchanges, and dozens of other requirements.
There is no need to repeal Ocare, all the GOP has to do is nothing and Ocare vanishes, because the democraps counted on a democrap president to keep it on life support. The GOP will not do this, Ocare is already dead
Please explain how Obamacare will just disappear. Obamacare is not just the individual insurance market. 86% of insurance comes from employee sponsored plans, Medicare, Medicaid, and other government plans. These plans are certainly not disappearing and all fall under Obamacare requirements.

Although the individual healthcare insurance is only 14% of the healthcare market, in the minds of republicans it has become synonymous with Obamacare. The biggest problem in this market is the threat of losing the most profitable customers, young healthy singles and couples who will disappear with the individual mandate. Couple that with having to cover the sickest people in the country, those with pre-existing condition you have skyrocketing costs.

The lost of the individual mandate would be disastrously. Not only are republican promising to eliminate the mandate but Trump has indicated he may not enforce it regardless of what congress does. This has resulted in a number of insurers withdrawing from the market leaving a number of areas with only one or no insurers. Couple that with the likelihood of the republican plan to push the pre-existing condition problem off on the states, there is little reason for insurers to stay in this market. The obvious solution is the government should pay the additional cost of insuring those with prexisting conditions. If the government did this and maintained the individual mandate, premiums and deductibles would be down 40%.
There will be no repeal, until the Dems beg forgiveness and cooperate with the GOP on a real replacement bill.

The GOP is about to pass tax reform and lower unemployment. The idiots who voted for O care will soon be begging forgiveness, 2018 will be the year the Dem party died......................
The republicans can't repeal Obamacare because it would require 60 votes for cloture in the Senate. Republican are using the Byrd rule to pass a bill that only makes changes in the existing law, the ACA that effect the budget. For this reason Obamacare will remain with all it's requirements on insurance companies such as the essential benefits, profit caps, disclosure requirements, healthcare exchanges, and dozens of other requirements.
There is no need to repeal Ocare, all the GOP has to do is nothing and Ocare vanishes, because the democraps counted on a democrap president to keep it on life support. The GOP will not do this, Ocare is already dead
Please explain how Obamacare will just disappear. Obamacare is not just the individual insurance market. 86% of insurance comes from employee sponsored plans, Medicare, Medicaid, and other government sponsored plans. These plans are certainly not disappearing and all fall under Obamacare requirements.

Although the individual healthcare insurance is only 14% of the healthcare market, in the minds of republicans it has become synonymous with Obamacare. The biggest problem in this market is the threat of losing the most profitable customers, young healthy singles and couples who will disappear with the individual mandate. Couple that with having to cover the sickest people in the country, those with pre-existing condition you have skyrocketing costs.

The lost of the individual mandate would be disastrously. Not only are republican promising to eliminate the mandate but Trump has indicated he may not enforce it regardless of what congress does. This has resulted in a number of insurers withdrawing from the market leaving a number of areas with only one or no insurers. Couple that with the likelihood of the republican plan to push the pre-existing condition problem off on the states, there is little reason for insurers to stay in this market. The obvious solution is the government should pay the additional cost of insuring those with prexisting conditions. If the government did this and maintained the individual mandate, premiums and deductibles would be down 40%.

Simple really. Ocare is gone when no insurance companies back it, many have already abandoned it, and the rest will. Then while it is not repealed or overturned or replaced, it is doing less than nothing.

Next fool
There will be no repeal, until the Dems beg forgiveness and cooperate with the GOP on a real replacement bill.

The GOP is about to pass tax reform and lower unemployment. The idiots who voted for O care will soon be begging forgiveness, 2018 will be the year the Dem party died......................
The republicans can't repeal Obamacare because it would require 60 votes for cloture in the Senate. Republican are using the Byrd rule to pass a bill that only makes changes in the existing law, the ACA that effect the budget. For this reason Obamacare will remain with all it's requirements on insurance companies such as the essential benefits, profit caps, disclosure requirements, healthcare exchanges, and dozens of other requirements.
There is no need to repeal Ocare, all the GOP has to do is nothing and Ocare vanishes, because the democraps counted on a democrap president to keep it on life support. The GOP will not do this, Ocare is already dead
Please explain how Obamacare will just disappear. Obamacare is not just the individual insurance market. 86% of insurance comes from employee sponsored plans, Medicare, Medicaid, and other government sponsored plans. These plans are certainly not disappearing and all fall under Obamacare requirements.

Although the individual healthcare insurance is only 14% of the healthcare market, in the minds of republicans it has become synonymous with Obamacare. The biggest problem in this market is the threat of losing the most profitable customers, young healthy singles and couples who will disappear with the individual mandate. Couple that with having to cover the sickest people in the country, those with pre-existing condition you have skyrocketing costs.

The lost of the individual mandate would be disastrously. Not only are republican promising to eliminate the mandate but Trump has indicated he may not enforce it regardless of what congress does. This has resulted in a number of insurers withdrawing from the market leaving a number of areas with only one or no insurers. Couple that with the likelihood of the republican plan to push the pre-existing condition problem off on the states, there is little reason for insurers to stay in this market. The obvious solution is the government should pay the additional cost of insuring those with prexisting conditions. If the government did this and maintained the individual mandate, premiums and deductibles would be down 40%.

Simple really. Ocare is gone when no insurance companies back it, many have already abandoned it, and the rest will. Then while it is not repealed or overturned or replaced, it is doing less than nothing.

Next fool
There are 35 major health insurance companies in the US, (excluding regional coops and nonprofits) approximately the same number there were 5 years ago. There is no indication that any these companies are dropping out of the business. And why should there be. Profits are booming in the health insurance sector. The first quarter of 2017, the 5 larges had combined income of 4.5 billion, the largest since Obamacare was implemented.

The largest segment of healthcare insurance market, employer sponsored group plans is expanding both in coverage and profits. Obamacare is proving to be very profitable for the insurance companies.

Profits are booming at health insurance companies
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You said "Dems beg forgiveness.." :biggrin:

I can't remember ever hearing a Dem say "I'm sorry, I apologize". The new Democrat Party slogan is "Resist", so don't look for any compromises.
The dems will compromise after 2018 when too many of them lose their jobs.

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