Should Thanksgiving be abolished to satisfy Liberals?


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Most people enjoy Thanksgiving.
But the Left Wingers believe that it should be abolished


It's Time to Move Thanksgiving | HuffPost

The White House Wants to Cancel Thanksgiving and Replace it...

Why Thanksgiving Is A 'National Day Of Mourning' For Some Americans | HuffPost
How did I know some left loons were going to start this crap?

Because they must be offended about something...every fcking day

Oh also: some school admin diversity nut in North Carolina got triggered about little kids making "Indian" headdresses with feathers and tweeted about it.

Meanwhile, when I do a Native-American unit in November, I do not have my students make feather headdresses. But I do show them images of actual Native-Americans.

And they are wearing.....feathers.

So, you know. Sue me.

From the Mark Dice video:

Do you know what a miserable person you have to be to purposely ruin Thanksgiving by "Bringing up Trump"?


And congrats, your family hates you.

You know as I continue to think about this, it occurs to me that Leftists really ought to think about how CULT-LIKE this is.

I mean who goes to a family holiday/celebration and thinks, I just HAVE to preach my beliefs here? To my loved ones?

Basically, either brand new believers or people in a cult. My pastor wouldn't do this. People in my church, born-again believers, would not do this. We only share the Good News if there is a CLEAR opening and the discussion seems like a good fit/would be received.

But not these Leftists, no. They're going to Squawk because they are the True Believers they hate in everyone else. Are they not?
Sadly, Thanksgiving is losing some of its punch, but isn’t b/c of partisans politics. It is b/c assholes decided to turn the day into Black Friday Eve. Now numerous stores are open on the day, so the clowns can a pretend to get a sale on a television or some other nonsense.
Sadly, Thanksgiving is losing some of its punch, but isn’t b/c of partisans politics. It is b/c assholes decided to turn the day into Black Friday Eve. Now numerous stores are open on the day, so the clowns can a pretend to get a sale on a television or some other nonsense.
If the left really cared about the nation or "the planet," they would pass a law banning consumerism from Wed. noon, till Monday morning 6am.

Hell, consumerism has more to do with their supposed "AGW" and destruction of the planet than anything else. They'll never admit that. . . .
I didn't listen to the vid, but I don't understand why Thanksgiving is celebrating the annihilation of the Native Americans? I thought it was about being happy to have something to eat...and the Native Americans joined them and brought the venison, and a good time was had by all.

I'm confused.
I didn't listen to the vid, but I don't understand why Thanksgiving is celebrating the annihilation of the Native Americans? I thought it was about being happy to have something to eat...and the Native Americans joined them and brought the venison, and a good time was had by all.

I'm confused.

Right but you can't think about that one incident according to the hard Leftists see, you must think about the overall genocide and etc. Also, you must pretend that America is THE ONLY LAND on the face of the earth where one group of people took land from another.

Which is pretending so hard it hurts my head, really. I find this especially difficult when Brits foist Thanksgiving in our faces--those who colonized pretty much the known world. ("The sun never sets on the British Empire", an actual boast of the colonists, for any British leftists who might stumble along...)

Whatever, I'm off to enjoy it. The stuffy ones can be miserable all by themselves. They usually are.
I didn't listen to the vid, but I don't understand why Thanksgiving is celebrating the annihilation of the Native Americans? I thought it was about being happy to have something to eat...and the Native Americans joined them and brought the venison, and a good time was had by all.

I'm confused.

Right but you can't think about that one incident according to the hard Leftists see, you must think about the overall genocide and etc. Also, you must pretend that America is THE ONLY LAND on the face of the earth where one group of people took land from another.

Which is pretending so hard it hurts my head, really. I find this especially difficult when Brits foist Thanksgiving in our faces--those who colonized pretty much the known world. ("The sun never sets on the British Empire", an actual boast of the colonists, for any British leftists who might stumble along...)

Whatever, I'm off to enjoy it. The stuffy ones can be miserable all by themselves. They usually are.
Put the olives and the green bean casserole next to me, and I'm a happy clam.
I hope you have a very Happy Thanksgiving, Sue.

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