Should teachers be armed?

Should teachers be armed?

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Iā€™m not teaching anymore. So, I have no need of a gun, yet. When you idiots start coming for our 2nd amendment rights then Iā€™ll get one with the other 600 million in which people understand why we have that right. Other than that, teachers with guns are the best way to never have to shoot them at schools. End gun free zones and you end nuts who want to make a name for themselves.
As far as science, non-woke people know what women and men are. Your idiot Scotus that couldnā€™t answer that is why you are wrong.
Teachers with guns ?
Hiw about nuns with guns, rabbis with guns.
The right wing wack job answer to everything is to arm everyone. Itā€™s doesnā€™t work foolish .
We should be the safest developed nation in the world, we arenā€™t. You are crazy.
Teachers with guns ?
Hiw about nuns with guns, rabbis with guns.
The right wing wack job answer to everything is to arm everyone. Itā€™s doesnā€™t work foolish .
We should be the safest developed nation in the world, we arenā€™t. You are crazy.

She sounds tough and macho.
Exactly! The left misuse words all the time. They canā€™t define a woman. They canā€™t define a man. They canā€™t define a white racist. So, why would we think they understand lock outs?
But Iā€™m sure youā€™ll straighten everyone out. Hilarious.
You're a liar. I never alluded to teachers being criminals. Is this an example of your religiosity?
Liar. Is this an example of the Democrats leftist atheist belief. Why canā€™t you just stay on point. Nasty person :stir:
What stupidity. The safest gathering places in the US are In states with strongest gun laws and everywhere gun free zones are enforced. Youā€™re a delusional nra bot.
You mean like Chicago? :laughing0301:
No, the worst and most violent cities are heavily regulated gun control. All, statistics say so.
Teachers with guns ?
Hiw about nuns with guns, rabbis with guns.
The right wing wack job answer to everything is to arm everyone. Itā€™s doesnā€™t work foolish .
We should be the safest developed nation in the world, we arenā€™t. You are crazy.
Yes, nuns and rabbis should carry guns too. I taught in a Catholic high school and 98% of the teachers were lay persons. Not nuns or priests.
Why should we be the safest? Give me liberty or give me death. Safest? No, Iā€™ll take freedom first. Just lock out and arm the teachers. It works. There are schools allowing this and they will not be attacked.
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
How ignorant libertards are. You donā€™t even know the difference between a city and a state. Chicago is the worst.
Also they do not understand that the crime rate is determined primarily by how many blacks live in these cities and states.

Overall, black Americans are arrested at 2.6 times the per-capita rate of all other Americans, and this ratio is even higher for murder (6.3 times) and robbery (8.1 times).

The Color of Crime, 2016 Revised Edition - American Renaissance
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Yes, nuns and rabbis should carry guns too. I taught in a Catholic high school and 98% of the teachers were lay persons. Not nuns or priests.
Why should we be the safest? Give me liberty or give me death. Safest? No, Iā€™ll take freedom first. Just lock out and arm the teachers. It works. There are schools allowing this and they will not be attacked.
Several states now have armed teachers.......and no problems have been reported and none of them have had shootings.

Thatā€™s your idea. Free guns in school. Arm everyone in crowded schools.
Guess youā€™ve never walked down the hallways of a crowded school between classes and had to break up the fights. Now we have a bunch of armed weak 55 years old teachers who donā€™t know shit about self defense, canā€™t use mace but are getting pummeled by a student and all they have is a gun free zones.

Armed confrontation ver seldom if Never happens on cruise ships, airplanes, professional sporting events with gun free zones. Youā€™re the one with the imagination. Idiots. More guns, more gun violence stupid.

Does the Gun-Free Zones Act Apply to Other Public Spaces?​

The Gun-Free School Zones Act only applies to K12 schools, both public and private. It does not apply to other public spaces.

Open carry and concealed carry laws will vary from state to state. In some states, there is an Opt-Out Statute that allows a private business to opt out of their stateā€™s concealed carry laws. This allows them to enforce their own policies about carrying firearms on their business premises. Customers found in violation of the gun-free zone signs and policies of a business can be held liable for trespassing charges or may lose their carrying privileges.

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Also they do not understand that the crime rate is determined primarily by how many blacks live in these cities and states.

Overall, black Americans are arrested at 2.6 times the per-capita rate of all other Americans, and this ratio is even higher for murder (6.3 times) and robbery (8.1 times).

The Color of Crime, 2016 Revised Edition - American Renaissance
Maybe they are arrested more because they are committing more crimes. Arrests and convictions should not be decided upon rates of anything. They should be decided upon whether a crime is committed because of the foul content of their character. The fact is, mass shootings are happening in Chicago every weekend by blacks against blacks. But you liberals refuse to acknowledge this and do something about it except let the killers back on the streets because of stupid rates and dumb DAs. The worst cities are run by Democrats. The worst 18, 17 are run by Democrats and mainly Black mayors and city officials. Blacks are keeping blacks in shackles.
Several states now have armed teachers.......and no problems have been reported and none of them have had shootings.

How about that. Logic and reason escapes liberals. Democrats need to pay attention and learn instead of thinking they have all the answers.
Should teachers be armed?

At this point I am saying Y. Show me why that is a bad idea and I will listen but I am tired of innocent children being killed in schools, which used to be safe. Today, society in general has gone berserk.. all these grieving families.. you never get over the loss of your children.. (Even women who have "chosen" abortion grieve, often deeply, for the lost child they will never know)

The best proof against mass public shooters is getting rid of gun free zones, including schools. Allow parents to carry their legal guns with them as they drop off their kids in the morning, or go to the office during the day to pick up their kids for medical appointments or to drop off lunches and homework.

If a mass public shooter doesn't know who will be armed, they will select a different....gun free

On top of that, if you allow some staff to get the training to carry a gun....I think support staff are a better option than teachers since teachers are responsible for taking care of their own students.......that too would keep mass public shooters away.

Keep in mind....

In 2022, we had 12 mass public shootings....12 individuals out of over 350 million Americans.....74 murder victims...

Only one of those was an elementary school........

One indiviual out of 350 million Americans.....

Ladders kill 300 people a year....

Lawn mowere kill between 90-100 people a year.....

We know mass public shooters target gun free zones....end gun free zones and you take away the easy targets....

The left wing, democrat party supporting transgender child killer targeted the school she did because it was specifically a gun free zone....take that option away from these leftist killers....

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