Should Sherrod Sue Breitbart?


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Is Breitbart ultimately to blame for what happened?

Yes or no? Why/why not?
She can do whatever she wants. Thats not the question.

The question is "can she win".

IMO, no, she cannot win unless new evidence comes to light.
Lets keep it on Breitbart.

Is HE the one ultimately responsible for all this mess?
Lets keep it on Breitbart.

Is HE the one ultimately responsible for all this mess?

No, a butterfly flapping it's wings in China is ultimately responsible. Everybody in this situation should own their choices.
I don't see how suing Brietbart advances Mrs. Sherrod's interests, in either her career or her lifelong commitment to racial parity. She has a new public platform from which to speak, and a sympathetic audience. It would have been better if she had simply gone forward as a person of integrity and left Brietbart in the dust, where he belongs.
The Black Racist Sherrod got hoisted by her own petard.

Then escaped........with a reward.

Now with the microscope on her, this Black Racist Sherrod turns out to be the POS she gave the impression she was.

Final result: the world knows she is a Black Racist but her fellow leftist loons think she is a fucking martyr who has the bogus right to sue.
If she sued, it is most likely she will lose. I suppose that she will have to settle with knowing that Breitbart is a liar and scum, as most of the thinking world already knows.
I don't see how suing Brietbart advances Mrs. Sherrod's interests, in either her career or her lifelong commitment to racial parity. She has a new public platform from which to speak, and a sympathetic audience. It would have been better if she had simply gone forward as a person of integrity and left Brietbart in the dust, where he belongs.

Exactly, but Tony Hayward was right
Is Breitbart ultimately to blame for what happened?

Yes or no? Why/why not?

I think that she will lose, first and foremost.

Second, yes if he knowingly doctored the video in such a way, he should be to blame. If he wants to be considered a credible source of information, then he should accept the responsibility that comes with a real fucking man......and tell the truth. As a purveyor of information, he was unethical.
The edited tape caused the whole mess for sure but if I were Sherrod I would be sueing my employers.

After all they fired her on the evidence of the tape. Politicial all the way. They tried to head off a possible scandal. If they had bothered to view the entire tape Sherrod never would have been fired.

Yup. Thats who I would sue.
She was slandered purposely.

Now look at the asshole in this thread who is still calling her a racist.

Its assholes like that who will forever believe the lies this Breitbart butthole hair has unleashed on this woman.

Before this all she was a private citizen, now brick brains like guantama repeat like trained monkeys that she is a racist.

Some of these anal crusts will seek to harm her.

He has changed her life for ever by purposely LYING in the media.

She should sue the ever living fuck out of him and anyone else who knowingly profered LIES as news.
She was slandered purposely.

Now look at the asshole in this thread who is still calling her a racist.
Its assholes like that who will forever believe the lies this Breitbart butthole hair has unleashed on this woman.

Before this all she was a private citizen, now brick brains like guantama repeat like trained monkeys that she is a racist.

Some of these anal crusts will seek to harm her.

He has changed her life for ever by purposely LYING in the media.

She should sue the ever living fuck out of him and anyone else who knowingly profered LIES as news.

Nobody on the right, or the left, take Guatama seriously. He's an angry alcoholic with mild schitzophrenia and Napolean Syndrome.
And hes belongs to the right.

And Sherrod will be dealing with assholes like this until she dies because of Breitbart.

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