Should promoting the mythical notion of 'rights' be illegal?


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2019
In reality, as opposed to quaint anti-intellectual fiction and fantasies, as is the hallmark of the barely literate leftsit rabble and mouth-breathing trash which their entire propaganda industry is predicated on to begin with, a margin of literacy or IQ above 90-100 effectively rendering demagogues like Colbert, Maher, Stewart, and others obsolete.

Pray tell, in real life, how many of the underclass could even so much as name a single 'right', whether in terms of Common Law or state law, federal law and or the various Constitutional interpretations and methods of in interpretations as per the Supreme Court, and those like Justice Scalia. (I'd venture to say the same about most Britons, Canadians, and other media addicted 6th grade reading level idiots who can't even so much as visit a local law library or online bookstore...

...know every little if any of their rights in theory or practice, as well the various means of the implementation thereof, whether practically, legally or otherwise, (such as in the context of a court of law and it's various metholodgies of evidence gathering, procedures, interpretations and subjective judgment delagation on the part of the judges involved, most of their knowledge on the subject coming from misinformation on TV and mass media such as tru Crime or court-related shows, and often interfering with the actual court processes and understandings or knowledges thereof, due to said misinformation). Such as even minuta as basic as the differences between state laws, federal laws, so-called "international" law, civil, criminal, and so on and so on.

Based on this, I'm thinking that those on the 'right' side of history, should effectively ban and prohibit any propaganda, whether in media, pitiful "anti-Trump" protests, social media, or other words, which promote myths, fictions, and fantasies of rights, in theory or in practice, which would never stand the litmus test in context of interactions with actual law enforcement encounters, civil and criminal actions on behalf of a court, and the thinking men and thinking women lawyers, judges and so on and so forth, lest the malcontented leftist rabble continue to be ill-informed and ill-fed by their snake oil merchant and sellers; Colbert, Stewart, "TYT" and others, naturally preying on the fear, superstition, Godlessness, and feral nature of said cabals of said barely literate freaks, heathens, and degenerates, like Robespierre drumming up the feral and bestial sentiments of a rabid mob craving heads for the guillotine.

Like a ship without a captain, such a mob and scourge of law, society, America, God, humanity, goodness, truth, and beauty, is prone to devolve into ferality and beastiality, fed by the natural inclination to leftist malcontent, crass materialism, and other social ills and degeneracies which it is left alone to fester in and spread to society's better class of thinking men and women, whether in the likes of Thatcher, Churchill, Scalia, Thompson, or otherwise.

In contingency with the nature order of things, the conservative should take and seize his natural right to dominate the bestial, the heathen, the botherer of godlessness perversion, libertinism, and vice; leading them rightfully away from their leftist propagandists and captors, like Moses did God's chosen people from the Egyptian pharaoh.

To evil and ill-bred to govern themselves, hence their very ability to exist as they are to begin with is predicated on this very lack of self-governance and restaint, it is the conservative's arguable duty and natural right, to ban and prohibit said propaganda, destroying the myth that anyone akin to Colbert, Maher, or Stewart gives a damn about them and their mythical, non-existant, legally nonsensical "rights", beyond the snake oil he can peddle them like a wolf unto a sheep, and the malcontentedness he can trump up on them, which a higher conservative education, liberal in its love for literacy, intellect, goodness, truth, aesthetics, art, mathematics and beauty, but restrained in its distain for leftist degerancy, misinformation, aberrance, amorality, media-shapedness - would naturally dispel, were it in the inclination of said miscreants to prefer such a higher level of pursuit as an anti-thesis to the popular festerization and childish, superstitious fears of "Trump" and its affiliated Russian conspiracies, manifested through inferior intellect and passionate emotion, rather than logic, reason, intuition, freedoms, order the elements of society and its institutions that such a conservative order is necessary to provide and maintain to begin with.
You do have the right to use English here ... I suggest you use it ...

I was going to visit Israel, but my friend there said I would just get deported if I wore my swastika arm bands ... phaw ... not worth the trip then ...
Yes, promoting the mythical notion of rights should be illegal.

Because it's terminally boring. And makes no sense anyway.

As for the long, long, long, long OP, I didn't read it: tl;dr. Many Big Words Are Here.
In reality, as opposed to quaint anti-intellectual fiction and fantasies, as is the hallmark of the barely literate leftsit rabble and mouth-breathing trash which their entire propaganda industry is predicated on to begin with, a margin of literacy or IQ above 90-100 effectively rendering demagogues like Colbert, Maher, Stewart, and others obsolete.

Pray tell, in real life, how many of the underclass could even so much as name a single 'right', whether in terms of Common Law or state law, federal law and or the various Constitutional interpretations and methods of in interpretations as per the Supreme Court, and those like Justice Scalia. (I'd venture to say the same about most Britons, Canadians, and other media addicted 6th grade reading level idiots who can't even so much as visit a local law library or online bookstore...

...know every little if any of their rights in theory or practice, as well the various means of the implementation thereof, whether practically, legally or otherwise, (such as in the context of a court of law and it's various metholodgies of evidence gathering, procedures, interpretations and subjective judgment delagation on the part of the judges involved, most of their knowledge on the subject coming from misinformation on TV and mass media such as tru Crime or court-related shows, and often interfering with the actual court processes and understandings or knowledges thereof, due to said misinformation). Such as even minuta as basic as the differences between state laws, federal laws, so-called "international" law, civil, criminal, and so on and so on.

Based on this, I'm thinking that those on the 'right' side of history, should effectively ban and prohibit any propaganda, whether in media, pitiful "anti-Trump" protests, social media, or other words, which promote myths, fictions, and fantasies of rights, in theory or in practice, which would never stand the litmus test in context of interactions with actual law enforcement encounters, civil and criminal actions on behalf of a court, and the thinking men and thinking women lawyers, judges and so on and so forth, lest the malcontented leftist rabble continue to be ill-informed and ill-fed by their snake oil merchant and sellers; Colbert, Stewart, "TYT" and others, naturally preying on the fear, superstition, Godlessness, and feral nature of said cabals of said barely literate freaks, heathens, and degenerates, like Robespierre drumming up the feral and bestial sentiments of a rabid mob craving heads for the guillotine.

Like a ship without a captain, such a mob and scourge of law, society, America, God, humanity, goodness, truth, and beauty, is prone to devolve into ferality and beastiality, fed by the natural inclination to leftist malcontent, crass materialism, and other social ills and degeneracies which it is left alone to fester in and spread to society's better class of thinking men and women, whether in the likes of Thatcher, Churchill, Scalia, Thompson, or otherwise.

In contingency with the nature order of things, the conservative should take and seize his natural right to dominate the bestial, the heathen, the botherer of godlessness perversion, libertinism, and vice; leading them rightfully away from their leftist propagandists and captors, like Moses did God's chosen people from the Egyptian pharaoh.

To evil and ill-bred to govern themselves, hence their very ability to exist as they are to begin with is predicated on this very lack of self-governance and restaint, it is the conservative's arguable duty and natural right, to ban and prohibit said propaganda, destroying the myth that anyone akin to Colbert, Maher, or Stewart gives a damn about them and their mythical, non-existant, legally nonsensical "rights", beyond the snake oil he can peddle them like a wolf unto a sheep, and the malcontentedness he can trump up on them, which a higher conservative education, liberal in its love for literacy, intellect, goodness, truth, aesthetics, art, mathematics and beauty, but restrained in its distain for leftist degerancy, misinformation, aberrance, amorality, media-shapedness - would naturally dispel, were it in the inclination of said miscreants to prefer such a higher level of pursuit as an anti-thesis to the popular festerization and childish, superstitious fears of "Trump" and its affiliated Russian conspiracies, manifested through inferior intellect and passionate emotion, rather than logic, reason, intuition, freedoms, order the elements of society and its institutions that such a conservative order is necessary to provide and maintain to begin with.

Thought provoking post. Thanks.

History iterates in clearly identifiable and predictable enough cycles. The normative cycle illustrates a conservative civilization, which in its attempts to preserve tradition, tends to smother some sizeable cross section of the populous with its oppressive restrictions in the name of preserving status quo. This inevitably leads to grass roots "liberal" or "liberation" movements that gain popular momentum rallying for new and unheard of personal and ideological freedoms. While not necessarily nefarious inherently, these liberal movements often end up pushing the boundaries of what is considered traditionally acceptable from a cultural and philosophical point of view; so much so that in the end, the very citizenry calling for liberation or liberated rights and freedoms then beg for a leader who will restore order by any means necessary to the chaos sown throughout their civilization by the radical liberals. An authoritarian smackdown normally ensues. The cycle completes, resets, and begins anew.

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