324,000 blacks killed by blacks in the past 35 years


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
Over the past 35 years in America, an estimated 324,000 blacks have been killed at the hands of fellow blacks, proving “racist” white cops are the least of their worries.

324,000 U.S. Blacks Killed by Blacks In Only 35 Years

I hate to burst the bubbles of clinically brain-dead liberals, who for some reason allege that black Americans are being terrorized by white people , but blacks murder far more whites than whites murder blacks.

FBI records for 2008 “show that, out of 520,161 interracial violent crimes, blacks committed 429,444 of them against whites, while whites committed 90,717 of them against blacks.

Interracial rape is almost exclusively black on white — with 14,000 assaults on white women by African Americans in 2007.” Yet not one case of a white sexual assault on a black female was found in the FBI study.”

Fact: Blacks Murder More Whites Than Whites Murder Blacks
Putting these figures in perspective then, for every black killed by a white police officer in the U.S. every year, there are about 71 blacks killed by other blacks.

I blame white leftwingers for destroying black families while keeping them and thier communities down
This is a hot potato.

Thoughtful people of the said ethnicity admit that crime within their community has always been a problem.

Personally, I fear that there is not much that can be done about this situation.

Very sad.
This is a hot potato.

Thoughtful people of the said ethnicity admit that crime within their community has always been a problem.

Personally, I fear that there is not much that can be done about this situation.

Very sad.
Agreed. Blacks killing blacks at a high rate, has been going on since the 1960s. Why has the black community not stopped this? Seems like they should be fed up with the continuing violence, by now.
Over the past 35 years in America, an estimated 324,000 blacks have been killed at the hands of fellow blacks, proving “racist” white cops are the least of their worries.

324,000 U.S. Blacks Killed by Blacks In Only 35 Years

Not to mention how many black babies have been aborted in the genocide culture of the Marxists.. If the blacks didnt listen to their puppet masters, probably there would be equal blacks to whites....

This is a hot potato.

Thoughtful people of the said ethnicity admit that crime within their community has always been a problem.

Personally, I fear that there is not much that can be done about this situation.

Very sad.
Agreed. Blacks killing blacks at a high rate, has been going on since the 1960s. Why has the black community not stopped this? Seems like they should be fed up with the continuing violence, by now.

"Why has the black community not stopped this?"

Because according to the Cultural Marxist Leftists and the Cultural Marxist MSM it would be racist to suggest that the Black community do something to stop Blacks murdering Blacks. The Cultural Marxists prefer to have their Anti-White Hate Campaign so they can blame everything on Evil Whitey.
This is a hot potato.

Thoughtful people of the said ethnicity admit that crime within their community has always been a problem.

Personally, I fear that there is not much that can be done about this situation.

Very sad.
Agreed. Blacks killing blacks at a high rate, has been going on since the 1960s. Why has the black community not stopped this? Seems like they should be fed up with the continuing violence, by now.

Because according to Leftists and the MSM it would be racist to suggest that the Black community do something to stop Blacks murdering Blacks.
I don’t believe you can blame leftism, for the carnage in the black community.
This is a hot potato.

Thoughtful people of the said ethnicity admit that crime within their community has always been a problem.

Personally, I fear that there is not much that can be done about this situation.

Very sad.
Agreed. Blacks killing blacks at a high rate, has been going on since the 1960s. Why has the black community not stopped this? Seems like they should be fed up with the continuing violence, by now.

Because according to Leftists and the MSM it would be racist to suggest that the Black community do something to stop Blacks murdering Blacks.
I don’t believe you can blame leftism, for the carnage in the black community.

Leftism being a Toxic Disease is the reason WHY things cannot be done to STOP carnage in Black communities, for the reason I gave in my post # 8

A) To suggest that Blacks are ANYTHING else but Perfect Beings with ZERO faults is racist according to the Cultural Marxist Leftists.

B) For Whites to suggest that Blacks should intervene to prevent and/or reduce violence in Black Communities is racist according to the Cultural Marxist Leftists.

The solution to many of these problems could occur IF Cultural Marxism was DESTROYED and ALL those who vomit it were DESTROYED and removed from ALL Society across ALL levels.

This way having eliminated the Toxic Disease, measures could be taken to assist Black Communities to reduce violence, these measures would include Educational solutions and also Skill Training initiatives to train young Black men and women in a job skill, this way they could then look forward to having a job and a wage and with that Self-Respect and a future and with that the reduction of the need to get involved in Gang Culture and drug dealing etc that results in them murdering each other.

With the Cultural Marxist Leftists hanging around like a bad smell that will not go away and die already ZERO of the above can occur because they will NOT allow it to occur because of...."That Would Be Racist" to suggest there is a problem that there are positive solutions to.
Black Abortion Statistics - Right to Life of Michigan

More than crime. More than accidents. More than cancer, heart disease and AIDS. Abortion has taken more Black American lives than every other cause of death combined since 1973. In the United States, the abortion rate for Black women is almost 4 times that of White women. On average, 900 Black babies are aborted every day in the United States. This tragedy continues to impact the population levels of African Americans in the United States.
Blacks don't like other black people, and they don't like living around each other.

The first thing a black person does when they come into a lot of money is move to a white neighborhood. ... :cool:

Exactly........they vote with their feet....whenever possible get away from blacks ---no one knows blacks better than blacks though they will rarely tell the truth to whites about what they know about their fellow blacks.
This is a hot potato.

Thoughtful people of the said ethnicity admit that crime within their community has always been a problem.

Personally, I fear that there is not much that can be done about this situation.

Very sad.
Agreed. Blacks killing blacks at a high rate, has been going on since the 1960s. Why has the black community not stopped this? Seems like they should be fed up with the continuing violence, by now.

"Why has the black community not stopped this?"

Because according to the Cultural Marxist Leftists and the Cultural Marxist MSM it would be racist to suggest that the Black community do something to stop Blacks murdering Blacks. The Cultural Marxists prefer to have their Anti-White Hate Campaign so they can blame everything on Evil Whitey.

exactly................Family secret: What the left won’t tell you about black crime

Distorting the Truth About Crime and Race
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Blacks don't like other black people, and they don't like living around each other.

The first thing a black person does when they come into a lot of money is move to a white neighborhood. ... :cool:

Exactly........they vote with their feet....whenever possible get away from blacks ---no one knows blacks better than blacks though they will rarely tell the truth to whites about what they know about their fellow blacks.

Blacks are killing blacks? Hey, it's better than the alternative. Remind me why we are complaining??

As long as they are having fun, that's the great thing, right?
Folks, face the facts....the killing of blacks is a cottage industry where even when a black thug like Trayvon, killed JUSTIFIABLY BY A WHITE OFFICER IS TURNED INTO A RACIST, BIAS INCIDENT, AND A HERO! (take Trayvon Marrin, for instance) is IMMEDIATELT LIED ABOUT,and turned into an excuse to produce Trayvon, TSHIRT . SOCKS, AND OTHER GEAR TO SHOW DA COMMUNITIES SUPPORT FOR THE FAMILY (although I did get a kick out of his family fighting over who could sell shirts and make the money over da dead thug. EVEN copyrighting JUSTICE FOR TRAYVON)...or the political fact his mother endorses the Hildebeast...who called them all SUPER PREDATORS ....BUTthat was all forgotten when the Beasty visited the family and asked her to run for political office!.....the Al ,and Jesse Show was all over the TV, AND even the Surrender Monkey got involved....IF I'S HADS A SON HE WOULD LOOK JUS LIKE trayvon!

It is really pathetic that the MSM pushes FAKE NEWS, and a large portion of America. such as the party of INFANTICIDE.members in USMB were all up in arms over a BIG FUCKING LIE.....AMERICA HAS LOST THEIR COLLECTIVE MINDS OVER SUCH BULLSHIT!
This is a hot potato.

Thoughtful people of the said ethnicity admit that crime within their community has always been a problem.

Personally, I fear that there is not much that can be done about this situation.

Very sad.
Agreed. Blacks killing blacks at a high rate, has been going on since the 1960s. Why has the black community not stopped this? Seems like they should be fed up with the continuing violence, by now.

"Why has the black community not stopped this?"

Because according to the Cultural Marxist Leftists and the Cultural Marxist MSM it would be racist to suggest that the Black community do something to stop Blacks murdering Blacks. The Cultural Marxists prefer to have their Anti-White Hate Campaign so they can blame everything on Evil Whitey.

exactly................Family secret: What the left won’t tell you about black crime

Distorting the Truth About Crime and Race

Exactly, considering there is not allowed ANY debate about Black Crime and Black on Black Murder it will continue at the grotesque level it is and perhaps get even worse. The REASON and the ONLY REASON why there is not allowed ANY debate is because of the Cultural Marxist Leftists and the Cuckservatives who are as odious as the Cultural Marxist Leftists.

The situation is that peoples need to do ONE thing for a DEBATE to occur on this topic:

STOP being so afraid of being called a racist/White Supremacist/Nazi/Neo-Nazi/KKK supporter.

The Cultural Marxist Leftists and the Cuckservatives use the above slurs as a means of STOPPING DEBATE, why be silenced because you are afraid of getting called a racist or whatever? The situation is this THEY are going to call you a racist/White Supremacist/Nazi/Neo-Nazi/KKK supporter REGARDLESS of if you speak out or shut up.

Also peoples can help to render meaningless these slurs if EVERYONE uses them as OFTEN as possible to the point where in a few years EVERYONE is going to be so tired of hearing racist/White Supremacist/Nazi/Neo-Nazi/KKK that they will roll their eyes and say Whatever Who Cares?
This is a hot potato.

Thoughtful people of the said ethnicity admit that crime within their community has always been a problem.

Personally, I fear that there is not much that can be done about this situation.

Very sad.
Agreed. Blacks killing blacks at a high rate, has been going on since the 1960s. Why has the black community not stopped this? Seems like they should be fed up with the continuing violence, by now.

"Why has the black community not stopped this?"

Because according to the Cultural Marxist Leftists and the Cultural Marxist MSM it would be racist to suggest that the Black community do something to stop Blacks murdering Blacks. The Cultural Marxists prefer to have their Anti-White Hate Campaign so they can blame everything on Evil Whitey.

exactly................Family secret: What the left won’t tell you about black crime

Distorting the Truth About Crime and Race

This is such a hurtful topic.

I can understand why activists prefer to ignore it and make excuses for it.

Very sad.
This is a hot potato.

Thoughtful people of the said ethnicity admit that crime within their community has always been a problem.

Personally, I fear that there is not much that can be done about this situation.

Very sad.
Agreed. Blacks killing blacks at a high rate, has been going on since the 1960s. Why has the black community not stopped this? Seems like they should be fed up with the continuing violence, by now.

Because according to Leftists and the MSM it would be racist to suggest that the Black community do something to stop Blacks murdering Blacks.
I don’t believe you can blame leftism, for the carnage in the black community.
It wasn't like this before black women (and the "men") discovered they can get a government paycheck without a father around
This is a hot potato.

Thoughtful people of the said ethnicity admit that crime within their community has always been a problem.

Personally, I fear that there is not much that can be done about this situation.

Very sad.
Agreed. Blacks killing blacks at a high rate, has been going on since the 1960s. Why has the black community not stopped this? Seems like they should be fed up with the continuing violence, by now.

"Why has the black community not stopped this?"

Because according to the Cultural Marxist Leftists and the Cultural Marxist MSM it would be racist to suggest that the Black community do something to stop Blacks murdering Blacks. The Cultural Marxists prefer to have their Anti-White Hate Campaign so they can blame everything on Evil Whitey.

exactly................Family secret: What the left won’t tell you about black crime

Distorting the Truth About Crime and Race

This is such a hurtful topic.

I can understand why activists prefer to ignore it and make excuses for it.

Very sad.
It’s an ongoing tragedy that no one wants to address.

You’d think law abiding blacks in our inner cities and those directly affected by murder, would be demanding action to stop the bloodshed.

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