Should homosexuals procreate?

Ghilman va Mamalik

Muslim sultans were very fond of handsome young slaves whom they kept close to their persons as pages, service-boys, bodyguards, special troops and as gay companions. Infatuation for such slaves was a bane of the life of Muslim royalty and nobility in particular, although they considered it to be a fashion. P.K. Hitti has this to say about them, �Ghilman, who might also be eunuchs, were the recipients of special favours from their masters, wore rich and attractive uniforms and often beautified and perfumed their bodies in effeminate fashion. We read of ghilman in the reign of al-Rashid; but it was evidently the caliph al-Amin who, following Persian precedent, established in the Arabic world the ghilman institution for the practice of unnatural sexual relations. A judge of whom there is record used four hundred such youths. Poets did not disdain to give public expression to their perverted passions and to address amorous pieces of their compositions to beardless young boys.�1
You are the one denying Muslim homosexuality, I am proving to you that it is an integral part of their culture.:eusa_angel:
You are the one denying Muslim homosexuality, I am proving to you that it is an integral part of their culture.:eusa_angel:
I am not denying muslims can be homosexuals, for one I don't care. I am denying that if they didn't procreate they would die out. It was a stupid comment and untrue!
I am not denying muslims can be homosexuals, for one I don't care. I am denying that if they didn't procreate they would die out. It was a stupid comment and untrue!

LOL... Do I understand you to be saying that if a given culture failed to procreate... that you 'feel' that that culture would somehow escape extinction?

Now, perhaps you're working from an erroneous understanding of 'procreation'... and towards clearing this up, please allow the advancement of an incontrovertible source in defining exactly what we're discussing here:

Webster's on: procreation said:
Main Entry:procreate
Inflected Form:-ated ; -ating
Etymology:Latin procreatus, past participle of procreare, from pro- forth + creare to create more at PRO-, CREATE

transitive senses : to beget or bring forth (offspring) : PROPAGATE
intransitive senses : to beget or bring forth offspring : REPRODUCE
–procreation \*pr*-kr*-**-sh*n\ noun
–procreative \*pr*-kr*-**-tiv\ adjective
–procreator \-**-t*r\ noun

So we find that procreation is that which provides offspring, begetting the next generation... without which those that fail to procreate render their prticular genetic line: EXTINCT.

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