Short List of Hillary Clinton Failures as a Leader

Did you actually watch the video?

No, why bother?

He flipped on supporting HIllary.

Obama has flipped

Hillary has flipped

Bill has flipped.

McConnell has flipped

Boehner has flipped

Ryan has flipped.

What he, or they, said then doesn't mean crap

Just more partisan bullshit

How does McCain, Fiorina, Rubio, and Graham praising Clinton constitute "partisan bullshit"?

YOUR link, which is not worth bothering with, was titled TRUMP, in 2009.

Not McCain, not Fiorina, not Rubio, and not Graham

they are NOT going to be on Novembers ticket.

Bringing up something Trump said 8 years ago as tho it means something now, is partisan BS.
YOUR link, which is not worth bothering with

what about the video which I posted directly beneath it?

If it isn't worth bothering with, why did you run your fucking cretinous gob about it?

What about it.?

I hear that bitch screech enough watching the news and Sunday morning talk shows. I never click on a video of her.

Because , like Hillary and the rest I listed earlier, people change their minds about things, esp over an 8 year period.

Why are YOU still running your 'cretinous gob'?

Trying to make people believe you have a point?
It's a video primarily consisting of comments by other people about Hillary.......had you actually watched it, you wouldn't have embarrassed yourself......again.......

and had you done so, you would see that the bulk of the comments date from 2012 and 2013......
No, why bother?

He flipped on supporting HIllary.

Obama has flipped

Hillary has flipped

Bill has flipped.

McConnell has flipped

Boehner has flipped

Ryan has flipped.

What he, or they, said then doesn't mean crap

Just more partisan bullshit

How does McCain, Fiorina, Rubio, and Graham praising Clinton constitute "partisan bullshit"?

YOUR link, which is not worth bothering with, was titled TRUMP, in 2009.

Not McCain, not Fiorina, not Rubio, and not Graham

they are NOT going to be on Novembers ticket.

Bringing up something Trump said 8 years ago as tho it means something now, is partisan BS.
YOUR link, which is not worth bothering with

what about the video which I posted directly beneath it?

If it isn't worth bothering with, why did you run your fucking cretinous gob about it?

What about it.?

I hear that bitch screech enough watching the news and Sunday morning talk shows. I never click on a video of her.

Because , like Hillary and the rest I listed earlier, people change their minds about things, esp over an 8 year period.

Why are YOU still running your 'cretinous gob'?

Trying to make people believe you have a point?
It's a video primarily consisting of comments by other people about Hillary.......had you actually watched it, you wouldn't have embarrassed yourself......again.......

and had you done so, you would see that the bulk of the comments date from 2012 and 2013......


Which are running against Hillary in November?

You've tooted your horn, little boy blue, go play with your sheep
Yep, she's a disaster.

How lucky she is to have drawn the opponent she's drawn.

She should buy a lottery ticket or sumpin'.
Yeah, because what harm Hillary has done is not so bad in your mind as Trump using impolite language. roflmao

Clinton's firewall of black voters is crumbling
Hey, I'm sure all the Republicans who have recoiled from Trump in embarrassment will come home and he'll win big.
You confuse greed and power mongering with embarrassment, but its well known that most political hacks lose the ability to distinguish that from embarrassment, so no biggy.

Why would professional politicians who have done nothing witht heir lives but kiss peoples asses for money be embarrassed by Trump?

Because he has actually accomplished things in his life that did not depend on the ability to suck someones cock?

Trump likely to outperform polls in all 5 states tonight
Do you see anything wrong with Trump?

Not just little things like "using impolite language", but anything deeper, more serious?

If there is anything, what would it be? Precisely? Candidly? Honestly?

Or is he the perfect Presidential candidate for you?
I don't know a single woman who is voting for her solely because she is a woman, and there is no poll I have heard of that says a significant number of women are voting for her because of that. The Madeline Albright crowd is small. I'd be willing to give Republicans a look if they had a reasonable representative. Trump is not that person.

I would put this up against the Vagina candidate any day of the week.
Trump likely to outperform polls in all 5 states tonight

What accomplishments does Hillary have? None, but you are bing scared into voting for a corrupt loser because you are too stupid to see through the corporate propaganda to the Truth; Hillary is nothing but a continuing failure and Trump can fix this stuff and you are pissing your pants in fear because you think he is rude and might be a racist?

roflmao, no it is because yo are an idiot.
[The United States didn't get involved until the United Nations approved of action- against the terrorist dictator.

Didn't you know that the only time - THE ONLY TIME - a UN resolution has been okay with the neocon whackadoodles was the one that supposedly allowed the US to invade Iraq. Other than that, neocon whackadoodles think the UN is a waste of space.
What accomplishments does Hillary have? None, but you are bing scared into voting for a corrupt loser because you are too stupid to see through the corporate propaganda to the Truth; Hillary is nothing but a continuing failure and Trump can fix this stuff and you are pissing your pants in fear because you think he is rude and might be a racist?

roflmao, no it is because yo are an idiot.

She has a tonne more experience than Trump. Obama has had a reasonably good presidency when you look at the mess he inherited. Trump will do nothing. He is a know nothing person and a know nothing candidate. His vision of the US is similar to Hitler's of German in 1933. How well did that work out?
Do you see anything wrong with Trump?

Not just little things like "using impolite language", but anything deeper, more serious?

If there is anything, what would it be? Precisely? Candidly? Honestly?

Or is he the perfect Presidential candidate for you?
I posted this list a long time ago, but I will repeat it, as best I remember it is the same, but maybe not. My perception of Trump has changed some since last April.

1, Trump is a Yankee. He will do nothing to protect the cultural heritage of our nation. There is no money to be made from it.

2. He is too soft on the homosexual rights issue and thinks transexuals should be able to use the restroom of their choice and that we should have fag marriage.

3. He is a problem solver and while that is good for the effort of restoring and rebuilding infrastructure and putting things to right in government processes, etc, I dont think he is going to like that he is going to have to work within a Constitutional framework, or at least should. I think he is going to over step many bounds and a Republican Congress will be too lenient and let him get away with too much, but they let Obama get away with murder, literally, so maybe it is moot since the GOP Congress has no balls to do a damned thing anyway. I dont think he will reach for as much power as Hillary will, but what he will reach for he will get, and I dont think Congress will be able to stop him. Congress will continue its slide into weakness and rubber stampery.

4. Trump is reflexively opposed to socialism, like 99% of Republicans, and I think we are going to have to eventually move in the direction of Nordic Model socialism due to the Robotics Revolution. He is going to retard that movement and that could be disastrous in some respects, if say he fails to take appropriate action because he thinks the economy should be doing something it wont because the whole game is changed due to Strong AI Robotics. I suspect he may be inflexible in his opposition to Nordic Model Socialism just because of the word 'socialism'.

5. I am concerned about the national deficit, and would like to see more cuts accompanying his tax cuts, but I would rather risk more deficit than continue on in the failed direction we have been going the last 8 years.

6. I dont think Trump has a strong libertarian or civil rights streak in him. That is concerning to me, but in contrast to Hillary Trump is a rabid Randian Objectivist. I am not an ideological libertarian, just a small 'l' libertarian who has deep regard for civil rights in the historical sense of the term, and I am not sure that Trump has enough grounding in that area of thought to recognize and respect the proper limits and scope of his authority as President. But compared to Hillary, lolol, it is no contest.

7. I am afraid that Trump might return our civilian police force toward a militarizing direction and that is worrying. Police need our full support, no doubt, but I dont like the idea of these paramilitary forces having tanks and aircraft except for very limited purposes. Training police to use military tactics is wrong because civilians are not the enemy on the battlefield. I think Trump will restart this effort. The police need to move in the other direction, returning to their traditional roles as peace officers and accomplishing their job mostly by having the community on its side, and developing ties to it. In some communities we all know the police are viewed as the enemy by a good portion of it. That needs to change and outreach needs to be made. I dont know if the latter is even on Trumps radar.

8. I am afraid that Trump has a tin ear when it comes to the black community. He needs to get advisers who have standing in the leadership of the black community and follow their advice, not in betraying his principles but in learning how to best and most effectively present his principles to the black community and which are the principles that would best attract their support. He needs to develop a feel for what the underclass of American needs across the board and though jobs are a good start, there needs to be more. Right now I think he is projecting the standards of the successful black Middle Class onto lower income black communities and his message is failing to reach them. The great divide between the lower working class and the permanently impoverished underclass is going to widen under his leadership, unless he adjusts his agenda a bit to do something to target them, like maybe urban tax free zones, or something. I dont know enough about the lower class urban black community to even speculate really, but when I hear Trump talking about what he wants to do for the black community he sounds like he is talking to the successful middle class black community and not really going any further than that. I am not sure he even realizes it. But certainly cutting down the large black market labor of illegal aliens is a good start.

9. I am concerned for the moral example that Trump presents, but at least he is not a crook or an incompetent or a traitor. It is going to take more than a few prayer calls for Trump to gain credibility as a moral leader and I think that is important, but of secondary importance for a President.

10. Trump is a doer, not a deep thinker. He wants to get things done and he recruits advisers to give him guidelines on how to do it and then Trump hires a top crew to get that job done. As an engineer I know that that process is often insufficient for the really difficult and complex jobs and Trump needs to let the top guys completely lead in those efforts, and I wonder if he has the humility to step aside in those cases and give them free reign and let the horses run.

There are more things, but again, when I compare him to Hillary I have no doubt that this country would be better under a megalomaniac successful builder than a sociopathic liar who has been taking bribes from foreign governments and .has accomplished not one major thing in her entire career other than to build up an impressive resume and skirt the law for 40 years.
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You still worried she might win?

I'm worried that America will lose (yet again).

When was the last time you believe America lost?

If we're going by presidential elections, we're talking decades now.

Sure....Can you be more specific?

And I'm guessing you began to feel this way sometime after January 2009.....

Maybe, you should learn the definition of a decade, moron.
What accomplishments does Hillary have? None, but you are bing scared into voting for a corrupt loser because you are too stupid to see through the corporate propaganda to the Truth; Hillary is nothing but a continuing failure and Trump can fix this stuff and you are pissing your pants in fear because you think he is rude and might be a racist?

roflmao, no it is because yo are an idiot.

She has a tonne more experience than Trump. Obama has had a reasonably good presidency when you look at the mess he inherited. Trump will do nothing. He is a know nothing person and a know nothing candidate. His vision of the US is similar to Hitler's of German in 1933. How well did that work out?

Trump has already signaled to Putin that Russia has a green light in the Ukraine.
Last two presidential elections...
Nah, we started losing with George H W Bush in 1988 and he started the flood of H1-B visas and started to weaken immigration laws that kept out black market labor.

Meanwhile- we have Donald Trump using the visa system to hire foreign workers for jobs at his U.S. resorts.....because Trump cares so much about American workers he doesn't want them working at his resorts....
9. I am concerned for the moral example that Trump presents, but at least he is not a crook or an incompetent or a traitor.s.

Trump is being sued for being a crook in two states- and has a proven record of driving business's into the ground.

As far a 'not being a traitor'.......LOL- he admires Putin and thought Sadam Hussein was a pretty good guy.
Do you see anything wrong with Trump?

Not just little things like "using impolite language", but anything deeper, more serious?

If there is anything, what would it be? Precisely? Candidly? Honestly?

Or is he the perfect Presidential candidate for you?
I posted this list a long time ago, but I will repeat it, as best I remember it is the same, but maybe not. My perception of Trump has changed some since last April.

1, Trump is a Yankee. He will do nothing to protect the cultural heritage of our nation. There is no money to be made from it.

2. He is too soft on the homosexual rights issue and thinks transexuals should be able to use the restroom of their choice and that we should have fag marriage.

3. He is a problem solver and while that is good for the effort of restoring and rebuilding infrastructure and putting things to right in government processes, etc, I dont think he is going to like that he is going to have to work within a Constitutional framework, or at least should. I think he is going to over step many bounds and a Republican Congress will be too lenient and let him get away with too much, but they let Obama get away with murder, literally, so maybe it is moot since the GOP Congress has no balls to do a damned thing anyway. I dont think he will reach for as much power as Hillary will, but what he will reach for he will get, and I dont think Congress will be able to stop him. Congress will continue its slide into weakness and rubber stampery.

4. Trump is reflexively opposed to socialism, like 99% of Republicans, and I think we are going to have to eventually move in the direction of Nordic Model socialism due to the Robotics Revolution. He is going to retard that movement and that could be disastrous in some respects, if say he fails to take appropriate action because he thinks the economy should be doing something it wont because the whole game is changed due to Strong AI Robotics. I suspect he may be inflexible in his opposition to Nordic Model Socialism just because of the word 'socialism'.

5. I am concerned about the national deficit, and would like to see more cuts accompanying his tax cuts, but I would rather risk more deficit than continue on in the failed direction we have been going the last 8 years.

6. I dont think Trump has a strong libertarian or civil rights streak in him. That is concerning to me, but in contrast to Hillary Trump is a rabid Randian Objectivist. I am not an ideological libertarian, just a small 'l' libertarian who has deep regard for civil rights in the historical sense of the term, and I am not sure that Trump has enough grounding in that area of thought to recognize and respect the proper limits and scope of his authority as President. But compared to Hillary, lolol, it is no contest.

7. I am afraid that Trump might return our civilian police force toward a militarizing direction and that is worrying. Police need our full support, no doubt, but I dont like the idea of these paramilitary forces having tanks and aircraft except for very limited purposes. Training police to use military tactics is wrong because civilians are not the enemy on the battlefield. I think Trump will restart this effort. The police need to move in the other direction, returning to their traditional roles as peace officers and accomplishing their job mostly by having the community on its side, and developing ties to it. In some communities we all know the police are viewed as the enemy by a good portion of it. That needs to change and outreach needs to be made. I dont know if the latter is even on Trumps radar.

8. I am afraid that Trump has a tin ear when it comes to the black community. He needs to get advisers who have standing in the leadership of the black community and follow their advice, not in betraying his principles but in learning how to best and most effectively present his principles to the black community and which are the principles that would best attract their support. He needs to develop a feel for what the underclass of American needs across the board and though jobs are a good start, there needs to be more. Right now I think he is projecting the standards of the successful black Middle Class onto lower income black communities and his message is failing to reach them. The great divide between the lower working class and the permanently impoverished underclass is going to widen under his leadership, unless he adjusts his agenda a bit to do something to target them, like maybe urban tax free zones, or something. I dont know enough about the lower class urban black community to even speculate really, but when I hear Trump talking about what he wants to do for the black community he sounds like he is talking to the successful middle class black community and not really going any further than that. I am not sure he even realizes it. But certainly cutting down the large black market labor of illegal aliens is a good start.

9. I am concerned for the moral example that Trump presents, but at least he is not a crook or an incompetent or a traitor. It is going to take more than a few prayer calls for Trump to gain credibility as a moral leader and I think that is important, but of secondary importance for a President.

10. Trump is a doer, not a deep thinker. He wants to get things done and he recruits advisers to give him guidelines on how to do it and then Trump hires a top crew to get that job done. As an engineer I know that that process is often insufficient for the really difficult and complex jobs and Trump needs to let the top guys completely lead in those efforts, and I wonder if he has the humility to step aside in those cases and give them free reign and let the horses run.

There are more things, but again, when I compare him to Hillary I have no doubt that this country would be better under a megalomaniac successful builder than a sociopathic liar who has been taking bribes from foreign governments and .has accomplished not one major thing in her entire career other than to build up an impressive resume and skirt the law for 40 years.
Well done.

So what this boils down to, for me, is what we think each candidate would actually do in office. Their character/personality/temperament issues are so fucking lousy and unappealing that, to me, they're essentially a wash.

And since I disagree with the Democrats on fewer issues than with the Republicans, I have to vote in that direction.

But again, had the GOP taken advantage of this golden opportunity to run against such a flawed candidate and run a ticket like Kasich/Rubio, it would be a tossup for me right now.
You still worried she might win?

I'm worried that America will lose (yet again).

When was the last time you believe America lost?

If we're going by presidential elections, we're talking decades now.

Sure....Can you be more specific?

And I'm guessing you began to feel this way sometime after January 2009.....

Maybe, you should learn the definition of a decade, moron. if you weren't totes stoked for Scrub in 2000.....and guess is that you assumed your current posture when the abjectly miserable outcomes you enabled became apparent to you....towards the end of 2008....
Last two presidential elections...
Nah, we started losing with George H W Bush in 1988 and he started the flood of H1-B visas and started to weaken immigration laws that kept out black market labor.

The question was "When was the last time you believe America lost?"

Well, then that would have to be the Iran agreement that lets them build nukes.
Explain how the agreement lets them "build nukes"....

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