Short history of the Mossad

SMH- intellectual dishonsesty is not a flattering trait- the Mossad is worse then the CIA, if that's possible.
By way of deception. That is how the game is played. No rules in the shadow war. terrorize the terrorists. Kill them in the shadows. That is what Mossad was created to do.
Triggering the antisemites in 5.....4....3......

oops. too late
Yep- I'm all over it like white on rice- I despise secret anything, especially it's propaganda and I don't care what language it speaks-
Kill them in the shadows. terrorized the terrorists. you do not play by rules in the shadow war.
Triggering the antisemites in 5.....4....3......

oops. too late
Yep- I'm all over it like white on rice- I despise secret anything, especially it's propaganda and I don't care what language it speaks-
Yes, you are obsessed with Jews, and embody them with all the traits that trigger your insecurities. If you would work on improving yourself, instead, you would not need the excuse of Jews as the being the source of all your worthlessness. People who are stable and secure do not need those excuses.
Yes, you are obsessed with Jews, and embody them with all the traits that trigger your insecurities. If you would work on improving yourself, instead, you would not need the excuse of Jews as the being the source of all your worthlessness. People who are stable and secure do not need those excuses.
I have no insecurities- I despise secretive, gov't sponsored terrorists, I don't care what language they speak- and projecting your insecurities onto others (me in this instance) doesn't make anything I say less true- just an FYI
By way of deception. That is how the game is played. No rules in the shadow war. terrorize the terrorists. Kill them in the shadows. That is what Mossad was created to do.
The Mossad really doesn't have to waste a lot of time training the average Israeli citizen to be one of their agents.
Because the Juden are a naturally deceptive and dishonest people. ... :cool:
Yes, you are obsessed with Jews, and embody them with all the traits that trigger your insecurities. If you would work on improving yourself, instead, you would not need the excuse of Jews as the being the source of all your worthlessness. People who are stable and secure do not need those excuses.
I have no insecurities- I despise secretive, gov't sponsored terrorists, I don't care what language they speak- and projecting your insecurities onto others (me in this instance) doesn't make anything I say less true- just an FYI

You despise yourself more than anyone else. you always have.
By way of deception. That is how the game is played. No rules in the shadow war. terrorize the terrorists. Kill them in the shadows. That is what Mossad was created to do.
The Mossad really doesn't have to waste a lot of time training the average Israeli citizen to be one of their agents.
Because the Juden are a naturally deceptive and dishonest people. ... :cool:

Propaganda was invented by the Arabs. Ever listened to their state controlled media?
I find it ironic that people who obsess about Mossad or any other intelligence agency,
telling us how much they act under the radar, all-powerful and overarching,

always pertain to know their "darkest secrets"...
and they will be telling you about how they,

unlike the rest us sheeple thinking for themselves...
By way of deception. That is how the game is played. No rules in the shadow war. terrorize the terrorists. Kill them in the shadows. That is what Mossad was created to do.
The Mossad really doesn't have to waste a lot of time training the average Israeli citizen to be one of their agents.
Because the Juden are a naturally deceptive and dishonest people. ... :cool:

People like you and Gadjir,
are doing half the job for our deterrence.

It might help you deflect attention from all you impotence as functional societies,
but that image you're fueling is making you even weaker spirited and minded, the once advanced people turned into uneducated sheeple who actually believe they're controlled by Israel and powerless to the extent that the only thing they can do is run a mob or self-immolate.

Once intelligent civilizations, produce millions of morons who don't realize how their eagerness to demonize their enemies, especially such small in proportion to them - is making them the most predictable enemy, and at the same time not without basic respect to history of these great civilizations - a sad caricature of what these civilizations were.
Once intelligent civilizations, produce millions of morons who don't realize how their eagerness to demonize their enemies, especially such small in proportion to them - is making them the most predictable enemy, and at the same time not without basic respect to history of these great civilizations - a sad caricature of what these civilizations were.
Lol... you just described the typical zionist Israeli juden. ... :lol: :lol:
Once intelligent civilizations, produce millions of morons who don't realize how their eagerness to demonize their enemies, especially such small in proportion to them - is making them the most predictable enemy, and at the same time not without basic respect to history of these great civilizations - a sad caricature of what these civilizations were.
Lol... you just described the typical zionist Israeli juden. ... :lol: :lol:

Its fools like you who say a zionist convinced a Tunisian fruit vendor to set himself on fire somehow knowing that would cause a revolt throughout the Arab world. You and your Arabian Nights fantasies. You never take any responsibility for yourselves. It is amusing:)
Its fools like you who say a zionist convinced a Tunisian fruit vendor to set himself on fire somehow knowing that would cause a revolt throughout the Arab world. You and your Arabian Nights fantasies. You never take any responsibility for yourselves. It is amusing
Why the name calling and rudness?
As for your statement. I never said any such thing. ... :cool:
Its fools like you who say a zionist convinced a Tunisian fruit vendor to set himself on fire somehow knowing that would cause a revolt throughout the Arab world. You and your Arabian Nights fantasies. You never take any responsibility for yourselves. It is amusing
Why the name calling and rudness?
As for your statement. I never said any such thing. ... :cool:

You said Zionist started the Arab Spring. What evidence do you base that on?

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