Shooting a dog <> shooting a fetus.... What's the diff?

I'd rather 1000 women get an abortion than 1 woman do what she did to that dog.

Here is another example of the Republicans defending the indefensible. No she didn't have to shoot that dog. I know a guy who told me some people who buy hunting dogs will MURDER them if they aren't good hunting dogs. She could have got rid of that dog. She should be up on charges. No excuse. It's like Michael Vick is running to be VP
why does it not surprise me you would rather see a 1000 dead babies than one dead dog,,
So she shot a dog.

Believe it or not culling was forever and still is a functional farming skill. I know the link I provided says " not for dogs" but I think it's fairly relative.

I am floored by the reactions of those who have no problem with culling humans.... to this mundane account of something normal to a farm oriented culture.

I believe this activity goes on regularly in the Agri-belt with all types of animals for a variety of reasons.

Ultimately I wish she just brought the animal to a no kill shelter. But that's just me.

Leftists will defend animals before humans!
Love hearing what urbanites have to say about life on a ranch or farm and how ranchers and farmers should live their lives and deal with adversity and disappointment. So she takes the dog to an animal shelter, saves a round, who euthanizes it because it’s deemed uncontrollable.
They are RARELY " uncontrollable.". That's just what people tell themselves to feel better about their own behavior.

Just this morning I got up, my cat was sleeping at my feet. When I gently petted

her, she responded by snarling and hissing. She would have bitten me if I persisted, so I didn't. A few minutes later she got up and went to her litter box area and vomited.

After that she was her self.

Decent people understand that animal is going through something. Shooting an animal in your care, unless it is rabid, is always wrong
Shooting a woman with child is a felony. In some jurisdictions, injury of the fetus is its own separate and included offense.
Shooting a live baby outside the womb is a felony.
Shooting a dead baby outside the womb is likely at least some sort of crime.

Shooting a puppy because you didn't train it often is a crime as well, and regardless is sick crap.
What exactly are you ranting about?
I guess you missed the part where he clarified his comment by using CULLING instead of shooting,,
So she shot a dog.

Believe it or not culling was forever and still is a functional farming skill. I know the link I provided says " not for dogs" but I think it's fairly relative.

I am floored by the reactions of those who have no problem with culling humans.... to this mundane account of something normal to a farm oriented culture.

I believe this activity goes on regularly in the Agri-belt with all types of animals for a variety of reasons.

Ultimately I wish she just brought the animal to a no kill shelter. But that's just me.


I grew up in farm country. Culling is and always has been a part of farming, but I know of no farmer who would ever shoot a healthy animal because "I hated that dog".

Farmers are REALLY insulted that you think they regularly murder animals for no good reason. They don't. They can't afford to. Shooting the goat was the same. Goats are assholes. Butting is in their nature.

Noem just shot her political career too. Nobody wants a nutbar like her in power.
why does it not surprise me you would rather see a 1000 dead babies than one dead dog,,
Not babies, fetus'.


I also don't care how many dog fetus' she murders. But I do care if she murders a living baby or dog. Unless it's retarded then put it down.
Shooting a woman with child is a felony. In some jurisdictions, injury of the fetus is its own separate and included offense.
Shooting a live baby outside the womb is a felony.
Shooting a dead baby outside the womb is likely at least some sort of crime.

Shooting a puppy because you didn't train it often is a crime as well, and regardless is sick crap.
What exactly are you ranting about?

Shooting a dead baby is "committing an indignity to a corpse". It's also a crime.

One of the women in Tennessee who was turned away from the emergency room when she miscarried, was charged with committing an indignity to a corpse when she miscarried into the hospital toilet.

When abortion was illegal before Roe v Wade, hospitals would still treat women having miscarriages. Now the hospitals are so afraid of being charged with providing abortion care, they won't even help a woman having a miscarriage. They're being turned away.
are you still falling for that fake picture??

you admitted you would rather see 1000 dead human babies than one dog,,

nothing will change that,,
I never said that.

And for the record, do you watch Yellowstone? The head ranch hand is clearly a Republican right? Tough guy. Us liberals would love to claim him but that character is clearly a Republican. He said he'd rather shoot 100 men than one more horse. That's where I got the line from.

Fact is, I wouldn't shoot an innocent dog. The dog she shot wasn't threatening anyone and you know it. So don't make this about me. She's the evil person trump wants to be 2nd in line to the thrown.
Shooting a dead baby is "committing an indignity to a corpse". It's also a crime.

One of the women in Tennessee who was turned away from the emergency room when she miscarried, was charged with committing an indignity to a corpse when she miscarried into the hospital toilet.

When abortion was illegal before Roe v Wade, hospitals would still treat women having miscarriages. Now the hospitals are so afraid of being charged with providing abortion care, they won't even help a woman having a miscarriage. They're being turned away.
What about the ones born alive despite your attempt to murder them, and then left to die? You ghoul!
I never said that.

And for the record, do you watch Yellowstone? The head ranch hand is clearly a Republican right? Tough guy. Us liberals would love to claim him but that character is clearly a Republican. He said he'd rather shoot 100 men than one more horse. That's where I got the line from.

Fact is, I wouldn't shoot an innocent dog. The dog she shot wasn't threatening anyone and you know it. So don't make this about me. She's the evil person trump wants to be 2nd in line to the thrown.
thats exactly what you said,,,,
I never said that.

And for the record, do you watch Yellowstone? The head ranch hand is clearly a Republican right? Tough guy. Us liberals would love to claim him but that character is clearly a Republican. He said he'd rather shoot 100 men than one more horse. That's where I got the line from.

Fact is, I wouldn't shoot an innocent dog. The dog she shot wasn't threatening anyone and you know it. So don't make this about me. She's the evil person trump wants to be 2nd in line to the thrown.
All this post does is confirm she scares the shiite out of liberals and they had to try and take her out!
You live in the 'real world' and you want to cry like a little girl when a Farmer has to shoot a dog??
Thats the problem. You are an idiot. she shot the PUPPY for acting like a PUPPY when she didn't train the PUPPY. Then she got mad and killed it. She is a sick fuck.
Love hearing what urbanites have to say about life on a ranch or farm and how ranchers and farmers should live their lives and deal with adversity and disappointment. So she takes the dog to an animal shelter, saves a round, who euthanizes it because it’s deemed uncontrollable.
Or she, you know, trains the damn dog.
I guess you missed the part where he clarified his comment by using CULLING instead of shooting,,
Same damn thing. She shot the Puppy because she was mad because it was a puppy acting like a puppy. She is twisted and fuicked up, and this topic is stupid because shooting a fetus/baby is a crime.
Screw you, fetus is a term of development, leftists use it to help feel better when they brutally rip a baby from the womb after dismembering it
actually fetus means offspring of a mammal/human being still in the womb,, another name for offspring is child,,
Thats the problem. You are an idiot. she shot the PUPPY for acting like a PUPPY when she didn't train the PUPPY. Then she got mad and killed it. She is a sick fuck.

Or she, you know, trains the damn dog.

Same damn thing. She shot the Puppy because she was mad because it was a puppy acting like a puppy. She is twisted and fuicked up, and this topic is stupid because shooting a fetus/baby is a crime.
14 month old is not a puppy anymore than a 10 yr old is an infant,,

why are you still ignoring where he clafied culling??
Thanks for confirming my point, leftists care more about puppies, than babies in the womb. You ghouls!
I care more about the baby in my sister in law's womb than I do a puppy. I'll give you that. But if it's between a living puppy and your fetus, I would rather you abort than kill the puppy.

I think most people would agree.

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