Shooter attacks back to school event...stopped by legal gun owner carrying a gun.

Nope. Not at all. But I see where were two legal guns involved. One was used illegally and one was used legally. I wondered how long before something like this would have come up. And it wasn't the kids that were the targets. It was the guy that was involved in the fistfight. The kids were just there. You can read anything into this you want but here it is in the nutshell.

Person A and Person B get into a fist fight. Person A disengages and goes back to his car and retrieves his perfectly legal gun (which now becomes an illegal firearm). Person A comes back to shoot Person B and Misses. Person C shoots Person A using his CCW firearm. And that is the whole thing. Everything else would have been considered collateral damage had any other people been wounded but they weren't. You can read into it but it's pretty damned simple. Sounds to me like it's YOU that want to hear about children being shot to prove your point. Well, the point is, your point of , We need more Guns, gets lost on this one.
What happened is that a bad guy with a gun showed up at the school and a good guy stopped him and you CANT STAND IT!

I just gave the whole story as it is currently known. Without all the BS and tears involved. Nothing was read in, no BS added. If you are going to tell the story, tell the whole story. In the end, it ends up reading that there were just too damned many guns and a lot of people got off lucky. It's a poor example of "More Guns".
They were lucky. Lucky the good guy with the gun was there. You know the guy you want arrested.

So now I wanted him arrested. Just keep making shit up. And get your ass put on with Velcro. It's going to be less painful.
You want the hero arrested, figures. Liberal freedom haters can not STAND it when the law abiding win.

So I want the Hero arrested now. Keep making shit up. Feel your ass being rupped off once again. Man, that must be painful.
It is a conclusion I came to only recently.
Armed good guys are better than armed bad guys.
It is a conclusion I came to only recently.
Armed good guys are better than armed bad guys.

Then your conclusion would be false. What you see are slackers. If it were an armed hardened criminal, the Armed Good Guy wouldn't stand a chance. You only notice the armed Fruitcakes and disregard the hardened criminal that does most of the killing. When you run up against one of those people your best choice of action is to cooperate and give them what they want and don't even mention you have a gun. Just let them have your wallet and credit cards. That's all they want in the first place. Is your life worth a couple of hundred bucks? Yah, I know, in your mind, you are all Dirty Harrys but that's just a movie. Hell, if they notice you have a Gun, cheerfully give them the gun and offer to reload all the mags for them. And offer them your car keys. Do whatever it takes. A REAL BAD GUY won't need much of a reason but there is an even chance he'll let you live so he can rob you again later on. To him, it's a business. To the Fduitcake, I am not quite sure what it is. So don't go selling the real bad guy so short. Your life may be worth more than that.
A thug returned to a back to school event with a gun and started shooting....and was stopped by a legal gun owner who had a legal permit to carry a gun...saving who knows how many lives in the process.....

Notice to anti gunners....

--the police did not shoot the good guy

--the good guy did not shoot the police

--The law abiding gun owner saved lives because he had a gun on his hip....

Shooter Targets Back To School Event — Runs Into A Good Guy With A Gun

“Peace in the City,” the event which was held in Titusville, Fla., was billed as a “day of fun” with “no violence” — but that didn’t stop a man (as yet unidentified by authorities) from returning to the location after a fistfight and opening fire.

A bystander with a legal license to carry a firearm quickly engaged the shooter, preventing what could certainly have been disastrous. The shooter was taken to the hospital with life-threatening injuries, but no other casualties have been reported.

Was it on his hip? I doubt it. Here is the whole story to date. And it's still under investigation.

Gunman Stopped by Bystander at Local Park
Saturday, August 04, 2018

A man involved in a fistfight with another person at a crowded park, left, and returned several minutes’ later with a gun and opened fire. The gunman was then shot by a bystander, who was lawfully licensed to carry a firearm.

Reports of the shooting started coming in at 5:20 PM on Saturday, August 4th 2018, at Isaac Campbell Park, located at 701 South Street.

The initial shooter was airlifted to a local hospital with life threatening injuries. His gun was recovered from the scene.

The bystander who shot the suspect waited for officers and has been fully cooperative with the investigation.

There were no other reported injuries.

“We are extremely grateful that nobody else was injured in this incident” said Deputy Chief Todd Hutchinson. “This suspect opened fire at a crowded public park, this could have been so much worse”.

This case remains an active investigation by the Titusville Police Department. Detectives have consulted with the State Attorney’s office and no charges are expected against the bystander as his actions were within the law based on the preliminary investigation.

Anyone with information is encouraged to call the Titusville Police Department at (321) 264-7800 or can remain anonymous and may be eligible for a reward by calling CRIMELINE at 1-800-423-TIPS.

Now for the Florida Open Carry Law. If he was carrying it on his hip, he is going to jail. Since he had a legal firearm, he was a CCW and it wasn't visible until he pulled it.

In Florida, you can legally open carry a loaded firearm while engaged in, or going to and from, Fishing, Hunting, and Camping. With some planning and preparation, a law abiding person can open carry a firearm in public and stay in compliance with the law. But you must have a license even them to carry it.

Sounds to me that both weapons were legal. How the one was used is in question. Yes, we need more guns, don't we. Looks to me that your "Righteous Shooting" was the fact that there are just too many guns and one person decided to use his "Legal" gun to settle an argument. Maybe we should make sure all drunks are armed when they leave the Bars at 2 am as well.
Come on, what you are really upset over is that the wrong person got killed and there weren't a lot of kids murdered.

Nope. Not at all. But I see where were two legal guns involved. One was used illegally and one was used legally. I wondered how long before something like this would have come up. And it wasn't the kids that were the targets. It was the guy that was involved in the fistfight. The kids were just there. You can read anything into this you want but here it is in the nutshell.

Person A and Person B get into a fist fight. Person A disengages and goes back to his car and retrieves his perfectly legal gun (which now becomes an illegal firearm). Person A comes back to shoot Person B and Misses. Person C shoots Person A using his CCW firearm. And that is the whole thing. Everything else would have been considered collateral damage had any other people been wounded but they weren't. You can read into it but it's pretty damned simple. Sounds to me like it's YOU that want to hear about children being shot to prove your point. Well, the point is, your point of , We need more Guns, gets lost on this one.

Again....twit...where in the article does it say that the attacker had a legal gun? If he is willing to shoot into a crowd on the off chance he will actually hit his target, that reveals someone prone to violence and likely with a long history of crime and violence.

You are the one reading into it. You assume that the guy who shot up the place was normal and just lost it. That is not how this works. 90% of those who commit murder have long histories of crime and violence, they do not just snap one day for the hell of it.
A thug returned to a back to school event with a gun and started shooting....and was stopped by a legal gun owner who had a legal permit to carry a gun...saving who knows how many lives in the process.....

Notice to anti gunners....

--the police did not shoot the good guy

--the good guy did not shoot the police

--The law abiding gun owner saved lives because he had a gun on his hip....

Shooter Targets Back To School Event — Runs Into A Good Guy With A Gun

“Peace in the City,” the event which was held in Titusville, Fla., was billed as a “day of fun” with “no violence” — but that didn’t stop a man (as yet unidentified by authorities) from returning to the location after a fistfight and opening fire.

A bystander with a legal license to carry a firearm quickly engaged the shooter, preventing what could certainly have been disastrous. The shooter was taken to the hospital with life-threatening injuries, but no other casualties have been reported.

Was it on his hip? I doubt it. Here is the whole story to date. And it's still under investigation.

Gunman Stopped by Bystander at Local Park
Saturday, August 04, 2018

A man involved in a fistfight with another person at a crowded park, left, and returned several minutes’ later with a gun and opened fire. The gunman was then shot by a bystander, who was lawfully licensed to carry a firearm.

Reports of the shooting started coming in at 5:20 PM on Saturday, August 4th 2018, at Isaac Campbell Park, located at 701 South Street.

The initial shooter was airlifted to a local hospital with life threatening injuries. His gun was recovered from the scene.

The bystander who shot the suspect waited for officers and has been fully cooperative with the investigation.

There were no other reported injuries.

“We are extremely grateful that nobody else was injured in this incident” said Deputy Chief Todd Hutchinson. “This suspect opened fire at a crowded public park, this could have been so much worse”.

This case remains an active investigation by the Titusville Police Department. Detectives have consulted with the State Attorney’s office and no charges are expected against the bystander as his actions were within the law based on the preliminary investigation.

Anyone with information is encouraged to call the Titusville Police Department at (321) 264-7800 or can remain anonymous and may be eligible for a reward by calling CRIMELINE at 1-800-423-TIPS.

Now for the Florida Open Carry Law. If he was carrying it on his hip, he is going to jail. Since he had a legal firearm, he was a CCW and it wasn't visible until he pulled it.

In Florida, you can legally open carry a loaded firearm while engaged in, or going to and from, Fishing, Hunting, and Camping. With some planning and preparation, a law abiding person can open carry a firearm in public and stay in compliance with the law. But you must have a license even them to carry it.

Sounds to me that both weapons were legal. How the one was used is in question. Yes, we need more guns, don't we. Looks to me that your "Righteous Shooting" was the fact that there are just too many guns and one person decided to use his "Legal" gun to settle an argument. Maybe we should make sure all drunks are armed when they leave the Bars at 2 am as well.

Now for the Florida Open Carry Law. If he was carrying it on his hip, he is going to jail. Since he had a legal firearm, he was a CCW and it wasn't visible until he pulled it.

Are you really this stupid.... with each post you show you don't know what you are talking about....

If the good guy had a gun on his hip, was concealed...... on his hip...... ....are you that dense? And since the cops said it was legal... doofus.. ......that means it was legal however he carried it.......

Sounds to me that both weapons were legal.

And where does it say the actual shooter had his gun legally, you doofus? Considering he came back and fired at people in a back to school event, odds are he was a gang member with an illegal gun, you doofus..... but.... we will find out.

It was Concealed. It didn't say it was on his hip. Mine is on the Shoulder. Some are behind the back. While others carry it inside the belt in a holster. Rarely does anyone carry a hip mounted CCW because the bulge gets in the way and everyone including their mother knows you are carrying it, it defeats the purpose. Once again, you are just making shit up.

Newsflash: stupid, In Florida, you don't need a CCW to carry your handgun in the truck of your car. Nor do you need a license to have a handgun in your home. Sounds to me like that would account why the culprit would have to leave and then come back with the gun. Let me know when you think you deserve to have your ass back. I see it still isn't held on by velcro. That's gotta smart.

And he came back to shoot one person and one person only, the guy he was in the fist fight with. He wasn't there to shoot a bunch of kids. Otherwise, he would have done just that. It was a target rich environment if that were the case.

Odds are, you are an idiot and we don't have to wait to find out about that. We already know. Here's your ass back.

You obviously do not know what you are talking about. You don't understand concealed carry, how it works and really, anything about it.

If he was a criminal, he wouldn't be carrying it, normally they let the baby momma carry it in her purse.
It is a conclusion I came to only recently.
Armed good guys are better than armed bad guys.

Then your conclusion would be false. What you see are slackers. If it were an armed hardened criminal, the Armed Good Guy wouldn't stand a chance. You only notice the armed Fruitcakes and disregard the hardened criminal that does most of the killing. When you run up against one of those people your best choice of action is to cooperate and give them what they want and don't even mention you have a gun. Just let them have your wallet and credit cards. That's all they want in the first place. Is your life worth a couple of hundred bucks? Yah, I know, in your mind, you are all Dirty Harrys but that's just a movie. Hell, if they notice you have a Gun, cheerfully give them the gun and offer to reload all the mags for them. And offer them your car keys. Do whatever it takes. A REAL BAD GUY won't need much of a reason but there is an even chance he'll let you live so he can rob you again later on. To him, it's a business. To the Fduitcake, I am not quite sure what it is. So don't go selling the real bad guy so short. Your life may be worth more than that.

You keep making things up......

Americans use their guns 2.4 million times a year for self defense, according to the CDC.

The Department of Justice puts that number at 1.5 million times a year.

Those are not Navy SEALs, those are regular Americans facing hardened career criminals......and they save lives with their legal guns.

Bad guys are not looking for a gun fight, they are looking to get what they want...and as soon as they are confronted the majority of them run away or surrender.... you don't know what you are talking about.

According to the FBI only 230 times a year is a criminal stupid enough to press their attack against an armed citizen.... they are the dead ones. The rest run away, or surrender.
A thug returned to a back to school event with a gun and started shooting....and was stopped by a legal gun owner who had a legal permit to carry a gun...saving who knows how many lives in the process.....

Notice to anti gunners....

--the police did not shoot the good guy

--the good guy did not shoot the police

--The law abiding gun owner saved lives because he had a gun on his hip....

Shooter Targets Back To School Event — Runs Into A Good Guy With A Gun

“Peace in the City,” the event which was held in Titusville, Fla., was billed as a “day of fun” with “no violence” — but that didn’t stop a man (as yet unidentified by authorities) from returning to the location after a fistfight and opening fire.

A bystander with a legal license to carry a firearm quickly engaged the shooter, preventing what could certainly have been disastrous. The shooter was taken to the hospital with life-threatening injuries, but no other casualties have been reported.

Was it on his hip? I doubt it. Here is the whole story to date. And it's still under investigation.

Gunman Stopped by Bystander at Local Park
Saturday, August 04, 2018

A man involved in a fistfight with another person at a crowded park, left, and returned several minutes’ later with a gun and opened fire. The gunman was then shot by a bystander, who was lawfully licensed to carry a firearm.

Reports of the shooting started coming in at 5:20 PM on Saturday, August 4th 2018, at Isaac Campbell Park, located at 701 South Street.

The initial shooter was airlifted to a local hospital with life threatening injuries. His gun was recovered from the scene.

The bystander who shot the suspect waited for officers and has been fully cooperative with the investigation.

There were no other reported injuries.

“We are extremely grateful that nobody else was injured in this incident” said Deputy Chief Todd Hutchinson. “This suspect opened fire at a crowded public park, this could have been so much worse”.

This case remains an active investigation by the Titusville Police Department. Detectives have consulted with the State Attorney’s office and no charges are expected against the bystander as his actions were within the law based on the preliminary investigation.

Anyone with information is encouraged to call the Titusville Police Department at (321) 264-7800 or can remain anonymous and may be eligible for a reward by calling CRIMELINE at 1-800-423-TIPS.

Now for the Florida Open Carry Law. If he was carrying it on his hip, he is going to jail. Since he had a legal firearm, he was a CCW and it wasn't visible until he pulled it.

In Florida, you can legally open carry a loaded firearm while engaged in, or going to and from, Fishing, Hunting, and Camping. With some planning and preparation, a law abiding person can open carry a firearm in public and stay in compliance with the law. But you must have a license even them to carry it.

Sounds to me that both weapons were legal. How the one was used is in question. Yes, we need more guns, don't we. Looks to me that your "Righteous Shooting" was the fact that there are just too many guns and one person decided to use his "Legal" gun to settle an argument. Maybe we should make sure all drunks are armed when they leave the Bars at 2 am as well.
Come on, what you are really upset over is that the wrong person got killed and there weren't a lot of kids murdered.

Nope. Not at all. But I see where were two legal guns involved. One was used illegally and one was used legally. I wondered how long before something like this would have come up. And it wasn't the kids that were the targets. It was the guy that was involved in the fistfight. The kids were just there. You can read anything into this you want but here it is in the nutshell.

Person A and Person B get into a fist fight. Person A disengages and goes back to his car and retrieves his perfectly legal gun (which now becomes an illegal firearm). Person A comes back to shoot Person B and Misses. Person C shoots Person A using his CCW firearm. And that is the whole thing. Everything else would have been considered collateral damage had any other people been wounded but they weren't. You can read into it but it's pretty damned simple. Sounds to me like it's YOU that want to hear about children being shot to prove your point. Well, the point is, your point of , We need more Guns, gets lost on this one.
What happened is that a bad guy with a gun showed up at the school and a good guy stopped him and you CANT STAND IT!

Since it's illegal to have a gun while you are in a Bar serving booze, I plan on setting up a commercial booth so the sober people going into the bars can check their guns before entering the bar for a fee. When they leave the bar, for another free, they can get their firearms and head on down the sidewalks, get in their cars, crawl down the gutters. Hey, the 2nd amendment protects them. What could go wrong?:cul2:

You don't even understand this.
What happened is that a bad guy with a gun showed up at the school and a good guy stopped him and you CANT STAND IT!

I just gave the whole story as it is currently known. Without all the BS and tears involved. Nothing was read in, no BS added. If you are going to tell the story, tell the whole story. In the end, it ends up reading that there were just too damned many guns and a lot of people got off lucky. It's a poor example of "More Guns".
They were lucky. Lucky the good guy with the gun was there. You know the guy you want arrested.

So now I wanted him arrested. Just keep making shit up. And get your ass put on with Velcro. It's going to be less painful.
You want the hero arrested, figures. Liberal freedom haters can not STAND it when the law abiding win.

So I want the Hero arrested now. Keep making shit up. Feel your ass being rupped off once again. Man, that must be painful.
Yes, you do. That's what you said. People like you are why we have so much crime.
Then your conclusion would be false. What you see are slackers. If it were an armed hardened criminal, the Armed Good Guy wouldn't stand a chance. You only notice the armed Fruitcakes and disregard the hardened criminal that does most of the killing. When you run up against one of those people your best choice of action is to cooperate and give them what they want and don't even mention you have a gun. Just let them have your wallet and credit cards. That's all they want in the first place. Is your life worth a couple of hundred bucks? Yah, I know, in your mind, you are all Dirty Harrys but that's just a movie. Hell, if they notice you have a Gun, cheerfully give them the gun and offer to reload all the mags for them. And offer them your car keys. Do whatever it takes. A REAL BAD GUY won't need much of a reason but there is an even chance he'll let you live so he can rob you again later on. To him, it's a business. To the Fduitcake, I am not quite sure what it is. So don't go selling the real bad guy so short. Your life may be worth more than that.

On internet forums it is difficult to gauge the tone of a poster.

In the future it would be helpful for you to use a signifier to denote the times you are speaking directly out of your ass.

Thanks in advance.
The story from a local source....

Police: Armed bystander takes down gunman at Titusville back to school event

An armed bystander shot a man who open-fired on a back to school event at a Titusville park following a fistfight, police said.

The shooting occurred at Isaac Campbell Park on South Street shortly after 5:20 p.m. when the shooter, whom police have not identified, returned to the park after a fistfight and began firing.

A bystander licensed to a carry a firearm then shot the shooter, who was flown to a nearby hospital with life-threatening injuries, police said.

Back on track...not only is this CCW a hero...stories like these serve as a deterrent.
It is a conclusion I came to only recently.
Armed good guys are better than armed bad guys.

Then your conclusion would be false. What you see are slackers. If it were an armed hardened criminal, the Armed Good Guy wouldn't stand a chance. You only notice the armed Fruitcakes and disregard the hardened criminal that does most of the killing. When you run up against one of those people your best choice of action is to cooperate and give them what they want and don't even mention you have a gun. Just let them have your wallet and credit cards. That's all they want in the first place. Is your life worth a couple of hundred bucks? Yah, I know, in your mind, you are all Dirty Harrys but that's just a movie. Hell, if they notice you have a Gun, cheerfully give them the gun and offer to reload all the mags for them. And offer them your car keys. Do whatever it takes. A REAL BAD GUY won't need much of a reason but there is an even chance he'll let you live so he can rob you again later on. To him, it's a business. To the Fduitcake, I am not quite sure what it is. So don't go selling the real bad guy so short. Your life may be worth more than that.

That is perhaps, the most asinine series of assumptions I’ve ever read. That is some accomplishment, since I’ve been doing online discussions for a couple decades now. You should be proud.

Go along, cooperate, and things will work out for the best. The pilots, and passengers on 9-11 believed that too. And it didn’t work out one damned bit. Cooperate, try to placate the bad guy, how did that work out at the Pulse Nightclub? Let the experts deal with it. The experts are bigger jackasses than you are, which is saying something. The Police in California fired 600 rounds at three bank robbers holding a hostage and killed the hostage, and two of the bank robbers. How they managed not to kill all three bank robbers can only be guessed at, but poor marksmanship is probably the top of the list.

Situation after situation, waiting for the experts, placating the baddie, appeasement, has not worked. A school in Kentucky got derided because their plan in case of an active shooter scenario was to throw rocks, which is a terrible idea. But it is better than your suggestion.

Explain this to me. How is it that the hardened criminal is some sort of quick draw McGraw and never misses but the armed citizens are bumbling idiots who couldn’t hit the target if its was stationary in front of them a mere two feet away? In your world view, it is apparently this way.

Being good with any tool, and a Gun is a tool, takes time, and practice, not just willingness to fire. Anyone can be willing to swing the hammer, but they aren’t going to be good at it until they’ve had a lot of practice. That takes time, and thinking about how and when you are going to shoot.

I’ve been at the range when cops were practicing their drills. Three yards, their target was at three yards. I regularly run my bullseye target all the way down to fifty yards. I won’t lie and say I hit the bullseye every time, or even that all my shots are on the target, but I hit it a hell of a lot.

Now, there are some rules you should follow. One of them is don’t draw on a drawn gun. In other words if he has his out, you are almost right, you can’t get yours out and shoot before he pulls the trigger. But that doesn’t mean that in every situation the presence of a gun is a game ending scenario. This is where the most important weapon mankind has comes into play. The mind. The trained mind is the most dangerous thing on this earth. The trained mind thinks, and decides the best course of action, if it has any knowledge at all. Of course, your best course of action appears to be smile as you are being robbed or beaten.

Mine depends on a million things. Location, presence of innocent bystanders, availability of cover. The number of baddies, the apparent comfort level with the gun, distance between us. I could go on, but all of these factors come into play. It isn’t a simple yes no question. You have options, and a gun is nothing more than another option. Do you pull it, or do you wait? Do you pull it and start a shootout where any innocent bystanders could be hurt? There are a lot of things to consider, and you need to think about them before, and especially during if you want to survive and stop the attack.

Now this is what I am talking about. The CCW holder waited, and waited until he had position, and the ability to fire with nobody behind the bad guy to be hit by a stray bullet.

It wasn’t a quick draw situation where he pulled on a drawn gun, he waited until he had the advantage.

You pull when you know it’s time. When you have the advantage against the experienced criminal.

It isn’t holly wood. There are no master assassins in real life. Even the CIA is a bunch of incompetent jackasses who could barely find their way across the street. How do I know this? Because the CIA needed thirteen people to kidnap one Muslim from Italy who was suspected of harboring less than hostile feelings towards terrorists. Thirteen to get one. It was so incompetent that the Italians later charged them all by name with Kidnapping, and convicted them in absentia. The Hollywood experts who can perform a snatch and grab are fiction.

The Mafia doesn’t have expert assassins who work for millions. They have wannabe gangsters who want to make their bones and become made.
A thug returned to a back to school event with a gun and started shooting....and was stopped by a legal gun owner who had a legal permit to carry a gun...saving who knows how many lives in the process.....

Notice to anti gunners....

--the police did not shoot the good guy

--the good guy did not shoot the police

--The law abiding gun owner saved lives because he had a gun on his hip....

Shooter Targets Back To School Event — Runs Into A Good Guy With A Gun

“Peace in the City,” the event which was held in Titusville, Fla., was billed as a “day of fun” with “no violence” — but that didn’t stop a man (as yet unidentified by authorities) from returning to the location after a fistfight and opening fire.

A bystander with a legal license to carry a firearm quickly engaged the shooter, preventing what could certainly have been disastrous. The shooter was taken to the hospital with life-threatening injuries, but no other casualties have been reported.

Was it on his hip? I doubt it. Here is the whole story to date. And it's still under investigation.

Gunman Stopped by Bystander at Local Park
Saturday, August 04, 2018

A man involved in a fistfight with another person at a crowded park, left, and returned several minutes’ later with a gun and opened fire. The gunman was then shot by a bystander, who was lawfully licensed to carry a firearm.

Reports of the shooting started coming in at 5:20 PM on Saturday, August 4th 2018, at Isaac Campbell Park, located at 701 South Street.

The initial shooter was airlifted to a local hospital with life threatening injuries. His gun was recovered from the scene.

The bystander who shot the suspect waited for officers and has been fully cooperative with the investigation.

There were no other reported injuries.

“We are extremely grateful that nobody else was injured in this incident” said Deputy Chief Todd Hutchinson. “This suspect opened fire at a crowded public park, this could have been so much worse”.

This case remains an active investigation by the Titusville Police Department. Detectives have consulted with the State Attorney’s office and no charges are expected against the bystander as his actions were within the law based on the preliminary investigation.

Anyone with information is encouraged to call the Titusville Police Department at (321) 264-7800 or can remain anonymous and may be eligible for a reward by calling CRIMELINE at 1-800-423-TIPS.

Now for the Florida Open Carry Law. If he was carrying it on his hip, he is going to jail. Since he had a legal firearm, he was a CCW and it wasn't visible until he pulled it.

In Florida, you can legally open carry a loaded firearm while engaged in, or going to and from, Fishing, Hunting, and Camping. With some planning and preparation, a law abiding person can open carry a firearm in public and stay in compliance with the law. But you must have a license even them to carry it.

Sounds to me that both weapons were legal. How the one was used is in question. Yes, we need more guns, don't we. Looks to me that your "Righteous Shooting" was the fact that there are just too many guns and one person decided to use his "Legal" gun to settle an argument. Maybe we should make sure all drunks are armed when they leave the Bars at 2 am as well.

Your first name should be Mike. Mike Hunt.
We had a guy like that in high school. Teachers always called him Mr. Hunt. never could figure that out.
A thug returned to a back to school event with a gun and started shooting....and was stopped by a legal gun owner who had a legal permit to carry a gun...saving who knows how many lives in the process.....

Notice to anti gunners....

--the police did not shoot the good guy

--the good guy did not shoot the police

--The law abiding gun owner saved lives because he had a gun on his hip....

Shooter Targets Back To School Event — Runs Into A Good Guy With A Gun

“Peace in the City,” the event which was held in Titusville, Fla., was billed as a “day of fun” with “no violence” — but that didn’t stop a man (as yet unidentified by authorities) from returning to the location after a fistfight and opening fire.

A bystander with a legal license to carry a firearm quickly engaged the shooter, preventing what could certainly have been disastrous. The shooter was taken to the hospital with life-threatening injuries, but no other casualties have been reported.

Was it on his hip? I doubt it. Here is the whole story to date. And it's still under investigation.

Gunman Stopped by Bystander at Local Park
Saturday, August 04, 2018

A man involved in a fistfight with another person at a crowded park, left, and returned several minutes’ later with a gun and opened fire. The gunman was then shot by a bystander, who was lawfully licensed to carry a firearm.

Reports of the shooting started coming in at 5:20 PM on Saturday, August 4th 2018, at Isaac Campbell Park, located at 701 South Street.

The initial shooter was airlifted to a local hospital with life threatening injuries. His gun was recovered from the scene.

The bystander who shot the suspect waited for officers and has been fully cooperative with the investigation.

There were no other reported injuries.

“We are extremely grateful that nobody else was injured in this incident” said Deputy Chief Todd Hutchinson. “This suspect opened fire at a crowded public park, this could have been so much worse”.

This case remains an active investigation by the Titusville Police Department. Detectives have consulted with the State Attorney’s office and no charges are expected against the bystander as his actions were within the law based on the preliminary investigation.

Anyone with information is encouraged to call the Titusville Police Department at (321) 264-7800 or can remain anonymous and may be eligible for a reward by calling CRIMELINE at 1-800-423-TIPS.

Now for the Florida Open Carry Law. If he was carrying it on his hip, he is going to jail. Since he had a legal firearm, he was a CCW and it wasn't visible until he pulled it.

In Florida, you can legally open carry a loaded firearm while engaged in, or going to and from, Fishing, Hunting, and Camping. With some planning and preparation, a law abiding person can open carry a firearm in public and stay in compliance with the law. But you must have a license even them to carry it.

Sounds to me that both weapons were legal. How the one was used is in question. Yes, we need more guns, don't we. Looks to me that your "Righteous Shooting" was the fact that there are just too many guns and one person decided to use his "Legal" gun to settle an argument. Maybe we should make sure all drunks are armed when they leave the Bars at 2 am as well.
Come on, what you are really upset over is that the wrong person got killed and there weren't a lot of kids murdered.

Nope. Not at all. But I see where were two legal guns involved. One was used illegally and one was used legally. I wondered how long before something like this would have come up. And it wasn't the kids that were the targets. It was the guy that was involved in the fistfight. The kids were just there. You can read anything into this you want but here it is in the nutshell.

Person A and Person B get into a fist fight. Person A disengages and goes back to his car and retrieves his perfectly legal gun (which now becomes an illegal firearm). Person A comes back to shoot Person B and Misses. Person C shoots Person A using his CCW firearm. And that is the whole thing. Everything else would have been considered collateral damage had any other people been wounded but they weren't. You can read into it but it's pretty damned simple. Sounds to me like it's YOU that want to hear about children being shot to prove your point. Well, the point is, your point of , We need more Guns, gets lost on this one.

Again....twit...where in the article does it say that the attacker had a legal gun? If he is willing to shoot into a crowd on the off chance he will actually hit his target, that reveals someone prone to violence and likely with a long history of crime and violence.

You are the one reading into it. You assume that the guy who shot up the place was normal and just lost it. That is not how this works. 90% of those who commit murder have long histories of crime and violence, they do not just snap one day for the hell of it.

HE was after on person and didn't just willy nilly shoot into a crowd otherwise, others would have been at least wounded. He was going for a very specific target. I am not reading a thing into it. It's your lying ass that keeps doing that. So stop making shit up.
It is a conclusion I came to only recently.
Armed good guys are better than armed bad guys.

Then your conclusion would be false. What you see are slackers. If it were an armed hardened criminal, the Armed Good Guy wouldn't stand a chance. You only notice the armed Fruitcakes and disregard the hardened criminal that does most of the killing. When you run up against one of those people your best choice of action is to cooperate and give them what they want and don't even mention you have a gun. Just let them have your wallet and credit cards. That's all they want in the first place. Is your life worth a couple of hundred bucks? Yah, I know, in your mind, you are all Dirty Harrys but that's just a movie. Hell, if they notice you have a Gun, cheerfully give them the gun and offer to reload all the mags for them. And offer them your car keys. Do whatever it takes. A REAL BAD GUY won't need much of a reason but there is an even chance he'll let you live so he can rob you again later on. To him, it's a business. To the Fduitcake, I am not quite sure what it is. So don't go selling the real bad guy so short. Your life may be worth more than that.

That is perhaps, the most asinine series of assumptions I’ve ever read. That is some accomplishment, since I’ve been doing online discussions for a couple decades now. You should be proud.

Go along, cooperate, and things will work out for the best. The pilots, and passengers on 9-11 believed that too. And it didn’t work out one damned bit. Cooperate, try to placate the bad guy, how did that work out at the Pulse Nightclub? Let the experts deal with it. The experts are bigger jackasses than you are, which is saying something. The Police in California fired 600 rounds at three bank robbers holding a hostage and killed the hostage, and two of the bank robbers. How they managed not to kill all three bank robbers can only be guessed at, but poor marksmanship is probably the top of the list.

Situation after situation, waiting for the experts, placating the baddie, appeasement, has not worked. A school in Kentucky got derided because their plan in case of an active shooter scenario was to throw rocks, which is a terrible idea. But it is better than your suggestion.

Explain this to me. How is it that the hardened criminal is some sort of quick draw McGraw and never misses but the armed citizens are bumbling idiots who couldn’t hit the target if its was stationary in front of them a mere two feet away? In your world view, it is apparently this way.

Being good with any tool, and a Gun is a tool, takes time, and practice, not just willingness to fire. Anyone can be willing to swing the hammer, but they aren’t going to be good at it until they’ve had a lot of practice. That takes time, and thinking about how and when you are going to shoot.

I’ve been at the range when cops were practicing their drills. Three yards, their target was at three yards. I regularly run my bullseye target all the way down to fifty yards. I won’t lie and say I hit the bullseye every time, or even that all my shots are on the target, but I hit it a hell of a lot.

Now, there are some rules you should follow. One of them is don’t draw on a drawn gun. In other words if he has his out, you are almost right, you can’t get yours out and shoot before he pulls the trigger. But that doesn’t mean that in every situation the presence of a gun is a game ending scenario. This is where the most important weapon mankind has comes into play. The mind. The trained mind is the most dangerous thing on this earth. The trained mind thinks, and decides the best course of action, if it has any knowledge at all. Of course, your best course of action appears to be smile as you are being robbed or beaten.

Mine depends on a million things. Location, presence of innocent bystanders, availability of cover. The number of baddies, the apparent comfort level with the gun, distance between us. I could go on, but all of these factors come into play. It isn’t a simple yes no question. You have options, and a gun is nothing more than another option. Do you pull it, or do you wait? Do you pull it and start a shootout where any innocent bystanders could be hurt? There are a lot of things to consider, and you need to think about them before, and especially during if you want to survive and stop the attack.

Now this is what I am talking about. The CCW holder waited, and waited until he had position, and the ability to fire with nobody behind the bad guy to be hit by a stray bullet.

It wasn’t a quick draw situation where he pulled on a drawn gun, he waited until he had the advantage.

You pull when you know it’s time. When you have the advantage against the experienced criminal.

It isn’t holly wood. There are no master assassins in real life. Even the CIA is a bunch of incompetent jackasses who could barely find their way across the street. How do I know this? Because the CIA needed thirteen people to kidnap one Muslim from Italy who was suspected of harboring less than hostile feelings towards terrorists. Thirteen to get one. It was so incompetent that the Italians later charged them all by name with Kidnapping, and convicted them in absentia. The Hollywood experts who can perform a snatch and grab are fiction.

The Mafia doesn’t have expert assassins who work for millions. They have wannabe gangsters who want to make their bones and become made.

Your movie will be made. In fact it already has been made. But that's all it is, a movie. The Old LA Police Chief was asked what was the best home defense weapon, was it a gun? He said no. He said the armed intruder is better qualified with his weapon than you probably are. There is a greater chance of him taking it from you and using it on you. The best home defense is a dog with a very large bark and a mean growl. Intruders bypass those houses.

You may be Gods Gift to this debating area but you ain't no hero.
Then your conclusion would be false. What you see are slackers. If it were an armed hardened criminal, the Armed Good Guy wouldn't stand a chance. You only notice the armed Fruitcakes and disregard the hardened criminal that does most of the killing. When you run up against one of those people your best choice of action is to cooperate and give them what they want and don't even mention you have a gun. Just let them have your wallet and credit cards. That's all they want in the first place. Is your life worth a couple of hundred bucks? Yah, I know, in your mind, you are all Dirty Harrys but that's just a movie. Hell, if they notice you have a Gun, cheerfully give them the gun and offer to reload all the mags for them. And offer them your car keys. Do whatever it takes. A REAL BAD GUY won't need much of a reason but there is an even chance he'll let you live so he can rob you again later on. To him, it's a business. To the Fduitcake, I am not quite sure what it is. So don't go selling the real bad guy so short. Your life may be worth more than that.

On internet forums it is difficult to gauge the tone of a poster.

In the future it would be helpful for you to use a signifier to denote the times you are speaking directly out of your ass.

Thanks in advance.

Wow, we have quite a few wannabe dirty harrys around here, don't we. Wow, I am so impressed.
It is a conclusion I came to only recently.
Armed good guys are better than armed bad guys.

Then your conclusion would be false. What you see are slackers. If it were an armed hardened criminal, the Armed Good Guy wouldn't stand a chance. You only notice the armed Fruitcakes and disregard the hardened criminal that does most of the killing. When you run up against one of those people your best choice of action is to cooperate and give them what they want and don't even mention you have a gun. Just let them have your wallet and credit cards. That's all they want in the first place. Is your life worth a couple of hundred bucks? Yah, I know, in your mind, you are all Dirty Harrys but that's just a movie. Hell, if they notice you have a Gun, cheerfully give them the gun and offer to reload all the mags for them. And offer them your car keys. Do whatever it takes. A REAL BAD GUY won't need much of a reason but there is an even chance he'll let you live so he can rob you again later on. To him, it's a business. To the Fduitcake, I am not quite sure what it is. So don't go selling the real bad guy so short. Your life may be worth more than that.
I don’t feel sorry for dead criminals... And living life scared like you do does not suit most Americans
It is a conclusion I came to only recently.
Armed good guys are better than armed bad guys.

Then your conclusion would be false. What you see are slackers. If it were an armed hardened criminal, the Armed Good Guy wouldn't stand a chance. You only notice the armed Fruitcakes and disregard the hardened criminal that does most of the killing. When you run up against one of those people your best choice of action is to cooperate and give them what they want and don't even mention you have a gun. Just let them have your wallet and credit cards. That's all they want in the first place. Is your life worth a couple of hundred bucks? Yah, I know, in your mind, you are all Dirty Harrys but that's just a movie. Hell, if they notice you have a Gun, cheerfully give them the gun and offer to reload all the mags for them. And offer them your car keys. Do whatever it takes. A REAL BAD GUY won't need much of a reason but there is an even chance he'll let you live so he can rob you again later on. To him, it's a business. To the Fduitcake, I am not quite sure what it is. So don't go selling the real bad guy so short. Your life may be worth more than that.

That is perhaps, the most asinine series of assumptions I’ve ever read. That is some accomplishment, since I’ve been doing online discussions for a couple decades now. You should be proud.

Go along, cooperate, and things will work out for the best. The pilots, and passengers on 9-11 believed that too. And it didn’t work out one damned bit. Cooperate, try to placate the bad guy, how did that work out at the Pulse Nightclub? Let the experts deal with it. The experts are bigger jackasses than you are, which is saying something. The Police in California fired 600 rounds at three bank robbers holding a hostage and killed the hostage, and two of the bank robbers. How they managed not to kill all three bank robbers can only be guessed at, but poor marksmanship is probably the top of the list.

Situation after situation, waiting for the experts, placating the baddie, appeasement, has not worked. A school in Kentucky got derided because their plan in case of an active shooter scenario was to throw rocks, which is a terrible idea. But it is better than your suggestion.

Explain this to me. How is it that the hardened criminal is some sort of quick draw McGraw and never misses but the armed citizens are bumbling idiots who couldn’t hit the target if its was stationary in front of them a mere two feet away? In your world view, it is apparently this way.

Being good with any tool, and a Gun is a tool, takes time, and practice, not just willingness to fire. Anyone can be willing to swing the hammer, but they aren’t going to be good at it until they’ve had a lot of practice. That takes time, and thinking about how and when you are going to shoot.

I’ve been at the range when cops were practicing their drills. Three yards, their target was at three yards. I regularly run my bullseye target all the way down to fifty yards. I won’t lie and say I hit the bullseye every time, or even that all my shots are on the target, but I hit it a hell of a lot.

Now, there are some rules you should follow. One of them is don’t draw on a drawn gun. In other words if he has his out, you are almost right, you can’t get yours out and shoot before he pulls the trigger. But that doesn’t mean that in every situation the presence of a gun is a game ending scenario. This is where the most important weapon mankind has comes into play. The mind. The trained mind is the most dangerous thing on this earth. The trained mind thinks, and decides the best course of action, if it has any knowledge at all. Of course, your best course of action appears to be smile as you are being robbed or beaten.

Mine depends on a million things. Location, presence of innocent bystanders, availability of cover. The number of baddies, the apparent comfort level with the gun, distance between us. I could go on, but all of these factors come into play. It isn’t a simple yes no question. You have options, and a gun is nothing more than another option. Do you pull it, or do you wait? Do you pull it and start a shootout where any innocent bystanders could be hurt? There are a lot of things to consider, and you need to think about them before, and especially during if you want to survive and stop the attack.

Now this is what I am talking about. The CCW holder waited, and waited until he had position, and the ability to fire with nobody behind the bad guy to be hit by a stray bullet.

It wasn’t a quick draw situation where he pulled on a drawn gun, he waited until he had the advantage.

You pull when you know it’s time. When you have the advantage against the experienced criminal.

It isn’t holly wood. There are no master assassins in real life. Even the CIA is a bunch of incompetent jackasses who could barely find their way across the street. How do I know this? Because the CIA needed thirteen people to kidnap one Muslim from Italy who was suspected of harboring less than hostile feelings towards terrorists. Thirteen to get one. It was so incompetent that the Italians later charged them all by name with Kidnapping, and convicted them in absentia. The Hollywood experts who can perform a snatch and grab are fiction.

The Mafia doesn’t have expert assassins who work for millions. They have wannabe gangsters who want to make their bones and become made.

Well, said...
Daryl hunt being a politically correct progressive spineless shit bag who thinks appeasement is acceptable is your typical anti-gun nutter...
It is a conclusion I came to only recently.
Armed good guys are better than armed bad guys.

Then your conclusion would be false. What you see are slackers. If it were an armed hardened criminal, the Armed Good Guy wouldn't stand a chance. You only notice the armed Fruitcakes and disregard the hardened criminal that does most of the killing. When you run up against one of those people your best choice of action is to cooperate and give them what they want and don't even mention you have a gun. Just let them have your wallet and credit cards. That's all they want in the first place. Is your life worth a couple of hundred bucks? Yah, I know, in your mind, you are all Dirty Harrys but that's just a movie. Hell, if they notice you have a Gun, cheerfully give them the gun and offer to reload all the mags for them. And offer them your car keys. Do whatever it takes. A REAL BAD GUY won't need much of a reason but there is an even chance he'll let you live so he can rob you again later on. To him, it's a business. To the Fduitcake, I am not quite sure what it is. So don't go selling the real bad guy so short. Your life may be worth more than that.

That is perhaps, the most asinine series of assumptions I’ve ever read. That is some accomplishment, since I’ve been doing online discussions for a couple decades now. You should be proud.

Go along, cooperate, and things will work out for the best. The pilots, and passengers on 9-11 believed that too. And it didn’t work out one damned bit. Cooperate, try to placate the bad guy, how did that work out at the Pulse Nightclub? Let the experts deal with it. The experts are bigger jackasses than you are, which is saying something. The Police in California fired 600 rounds at three bank robbers holding a hostage and killed the hostage, and two of the bank robbers. How they managed not to kill all three bank robbers can only be guessed at, but poor marksmanship is probably the top of the list.

Situation after situation, waiting for the experts, placating the baddie, appeasement, has not worked. A school in Kentucky got derided because their plan in case of an active shooter scenario was to throw rocks, which is a terrible idea. But it is better than your suggestion.

Explain this to me. How is it that the hardened criminal is some sort of quick draw McGraw and never misses but the armed citizens are bumbling idiots who couldn’t hit the target if its was stationary in front of them a mere two feet away? In your world view, it is apparently this way.

Being good with any tool, and a Gun is a tool, takes time, and practice, not just willingness to fire. Anyone can be willing to swing the hammer, but they aren’t going to be good at it until they’ve had a lot of practice. That takes time, and thinking about how and when you are going to shoot.

I’ve been at the range when cops were practicing their drills. Three yards, their target was at three yards. I regularly run my bullseye target all the way down to fifty yards. I won’t lie and say I hit the bullseye every time, or even that all my shots are on the target, but I hit it a hell of a lot.

Now, there are some rules you should follow. One of them is don’t draw on a drawn gun. In other words if he has his out, you are almost right, you can’t get yours out and shoot before he pulls the trigger. But that doesn’t mean that in every situation the presence of a gun is a game ending scenario. This is where the most important weapon mankind has comes into play. The mind. The trained mind is the most dangerous thing on this earth. The trained mind thinks, and decides the best course of action, if it has any knowledge at all. Of course, your best course of action appears to be smile as you are being robbed or beaten.

Mine depends on a million things. Location, presence of innocent bystanders, availability of cover. The number of baddies, the apparent comfort level with the gun, distance between us. I could go on, but all of these factors come into play. It isn’t a simple yes no question. You have options, and a gun is nothing more than another option. Do you pull it, or do you wait? Do you pull it and start a shootout where any innocent bystanders could be hurt? There are a lot of things to consider, and you need to think about them before, and especially during if you want to survive and stop the attack.

Now this is what I am talking about. The CCW holder waited, and waited until he had position, and the ability to fire with nobody behind the bad guy to be hit by a stray bullet.

It wasn’t a quick draw situation where he pulled on a drawn gun, he waited until he had the advantage.

You pull when you know it’s time. When you have the advantage against the experienced criminal.

It isn’t holly wood. There are no master assassins in real life. Even the CIA is a bunch of incompetent jackasses who could barely find their way across the street. How do I know this? Because the CIA needed thirteen people to kidnap one Muslim from Italy who was suspected of harboring less than hostile feelings towards terrorists. Thirteen to get one. It was so incompetent that the Italians later charged them all by name with Kidnapping, and convicted them in absentia. The Hollywood experts who can perform a snatch and grab are fiction.

The Mafia doesn’t have expert assassins who work for millions. They have wannabe gangsters who want to make their bones and become made.

Your movie will be made. In fact it already has been made. But that's all it is, a movie. The Old LA Police Chief was asked what was the best home defense weapon, was it a gun? He said no. He said the armed intruder is better qualified with his weapon than you probably are. There is a greater chance of him taking it from you and using it on you. The best home defense is a dog with a very large bark and a mean growl. Intruders bypass those houses.

You may be Gods Gift to this debating area but you ain't no hero.

We have a pack of biting dogs. And guns. Both have been put to good use.

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