Shoes & A Camel


Sep 23, 2010
. . . Pope Francis is now the world’s prime global warming/climate change activist, in terms of Internet popularity, now bigger than Obama and Al Gore.​

Climates and Pontiffs change, Christ never does
By Judi McLeod
June 17, 2015

Climates and Pontiffs change Christ never does

Remember this one?:


The degenerate left-wing liars in the mainstream media, specifically ABC News here, predicted in 2008 that by 2015 New York City would be underwater.

MSM Predicted Global Warming Would Drown Manhattan This Year
by John Nolte13 Jun 2015

MSM Predicted Global Warming Would Drown Manhattan This Year - Breitbart

NYC is still above water, but never fear. The Pope keeps his Jesus shoes handy in case he has to walk on water, and a camel standing by in the event it goes the other way:


Climate-change skeptics reveal fudging of temperature data
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 06/14/2015 @ 5:40 pm

Climate-change skeptics reveal fudging of temperature data
I'm glad to see the Pope come out on this issue. He's a very reasonable fellow and the acceptance of science by the Catholic hierarchy, even when it contradicts what used to be dogma, is good to see. Fortunately, I don't think Jesus ever spoke about The Great Global Warming Swindle and the Bible tells us to care for Mother Earth in several spots. Unfortunately, it also tells us that God made the Earth for us to use. So, you get the good with the bad. Good to see Francis taking the proper side.
Okay. Laughably pathetic.
1) Telling the Pope what his job is or is not is not the job of Lou Dobbs or Andrew Napolitano or Jeb Bush or anyone else.
2) The papacy has a long and well-regarded history of caring for the physical (vice spiritual) well being of its congregation
3) Jesus was clearly not a fan of the wealthy mercantile set. That the Pope should have a critical word for unrestrained capitalism should surprise no one.

The hubris of these two is flabbergasting.

BTW, Lou Dobbs' claim that the Pope's timing was unfortunate as it coincided with news that we have been in a ten year cooling period - failing to note that this was only the surface record of the continental US - shows Lou Dobbs either ignorant or dishonest. No surprise.
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Okay. Laughably pathetic.
1) Telling the Pope what his job is or is not is not the job of Lou Dobbs or Andrew Napolitano or Jeb Bush or anyone else.
To Crick: You are the worst kind of American. Your kind of stupidity would hand America’s freedoms over to a theocracy no different than a Muslim theocracy. The fact that Napolitano was a New Jersey Superior Court Judge, his definition carries all the more weight. In short: Judge Napolitano is more than qualified to defend the most important 16 words in the Bill of Rights:

First Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; . . .​
2) The papacy has a long and well-regarded history of caring for the physical (vice spiritual) well being of its congregation
To Crick: Your sneaky attempt to link Catholic charities to vice spiritual is more than pathetic. Christian charity is not the private domain of the R.C.Ch., nor is charity the government’s business no matter how hard organized religion’s freaks like you try to make it. If you do not understand what is all about get some help with the First Amendment excerpt.

As far as vice spiritual goes, I do not want or need the morals of a Catholic priest.

3) Jesus was clearly not a fan of the wealthy mercantile set.
To Crick: Nor was he a fan of contemporary institutional morality or institutional charity.
That the Pope should have a critical word for unrestrained capitalism should surprise no one.
To Crick: The pope can say anything he wants to say, but only so long as his goddamned mouth does not influence this country’s internal affairs. Bottom line: Roman Catholic popes are nothing more than priests in fancy robes. Freedom-loving Americans should pay less attention to a hustling priest with a Messiah complex, and more attention to men who codified the freedoms you enjoy.

In every country and every age, the priest had been hostile to Liberty. Thomas Jefferson

History, I believe, furnishes no example of a priest-ridden people maintaining a free civil government. This marks the lowest grade of ignorance, of which their civil as well as religious leaders will always avail themselves for their own purposes. Thomas Jefferson --Letter to Alexander von Humboldt, December 6, 1813​
The hubris of these two is flabbergasting.
To Crick: The pope’s environmental claptrap is the height of unlimited hubris. If he was a parish priest his flock would not pay attention to him. Give clowns like him a balcony and there is no stopping him.
Pope Francis is a trained scientist with a degree in Chemistry. That he takes the same position as almost all the other scientists in the whole world is not a big surprise. He is also a follower of Christ, which means that he values honesty. So he states what he believes to be true, and does so with the authority of his training and office. And what he states is also what all the Scientific Societies, National Academies of Science, and major Universities state.
Mr. Flanders, it is unfortunate that someone taking the proper moral position distresses you this much.
To Old Rocks: I suspect that The Balcony is yours, and Crick’s, proper moral position. Everything is real to fools like you who believe everything people like popes and presidents tell you:

Anybody following this thread should closely listen to, and analyze, every word the panel says. The topic itself produced one of the best panel discussions I’ve ever heard —— bar none —— and that’s without invoking the First Amendment, or Thomas Jefferson’s separation of church and state.

The issue of man caused climate change is now a moral issue as well as a political issue. I suspect, as this year plays out with the extreme events and record heat from the ongoing El Nino, more denominational heads will point out the immorality of leaving a lessor world to our descendents.
The issue of man caused climate change is now a moral issue as well as a political issue. I suspect, as this year plays out with the extreme events and record heat from the ongoing El Nino, more denominational heads will point out the immorality of leaving a lessor world to our descendents.
just curious, what is an extreme event?
Okay. Laughably pathetic.
1) Telling the Pope what his job is or is not is not the job of Lou Dobbs or Andrew Napolitano or Jeb Bush or anyone else.

To Crick: You are the worst kind of American. Your kind of stupidity would hand America’s freedoms over to a theocracy no different than a Muslim theocracy. The fact that Napolitano was a New Jersey Superior Court Judge, his definition carries all the more weight. In short: Judge Napolitano is more than qualified to defend the most important 16 words in the Bill of Rights:

First Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; . . .
In case you were unaware, I am an atheist and have been for over 50 years. I give no power to the Pope and I take no rights from Dobbs and Napolitano. They can stand out here till the cows come home and tell the Pope to shut up (which doesn't seem to bother you at all). That same First Amendment will continue to give me the right to say they're full of shit. If YOU don't like it, go find your version of America, where only ONE side gets the free speech.

2) The papacy has a long and well-regarded history of caring for the physical (vice spiritual) well being of its congregation

To Crick: Your sneaky attempt to link Catholic charities to vice spiritual is more than pathetic.


1. instead of; in the place of.

Christian charity is not the private domain of the R.C.Ch., nor is charity the government’s business no matter how hard organized religion’s freaks like you try to make it. If you do not understand what is all about get some help with the First Amendment excerpt.

I wasn't speaking of Christian charity. Nor was I speaking of government aid. I was talking about the historical precedents of the office of the papacy regarding care for the physical (VICE spiritual) well being of the world's people. Think of the many expressions this and other popes have made concerning the poor and oppressed. Okay? PS: I think it is REALLY funny that you should mistake me for a "hard organized religion freak".

As far as vice spiritual goes, I do not want or need the morals of a Catholic priest.

My fucking god are you stupid

3) Jesus was clearly not a fan of the wealthy mercantile set.

To Crick: Nor was he a fan of contemporary institutional morality or institutional charity.

Let's see the quotes numbnuts. Jesus founded the church Francis leads. Jesus personally appointed Francis' original.

That the Pope should have a critical word for unrestrained capitalism should surprise no one.

To Crick: The pope can say anything he wants to say, but only so long as his goddamned mouth does not influence this country’s internal affairs.

Incredible. The Pope has free speech but not if he speaks against your views. What an ass. If I didn't know better, I'd suspect this was trolling. Were you actually thinking I was catholic and that you'd upset me by attacking the man?

Bottom line: Roman Catholic popes are nothing more than priests in fancy robes. Freedom-loving Americans should pay less attention to a hustling priest with a Messiah complex, and more attention to men who codified the freedoms you enjoy.

I think it's pathetically funny (just like Dobbs and Napolitano) that you should think Francis, of all people, has a Messiah complex. However, I have no issue with this expression of yours; it's a reasonable (though mildly jingoistic) thought.

In every country and every age, the priest had been hostile to Liberty. Thomas Jefferson

In general, I'd have to agree with ol' Tom. But, I'd also have to add, Jefferson never met this Pope. Besides which, you're making a pretty damn long stretch to get a threat to our freedoms out of an encyclical on global warming.

History, I believe, furnishes no example of a priest-ridden people maintaining a free civil government. This marks the lowest grade of ignorance, of which their civil as well as religious leaders will always avail themselves for their own purposes. Thomas Jefferson --Letter to Alexander von Humboldt, December 6, 1813​

Wonderful! Do you have any idea how many times I've addressed conservatives such as yourself who insist that this country was founded as a Christian nation? I appreciate these quotes. I don't think they have a damn thing to do with Francis and global warming, but I still appreciate the dickens out of them.

The hubris of these two is flabbergasting.

To Crick: The pope’s environmental claptrap is the height of unlimited hubris. If he was a parish priest his flock would not pay attention to him. Give clowns like him a balcony and there is no stopping him.

Your vocabulary could use some work. Why don't you look up "hubris" and then explain to us how you apply it to someone holding the papacy.

You (and several others here) act as if Francis campaigned to be Pope; that he sought the job. That isn't your belief, is it?
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The issue of man caused climate change is now a moral issue as well as a political issue. I suspect, as this year plays out with the extreme events and record heat from the ongoing El Nino, more denominational heads will point out the immorality of leaving a lessor world to our descendents.
just curious, what is an extreme event?
kidney stones passing...
To Crick: You are just too stupid to play with words. Stick with double-talk if you must camouflage your ignorance.

Jumping from vice spiritual to vice as a preposition only exposes your dim-witted attempt to sound like you know what you are talking about:

1. instead of; in the place of.
Read my comments over and over again if you want rebuttals to the rest of your latest plea to be known as intelligent.

In the future, make an effort to control every stupid person’s desire to respond to topics that are clearly over their head.
The results of a search for my use of the word "vice"

  1. Post
    Shoes & A Camel
    ...where only ONE side gets the free speech. Asshole. ESL? vice preposition 1. instead of; in the place of. I wasn't speaking of...
    Post by: Crick, Today at 7:32 AM in forum: Environment

  2. Post
    Shoes & A Camel
    ...has a long and well-regarded history of caring for the physical (vice spiritual) well being of its congregation 3) Jesus was clearly not a fan...
    Post by: Crick, Thursday at 8:55 AM in forum: Environment

  3. Post
    "DENIER" the term that is costing alarmists all credibility.
    ...Sacramento City College, writer Sean B. Carroll molecular geneticist, vice president for science education, Howard Hughes Medical Institute,...
    Post by: Crick, Jun 13, 2015 in forum: Environment

  4. Post
    Climate Science Doubts: Not Because of Payment, but Because the Science Is Bad
    Ahh... of course. I bet Vice President Gore is just crushed by undeniable, hard-hitting criticism like that.
    Post by: Crick, Apr 2, 2015 in forum: Environment

  5. Post
    Once Again, Skeptics do the Math that Warmists Won't Do....
    ...SSDD who would very much like to believe it isn't real. Dr LaTour, a vice president at PSI, attempts to rebut Dr Spencer. Since its...
    Post by: Crick, Oct 28, 2014 in forum: Environment

  6. Post
    Deep Oceans Cooling?
    ...give is 4.896e14 W. That you chose to display your value as 489.6e6 vice 4.896e8 tells me your math education ended early. What is the source...
    Post by: Crick, Oct 11, 2014 in forum: Environment

  7. Post
    Satellite photos show uncomfortable truth
    ...The referenced graphic actually appears on page 23 vice 24. There is no deviation from observations. There is a distinct break between model...
    Post by: Crick, Sep 11, 2014 in forum: Environment

  8. Post
    Myth of Arctic Meltdown!!!
    Federal grant money to researchers (vice lobbyists, authors and poli-sci majors) pays for research. The $558 million spent on your side does...
    Post by: Crick, Sep 7, 2014 in forum: Environment

  9. Post
    International Parasite Agreement
    You might also want to visit the interactive Arctic/Antarctic ice extents charts at Charctic Interactive Sea Ice Graph Arctic Sea Ice News...
    Post by: Crick, Aug 31, 2014 in forum: Environment
    [SIZE=4][B][URL='']Evidence supporting AGW[/URL][/B][/SIZE]
    [URL='']...would be best to take place at the glacial pace of natural change vice the unprecedented pace of current change. I'm sorry, Gigantor is...[/URL]
    Post by: [URL='']Crick[/URL], Aug 7, 2014 in forum: [URL='']Environment[/URL]

    CNN anchor slams FoxNation denier trolls
    ...began at 9 a.m. The Climate Reality Project, founded by former Vice President Al Gore, launched its “I’m Too Hot” campaign last week as “a...
    Post by: Crick, Aug 2, 2014 in forum: Environment

  11. Post
    Physicist Offers $10,000 To Anyone Who Can Disprove Climate Change
    Nor vice versa PS: when was the last time you heard anything out of Al Gore? And perhaps more to the point, when was the last time anyone here...
    Post by: Crick, Jul 28, 2014 in forum: Environment

  12. Post
    Physicist Offers $10,000 To Anyone Who Can Disprove Climate Change
    Was this: supposed to have some relevance in response to this? If you think so, why don't you and I get into depth on some of the details?
    Post by: Crick, Jul 5, 2014 in forum: Environment

  13. Post
    Physicist Offers $10,000 To Anyone Who Can Disprove Climate Change
    ...there's a lot more energy going from the burner to the bird than vice versa. So the bird, not being that perfectly mirrored version they sold...
    Post by: Crick, Jul 4, 2014 in forum: Environment

  14. Post
    Climate Change Remains Unsettled, Say 31,072 Scientists
    ...Local Legislation Manager, The Heartland Institute Roy Cordato, Vice President for Research, John Locke Foundation Richard Courtney, Energy and...
    Post by: Crick, May 25, 2014 in forum: Environment

  15. Post
    Breaking: CLIMATEGATE II....Here we go again!!!
    Then why is your position held by so very few climate scientists? My view is simply copied from the majority views of mainstream science. I...
    Post by: Crick, May 20, 2014 in forum: Environment

  16. Post
    Breaking: CLIMATEGATE II....Here we go again!!!
    ...taken an objective view of the science. You could have used science vice politics to make your decision. You could have paid attention back...
    Post by: Crick, May 20, 2014 in forum: Environment

  17. Post
    Breaking: CLIMATEGATE II....Here we go again!!!
    ...have chosen to represent the discussion per reality (97 v 2 v 1) vice giving it the completely false status of equal representation. Welcome...
    Post by: Crick, May 20, 2014 in forum: Environment
And using the term vice versa is to use vice in its prepositional sense as well.
To Crick: You are just too stupid to play with words. Stick with double-talk if you must camouflage your ignorance.

Jumping from vice spiritual to vice as a preposition only exposes your dim-witted attempt to sound like you know what you are talking about:

1. instead of; in the place of.
Read my comments over and over again if you want rebuttals to the rest of your latest plea to be known as intelligent.

In the future, make an effort to control every stupid person’s desire to respond to topics that are clearly over their head.

You're not just stupid, you're a fooking idiot.

The Pope has every right to speak as he has done. Many people would say he has an obligation to do so. You're objections to his comments are irrational, illogical and uninformed.
To Crick: Only $10,000!

I challenge climate fascists with $500,000 bet
Posted By Lord Monckton
On 04/12/2015 @ 4:27 pm

I challenge climate fascists with 500 000 bet
Mr. Flanders, in case you have not noticed, Monkton is not a Lord. So stated by the House of Lords. And just where do you think that Monkton would get that $500,000 were someone to take him up on the bet? Even if he had it, he would welch.
Mr. Flanders, in case you have not noticed, Monkton is not a Lord. So stated by the House of Lords.
To Old Rocks: Give it a rest. I’ve replied to you on Monckton’s peerage in at least two earlier messages, yet you continue to repeat the same nonsense. I believe your objection stems from Monckton’s published doubts about Taqiyya the Liar’s constitutional eligibility to be president. If your guy cannot be president, Monckton cannot be a Lord.

In fact, Monckton addressed a "cease and desist" letter from the House of Lords as you know from past discussions on this topic:

The move follows a testy interview given by Monckton to an Australian radio station earlier this month in which he repeated his long-stated belief that he is a member of the House of Lords. When asked by ABC Sydney's Adam Spencer if he was a member, he said: "Yes, but without the right to sit or vote … [The Lords] have not yet repealed by act of parliament the letters patent creating the peerage and until they do I am a member of the house, as my passport records. It says I am the Right Honourable Viscount Monckton of Brenchley. So get used to it."​

NOTE: The House of Lords threatened a lawsuit to punish Monckton. There has been no lawsuit to date, and he still uses the title.
And just where do you think that Monkton would get that $500,000 were someone to take him up on the bet? Even if he had it, he would welch.
To Old Rocks: There you go again. Had you read the terms of the bet you would have seen this:

That’s the bet, and it’s a very fair and generous bet, Maurie. After all, you say all the ice on the two ice sheets will be gone within a decade or so. I’m offering you the chance to claim a fat $100,000 if more than one-tenth of your predicted ice loss happens by 10 years from now.

But wait. There’s more! Again subject to contract, I’m willing to offer four more climate bed-wetters the same deal. Perhaps the editor of the Melbourne Aaarghwould like to take me on. Or some of the various climate-fascist billionaires. Steyer? Gates? Branson? Anyone?

To deter time-wasters: If you want to take up the bet, you must produce a solicitor’s letter to show you have the means to pay out on it when you lose; then, upon signing the legal contract for the bet, you must pay (and so must I) $10,000 up front to the Sovereign Military and Hospitaller Order of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes and of Malta in Rome for its charitable work in 140 countries worldwide. The Order keeps the 10% from each of us in any event.​

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