Shocking number of young Americans say other countries are better


Nuthin' but the truth
Oct 8, 2013
South Carolina
The findings showed that within the age group of 19-29, 47 percent of adult Democrat and Democrat-leaning individuals believe that there are other countries better than the United States, while within the same age group, 19 percent of Republican and Republican-leaning individuals agree. That leaves only 53 percent of young Democrats who prefer the United States to any other country, while 81 percent of young Republicans favor America.

Shocking number of young Americans say other countries are better

Why are taxpayers still subsidising these progressive bastions of America hate? This is what you're sending your kids off to come back as?
The findings showed that within the age group of 19-29, 47 percent of adult Democrat and Democrat-leaning individuals believe that there are other countries better than the United States, while within the same age group, 19 percent of Republican and Republican-leaning individuals agree. That leaves only 53 percent of young Democrats who prefer the United States to any other country, while 81 percent of young Republicans favor America.

Shocking number of young Americans say other countries are better

Why are taxpayers still subsidising these progressive bastions of America hate? This is what you're sending your kids off to come back as?

Passport Application & Passport Renewal | USPS
The findings showed that within the age group of 19-29, 47 percent of adult Democrat and Democrat-leaning individuals believe that there are other countries better than the United States, while within the same age group, 19 percent of Republican and Republican-leaning individuals agree. That leaves only 53 percent of young Democrats who prefer the United States to any other country, while 81 percent of young Republicans favor America.

Shocking number of young Americans say other countries are better

Why are taxpayers still subsidising these progressive bastions of America hate? This is what you're sending your kids off to come back as?

Passport Application & Passport Renewal | USPS

They won't'll just bitch while living in the best country in the world...
....AND US population density MUCH less......Japan, Germany, etc much higher density --I guess if you like livng on top of people, you would like that????!!!!!!????
Why do you automatically assume they are wrong?
It's not an assumption...they're right where they prefer to be, they are spoiled and venting because they just aren't getting their way...
...just like any petulant child that screams at his mommy and daddy how much he/she hates them and is going to run away from home when they are told/shown they are wrong, but alas, they get even by staying.
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The findings showed that within the age group of 19-29, 47 percent of adult Democrat and Democrat-leaning individuals believe that there are other countries better than the United States, while within the same age group, 19 percent of Republican and Republican-leaning individuals agree. That leaves only 53 percent of young Democrats who prefer the United States to any other country, while 81 percent of young Republicans favor America.

Shocking number of young Americans say other countries are better

Why are taxpayers still subsidising these progressive bastions of America hate? This is what you're sending your kids off to come back as?
For one thing, they don’t have Trump as President
The findings showed that within the age group of 19-29, 47 percent of adult Democrat and Democrat-leaning individuals believe that there are other countries better than the United States, while within the same age group, 19 percent of Republican and Republican-leaning individuals agree. That leaves only 53 percent of young Democrats who prefer the United States to any other country, while 81 percent of young Republicans favor America.

Shocking number of young Americans say other countries are better

Why are taxpayers still subsidising these progressive bastions of America hate? This is what you're sending your kids off to come back as?
For one thing, they don’t have Trump as President

Say what now?
People really should travel and experience the world before making statements like that one way or the other. I see people who bash the US who have NO idea how good they have it, compared to much of the world, because they've never traveled. Then you have the people who say "Murica is #1!!!" who have never traveled either, maybe only to Mexico. The latter group also seems to think our government can do no wrong, as long as they have the correct letter by their name. The problem with that mindset is that it allows the government to get away with everything under the sun, because people are so caught up in the "our team vs your team" mindset.
People really should travel and experience the world before making statements like that one way or the other. I see people who bash the US who have NO idea how good they have it, compared to much of the world, because they've never traveled. Then you have the people who say "Murica is #1!!!" who have never traveled either, maybe only to Mexico. The latter group also seems to think our government can do no wrong, as long as they have the correct letter by their name. The problem with that mindset is that it allows the government to get away with everything under the sun, because people are so caught up in the "our team vs your team" mindset.
I spent 9 1/2 years in the military and 5 1/2 years in Saudi Arabia...I got to see plenty of crap from 3rd world countries, and guess what?

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