Shocking banking notice red pills customers & proves we don't own our money once we put it in banks


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Shocking Banking Notice "Red Pills" Banking Customers

The new story today from Anonymous HQ that Steve Quayle linked to on his website reports that Europe wants to confiscate money, precious metals, crypto currecy and prepaid cards in their bid to 'fight terrorism'. Leaving little but a cashless society in which the elite control who buys what and when, we understand why John Whitehead over at writes "The Police State Is Alive And Well" and we only have 'the illusion' of choice in 2017. If Whitehead is correct, just imagine how much worse it might be should the globalists be successful at bringing in their 'cashless society' and 'mark of the beast'. It's bad enough knowing THEY own your cash once you deposit it in their bank.

Nobody is saying this is a hardcore fact, but it is food for thought, agree or don't . ...
Gathering all types of information believing it or not at the moment, it doesn't mean later down the road these issues won't take place. Some have already taken place people just aren't aware of it.

This site has had pretty good information for quite sometime. and if you all think whatever than think of it somebody else might find it interesting either way and besides you all should know by now all your smart ass taunting hasn't stopped me from using the sources I do now has it LOL..

Apparently I don't run and hide from ass clown bullies lol..
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You know, I find this whole thing funny. On one hand, you have a bunch of people who are worried about their privacy being invaded because of the amount of data computers can assemble on them, yet they love the convenience afforded them by privacy robbing devices like the voice activated Alexa which listens to everything within audible range and records it.
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You know, I find this whole thing funny. On one hand, you have a bunch of people who are worried about their privacy being invaded because of the amount of data computers can assemble on them, yet they love the convenience afforded them by privacy robbing devices like the voice activated Alexa which listens to everything within audible range and records it.

It's a trip isn't it. How about tv's that spy too lol. Xbox is doing the same. Hell Samsung I think last year admitted they put spyware in the tv's.
We are so spied on it's sickening. If you ask me.
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You know, I find this whole thing funny. On one hand, you have a bunch of people who are worried about their privacy being invaded because of the amount of data computers can assemble on them, yet they love the convenience afforded them by privacy robbing devices like the voice activated Alexa which listens to everything within audible range and records it.

Oh yeah not to mention they were doing this all after 911 and probably a little before, so lets go back to before 911.....................all the spying but we still were attacked LMAO....

We also didn't have all of our rights stripped from us as far as spying on every gawd damn AMerican there is as if we are the terrorist.

and I still say as I did to someone else on here, they used 911 to strip it right off us because " Oh we must keep you safe" oh we must keep America from being attacked again............ gawd dam they've turned us intot he f n terrorist.
Shocking Banking Notice "Red Pills" Banking Customers

The new story today from Anonymous HQ that Steve Quayle linked to on his website reports that Europe wants to confiscate money, precious metals, crypto currecy and prepaid cards in their bid to 'fight terrorism'. Leaving little but a cashless society in which the elite control who buys what and when, we understand why John Whitehead over at writes "The Police State Is Alive And Well" and we only have 'the illusion' of choice in 2017. If Whitehead is correct, just imagine how much worse it might be should the globalists be successful at bringing in their 'cashless society' and 'mark of the beast'. It's bad enough knowing THEY own your cash once you deposit it in their bank.

Nobody is saying this is a hardcore fact, but it is food for thought, agree or don't . ...
Gathering all types of information believing it or not at the moment, it doesn't mean later down the road these issues won't take place. Some have already taken place people just aren't aware of it.

This site has had pretty good information for quite sometime. and if you all think whatever than think of it somebody else might find it interesting either way and besides you all should know by now all your smart ass taunting hasn't stopped me from using the sources I do now has it LOL..

Apparently I don't run and hide from ass clown bullies lol..

Soooooo? If people kept their money OUT of the banking system & stuffed it into their matteresses and only used cash for bills & purchases.....just what good would that cash money be if whatever government or other powerful entity put the kibosh on their tender to make a 'cashless' society???
You know, I find this whole thing funny. On one hand, you have a bunch of people who are worried about their privacy being invaded because of the amount of data computers can assemble on them, yet they love the convenience afforded them by privacy robbing devices like the voice activated Alexa which listens to everything within audible range and records it.

It's a trip isn't it. How about tv's that spy too lol. Xbox is doing the same. Hell Samsung I think last year admitted they put spyware in the tv's.
We are so spied on it's sickening. If you ask me.
After I found out about how S-quad technology won the first Persian gulf war? I never got rid of my cathode ray TV, and I cancelled my cable and satellite. I still have a back up tube TV for when this one goes bad.

Screw smart phones and monitors with mic's and camera's in them. Those are for suckers.
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Shocking Banking Notice "Red Pills" Banking Customers

The new story today from Anonymous HQ that Steve Quayle linked to on his website reports that Europe wants to confiscate money, precious metals, crypto currecy and prepaid cards in their bid to 'fight terrorism'. Leaving little but a cashless society in which the elite control who buys what and when, we understand why John Whitehead over at writes "The Police State Is Alive And Well" and we only have 'the illusion' of choice in 2017. If Whitehead is correct, just imagine how much worse it might be should the globalists be successful at bringing in their 'cashless society' and 'mark of the beast'. It's bad enough knowing THEY own your cash once you deposit it in their bank.

Nobody is saying this is a hardcore fact, but it is food for thought, agree or don't . ...
Gathering all types of information believing it or not at the moment, it doesn't mean later down the road these issues won't take place. Some have already taken place people just aren't aware of it.

This site has had pretty good information for quite sometime. and if you all think whatever than think of it somebody else might find it interesting either way and besides you all should know by now all your smart ass taunting hasn't stopped me from using the sources I do now has it LOL..

Apparently I don't run and hide from ass clown bullies lol..

Soooooo? If people kept their money OUT of the banking system & stuffed it into their matteresses and only used cash for bills & purchases.....just what good would that cash money be if whatever government or other powerful entity put the kibosh on their tender to make a 'cashless' society???

Remember the wheel barrel of money................. ?
Banks barely pay ppl interest on their money anyway to begin with . and many have to pay a monthly fee if they don't keep a certain amount in their checking or savings. The whole system is a scam.

Money tech. has no value to it, it no longer has anything backing it . Like Gold lets say. .. there is much more in depth explanation as to what good is our money out of a bank...........

If you have money and things go under like a grid down money won't mean jack shit. It has no value whatsoever.
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Shocking Banking Notice "Red Pills" Banking Customers

The new story today from Anonymous HQ that Steve Quayle linked to on his website reports that Europe wants to confiscate money, precious metals, crypto currecy and prepaid cards in their bid to 'fight terrorism'. Leaving little but a cashless society in which the elite control who buys what and when, we understand why John Whitehead over at writes "The Police State Is Alive And Well" and we only have 'the illusion' of choice in 2017. If Whitehead is correct, just imagine how much worse it might be should the globalists be successful at bringing in their 'cashless society' and 'mark of the beast'. It's bad enough knowing THEY own your cash once you deposit it in their bank.

Nobody is saying this is a hardcore fact, but it is food for thought, agree or don't . ...
Gathering all types of information believing it or not at the moment, it doesn't mean later down the road these issues won't take place. Some have already taken place people just aren't aware of it.

This site has had pretty good information for quite sometime. and if you all think whatever than think of it somebody else might find it interesting either way and besides you all should know by now all your smart ass taunting hasn't stopped me from using the sources I do now has it LOL..

Apparently I don't run and hide from ass clown bullies lol..

Soooooo? If people kept their money OUT of the banking system & stuffed it into their matteresses and only used cash for bills & purchases.....just what good would that cash money be if whatever government or other powerful entity put the kibosh on their tender to make a 'cashless' society???

Did you watch the Videos in the article over on the site?
You know, I find this whole thing funny. On one hand, you have a bunch of people who are worried about their privacy being invaded because of the amount of data computers can assemble on them, yet they love the convenience afforded them by privacy robbing devices like the voice activated Alexa which listens to everything within audible range and records it.
I don't know of anyone that is seriously worried about privacy concerns like that and then goes out to get those type of devices. Really.
Shocking Banking Notice "Red Pills" Banking Customers

The new story today from Anonymous HQ that Steve Quayle linked to on his website reports that Europe wants to confiscate money, precious metals, crypto currecy and prepaid cards in their bid to 'fight terrorism'. Leaving little but a cashless society in which the elite control who buys what and when, we understand why John Whitehead over at writes "The Police State Is Alive And Well" and we only have 'the illusion' of choice in 2017. If Whitehead is correct, just imagine how much worse it might be should the globalists be successful at bringing in their 'cashless society' and 'mark of the beast'. It's bad enough knowing THEY own your cash once you deposit it in their bank.

Nobody is saying this is a hardcore fact, but it is food for thought, agree or don't . ...
Gathering all types of information believing it or not at the moment, it doesn't mean later down the road these issues won't take place. Some have already taken place people just aren't aware of it.

This site has had pretty good information for quite sometime. and if you all think whatever than think of it somebody else might find it interesting either way and besides you all should know by now all your smart ass taunting hasn't stopped me from using the sources I do now has it LOL..

Apparently I don't run and hide from ass clown bullies lol..

Soooooo? If people kept their money OUT of the banking system & stuffed it into their matteresses and only used cash for bills & purchases.....just what good would that cash money be if whatever government or other powerful entity put the kibosh on their tender to make a 'cashless' society???

Did you watch the Videos in the article over on the site?

They can never stop the Agora Market.
40 Items to Barter in a Post-Collapse World - Backdoor Survival
You know, I find this whole thing funny. On one hand, you have a bunch of people who are worried about their privacy being invaded because of the amount of data computers can assemble on them, yet they love the convenience afforded them by privacy robbing devices like the voice activated Alexa which listens to everything within audible range and records it.
I don't know of anyone that is seriously worried about privacy concerns like that and then goes out to get those type of devices. Really.

I'm not sure worried is the case, think about how we have NO CHOICE but to use this bs technology.
For just about all aspects of our lives.

It was engineered that way on purpose NWO , One world Government...................... it will control and dictate what we can or can not do even to our own health insurance.
meaning this..........Eventually if we can't get out of this one world gov. bs there will come a day where lets say your Doctor tells you , you are over weight no more pizza so you decide next week to go buy pizza anyway because today we can eat what we want no matter what the doc says.......... so ok you get to your pizza place give her your order and it comes up " sorry sir you can't order pizza" .................. that is going to be our control.

That's putting it quick.
BTW, do a little research into Steve Quayle. There are only so many hours in a day, don't waste your time on doomsday hucksters.

Sure, we all know what is coming, but scam artists shouldn't be allowed to profit off of it. He has been prophesying the end for, like, ever. He makes his business fear porn, much like Alex Jones. He doesn't trade in hard facts.

You want a video to blow your mind? Try this one.

The Federal Open Market Committee Meeting minutes can only be kept secret for eight years? What does this mean? What it means is that when the housing market was collapsing in 2007 and they were discussing what to do with all of this crap mortgage backed securities (MBS) or the toxic derivatives the fed was going to buy (TARP, troubled asset relief program) and what they were going to do about it, nobody knew what they were saying. Now we know what they said. Yet, the MSM never covered what was said by these criminals. Why didn't the alternative media ever analyze the contents of this meeting? Look into the belly of the beast, see how the mind of the demon works for yourself. . . .

And now? No one ever says word one that these MBS are still rotting away, festering on the books at the FED, waiting to take down the whole world economy. . . . STILL.

Again, don't waste your time on Steve Quayle. You have much better things to do.

This is why no one owns their credits, they are planning on a BANK BAIL IN. THIS is the main reason not to have your money in a financial institution, that, and the introduction of negative interest rates, which complete electronic currency makes possible.
Shocking Banking Notice "Red Pills" Banking Customers

The new story today from Anonymous HQ that Steve Quayle linked to on his website reports that Europe wants to confiscate money, precious metals, crypto currecy and prepaid cards in their bid to 'fight terrorism'. Leaving little but a cashless society in which the elite control who buys what and when, we understand why John Whitehead over at writes "The Police State Is Alive And Well" and we only have 'the illusion' of choice in 2017. If Whitehead is correct, just imagine how much worse it might be should the globalists be successful at bringing in their 'cashless society' and 'mark of the beast'. It's bad enough knowing THEY own your cash once you deposit it in their bank.

Nobody is saying this is a hardcore fact, but it is food for thought, agree or don't . ...
Gathering all types of information believing it or not at the moment, it doesn't mean later down the road these issues won't take place. Some have already taken place people just aren't aware of it.

This site has had pretty good information for quite sometime. and if you all think whatever than think of it somebody else might find it interesting either way and besides you all should know by now all your smart ass taunting hasn't stopped me from using the sources I do now has it LOL..

Apparently I don't run and hide from ass clown bullies lol..

Soooooo? If people kept their money OUT of the banking system & stuffed it into their matteresses and only used cash for bills & purchases.....just what good would that cash money be if whatever government or other powerful entity put the kibosh on their tender to make a 'cashless' society???

Did you watch the Videos in the article over on the site?

No, just read over the article in the first link. My questions were more rhetorical in nature........
BTW, do a little research into Steve Quayle. There are only so many hours in a day, don't waste your time on doomsday hucksters.

Sure, we all know what is coming, but scam artists shouldn't be allowed to profit off of it. He has been prophesying the end for, like, ever. He makes his business fear porn, much like Alex Jones. He doesn't trade in hard facts.

You want a video to blow your mind? Try this one.

The Federal Open Market Committee Meeting minutes can only be kept secret for eight years? What does this mean? What it means is that when the housing market was collapsing in 2007 and they were discussing what to do with all of this crap mortgage backed securities (MBS) or the toxic derivatives the fed was going to buy (TARP, troubled asset relief program) and what they were going to do about it, nobody knew what they were saying. Now we know what they said. Yet, the MSM never covered what was said by these criminals. Why didn't the alternative media ever analyze the contents of this meeting? Look into the belly of the beast, see how the mind of the demon works for yourself. . . .

And now? No one ever says word one that these MBS are still rotting away, festering on the books at the FED, waiting to take down the whole world economy. . . . STILL.

Again, don't waste your time on Steve Quayle. You have much better things to do.

This is why no one owns their credits, they are planning on a BANK BAIL IN. THIS is the main reason not to have your money in a financial institution, that, and the introduction of negative interest rates, which complete electronic currency makes possible.

Steven Q. is where I got the link to the story. =)
Shocking Banking Notice "Red Pills" Banking Customers

The new story today from Anonymous HQ that Steve Quayle linked to on his website reports that Europe wants to confiscate money, precious metals, crypto currecy and prepaid cards in their bid to 'fight terrorism'. Leaving little but a cashless society in which the elite control who buys what and when, we understand why John Whitehead over at writes "The Police State Is Alive And Well" and we only have 'the illusion' of choice in 2017. If Whitehead is correct, just imagine how much worse it might be should the globalists be successful at bringing in their 'cashless society' and 'mark of the beast'. It's bad enough knowing THEY own your cash once you deposit it in their bank.

Nobody is saying this is a hardcore fact, but it is food for thought, agree or don't . ...
Gathering all types of information believing it or not at the moment, it doesn't mean later down the road these issues won't take place. Some have already taken place people just aren't aware of it.

This site has had pretty good information for quite sometime. and if you all think whatever than think of it somebody else might find it interesting either way and besides you all should know by now all your smart ass taunting hasn't stopped me from using the sources I do now has it LOL..

Apparently I don't run and hide from ass clown bullies lol..

Soooooo? If people kept their money OUT of the banking system & stuffed it into their matteresses and only used cash for bills & purchases.....just what good would that cash money be if whatever government or other powerful entity put the kibosh on their tender to make a 'cashless' society???

Did you watch the Videos in the article over on the site?

No, just read over the article in the first link. My questions were more rhetorical in nature........

Well if you feel like it seriously try to watch the videos posted they can often fill in those questions. Just suggesting.
BTW, do a little research into Steve Quayle. There are only so many hours in a day, don't waste your time on doomsday hucksters.

Sure, we all know what is coming, but scam artists shouldn't be allowed to profit off of it. He has been prophesying the end for, like, ever. He makes his business fear porn, much like Alex Jones. He doesn't trade in hard facts.

You want a video to blow your mind? Try this one.

The Federal Open Market Committee Meeting minutes can only be kept secret for eight years? What does this mean? What it means is that when the housing market was collapsing in 2007 and they were discussing what to do with all of this crap mortgage backed securities (MBS) or the toxic derivatives the fed was going to buy (TARP, troubled asset relief program) and what they were going to do about it, nobody knew what they were saying. Now we know what they said. Yet, the MSM never covered what was said by these criminals. Why didn't the alternative media ever analyze the contents of this meeting? Look into the belly of the beast, see how the mind of the demon works for yourself. . . .

And now? No one ever says word one that these MBS are still rotting away, festering on the books at the FED, waiting to take down the whole world economy. . . . STILL.

Again, don't waste your time on Steve Quayle. You have much better things to do.

This is why no one owns their credits, they are planning on a BANK BAIL IN. THIS is the main reason not to have your money in a financial institution, that, and the introduction of negative interest rates, which complete electronic currency makes possible.

I've know about Steve Q for as long as I've know about infowars....... twelve years or so.
Shocking Banking Notice "Red Pills" Banking Customers

The new story today from Anonymous HQ that Steve Quayle linked to on his website reports that Europe wants to confiscate money, precious metals, crypto currecy and prepaid cards in their bid to 'fight terrorism'. Leaving little but a cashless society in which the elite control who buys what and when, we understand why John Whitehead over at writes "The Police State Is Alive And Well" and we only have 'the illusion' of choice in 2017. If Whitehead is correct, just imagine how much worse it might be should the globalists be successful at bringing in their 'cashless society' and 'mark of the beast'. It's bad enough knowing THEY own your cash once you deposit it in their bank.

Nobody is saying this is a hardcore fact, but it is food for thought, agree or don't . ...
Gathering all types of information believing it or not at the moment, it doesn't mean later down the road these issues won't take place. Some have already taken place people just aren't aware of it.

This site has had pretty good information for quite sometime. and if you all think whatever than think of it somebody else might find it interesting either way and besides you all should know by now all your smart ass taunting hasn't stopped me from using the sources I do now has it LOL..

Apparently I don't run and hide from ass clown bullies lol..

Soooooo? If people kept their money OUT of the banking system & stuffed it into their matteresses and only used cash for bills & purchases.....just what good would that cash money be if whatever government or other powerful entity put the kibosh on their tender to make a 'cashless' society???

Did you watch the Videos in the article over on the site?

They can never stop the Agora Market.
40 Items to Barter in a Post-Collapse World - Backdoor Survival

Here is another great list. Although it's geared more to 'what to have on hand', but most anything on there would be good to have a few extras for bartering as well......
100 Items to Disappear First
You know, I find this whole thing funny. On one hand, you have a bunch of people who are worried about their privacy being invaded because of the amount of data computers can assemble on them, yet they love the convenience afforded them by privacy robbing devices like the voice activated Alexa which listens to everything within audible range and records it.
I don't know of anyone that is seriously worried about privacy concerns like that and then goes out to get those type of devices. Really.

I'm not sure worried is the case, think about how we have NO CHOICE but to use this bs technology.
For just about all aspects of our lives.

It was engineered that way on purpose NWO , One world Government...................... it will control and dictate what we can or can not do even to our own health insurance.
meaning this..........Eventually if we can't get out of this one world gov. bs there will come a day where lets say your Doctor tells you , you are over weight no more pizza so you decide next week to go buy pizza anyway because today we can eat what we want no matter what the doc says.......... so ok you get to your pizza place give her your order and it comes up " sorry sir you can't order pizza" .................. that is going to be our control.

That's putting it quick.
I don't use any of that stuff.

I don't understand how you mean that you can't function w/o it.

On top of that, as far as "health" is concerned, that is mostly a "conspiracy" as well. If you take care of yourself, you mostly should never need a doctor. What the hell are you doing eating that shit for anyway? Do you want to die?

I suppose you drink the fluoridated water as well?
Western Medicine is Rockefeller Medicine – All The Way

I suggest Dr. Rima Laibow on the Codex Alimentarius
You know, I find this whole thing funny. On one hand, you have a bunch of people who are worried about their privacy being invaded because of the amount of data computers can assemble on them, yet they love the convenience afforded them by privacy robbing devices like the voice activated Alexa which listens to everything within audible range and records it.
I don't know of anyone that is seriously worried about privacy concerns like that and then goes out to get those type of devices. Really.

I'm not sure worried is the case, think about how we have NO CHOICE but to use this bs technology.
For just about all aspects of our lives.

It was engineered that way on purpose NWO , One world Government...................... it will control and dictate what we can or can not do even to our own health insurance.
meaning this..........Eventually if we can't get out of this one world gov. bs there will come a day where lets say your Doctor tells you , you are over weight no more pizza so you decide next week to go buy pizza anyway because today we can eat what we want no matter what the doc says.......... so ok you get to your pizza place give her your order and it comes up " sorry sir you can't order pizza" .................. that is going to be our control.

That's putting it quick.
I don't use any of that stuff.

I don't understand how you mean that you can't function w/o it.

On top of that, as far as "health" is concerned, that is mostly a "conspiracy" as well. If you take care of yourself, you mostly should never need a doctor. What the hell are you doing eating that shit for anyway? Do you want to die?

I suppose you drink the fluoridated water as well?
Western Medicine is Rockefeller Medicine – All The Way

I suggest Dr. Rima Laibow on the Codex Alimentarius

Oh what I was thinking " we can't function without it " I was meaning in areas such as the following :

Getting paid our pay checks are auto deposited for almost everyone
Social Security checks are auto deposited
even welfare is auto deposited............ All these avenues of our money are electronically controlled.

Look how if there is a blackout, nobody gets their pay because the power went out .

So that is just a few of the examples I was meaning, at the moment I can't think of the others LOL but there are more.
You know, I find this whole thing funny. On one hand, you have a bunch of people who are worried about their privacy being invaded because of the amount of data computers can assemble on them, yet they love the convenience afforded them by privacy robbing devices like the voice activated Alexa which listens to everything within audible range and records it.
I don't know of anyone that is seriously worried about privacy concerns like that and then goes out to get those type of devices. Really.

I'm not sure worried is the case, think about how we have NO CHOICE but to use this bs technology.
For just about all aspects of our lives.

It was engineered that way on purpose NWO , One world Government...................... it will control and dictate what we can or can not do even to our own health insurance.
meaning this..........Eventually if we can't get out of this one world gov. bs there will come a day where lets say your Doctor tells you , you are over weight no more pizza so you decide next week to go buy pizza anyway because today we can eat what we want no matter what the doc says.......... so ok you get to your pizza place give her your order and it comes up " sorry sir you can't order pizza" .................. that is going to be our control.

That's putting it quick.
I don't use any of that stuff.

I don't understand how you mean that you can't function w/o it.

On top of that, as far as "health" is concerned, that is mostly a "conspiracy" as well. If you take care of yourself, you mostly should never need a doctor. What the hell are you doing eating that shit for anyway? Do you want to die?

I suppose you drink the fluoridated water as well?
Western Medicine is Rockefeller Medicine – All The Way

I suggest Dr. Rima Laibow on the Codex Alimentarius

Hell no not that fluoride , don't even get me started on that one LOL...

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