War Drums: Trump urged to counter Russia's Arctic dominance


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
WAR DRUMS: Trump urged to counter Russia’s Arctic dominance
As Donald Trump becomes the latest U.S. president to attempt a ‘reset’ with Russia, a key Republican ally is pressing the White House not to lose sight of an emerging battle for influence that Moscow is currently winning – in the Arctic. Russia has aggressively built up its fleet of ships cruising Arctic waters, while the U.S. has fallen far behind. Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., is now urging Trump to counter that influence by funding additional so-called “icebreakers” for the U.S. Coast
Seems like dejavu when Obama was in we had China wanting to go at us Russia was in the shadows where it seemed Trump and Putin weren't really battling each other , Putin seemed willing to work with Trump and Russia only threatened something if Clinton actually won. Clinton gave Russia Uranium.
So wtf is what .............................
Alaska Coast Guard has a lot of ice breakers. Though its true there are some years when the ice gets so thick our "standard" breakers can't cut it, then we have to call in the big dogs - though that's kind of rare...

That said, did you know Russia saved some of our villages? It was like 5ish years ago now I suppose, our breakers weren't nearby but a Russian breaker was so they helped the supply ship get through. Alaskan's and Russian's are always helping each other out at sea. I really don't get the Cold War restart everyone in the lower 48 wants... ~shrug~

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