Sheldon Whitehouse On Stacking Courts With Dark Money


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2019
Gold Coast
The Senator from RI lets it out on who has been stacking the courts.
The justice nominee is an example on this.
Sure, she will get the nod and yes she will get rammed through but what you get is all done and paid for.

"Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) laid out a vast right-wing conspiracy to stack the courts to benefit a handful of billionaires.
The Rhode Island Democrat showed how the deeply conservative Federalist Society, Judicial Crisis Network and Donors Trust spent hundreds of millions of dollars to rig the courts — and the election map — in favor of Republicans and their corporate sponsors."

“In all these areas where it’s about political power for big special interests and people who want to fund campaigns and people who want to get their way through politics without actually showing up, doing it behind Donors Trust and other groups, doing it through these schemes, over and over and over again, you see the same thing — 80 decisions, Judge Barrett, 80 decisions, and 80-0 sweep.”

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The Senator from RI lets it out on who has been stacking the courts.
The justice nominee is an example on this.
Sure, she will get the nod and yes she will get rammed through but what you get is all done and paid for.

"Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) laid out a vast right-wing conspiracy to stack the courts to benefit a handful of billionaires.
The Rhode Island Democrat showed how the deeply conservative Federalist Society, Judicial Crisis Network and Donors Trust spent hundreds of millions of dollars to rig the courts — and the election map — in favor of Republicans and their corporate sponsors."

“In all these areas where it’s about political power for big special interests and people who want to fund campaigns and people who want to get their way through politics without actually showing up, doing it behind Donors Trust and other groups, doing it through these schemes, over and over and over again, you see the same thing — 80 decisions, Judge Barrett, 80 decisions, and 80-0 sweep.”

There is no court stacking going on. Whitehouse and the rest of the Democrats are crybaby liars. This is the typical leftist tactic of redefining a term to mean something it doesn't and then repeating it over and over again until useful idiots like you buy into it.

The president has been filling these vacancies as per his Constitutional duties and he has been filling the courts with like minded justices, just as every Democratic president has done before him, so you can stop your whining now.
The Senator from RI lets it out on who has been stacking the courts.
The justice nominee is an example on this.
Sure, she will get the nod and yes she will get rammed through but what you get is all done and paid for.

"Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) laid out a vast right-wing conspiracy to stack the courts to benefit a handful of billionaires.
The Rhode Island Democrat showed how the deeply conservative Federalist Society, Judicial Crisis Network and Donors Trust spent hundreds of millions of dollars to rig the courts — and the election map — in favor of Republicans and their corporate sponsors."

“In all these areas where it’s about political power for big special interests and people who want to fund campaigns and people who want to get their way through politics without actually showing up, doing it behind Donors Trust and other groups, doing it through these schemes, over and over and over again, you see the same thing — 80 decisions, Judge Barrett, 80 decisions, and 80-0 sweep.”

And when Ted Cruz followed him, he spanked him like a red headed stepchild.

The Senator from RI lets it out on who has been stacking the courts.
The justice nominee is an example on this.
Sure, she will get the nod and yes she will get rammed through but what you get is all done and paid for.

"Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) laid out a vast right-wing conspiracy to stack the courts to benefit a handful of billionaires.
The Rhode Island Democrat showed how the deeply conservative Federalist Society, Judicial Crisis Network and Donors Trust spent hundreds of millions of dollars to rig the courts — and the election map — in favor of Republicans and their corporate sponsors."

“In all these areas where it’s about political power for big special interests and people who want to fund campaigns and people who want to get their way through politics without actually showing up, doing it behind Donors Trust and other groups, doing it through these schemes, over and over and over again, you see the same thing — 80 decisions, Judge Barrett, 80 decisions, and 80-0 sweep.”

Funny thing about the dems---they accuse others of doing what they themselves are doing all the time. Obama's regime stacked the courts using money from Soros and others---------the result is that we have a corrupt judicial system now that benefits the wealthy like soros, and Netflix (look who "hired obama and is paying him millions, and others).....Obama/soros judges and district attorenys abuse their position to allow soros thugs and pols to get off and or are not prosecuted (see lib rioters) for their crimes while their political enemies are hounded and harass and often set up now for fake crimes like flynns prejury traps. Dems are liars and running this country like a bananna republic.
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The Senator from RI lets it out on who has been stacking the courts.
The justice nominee is an example on this.
Sure, she will get the nod and yes she will get rammed through but what you get is all done and paid for.

"Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) laid out a vast right-wing conspiracy to stack the courts to benefit a handful of billionaires.
The Rhode Island Democrat showed how the deeply conservative Federalist Society, Judicial Crisis Network and Donors Trust spent hundreds of millions of dollars to rig the courts — and the election map — in favor of Republicans and their corporate sponsors."

“In all these areas where it’s about political power for big special interests and people who want to fund campaigns and people who want to get their way through politics without actually showing up, doing it behind Donors Trust and other groups, doing it through these schemes, over and over and over again, you see the same thing — 80 decisions, Judge Barrett, 80 decisions, and 80-0 sweep.”

You guys are crazy and what is sad is you have power.
The Senator from RI lets it out on who has been stacking the courts.
The justice nominee is an example on this.
Sure, she will get the nod and yes she will get rammed through but what you get is all done and paid for.

"Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) laid out a vast right-wing conspiracy to stack the courts to benefit a handful of billionaires.
The Rhode Island Democrat showed how the deeply conservative Federalist Society, Judicial Crisis Network and Donors Trust spent hundreds of millions of dollars to rig the courts — and the election map — in favor of Republicans and their corporate sponsors."

“In all these areas where it’s about political power for big special interests and people who want to fund campaigns and people who want to get their way through politics without actually showing up, doing it behind Donors Trust and other groups, doing it through these schemes, over and over and over again, you see the same thing — 80 decisions, Judge Barrett, 80 decisions, and 80-0 sweep.”

If you actually follow the money, you will see it is Democrats who are raising the most "dark" money by far for both the courts and politicians. This is just another attempt by Democrats to keep the wool pulled over the sheep's eyes as to what is really going on behind the scenes.
The Senator from RI lets it out on who has been stacking the courts.
The justice nominee is an example on this.
Sure, she will get the nod and yes she will get rammed through but what you get is all done and paid for.

"Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) laid out a vast right-wing conspiracy to stack the courts to benefit a handful of billionaires.
The Rhode Island Democrat showed how the deeply conservative Federalist Society, Judicial Crisis Network and Donors Trust spent hundreds of millions of dollars to rig the courts — and the election map — in favor of Republicans and their corporate sponsors."

“In all these areas where it’s about political power for big special interests and people who want to fund campaigns and people who want to get their way through politics without actually showing up, doing it behind Donors Trust and other groups, doing it through these schemes, over and over and over again, you see the same thing — 80 decisions, Judge Barrett, 80 decisions, and 80-0 sweep.”

There is no court stacking going on. Whitehouse and the rest of the Democrats are crybaby liars. This is the typical leftist tactic of redefining a term to mean something it doesn't and then repeating it over and over again until useful idiots like you buy into it.

The president has been filling these vacancies as per his Constitutional duties and he has been filling the courts with like minded justices, just as every Democratic president has done before him, so you can stop your whining now.
It's yet more of the daily Raw Sewage spam-a-thon....As I remember, you guys chased off MindWars for the exact same behavior.
The Senator from RI lets it out on who has been stacking the courts.
The justice nominee is an example on this.
Sure, she will get the nod and yes she will get rammed through but what you get is all done and paid for.

"Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) laid out a vast right-wing conspiracy to stack the courts to benefit a handful of billionaires.
The Rhode Island Democrat showed how the deeply conservative Federalist Society, Judicial Crisis Network and Donors Trust spent hundreds of millions of dollars to rig the courts — and the election map — in favor of Republicans and their corporate sponsors."

“In all these areas where it’s about political power for big special interests and people who want to fund campaigns and people who want to get their way through politics without actually showing up, doing it behind Donors Trust and other groups, doing it through these schemes, over and over and over again, you see the same thing — 80 decisions, Judge Barrett, 80 decisions, and 80-0 sweep.”

If you actually follow the money, you will see it is Democrats who are raising the most "dark" money by far for both the courts and politicians. This is just another attempt by Democrats to keep the wool pulled over the sheep's eyes as to what is really going on behind the scenes.

There has been a sea change, on that we could agree.
The Senator from RI lets it out on who has been stacking the courts.
The justice nominee is an example on this.
Sure, she will get the nod and yes she will get rammed through but what you get is all done and paid for.

"Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) laid out a vast right-wing conspiracy to stack the courts to benefit a handful of billionaires.
The Rhode Island Democrat showed how the deeply conservative Federalist Society, Judicial Crisis Network and Donors Trust spent hundreds of millions of dollars to rig the courts — and the election map — in favor of Republicans and their corporate sponsors."

“In all these areas where it’s about political power for big special interests and people who want to fund campaigns and people who want to get their way through politics without actually showing up, doing it behind Donors Trust and other groups, doing it through these schemes, over and over and over again, you see the same thing — 80 decisions, Judge Barrett, 80 decisions, and 80-0 sweep.”

If you actually follow the money, you will see it is Democrats who are raising the most "dark" money by far for both the courts and politicians. This is just another attempt by Democrats to keep the wool pulled over the sheep's eyes as to what is really going on behind the scenes.

No matter who is spending more than the other party is not the issue. The issue is how some unknown can donate and influence. If you think dark money is the way to go then I feel you just don't care about this country.
The Senator from RI lets it out on who has been stacking the courts.
The justice nominee is an example on this.
Sure, she will get the nod and yes she will get rammed through but what you get is all done and paid for.

"Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) laid out a vast right-wing conspiracy to stack the courts to benefit a handful of billionaires.
The Rhode Island Democrat showed how the deeply conservative Federalist Society, Judicial Crisis Network and Donors Trust spent hundreds of millions of dollars to rig the courts — and the election map — in favor of Republicans and their corporate sponsors."

“In all these areas where it’s about political power for big special interests and people who want to fund campaigns and people who want to get their way through politics without actually showing up, doing it behind Donors Trust and other groups, doing it through these schemes, over and over and over again, you see the same thing — 80 decisions, Judge Barrett, 80 decisions, and 80-0 sweep.”

And as Senator Cruz pointed out, commies have out spent republicans 3 to 1 on judicial issues. Hypocrisy, thy name is commiecrat. LMAO

The Senator from RI lets it out on who has been stacking the courts.
The justice nominee is an example on this.
Sure, she will get the nod and yes she will get rammed through but what you get is all done and paid for.

"Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) laid out a vast right-wing conspiracy to stack the courts to benefit a handful of billionaires.
The Rhode Island Democrat showed how the deeply conservative Federalist Society, Judicial Crisis Network and Donors Trust spent hundreds of millions of dollars to rig the courts — and the election map — in favor of Republicans and their corporate sponsors."

“In all these areas where it’s about political power for big special interests and people who want to fund campaigns and people who want to get their way through politics without actually showing up, doing it behind Donors Trust and other groups, doing it through these schemes, over and over and over again, you see the same thing — 80 decisions, Judge Barrett, 80 decisions, and 80-0 sweep.”

If you actually follow the money, you will see it is Democrats who are raising the most "dark" money by far for both the courts and politicians. This is just another attempt by Democrats to keep the wool pulled over the sheep's eyes as to what is really going on behind the scenes.

No matter who is spending more than the other party is not the issue. The issue is how some unknown can donate and influence. If you think dark money is the way to go then I feel you just don't care about this country.

If you feel CU is wrong, how do you feel about Unions donating to and buying politicians?
Kegan and Sotamayor werent supported by big money....right?


Wealthy people run the world. Why do you think we have been in Afghanistan for 20 years?
The Senator from RI lets it out on who has been stacking the courts.
The justice nominee is an example on this.
Sure, she will get the nod and yes she will get rammed through but what you get is all done and paid for.

"Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) laid out a vast right-wing conspiracy to stack the courts to benefit a handful of billionaires.
The Rhode Island Democrat showed how the deeply conservative Federalist Society, Judicial Crisis Network and Donors Trust spent hundreds of millions of dollars to rig the courts — and the election map — in favor of Republicans and their corporate sponsors."

“In all these areas where it’s about political power for big special interests and people who want to fund campaigns and people who want to get their way through politics without actually showing up, doing it behind Donors Trust and other groups, doing it through these schemes, over and over and over again, you see the same thing — 80 decisions, Judge Barrett, 80 decisions, and 80-0 sweep.”

And when Ted Cruz followed him, he spanked him like a red headed stepchild.

Whitehouse went on an entirelly irrelevant to the subject 30-minute tin foil hat rant, that wasn't even flimsily disguised as a question....And these crackpots think that the guy is some sort of towering intellect.

What's frightening is that these same knuckle draggers have a vote that cancels out yours.
The Senator from RI lets it out on who has been stacking the courts.
The justice nominee is an example on this.
Sure, she will get the nod and yes she will get rammed through but what you get is all done and paid for.

"Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) laid out a vast right-wing conspiracy to stack the courts to benefit a handful of billionaires.
The Rhode Island Democrat showed how the deeply conservative Federalist Society, Judicial Crisis Network and Donors Trust spent hundreds of millions of dollars to rig the courts — and the election map — in favor of Republicans and their corporate sponsors."

“In all these areas where it’s about political power for big special interests and people who want to fund campaigns and people who want to get their way through politics without actually showing up, doing it behind Donors Trust and other groups, doing it through these schemes, over and over and over again, you see the same thing — 80 decisions, Judge Barrett, 80 decisions, and 80-0 sweep.”

If you actually follow the money, you will see it is Democrats who are raising the most "dark" money by far for both the courts and politicians. This is just another attempt by Democrats to keep the wool pulled over the sheep's eyes as to what is really going on behind the scenes.

No matter who is spending more than the other party is not the issue. The issue is how some unknown can donate and influence. If you think dark money is the way to go then I feel you just don't care about this country.

It's obvious you don't care about the first amendment. People are free to express their opinions on political and judicial issues. It takes a lot less money to express political opinions, than legal opinions. Legal opinions requires research and the time of lawyers to make the arguments, whether it be in actual litigation or amicus briefs in support of a position.

The Senator from RI lets it out on who has been stacking the courts.
The justice nominee is an example on this.
Sure, she will get the nod and yes she will get rammed through but what you get is all done and paid for.

"Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) laid out a vast right-wing conspiracy to stack the courts to benefit a handful of billionaires.
The Rhode Island Democrat showed how the deeply conservative Federalist Society, Judicial Crisis Network and Donors Trust spent hundreds of millions of dollars to rig the courts — and the election map — in favor of Republicans and their corporate sponsors."

“In all these areas where it’s about political power for big special interests and people who want to fund campaigns and people who want to get their way through politics without actually showing up, doing it behind Donors Trust and other groups, doing it through these schemes, over and over and over again, you see the same thing — 80 decisions, Judge Barrett, 80 decisions, and 80-0 sweep.”

If you actually follow the money, you will see it is Democrats who are raising the most "dark" money by far for both the courts and politicians. This is just another attempt by Democrats to keep the wool pulled over the sheep's eyes as to what is really going on behind the scenes.

No matter who is spending more than the other party is not the issue. The issue is how some unknown can donate and influence. If you think dark money is the way to go then I feel you just don't care about this country.

It's obvious you don't care about the first amendment. People are free to express their opinions on political and judicial issues. It takes a lot less money to express political opinions, than legal opinions. Legal opinions requires research and the time of lawyers to make the arguments, whether it be in actual litigation or amicus briefs in support of a position.


The will of the people is shit-canned to special interest. If you support that all I can say is too bad and shame on you.
The Senator from RI lets it out on who has been stacking the courts.
The justice nominee is an example on this.
Sure, she will get the nod and yes she will get rammed through but what you get is all done and paid for.

"Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) laid out a vast right-wing conspiracy to stack the courts to benefit a handful of billionaires.
The Rhode Island Democrat showed how the deeply conservative Federalist Society, Judicial Crisis Network and Donors Trust spent hundreds of millions of dollars to rig the courts — and the election map — in favor of Republicans and their corporate sponsors."

“In all these areas where it’s about political power for big special interests and people who want to fund campaigns and people who want to get their way through politics without actually showing up, doing it behind Donors Trust and other groups, doing it through these schemes, over and over and over again, you see the same thing — 80 decisions, Judge Barrett, 80 decisions, and 80-0 sweep.”

If you actually follow the money, you will see it is Democrats who are raising the most "dark" money by far for both the courts and politicians. This is just another attempt by Democrats to keep the wool pulled over the sheep's eyes as to what is really going on behind the scenes.

No matter who is spending more than the other party is not the issue. The issue is how some unknown can donate and influence. If you think dark money is the way to go then I feel you just don't care about this country.

It's obvious you don't care about the first amendment. People are free to express their opinions on political and judicial issues. It takes a lot less money to express political opinions, than legal opinions. Legal opinions requires research and the time of lawyers to make the arguments, whether it be in actual litigation or amicus briefs in support of a position.


The will of the people is shit-canned to special interest. If you support that all I can say is too bad and shame on you.

The will of the people is shit-canned to special interest.

when wasn't it?
The Senator from RI lets it out on who has been stacking the courts.
The justice nominee is an example on this.
Sure, she will get the nod and yes she will get rammed through but what you get is all done and paid for.

"Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) laid out a vast right-wing conspiracy to stack the courts to benefit a handful of billionaires.
The Rhode Island Democrat showed how the deeply conservative Federalist Society, Judicial Crisis Network and Donors Trust spent hundreds of millions of dollars to rig the courts — and the election map — in favor of Republicans and their corporate sponsors."

“In all these areas where it’s about political power for big special interests and people who want to fund campaigns and people who want to get their way through politics without actually showing up, doing it behind Donors Trust and other groups, doing it through these schemes, over and over and over again, you see the same thing — 80 decisions, Judge Barrett, 80 decisions, and 80-0 sweep.”

If you actually follow the money, you will see it is Democrats who are raising the most "dark" money by far for both the courts and politicians. This is just another attempt by Democrats to keep the wool pulled over the sheep's eyes as to what is really going on behind the scenes.

No matter who is spending more than the other party is not the issue. The issue is how some unknown can donate and influence. If you think dark money is the way to go then I feel you just don't care about this country.

And yet here you are championing the cause of the biggest dark money recipients. You stoopid, or are you an agent of the DNC?
If you actually follow the money, you will see it is Democrats who are raising the most "dark" money by far for both the courts and politicians. This is just another attempt by Democrats to keep the wool pulled over the sheep's eyes as to what is really going on behind the scenes.
No matter who is spending more than the other party is not the issue. The issue is how some unknown can donate and influence. If you think dark money is the way to go then I feel you just don't care about this country.
Indeed. Where is your outrage?

The Senator from RI lets it out on who has been stacking the courts.
The justice nominee is an example on this.
Sure, she will get the nod and yes she will get rammed through but what you get is all done and paid for.

"Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) laid out a vast right-wing conspiracy to stack the courts to benefit a handful of billionaires.
The Rhode Island Democrat showed how the deeply conservative Federalist Society, Judicial Crisis Network and Donors Trust spent hundreds of millions of dollars to rig the courts — and the election map — in favor of Republicans and their corporate sponsors."

“In all these areas where it’s about political power for big special interests and people who want to fund campaigns and people who want to get their way through politics without actually showing up, doing it behind Donors Trust and other groups, doing it through these schemes, over and over and over again, you see the same thing — 80 decisions, Judge Barrett, 80 decisions, and 80-0 sweep.”

If you actually follow the money, you will see it is Democrats who are raising the most "dark" money by far for both the courts and politicians. This is just another attempt by Democrats to keep the wool pulled over the sheep's eyes as to what is really going on behind the scenes.

No matter who is spending more than the other party is not the issue. The issue is how some unknown can donate and influence. If you think dark money is the way to go then I feel you just don't care about this country.

And yet here you are championing the cause of the biggest dark money recipients. You stoopid, or are you an agent of the DNC?

All I said is that Barrett is bought and paid for. I am not championing any sort of dark money. By the way, guess where it all started and by whom? Since Citizens United in 2010, which was GOP's dirty problem. Since then dark money has morphed into a $1B problem. Talk shit all you want, stupid.

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