Sheena vs. Satan: Democracy


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a commercialism exchange between Sheena (fictional comic book primalism jungle-heroine) and Satan (Biblical adversary of mankind and God) about the 'roots' of media-ego (as relevant for sports).

This exchange was inspired by the film Jerry Maguire. (a democracy-idealistic media-athletics themed film I like watching every Sunday if I can!). By the way, would a male be more likely to make a post like this or would a female be more likely to make a post like this?



SHEENA: Modern man loves televised sports!
SATAN: You are obviously a 'creature of nature.'
SHEENA: I prefer the simplicity of forests and rivers.
SATAN: You love animalia and raw innocence...
SHEENA: I'm not a 'sexuality symbol.'
SATAN: No! You're something like a 'gender critic.'
SHEENA: I think so; American men are obsessed with trophies.
SATAN: They crave the simple luxury of celebrity!
SHEENA: Perhaps man's vanity will lead to the apocalypse.
SATAN: Maybe it will be a legacy of pornography...
SHEENA: Why should women support the New England Patriots?
SATAN: I think the Patriots' captain (Tom Brady) appreciates fanfare.
SHEENA: All men seek adoring fans, but does Brady care about gender?
SATAN: I argue that democracy encourages athletes to think about energy!
SHEENA: Let's hope that capitalism will make sports 'safe' for pregnant women.
SATAN: I contend that televised sports offers glimpses of simple couture.
SHEENA: If the media promotes welfare for female athletes, I'll support ESPN!
SATAN: Let's have faith(!) that ESPN anchormen endorse mail-order-brides.



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