Shaming Democrats ..

When it comes to race, Trumpsters are trained to focus on the past and ignore the blazingly obvious present.

That's how they "address" the race issue. Follow the talk radio route.

And they somehow think people are buying it.

Gaslight, Obfuscate, Project.
It's what they're taught, it's all they know.

The real question to me is, do they know on a conscious level how intellectually dishonest they are, and/or how deep would one have to go into their subconscious to find them knowing how much they have to completely ignore? Or, are they simply just white nationalists / supremacists / separatists and refuse to admit it?

No way to know for sure.
When it comes to race, Trumpsters are trained to focus on the past and ignore the blazingly obvious present.

That's how they "address" the race issue. Follow the talk radio route.

And they somehow think people are buying it.

Gaslight, Obfuscate, Project.
It's what they're taught, it's all they know.

The real question to me is, do they know on a conscious level how intellectually dishonest they are, and/or how deep would one have to go into their subconscious to find them knowing how much they have to completely ignore?

Or, are they simply white nationalists / supremacists / separatists and refuse to admit it?

No way to know for sure.

You focus on people trolling on the internet, and then ignore the real racism in thought and practice of the democrat are the vile one.......the racist policies of the democrat party in the cities they have controlled for decades, some for well over 100 years are destroying the lives of the people who live there, in particular the minorities that live there.... are all wound up by posts on an internet political site.....

You are the real idiot.....

Again....the core groups of the democrat party are all racist...and support violence and hate.......and the last two Presidents from the democrat party have been friends and allies with the worst racists this country has ever produced......and you are silent on that...

You moron.
2aguy , you still there?

It's real simple. Tell me that quote is racist and you find it unacceptable. I'm waiting.

Moron, it is racist and it is unacceptable......I don't support racism of any kind from anyone regardless of their skin color...

But now you explain to us how it is that the core groups of the democrat party are actually real racists, in actions and beliefs......and yet you shit stains support them with money and power......

Tell me now that you find the democrat party racist and you find it unacceptable...that due to its actual racist history and racist actions, that it now needs to be dissolved and its assets given to the descendants of the people members of the democrat party owned as slaves.......

I am twit.

Oh good. You actually stepped up and called it racist. I'm proud of you. Now when is the last time you actually called out one of the posters around here for saying racist things?

Have you ever?

That's not my job..........I am here to expose the actual, real racism of the democrat party that is getting innocent men, women and children killed and destroying their shit stain.....


But now you explain to us how it is that the core groups of the democrat party are actually real racists, in actions and beliefs......and yet you shit stains support them with money and power......

Tell me now that you find the democrat party racist and you find it unacceptable...that due to its actual racist history and racist actions, that it now needs to be dissolved and its assets given to the descendants of the people members of the democrat party owned as slaves.......

I am twit.

I don't find the democrat party racist. Certain people are, sure. It's history is just that - history. What we currently have is a bunch of racist conservatives and you won't actually say anything directly to them because "it's not your job". Because you're a coward.
2aguy , you still there?

It's real simple. Tell me that quote is racist and you find it unacceptable. I'm waiting.

He need not tell you any such thing. The problem with your kind: entitlement. You expect your demands be met and right now. Another "cool" internet kid in motion. Dream on, little one. Many members post here to blow off steam. No one here makes political policy or laws one could label racist or otherwise. However, your democrat tattersall fairy friends have a century and a half plus history of passing racist laws and policies, platforms and an actionable ideology that works against the freedom and independence of blacks in America.
When it comes to race, Trumpsters are trained to focus on the past and ignore the blazingly obvious present.

That's how they "address" the race issue. Follow the talk radio route.

And they somehow think people are buying it.

Gaslight, Obfuscate, Project.
It's what they're taught, it's all they know.

The real question to me is, do they know on a conscious level how intellectually dishonest they are, and/or how deep would one have to go into their subconscious to find them knowing how much they have to completely ignore? Or, are they simply just white nationalists / supremacists / separatists and refuse to admit it?

No way to know for sure.

It's the latter. Maga cowards. We know because they revel in showing it daily.
2aguy , you still there?

It's real simple. Tell me that quote is racist and you find it unacceptable. I'm waiting.

He need not tell you any such thing. The problem with your kind: entitlement. You expect your demands be met and right now. Another "cool" internet kid in motion. Dream on, little one. Many members post here to blow off steam. No one here makes political policy or laws one could label racist or otherwise. However, your democrat tattersall fairy friends have a century and a half plus history of passing racist laws and policies, platforms and an actionable ideology that works against the freedom and independence of blacks in America.

You're a little late. He already met my demands.
When it comes to race, Trumpsters are trained to focus on the past and ignore the blazingly obvious present.

That's how they "address" the race issue. Follow the talk radio route.

And they somehow think people are buying it.

Gaslight, Obfuscate, Project.
It's what they're taught, it's all they know.

The real question to me is, do they know on a conscious level how intellectually dishonest they are, and/or how deep would one have to go into their subconscious to find them knowing how much they have to completely ignore?

Or, are they simply white nationalists / supremacists / separatists and refuse to admit it?

No way to know for sure.

You focus on people trolling on the internet, and then ignore the real racism in thought and practice of the democrat are the vile one.......the racist policies of the democrat party in the cities they have controlled for decades, some for well over 100 years are destroying the lives of the people who live there, in particular the minorities that live there.... are all wound up by posts on an internet political site.....

You are the real idiot.....

Again....the core groups of the democrat party are all racist...and support violence and hate.......and the last two Presidents from the democrat party have been friends and allies with the worst racists this country has ever produced......and you are silent on that...

You moron.
Good stuff, Trumpster!
When it comes to race, Trumpsters are trained to focus on the past and ignore the blazingly obvious present.

That's how they "address" the race issue. Follow the talk radio route.

And they somehow think people are buying it.

Gaslight, Obfuscate, Project.
It's what they're taught, it's all they know.

The real question to me is, do they know on a conscious level how intellectually dishonest they are, and/or how deep would one have to go into their subconscious to find them knowing how much they have to completely ignore? Or, are they simply just white nationalists / supremacists / separatists and refuse to admit it?

No way to know for sure.

It's the latter. Maga cowards. We know because they revel in showing it daily.
There sure is a lot of it going on, from coast to coast. They've been enabled by the guy in the White House who pretended not to know how David Duke is.

But again, this is good in the long run. Now we know what we have. We'll get there.
2aguy , you still there?

It's real simple. Tell me that quote is racist and you find it unacceptable. I'm waiting.

Moron, it is racist and it is unacceptable......I don't support racism of any kind from anyone regardless of their skin color...

But now you explain to us how it is that the core groups of the democrat party are actually real racists, in actions and beliefs......and yet you shit stains support them with money and power......

Tell me now that you find the democrat party racist and you find it unacceptable...that due to its actual racist history and racist actions, that it now needs to be dissolved and its assets given to the descendants of the people members of the democrat party owned as slaves.......

I am twit.

Oh good. You actually stepped up and called it racist. I'm proud of you. Now when is the last time you actually called out one of the posters around here for saying racist things?

Have you ever?

That's not my job..........I am here to expose the actual, real racism of the democrat party that is getting innocent men, women and children killed and destroying their shit stain.....


But now you explain to us how it is that the core groups of the democrat party are actually real racists, in actions and beliefs......and yet you shit stains support them with money and power......

Tell me now that you find the democrat party racist and you find it unacceptable...that due to its actual racist history and racist actions, that it now needs to be dissolved and its assets given to the descendants of the people members of the democrat party owned as slaves.......

I am twit.

I don't find the democrat party racist. Certain people are, sure. It's history is just that - history. What we currently have is a bunch of racist conservatives and you won't actually say anything directly to them because "it's not your job". Because you're a coward.

The core groups of the democrat party are actual racists........ the last two Democrat party Presidents have friends and allies who are the biggest racists in the country..........they call them friends....actual racists of the worst kind....and you pretend not to notice even when it is put right in front of you....

You are vile....supporting a political party that is the home of racism, misogyny, violence and hate...

bill clinton.....the guy who can still appear in public at democrat party meetings and who is hailed as a hero in the democrat party...........this is actual racism...

n Tuesday, October 22, 2002, Bill Clinton traveled to Fayetteville, Arkansas to honor the life of the late Arkansas senator, J. William Fulbright by dedicating a seven-foot-tall bronze statue of the man.
Of course, the man Clinton was praising, who he called his “mentor,” who supposedly embraced utopian values and made the world a better place for everyone, was also a rabid segregationist.

In 1956, Fulbright was one of 19 senators who issued a statement entitled the “Southern Manifesto.” This document condemned the 1954 U.S. Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education. Its signers stated, among other things, that “We commend the motives of those States which have declared the intention to resist forced integration by any lawful means.” They stated further, “We pledge ourselves to use all lawful means to bring about reversal of this decision which is contrary to the Constitution and to prevent the use of force in its implementation.”

Of course, in 1957, the first serious challenge to Brown occurred in Fulbright’s backyard. Fulbright’s Democrat colleague, Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus (another early Clinton backer) ordered the National Guard to surround Central High School in Little Rock to prevent nine black students from attending the school. President Dwight Eisenhower dispatched the 101st Airborne Division to protect these teenagers and enforce the Supreme Court’s decision.

Fulbright later voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act. He voted against the 1965 Voting Rights Act. And he did so because he believed in separating the races — in schools and other public places. He was a segregationist, heart and soul.

Orval Faubus

Bill Clinton with Orval Faubus, 1991.[10]
In June 1974, a few months before Clinton would narrowly lose his congressional bid, he sat down for an interview with an oral history project.[11] Reaching out to the notorious segregationist was just good politics, he told the interviewers.

“When did you build this friendship with Faubus?” one asked.

“When I got ready to run for Congress,” Clinton answered.

“But wouldn’t he be the last guy to go see, represented the old time machine?” the interviewer pressed.

“No, no. See, that’s why I got elected. Because I don’t do things — I don’t think in terms of that,” Clinton said.

“But wouldn’t the liberal mind, whatever it is in this district, think that way?”

“Well, the liberal mind might, but I don’t have a liberal mind, I guess, if that’s the way they think. It’s a matter of politics and how you get votes,” Clinton said of doing his dance with white supremacists. “Faubus has a fine mind and a lot of influence in these hills, these people, and knows things that are worth knowing. The reason that they will vote for me, if they do, the people, even if they think that I’m liberal, whatever that is, is that I’ll sit down with all these people and talk to them.”

Jesse Jackson
The Clintons call Jesse Jackson that "Goddamn n****r" behind his back.[20][21][22][23] Jackson refused to release his delegates in 1984 to Gary Hart, Clinton's old boss from the McGovern campaign of 1972. Jackson, the first African-American to win states in a major party primary, questioned the disparity between his vote total and delegate count, but even Hart sided with the DNC's rigging the primary rules.[24] In 1988 Jackson selected Ron Brown as his chief negotiator at the 1988 Democratic National Convention.[25] Brown went on to serve as DNC Chairman and Commerce Secretary until he died in a plane crash.[26]

2aguy , you still there?

It's real simple. Tell me that quote is racist and you find it unacceptable. I'm waiting.

Moron, it is racist and it is unacceptable......I don't support racism of any kind from anyone regardless of their skin color...

But now you explain to us how it is that the core groups of the democrat party are actually real racists, in actions and beliefs......and yet you shit stains support them with money and power......

Tell me now that you find the democrat party racist and you find it unacceptable...that due to its actual racist history and racist actions, that it now needs to be dissolved and its assets given to the descendants of the people members of the democrat party owned as slaves.......

I am twit.

Oh good. You actually stepped up and called it racist. I'm proud of you. Now when is the last time you actually called out one of the posters around here for saying racist things?

Have you ever?

That's not my job..........I am here to expose the actual, real racism of the democrat party that is getting innocent men, women and children killed and destroying their shit stain.....


But now you explain to us how it is that the core groups of the democrat party are actually real racists, in actions and beliefs......and yet you shit stains support them with money and power......

Tell me now that you find the democrat party racist and you find it unacceptable...that due to its actual racist history and racist actions, that it now needs to be dissolved and its assets given to the descendants of the people members of the democrat party owned as slaves.......

I am twit.

I don't find the democrat party racist. Certain people are, sure. It's history is just that - history. What we currently have is a bunch of racist conservatives and you won't actually say anything directly to them because "it's not your job". Because you're a coward.

I will wait while you explain the open racism of barak obama.....the friend and ally to Al Sharpton, louis farrakhan and jeremiah wright.......friend to the Black Panthers and black lives matter....

Actual racists and racist groups.....

I am waiting.....but I know you are busy going after guys on the internet...rather than the actual racists destroying actual black lives in democrat party controlled cities.
2aguy , you still there?

It's real simple. Tell me that quote is racist and you find it unacceptable. I'm waiting.

Moron, it is racist and it is unacceptable......I don't support racism of any kind from anyone regardless of their skin color...

But now you explain to us how it is that the core groups of the democrat party are actually real racists, in actions and beliefs......and yet you shit stains support them with money and power......

Tell me now that you find the democrat party racist and you find it unacceptable...that due to its actual racist history and racist actions, that it now needs to be dissolved and its assets given to the descendants of the people members of the democrat party owned as slaves.......

I am twit.

Oh good. You actually stepped up and called it racist. I'm proud of you. Now when is the last time you actually called out one of the posters around here for saying racist things?

Have you ever?

That's not my job..........I am here to expose the actual, real racism of the democrat party that is getting innocent men, women and children killed and destroying their shit stain.....


But now you explain to us how it is that the core groups of the democrat party are actually real racists, in actions and beliefs......and yet you shit stains support them with money and power......

Tell me now that you find the democrat party racist and you find it unacceptable...that due to its actual racist history and racist actions, that it now needs to be dissolved and its assets given to the descendants of the people members of the democrat party owned as slaves.......

I am twit.

I don't find the democrat party racist. Certain people are, sure. It's history is just that - history. What we currently have is a bunch of racist conservatives and you won't actually say anything directly to them because "it's not your job". Because you're a coward.

The core groups of the democrat party are actual racists........ the last two Democrat party Presidents have friends and allies who are the biggest racists in the country..........they call them friends....actual racists of the worst kind....and you pretend not to notice even when it is put right in front of you....

You are vile....supporting a political party that is the home of racism, misogyny, violence and hate...

bill clinton.....the guy who can still appear in public at democrat party meetings and who is hailed as a hero in the democrat party...........this is actual racism...

n Tuesday, October 22, 2002, Bill Clinton traveled to Fayetteville, Arkansas to honor the life of the late Arkansas senator, J. William Fulbright by dedicating a seven-foot-tall bronze statue of the man.
Of course, the man Clinton was praising, who he called his “mentor,” who supposedly embraced utopian values and made the world a better place for everyone, was also a rabid segregationist.

In 1956, Fulbright was one of 19 senators who issued a statement entitled the “Southern Manifesto.” This document condemned the 1954 U.S. Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education. Its signers stated, among other things, that “We commend the motives of those States which have declared the intention to resist forced integration by any lawful means.” They stated further, “We pledge ourselves to use all lawful means to bring about reversal of this decision which is contrary to the Constitution and to prevent the use of force in its implementation.”

Of course, in 1957, the first serious challenge to Brown occurred in Fulbright’s backyard. Fulbright’s Democrat colleague, Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus (another early Clinton backer) ordered the National Guard to surround Central High School in Little Rock to prevent nine black students from attending the school. President Dwight Eisenhower dispatched the 101st Airborne Division to protect these teenagers and enforce the Supreme Court’s decision.

Fulbright later voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act. He voted against the 1965 Voting Rights Act. And he did so because he believed in separating the races — in schools and other public places. He was a segregationist, heart and soul.

Orval Faubus

Bill Clinton with Orval Faubus, 1991.[10]
In June 1974, a few months before Clinton would narrowly lose his congressional bid, he sat down for an interview with an oral history project.[11] Reaching out to the notorious segregationist was just good politics, he told the interviewers.

“When did you build this friendship with Faubus?” one asked.

“When I got ready to run for Congress,” Clinton answered.

“But wouldn’t he be the last guy to go see, represented the old time machine?” the interviewer pressed.

“No, no. See, that’s why I got elected. Because I don’t do things — I don’t think in terms of that,” Clinton said.

“But wouldn’t the liberal mind, whatever it is in this district, think that way?”

“Well, the liberal mind might, but I don’t have a liberal mind, I guess, if that’s the way they think. It’s a matter of politics and how you get votes,” Clinton said of doing his dance with white supremacists. “Faubus has a fine mind and a lot of influence in these hills, these people, and knows things that are worth knowing. The reason that they will vote for me, if they do, the people, even if they think that I’m liberal, whatever that is, is that I’ll sit down with all these people and talk to them.”

Jesse Jackson
The Clintons call Jesse Jackson that "Goddamn n****r" behind his back.[20][21][22][23] Jackson refused to release his delegates in 1984 to Gary Hart, Clinton's old boss from the McGovern campaign of 1972. Jackson, the first African-American to win states in a major party primary, questioned the disparity between his vote total and delegate count, but even Hart sided with the DNC's rigging the primary rules.[24] In 1988 Jackson selected Ron Brown as his chief negotiator at the 1988 Democratic National Convention.[25] Brown went on to serve as DNC Chairman and Commerce Secretary until he died in a plane crash.[26]

And here comes the unrelated block of blue text.

If only you would actually be less of a coward piece of shit and call out your fellow conservatives once in a while.
2aguy , you still there?

It's real simple. Tell me that quote is racist and you find it unacceptable. I'm waiting.

Moron, it is racist and it is unacceptable......I don't support racism of any kind from anyone regardless of their skin color...

But now you explain to us how it is that the core groups of the democrat party are actually real racists, in actions and beliefs......and yet you shit stains support them with money and power......

Tell me now that you find the democrat party racist and you find it unacceptable...that due to its actual racist history and racist actions, that it now needs to be dissolved and its assets given to the descendants of the people members of the democrat party owned as slaves.......

I am twit.

Oh good. You actually stepped up and called it racist. I'm proud of you. Now when is the last time you actually called out one of the posters around here for saying racist things?

Have you ever?

That's not my job..........I am here to expose the actual, real racism of the democrat party that is getting innocent men, women and children killed and destroying their shit stain.....


But now you explain to us how it is that the core groups of the democrat party are actually real racists, in actions and beliefs......and yet you shit stains support them with money and power......

Tell me now that you find the democrat party racist and you find it unacceptable...that due to its actual racist history and racist actions, that it now needs to be dissolved and its assets given to the descendants of the people members of the democrat party owned as slaves.......

I am twit.

I don't find the democrat party racist. Certain people are, sure. It's history is just that - history. What we currently have is a bunch of racist conservatives and you won't actually say anything directly to them because "it's not your job". Because you're a coward.

I will wait while you explain the open racism of barak obama.....the friend and ally to Al Sharpton, louis farrakhan and jeremiah wright.......friend to the Black Panthers and black lives matter....

Actual racists and racist groups.....

I am waiting.....but I know you are busy going after guys on the internet...rather than the actual racists destroying actual black lives in democrat party controlled cities.

Open racism of Obama lol. Sure bud. This is what happens when you get your information from conservapedia.

And yet you still don't call out your fellow conservatives. Because you're full of shit.
When it comes to race, Trumpsters are trained to focus on the past and ignore the blazingly obvious present.

That's how they "address" the race issue. Follow the talk radio route.

And they somehow think people are buying it.

Gaslight, Obfuscate, Project.
It's what they're taught, it's all they know.

The real question to me is, do they know on a conscious level how intellectually dishonest they are, and/or how deep would one have to go into their subconscious to find them knowing how much they have to completely ignore? Or, are they simply just white nationalists / supremacists / separatists and refuse to admit it?

No way to know for sure.

It's the latter. Maga cowards. We know because they revel in showing it daily.
There sure is a lot of it going on, from coast to coast. They've been enabled by the guy in the White House who pretended not to know how David Duke is.

But again, this is good in the long run. Now we know what we have. We'll get there.

I'm simply glad I never see this shtick in real life. The ignorant racists here are the standard stereotypical cartoon character mold.
2aguy , you still there?

It's real simple. Tell me that quote is racist and you find it unacceptable. I'm waiting.

Moron, it is racist and it is unacceptable......I don't support racism of any kind from anyone regardless of their skin color...

But now you explain to us how it is that the core groups of the democrat party are actually real racists, in actions and beliefs......and yet you shit stains support them with money and power......

Tell me now that you find the democrat party racist and you find it unacceptable...that due to its actual racist history and racist actions, that it now needs to be dissolved and its assets given to the descendants of the people members of the democrat party owned as slaves.......

I am twit.

Oh good. You actually stepped up and called it racist. I'm proud of you. Now when is the last time you actually called out one of the posters around here for saying racist things?

Have you ever?

That's not my job..........I am here to expose the actual, real racism of the democrat party that is getting innocent men, women and children killed and destroying their shit stain.....


But now you explain to us how it is that the core groups of the democrat party are actually real racists, in actions and beliefs......and yet you shit stains support them with money and power......

Tell me now that you find the democrat party racist and you find it unacceptable...that due to its actual racist history and racist actions, that it now needs to be dissolved and its assets given to the descendants of the people members of the democrat party owned as slaves.......

I am twit.

I don't find the democrat party racist. Certain people are, sure. It's history is just that - history. What we currently have is a bunch of racist conservatives and you won't actually say anything directly to them because "it's not your job". Because you're a coward.

I will wait while you explain the open racism of barak obama.....the friend and ally to Al Sharpton, louis farrakhan and jeremiah wright.......friend to the Black Panthers and black lives matter....

Actual racists and racist groups.....

I am waiting.....but I know you are busy going after guys on the internet...rather than the actual racists destroying actual black lives in democrat party controlled cities.

Open racism of Obama lol. Sure bud. This is what happens when you get your information from conservapedia.

And yet you still don't call out your fellow conservatives. Because you're full of shit.

Is obama good friends and allies with al sharpton, jeremiah wright and louis farrakhan?

yes or no?

Does he support the black panthers, black lives matter and la party racist groups?

Yes or no?
Why did Democrats support the Jim Crow laws, lynching and promote their racism with their Ku Klux Klan?

I think all Democrats owe all of us reparations.. pay up you racist bums..

The Southern Democrats supported it because it was a states right to do what they did.Other democrats supported separate but equal as did Republicans.
2aguy , you still there?

It's real simple. Tell me that quote is racist and you find it unacceptable. I'm waiting.

Moron, it is racist and it is unacceptable......I don't support racism of any kind from anyone regardless of their skin color...

But now you explain to us how it is that the core groups of the democrat party are actually real racists, in actions and beliefs......and yet you shit stains support them with money and power......

Tell me now that you find the democrat party racist and you find it unacceptable...that due to its actual racist history and racist actions, that it now needs to be dissolved and its assets given to the descendants of the people members of the democrat party owned as slaves.......

I am twit.

Oh good. You actually stepped up and called it racist. I'm proud of you. Now when is the last time you actually called out one of the posters around here for saying racist things?

Have you ever?

That's not my job..........I am here to expose the actual, real racism of the democrat party that is getting innocent men, women and children killed and destroying their shit stain.....


But now you explain to us how it is that the core groups of the democrat party are actually real racists, in actions and beliefs......and yet you shit stains support them with money and power......

Tell me now that you find the democrat party racist and you find it unacceptable...that due to its actual racist history and racist actions, that it now needs to be dissolved and its assets given to the descendants of the people members of the democrat party owned as slaves.......

I am twit.

I don't find the democrat party racist. Certain people are, sure. It's history is just that - history. What we currently have is a bunch of racist conservatives and you won't actually say anything directly to them because "it's not your job". Because you're a coward.

I will wait while you explain the open racism of barak obama.....the friend and ally to Al Sharpton, louis farrakhan and jeremiah wright.......friend to the Black Panthers and black lives matter....

Actual racists and racist groups.....

I am waiting.....but I know you are busy going after guys on the internet...rather than the actual racists destroying actual black lives in democrat party controlled cities.

Open racism of Obama lol. Sure bud. This is what happens when you get your information from conservapedia.

And yet you still don't call out your fellow conservatives. Because you're full of shit.

Is obama good friends and allies with al sharpton, jeremiah wright and louis farrakhan?

yes or no?

Does he support the black panthers, black lives matter and la party racist groups?

Yes or no?
Have you ever ask him directly and not ask someone who doesn't know?
When it comes to race, Trumpsters are trained to focus on the past and ignore the blazingly obvious present.

That's how they "address" the race issue. Follow the talk radio route.

And they somehow think people are buying it.
What you said is the exact opposite of the truth.
The left pays attention to the past to base their complaints..400 years of slavery that ended 160 years ago..but everyone else can see the way things were before the left started making everything racist.
We have to now hate everything this country stands for because we had slaves before any of us was born.
I'm simply glad I never see this shtick in real life. The ignorant racists here are the standard stereotypical cartoon character mold.
I have a slightly unfair advantage.

Both my wife and I are of mixed race, and therefore so are our beautiful daughters. None of us "look" like our Hispanic/Latino sides -- we all just have a kind of exotic appearance, I guess. When people find out about our ethnicity, they often say, "I always WONDERED what you were!" :laugh:

Anyway, this kind of "ethnic anonymity" means that we're OFTEN privy to conversations by whites who feel free to just let 'er rip on race. And we've all heard and seen some pretty horrific shit. More than a few times. And definitely by Trumpsters. Right there, right in front of us, clear as day.

So when these Trumpist liars and cowards claim that nothing like that exists, or when they try to downplay or dismiss or minimize it, I'm happy to expose them for what they are.

Liars and cowards.
Last edited:
When it comes to race, Trumpsters are trained to focus on the past and ignore the blazingly obvious present.

That's how they "address" the race issue. Follow the talk radio route.

And they somehow think people are buying it.
What you said is the exact opposite of the truth.
The left pays attention to the past to base their complaints..400 years of slavery that ended 160 years ago..but everyone else can see the way things were before the left started making everything racist.
We have to now hate everything this country stands for because we had slaves before any of us was born.
Interesting how you claim that what I said is the exact opposite of the "truth", and then completely avoid it.

You are what you are. Admit it. Or don't. But no one is fooled.

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