Sexual Orientation: What are it's causes?

Most researchers agree that homosexuality is multi-causal and complex; many factors contribute to the development of same-sex attraction. Most researchers, including Dr. Dean Hamer, the "gay gene” researcher who is himself a gay man, agree that homosexuality is due to a combination of social, biological, and psychological factors. Dr. Hamer has said, "Genes are hardware…the data of life’s experiences are processed through the sexual software into the circuits of identity. I suspect the sexual software is a mixture of both genes and environment, in much the same way the software of a computer is a mixture of what’s installed at the factory and what’s added by the user (P. Copeland and D. Hammer (1994) The Science of Desire. New York: Simon and Schuster.)”

It is also important to note that the combination of factors is different for each person.

Now a comment is needed about the second part of the question - is homosexuality a choice? Human choice can be accurately viewed as one of the factors influencing the development of sexual orientation but this does not mean that people consciously decide their sexual orientation. No one decides on a specific day that from that day onward that they will be a homosexual or a heterosexual. No one can decide that they will experience opposite-sex or same-sex attractions. Instead, sexual orientation is shaped and reshaped by a series of many choices and response to circumstances in one’s life and enormous social and cultural pressures.

Returning to the question - is homosexaulity genetic or is it a choice? The answer is neither. The simple question of what causes homosexuality appears to have a rather complicated answer. And we do not have to adopt a simplistic either/or approach when looking for what causes homosexuality.


This would seem to support my theory that it is both. The statement "The answer is neither." can be taken as agreeing because I don't believe that it is ALL nature or all nurture. I certainly do not believe that it is choice.

Though, it is conceiveable that there may be some who actually do choose to be gay.

Heterosexuality, is that a choice? If it isn't, then neither is homosexuality, and if it is, then what's the problem.

We could say we choose who we go to bed with, but I don't think we choose who we're attracted to.

Pheronomes maybe. Compatible cooties?

I only stated that there may be some people who can and do choose to be gay. I have stated repeatedly that I believe homosexuality to be a combination of genetic and environmental factors and not a choice. I had to amend that because I don't like to use absolutes. Do you think that it is impossible for a hetersexual to choose to have gay sex?
So I arbitrarily decided that I find it OK for two consenting adults to have sexual relations, and arbitrarily decided that it was not OK for an adult to force a kid to have sex?

Or am I misreading your comment?

That is exactly what you did, and you should admit it. Even if sexual attraction is not a choice, which is debatable despite all the people lining up with the high minded intent to rob us of free will, people still have a choice in what they do. Either that, or everything we do has been laid out since the beginning of time. Either way, it makes no sense to argue that pedophilia is a disease and homosexuality isn't.
Well... what are your thoughts on it? Do you consider both pedophilia and homosexuality to be diseases?

LOL!!!! I have the windbag on ignore because he is so consistently negative and never posts anything supported by facts (as displayed above) but sometimes the sheer stupidity of what he posts is so entertaining, I'm tempted to take him off!
So now he is saying that he could just stop being attracted to women and "choose" to be turned on by looking naked men OR that it would be reasonable to ask him to just never act on the single strongest instinct he has.

So here's something I CAN'T do. It wouldn't matter how hard I tried, it wouldn't work. But with all the ConservaRepubs who get busted in gay acts, maybe it's different for them!

So here's the question that the whackjobs Cut & Run from every time:

Could you just choose to get an erection by fondling, oral, anal and other contact with male genetalia?
Yes or no?

Time to Cut & Run boys!
That is exactly what you did, and you should admit it. Even if sexual attraction is not a choice, which is debatable despite all the people lining up with the high minded intent to rob us of free will, people still have a choice in what they do. Either that, or everything we do has been laid out since the beginning of time. Either way, it makes no sense to argue that pedophilia is a disease and homosexuality isn't.
Well... what are your thoughts on it? Do you consider both pedophilia and homosexuality to be diseases?

LOL!!!! I have the windbag on ignore because he is so consistently negative and never posts anything supported by facts (as displayed above) but sometimes the sheer stupidity of what he posts is so entertaining, I'm tempted to take him off!
So now he is saying that he could just stop being attracted to women and "choose" to be turned on by looking naked men OR that it would be reasonable to ask him to just never act on the single strongest instinct he has.

So here's something I CAN'T do. It wouldn't matter how hard I tried, it wouldn't work. But with all the ConservaRepubs who get busted in gay acts, maybe it's different for them!

So here's the question that the whackjobs Cut & Run from every time:

Could you just choose to get an erection by fondling, oral, anal and other contact with male genetalia?
Yes or no?

Time to Cut & Run boys!

Yup. KG says the same thing. Apparently, they got hit so many times with "If it's choice, when did YOU choose," so now they happily announce that they did choose.

However, nobody will tell me what sexual encounter they had that helped them make that choice. Making a choice without sampling the wares is not an informed choice.
Well... what are your thoughts on it? Do you consider both pedophilia and homosexuality to be diseases?

LOL!!!! I have the windbag on ignore because he is so consistently negative and never posts anything supported by facts (as displayed above) but sometimes the sheer stupidity of what he posts is so entertaining, I'm tempted to take him off!
So now he is saying that he could just stop being attracted to women and "choose" to be turned on by looking naked men OR that it would be reasonable to ask him to just never act on the single strongest instinct he has.

So here's something I CAN'T do. It wouldn't matter how hard I tried, it wouldn't work. But with all the ConservaRepubs who get busted in gay acts, maybe it's different for them!

So here's the question that the whackjobs Cut & Run from every time:

Could you just choose to get an erection by fondling, oral, anal and other contact with male genetalia?
Yes or no?

Time to Cut & Run boys!

Yup. KG says the same thing. Apparently, they got hit so many times with "If it's choice, when did YOU choose," so now they happily announce that they did choose.

However, nobody will tell me what sexual encounter they had that helped them make that choice. Making a choice without sampling the wares is not an informed choice.

Interestingly enough, I had a friend who was a lesiban once, and she wasn't exactly sure that is what she wanted to be. One day, she asked me if I would be willing to do her a favor, and I said sure, what is it? She then asked me if I would have sex with her, because she wanted to make sure she was gay. We spent quite a bit of time talking about it beforehand, because I wanted to make sure that our friendship wouldn't suffer because of the experiment.

Well, we got naked and started to kiss and such, and she was cool with that, but when penetration happened, she asked me if I could stop because "it didn't feel right". We then got dressed and went back out to shoot pool.

Around 6 months or so, she wanted to repeat the experiment, and the same thing occurred.

Got news for you, it's not necessarily a "choice".
Because there is no sexual encounter that made anyone choose. If a sexual encounter MADE someone choose, then it's not a choice.

Don't you ever wonder why so many lesbians are the product of dysfunctional homes...usually where sex abuse has taken place?

Your sis wasn't born gay. She chose it.
LOL!!!! I have the windbag on ignore because he is so consistently negative and never posts anything supported by facts (as displayed above) but sometimes the sheer stupidity of what he posts is so entertaining, I'm tempted to take him off!
So now he is saying that he could just stop being attracted to women and "choose" to be turned on by looking naked men OR that it would be reasonable to ask him to just never act on the single strongest instinct he has.

So here's something I CAN'T do. It wouldn't matter how hard I tried, it wouldn't work. But with all the ConservaRepubs who get busted in gay acts, maybe it's different for them!

So here's the question that the whackjobs Cut & Run from every time:

Could you just choose to get an erection by fondling, oral, anal and other contact with male genetalia?
Yes or no?

Time to Cut & Run boys!

Yup. KG says the same thing. Apparently, they got hit so many times with "If it's choice, when did YOU choose," so now they happily announce that they did choose.

However, nobody will tell me what sexual encounter they had that helped them make that choice. Making a choice without sampling the wares is not an informed choice.

Interestingly enough, I had a friend who was a lesiban once, and she wasn't exactly sure that is what she wanted to be. One day, she asked me if I would be willing to do her a favor, and I said sure, what is it? She then asked me if I would have sex with her, because she wanted to make sure she was gay. We spent quite a bit of time talking about it beforehand, because I wanted to make sure that our friendship wouldn't suffer because of the experiment.

Well, we got naked and started to kiss and such, and she was cool with that, but when penetration happened, she asked me if I could stop because "it didn't feel right". We then got dressed and went back out to shoot pool.

Around 6 months or so, she wanted to repeat the experiment, and the same thing occurred.

Got news for you, it's not necessarily a "choice".
Lesbians will go straight when a real man get's ahold of them.

Your little wee-wee ain't going to impress any woman gay or not. :lol:
Oh I don't know about that...what's their motivation? They are lesbian because they are traumatized, and they aren't motivated enough to address those issues.
So I arbitrarily decided that I find it OK for two consenting adults to have sexual relations, and arbitrarily decided that it was not OK for an adult to force a kid to have sex?

Or am I misreading your comment?

That is exactly what you did, and you should admit it. Even if sexual attraction is not a choice, which is debatable despite all the people lining up with the high minded intent to rob us of free will, people still have a choice in what they do. Either that, or everything we do has been laid out since the beginning of time. Either way, it makes no sense to argue that pedophilia is a disease and homosexuality isn't.
Well... what are your thoughts on it? Do you consider both pedophilia and homosexuality to be diseases?

I don't consider either one to be a disease. However, being that I am morally superior to anyone I decide I am morally superior to, I will kill any pedophile I ever catch messing around with any child, I would consider it a service to the universe.

All I am doing here is pointing out that there are people who haven't actually thought this through and that their position is a result of not accepting the fact that they are being arbitrary. I don't actually have a problem with them being arbitrary, I just want them to realize it.
That is exactly what you did, and you should admit it. Even if sexual attraction is not a choice, which is debatable despite all the people lining up with the high minded intent to rob us of free will, people still have a choice in what they do. Either that, or everything we do has been laid out since the beginning of time. Either way, it makes no sense to argue that pedophilia is a disease and homosexuality isn't.
Well... what are your thoughts on it? Do you consider both pedophilia and homosexuality to be diseases?

LOL!!!! I have the windbag on ignore because he is so consistently negative and never posts anything supported by facts (as displayed above) but sometimes the sheer stupidity of what he posts is so entertaining, I'm tempted to take him off!
So now he is saying that he could just stop being attracted to women and "choose" to be turned on by looking naked men OR that it would be reasonable to ask him to just never act on the single strongest instinct he has.

So here's something I CAN'T do. It wouldn't matter how hard I tried, it wouldn't work. But with all the ConservaRepubs who get busted in gay acts, maybe it's different for them!

So here's the question that the whackjobs Cut & Run from every time:

Could you just choose to get an erection by fondling, oral, anal and other contact with male genetalia?
Yes or no?

Time to Cut & Run boys!

Yet I managed to win over Cenotaph with logic and persuasion. Maybe the problem here isn't me, it just might be you.

For the record, since I chose to be heterosexual, I have never once had a problem getting an erection from nothing but fondling male genitalia. The fact that they happened to be my own is irrelevant, but it does prove that you can't actually build a logical trap.
Well... what are your thoughts on it? Do you consider both pedophilia and homosexuality to be diseases?

LOL!!!! I have the windbag on ignore because he is so consistently negative and never posts anything supported by facts (as displayed above) but sometimes the sheer stupidity of what he posts is so entertaining, I'm tempted to take him off!
So now he is saying that he could just stop being attracted to women and "choose" to be turned on by looking naked men OR that it would be reasonable to ask him to just never act on the single strongest instinct he has.

So here's something I CAN'T do. It wouldn't matter how hard I tried, it wouldn't work. But with all the ConservaRepubs who get busted in gay acts, maybe it's different for them!

So here's the question that the whackjobs Cut & Run from every time:

Could you just choose to get an erection by fondling, oral, anal and other contact with male genetalia?
Yes or no?

Time to Cut & Run boys!

Yup. KG says the same thing. Apparently, they got hit so many times with "If it's choice, when did YOU choose," so now they happily announce that they did choose.

However, nobody will tell me what sexual encounter they had that helped them make that choice. Making a choice without sampling the wares is not an informed choice.

What makes you think I did not sample the wares?
Yup. KG says the same thing. Apparently, they got hit so many times with "If it's choice, when did YOU choose," so now they happily announce that they did choose.

However, nobody will tell me what sexual encounter they had that helped them make that choice. Making a choice without sampling the wares is not an informed choice.

Interestingly enough, I had a friend who was a lesiban once, and she wasn't exactly sure that is what she wanted to be. One day, she asked me if I would be willing to do her a favor, and I said sure, what is it? She then asked me if I would have sex with her, because she wanted to make sure she was gay. We spent quite a bit of time talking about it beforehand, because I wanted to make sure that our friendship wouldn't suffer because of the experiment.

Well, we got naked and started to kiss and such, and she was cool with that, but when penetration happened, she asked me if I could stop because "it didn't feel right". We then got dressed and went back out to shoot pool.

Around 6 months or so, she wanted to repeat the experiment, and the same thing occurred.

Got news for you, it's not necessarily a "choice".
Lesbians will go straight when a real man get's ahold of them.

Your little wee-wee ain't going to impress any woman gay or not. :lol:

LOL! I LOVE this kind of post! If ignorance could be converted to energy, this guy could light NYC for a year!
That's right! If only lesbians could spend a night with Sunni Man, they would be cured! :lol:
Oh and here's another thing: What will definitely "cure" a lesbian is just a matter of finding a man with a big enough dick! :lol:
Of course, the law of compensation makes clear what is going on with men who frequently need to discuss size, doesn't it... :eusa_whistle:
Poor Sunni! he's brought it up several times in this thread already :(
Interestingly enough, I had a friend who was a lesiban once, and she wasn't exactly sure that is what she wanted to be. One day, she asked me if I would be willing to do her a favor, and I said sure, what is it? She then asked me if I would have sex with her, because she wanted to make sure she was gay. We spent quite a bit of time talking about it beforehand, because I wanted to make sure that our friendship wouldn't suffer because of the experiment.

Well, we got naked and started to kiss and such, and she was cool with that, but when penetration happened, she asked me if I could stop because "it didn't feel right". We then got dressed and went back out to shoot pool.

Around 6 months or so, she wanted to repeat the experiment, and the same thing occurred.

Got news for you, it's not necessarily a "choice".
Lesbians will go straight when a real man get's ahold of them.

Your little wee-wee ain't going to impress any woman gay or not. :lol:

LOL! I LOVE this kind of post! If ignorance could be converted to energy, this guy could light NYC for a year!
That's right! If only lesbians could spend a night with Sunni Man, they would be cured! :lol:
Oh and here's another thing: What will definitely "cure" a lesbian is just a matter of finding a man with a big enough dick! :lol:
Of course, the law of compensation makes clear what is going on with men who frequently need to discuss size, doesn't it... :eusa_whistle:
Poor Sunni! he's brought it up several times in this thread already :(


Being a homo is a choice; a pathetic choice, but a choice none the less. :doubt:

Do you have any scientific evidence to support this claim?

Especially since there's a huge body of evidence that it NOT a choice.

Nonetheless, the real bottom line here is that


Yeah, I know, if you're rw, you think you have the right to control what every American does and with whom, AND, you're more than willing to vote for any number of laws to force your opinion on every American who might disagree with you, but you're wrong.

I'm so sick of crazy rw's telling us how they want smaller government when, IN FACT, what they want is any number of laws that it takes for them to control the rest of us.

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