Sexual Assault on Set of Star Wars, Jabba the Hut Denies All Charges


Gold Member
Apr 26, 2016
Williamsburg, KY
No one, and I mean NO ONE is immune to this.

"Businessman, commenter and media personality Jabba the Hutt has denied allegations of sexual harassment against Princess Leia this afternoon."


Jabba the Hutt denies sexual harassment charge
No one, and I mean NO ONE is immune to this.

"Businessman, commenter and media personality Jabba the Hutt has denied allegations of sexual harassment against Princess Leia this afternoon."


Jabba the Hutt denies sexual harassment charge

Too soon man, too soon.
That does bring up a question though. Will on film gropes need to be in contracts?
Or a no woman was harmed while groped in this movie statement?

Sorry I didn't page you to this thread.

Did someone leave the door unlocked?
If she's wearing a metal bikini, she's kind of asking for it.

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