‘Sex work is not a bad term,’ says book for high schoolers


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia
Prostitution – nbd.

A new woke book that compares sex work to upstanding jobs like store clerk and architect — “Seeing Gender: an Illustrated Guide to Identity and Expression” — is accessible to NYC teens and some parents aren’t happy about it.

The 208-page tome is available to public high schoolers as part of city Department of Education’s woke “mosaic” curriculum, which Bill de Blasio introduced during his final months as mayor in 2021 in a bid to make educational materials more “diverse.”

“Over time, sex work has shifted from something common and even celebrated to something highly stigmatized,” author Iris Gottlieb writes in a section of the book called “‘Sex Work’ Is Not a Bad Term,” trumpeting prostitution as “one of the oldest jobs in history.”

“One important thing to note is that sex work is work. It’s a job like being a store clerk, an architect, or a freelance writer. We all, unfortunately, have to do work to make a living,” the book reads.

Big Apple public high school students can access the book for free on their Sora app accounts, which provides access to a vast digital library of books.

‘Sex work is not a bad term,’ says book for high schoolers.

I'm not sure what to think about this one when thots are making 250K a year showing-off their brown-eye.

I mean it is a profession where creativity IS rewarded.
If sex is so much work ... why bother?

Well,.. I love my job so I'll do it for free with my lover hehe. ;)

I'm a pretty good cook. But, my standing is strictly amateur. When asked why I don't take up cooking professionally, my response is always the same.

"Cooking is like sex. The minute you start doing it for money, it stops being fun".
Prostitution – nbd.

A new woke book that compares sex work to upstanding jobs like store clerk and architect — “Seeing Gender: an Illustrated Guide to Identity and Expression” — is accessible to NYC teens and some parents aren’t happy about it.

The 208-page tome is available to public high schoolers as part of city Department of Education’s woke “mosaic” curriculum, which Bill de Blasio introduced during his final months as mayor in 2021 in a bid to make educational materials more “diverse.”

“Over time, sex work has shifted from something common and even celebrated to something highly stigmatized,” author Iris Gottlieb writes in a section of the book called “‘Sex Work’ Is Not a Bad Term,” trumpeting prostitution as “one of the oldest jobs in history.”

“One important thing to note is that sex work is work. It’s a job like being a store clerk, an architect, or a freelance writer. We all, unfortunately, have to do work to make a living,” the book reads.

Big Apple public high school students can access the book for free on their Sora app accounts, which provides access to a vast digital library of books.

‘Sex work is not a bad term,’ says book for high schoolers.

I'm not sure what to think about this one when thots are making 250K a year showing-off their brown-eye.

I mean it is a profession where creativity IS rewarded.
Nothing demeans or debases women more than prostitution. Yet the left supports it.
Nothing demeans or debases women more than prostitution. Yet the left supports it.

If a woman is going to trade her sexual favors for gifts and financial security ... she should do it within the confines of a sanctified marriage.
Nothing demeans or debases women more than prostitution. Yet the left supports it.

ROTFLMAO. You have at least one Prostitute Republican Congresswoman. And how many Reps in the Senate and the House is....... Well, you get the idea.
ROTFLMAO. You have at least one Prostitute Republican Congresswoman. And how many Reps in the Senate and the House is....... Well, you get the idea.

You can make the argument that any member of Congress ... trading their favors for money as is their job ... could be called "a whore".
It's bad enough that education is no longer the mission of government schooling, but consider what they have decided even beyond teaching drag queen costuming....

‘Sex work is not a bad term,’ says book for high schoolers

Prostitution – nbd.

A new woke book that compares sex work to upstanding jobs like store clerk and architect — “Seeing Gender: an Illustrated Guide to Identity and Expression” — is accessible to NYC teens and some parents aren’t happy about it.

The 208-page tome is available to public high schoolers as part of city Department of Education’s woke “mosaic” curriculum, which Bill de Blasio introduced during his final months as mayor in 2021 in a bid to make educational materials more “diverse.”

“Over time, sex work has shifted from something common and even celebrated to something highly stigmatized,” author Iris Gottlieb writes in a section of the book called “‘Sex Work’ Is Not a Bad Term,” trumpeting prostitution as “one of the oldest jobs in history.”

“One important thing to note is that sex work is work. It’s a job like being a store clerk, an architect, or a freelance writer. We all, unfortunately, have to do work to make a living,” the book reads.

“Seeing Gender: an Illustrated Guide to Identity and Expression is available for free on the students' Sora app.“Seeing Gender: an Illustrated Guide to Identity and Expression” is available for free on the students’ Sora app.
Big Apple public high school students can access the book....

“Prostitution is not equivalent to other forms of work,” said the Manhattan Democrat and mother of four public school kids.

“Politicians will have their photos taken after they don an apron and flip pancakes at a charity event, even though they are not short-order cooks,” she said. “But they won’t get on their knees to [sexually service] clients.” To say sex work is typical “is a lie, and everyone know it.”

Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino, who has made weeding smut out of schools statewide a key part of his campaign, also said the “Seeing Gender” has no place on a DOE-sanctioned app."

Vote Democrat????

It's bad enough that education is no longer the mission of government schooling, but consider what they have decided even beyond teaching drag queen costuming....

‘Sex work is not a bad term,’ says book for high schoolers

Prostitution – nbd.

A new woke book that compares sex work to upstanding jobs like store clerk and architect — “Seeing Gender: an Illustrated Guide to Identity and Expression” — is accessible to NYC teens and some parents aren’t happy about it.

The 208-page tome is available to public high schoolers as part of city Department of Education’s woke “mosaic” curriculum, which Bill de Blasio introduced during his final months as mayor in 2021 in a bid to make educational materials more “diverse.”

“Over time, sex work has shifted from something common and even celebrated to something highly stigmatized,” author Iris Gottlieb writes in a section of the book called “‘Sex Work’ Is Not a Bad Term,” trumpeting prostitution as “one of the oldest jobs in history.”

“One important thing to note is that sex work is work. It’s a job like being a store clerk, an architect, or a freelance writer. We all, unfortunately, have to do work to make a living,” the book reads.

“Seeing Gender: an Illustrated Guide to Identity and Expression is available for free on the students' Sora app.' Sora app.“Seeing Gender: an Illustrated Guide to Identity and Expression” is available for free on the students’ Sora app.
Big Apple public high school students can access the book....

“Prostitution is not equivalent to other forms of work,” said the Manhattan Democrat and mother of four public school kids.

“Politicians will have their photos taken after they don an apron and flip pancakes at a charity event, even though they are not short-order cooks,” she said. “But they won’t get on their knees to [sexually service] clients.” To say sex work is typical “is a lie, and everyone know it.”

Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino, who has made weeding smut out of schools statewide a key part of his campaign, also said the “Seeing Gender” has no place on a DOE-sanctioned app."

Vote Democrat????






How ignorant can you be?

I certainly am 'scared' of the regime teaching pagan morality.

I suppose it is simply too late for you to learn the difference between rectitude and Democrats.

  1. To embrace the philosophy of the Left, it is almost imperative that one reject the Bible, and religion in general. The urge of the Left to surrender choice and self government for illusion, to insist on statism and government rule rather than citizens ruling the government, is a rejection of the lesson of the Exodus.
  2. The Jewish people were led through the Red Sea, but in the desert many complained and actually wished to return to Egypt and to slavery. The attraction of life in Egypt? The absence of the necessity of choice. And that in itself made all the slaves equal. The anxiety of choosing was gone, the result of surrendering to the masters.
  3. The Left embraces socialism, the herd mentality of slavery. Socialism and the other totalist modes offers the incalculable benefit of freedom from thought. There are no more disquieting choices, no contradictions, there is the simple act of submission to the herd, in which the ideas of all are the same, and, therefore, equal.
  4. The French Jacobins, the very provenance of the Leftists, had a way of dealing with inequality: they cut off the offenders’ heads.
  5. The Modern Liberal is more nuanced: their method is to shame, marginalize, satirize, ridicule or otherwise silence. Or at least excoriate as evil.
    1. The State of Israel is anathema to the Left, for it is the demonstration of the possibility of choice. The people of Israel persevere, as free men and women do, backing conviction with their lives. This is intolerable to those preferring equality to liberty.
6. On page 221 in David Mamet’s book “The Secret Knowledge” he quotes Christopher Hollis who wrote in 1936:
“The left is atheist, and simply because it is atheist, its religious fanaticism is worse than the other fanaticisms of history. For the romantic of the past has sometimes, if all too rarely, has been restrained by the reality that God is truth. But the atheist fanatic has no reason for such restraint. There is no reason in principle why the revolutionary atheist should regard truth, and it does not seem he does so in practice.”
Sixty five years later it continues to be a brilliant observation. This is why fanatical atheism which seeks to stamp out all mention of God in the public square is to be a concern to all.
Read more: Wacko Atheists Sue Over WTC Cross

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