Seven in 10 Americans want alternatives to public schools


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
RealClear Opinion Research asked 2,014 registered voters several questions about educational options for their kids, and it’s clear they want more school choice.

Nearly seven in 10 registered voters told the pollster they support school choice in concept, while roughly the same percentage would prefer to send their child somewhere

Once again, a new round of nationwide public polling in 2019 confirms that school choice is incredibly popular with voters in every category, especially a federal tax credit proposal like the Education Freedom Scholarships,” said John Schilling, president of American Federation of Children.

This is a unifying issue among voters and policymakers should take action. The polling clearly shows that parents want more and better educational options for their children, and as we’ve seen in states like Florida and Arizona, they will become intensely passionate about candidates who support school choice.”

I wonder what it is they’re really saying. Is it the school or the curriculum? Is it what has been slipped into school books by Leftists and progressives?

C’mon you teachers out there, share your wisdom with us. What do you see that makes so many parents prefer private to public schools?

The popularity also transcended political parties, though Republicans were more strongly in support at 76 percent than Democrats at 64 percent. Sixty-six percent of respondents who identified as independents supported school choice.

When I grew up, we had classes on American History and Civics. We were taught to be proud of America and what our forefathers did to make this country great. Yes, a lot of dark times were glossed over but those could have been covered in the higher education years. Is is also that our schools are so dedicated to academics that the trades are being neglected?

Tell us.

More of this @ Prison » POLL: Seven in 10 Americans want alternatives to public schools
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Trump needs to put someone in place that will totally revamp the whole system. Get Saudi common core out and advanced curriculum in, superior to what the Asians are having so much success with. Adopt a strong policy of forbidding any form of politics in class rooms. Our children need to know math and science, not your political affiliation. Instead of Planned Parenthood lectures and tranny dance move day, and gender confusion class, use the time to teach our children how to read, how to write, and how to think for themselves.
Parents, this is your war front. And you are losing badly...
Trump needs to put someone in place that will totally revamp the whole system. Get Saudi common core out and advanced curriculum in, superior to what the Asians are having so much success with. Adopt a strong policy of forbidding any form of politics in class rooms. Our children need to know math and science, not your political affiliation. Instead of Planned Parenthood lectures and tranny dance move day, and gender confusion class, use the time to teach our children how to read, how to write, and how to think for themselves.
Parents, this is your war front. And you are losing badly...

Saudi Common Core? WTF is that?

You do realize that Common Core went away years ago, despite it just being a set of standards as to what kids need to know how to do?

How do you teach history, economics, and politics without discussing politics?

If parents are losing badly it is because they believe crap like the BS you just posted.
You can have two schools. One being a top performing magnet school and the other being a cesspool. Change all the students from one school to the other. At the end, you will have a cesspool where the magnet used to be and and marginal school where the cesspool used to be.

Why? The students didn't change, except the magnet school students were given lowered expectations in the former cesspool!
You can have two schools. One being a top performing magnet school and the other being a cesspool. Change all the students from one school to the other. At the end, you will have a cesspool where the magnet used to be and and marginal school where the cesspool used to be.

Why? The students didn't change, except the magnet school students were given lowered expectations in the former cesspool!

What causes the cesspool to exist?
I'm very curious as to your view.
You can have two schools. One being a top performing magnet school and the other being a cesspool. Change all the students from one school to the other. At the end, you will have a cesspool where the magnet used to be and and marginal school where the cesspool used to be.

Why? The students didn't change, except the magnet school students were given lowered expectations in the former cesspool!
And what kind of a load of bull shit is that?

Can you articulate a point without sounding like a babbling fuckin' idiot?
I wonder what it is they’re really saying. Is it the school or the curriculum? Is it what has been slipped into school books by Leftists and progressives?

the pharmacabal....


You can have two schools. One being a top performing magnet school and the other being a cesspool. Change all the students from one school to the other. At the end, you will have a cesspool where the magnet used to be and and marginal school where the cesspool used to be.

Why? The students didn't change, except the magnet school students were given lowered expectations in the former cesspool!
And what kind of a load of bull shit is that?

Can you articulate a point without sounding like a babbling fuckin' idiot?

You can't even tell me where I am wrong, because you don't comprehend. Try reading it again, or have a child read it to you.
Opium dreams.

School choice means closing some schools while overloading others.

Or maybe the competition would force the lacking schools to improve their game.

That doesn't work, because you still have the same students.

The object is to figure out how to get the students to learn, and to get the parents involved in the process. Giving them the visual of choice in the matter could help both.
Funding ... of course more ... but also consistent funding ... we have the problem here where school funding is based on income tax collections ... so in good economic times, our schools get extra money and create new important programs ... then the economy faulters, school funding gets cut, and new programs get shit-canned ...

The solution is for more parents to be visiting the schools ... take a few hours off from work and sit with your child in class on a regular basis ... start attending PTA meetings and get involved ... let's see a show of hands from everybody who's attended a school board meeting ... there, you can count the hands yourself ... meager at best ...

When both parents work outside the home ... they don't have time to visit the school, don't have time to help with homework, don't have time to do any basic parenting ... you folks whining about teaching the three R's, there's fist-fights, psychotic episodes, teachers getting assaulted ... knives, guns, drugs ... and no consequences for the students, no one home to send the kids to, no room at the local juvenile jail, disruptive children are sent back to the classrooms ...

Public schools are in trouble ... the schools do the best they can ... it's the public that's failing our children ...
RealClear Opinion Research asked 2,014 registered voters several questions about educational options for their kids, and it’s clear they want more school choice.

Nearly seven in 10 registered voters told the pollster they support school choice in concept, while roughly the same percentage would prefer to send their child somewhere

Once again, a new round of nationwide public polling in 2019 confirms that school choice is incredibly popular with voters in every category, especially a federal tax credit proposal like the Education Freedom Scholarships,” said John Schilling, president of American Federation of Children.

This is a unifying issue among voters and policymakers should take action. The polling clearly shows that parents want more and better educational options for their children, and as we’ve seen in states like Florida and Arizona, they will become intensely passionate about candidates who support school choice.”

I wonder what it is they’re really saying. Is it the school or the curriculum? Is it what has been slipped into school books by Leftists and progressives?

C’mon you teachers out there, share your wisdom with us. What do you see that makes so many parents prefer private to public schools?

The popularity also transcended political parties, though Republicans were more strongly in support at 76 percent than Democrats at 64 percent. Sixty-six percent of respondents who identified as independents supported school choice.

When I grew up, we had classes on American History and Civics. We were taught to be proud of America and what our forefathers did to make this country great. Yes, a lot of dark times were glossed over but those could have been covered in the higher education years. Is is also that our schools are so dedicated to academics that the trades are being neglected?

Tell us.

More of this @ Prison » POLL: Seven in 10 Americans want alternatives to public schools

1. we HAVE school choice.

ALL of my grand kids go to NON-public schools. By choice.

2. I personally believe that MOST schools are NOT as bad as conservatives claim.

3. I DO AGREE that public schools NEED improvement.

4. I would continue to provide school choice as we already do while IMPROVING public schools so that they meet our needs.

speaking of 7 out of 10 people.....

7 out of 10 people want pot legal

7 out of 10 people are ok with gay rights and gay marriage

8 out of 10 people do NOT want our government to become "christian"

and 10 out of 10 conservatives will cite any poll that they agree with as PROOF while pissing on any poll they disagree with as "bullshit"
You can have two schools. One being a top performing magnet school and the other being a cesspool. Change all the students from one school to the other. At the end, you will have a cesspool where the magnet used to be and and marginal school where the cesspool used to be.

Why? The students didn't change, except the magnet school students were given lowered expectations in the former cesspool!

What causes the cesspool to exist?
I'm very curious as to your view.

Have you ever seen a student whose parents dropped out of high school, placed no value on education, and have zero involvement with their child's education? They are epidemic in numbers!

I had students who walked into my classroom class every day with nothing but the clothes on their back. How do you expect them to learn if they are not prepared?

I have students show up in the dead of winter, snow on the ground, and no coat, because they left it hanging on the back of the chair in my classroom the day, week, or month before and had it stolen by someone else.

We issued laptops to the students in a couple of my schools, but usually less than half the class had them at any one time because they either:
a) forgot and left them at home,
b) forgot to charge them so they were dead as a door nail,
c) dropped them and broke the screen and couldn't use it,
d) had it in the school repair shop.
e) had it loaded down with some much malware that it was slower than fog off of shit on a cold day

At parent teacher conferences, we held them in the afternoon and evening so all parents would have the opportunity to attend. The only parents who showed up were the parents of kids who were doing fine and had no problems. If parents showed up during the day, we met with them during our planning time as required. Usually the inquiry was about why their student failed and to chew on my ass for not keeping them informed, despite their having access to my grade book on-line, and e-mailing them progress reports every 4 and 1/2 weeks.

I was once called in by my principal and threatened with being fired because parents complained that I was not keeping them updated as to their student's grades. My union representative attended the meeting and I had copies of all the progress reports I had sent home by the students on a weekly basis! My principal looked like he wanted to find a hole to crawl in when I embarrassed the hell out of him. He decided not to renew my teaching contract at the end of the year for absolutely no reason, simply because he could. I did NOTHING wrong. As a former high school administrator who went back to the classroom, he realized that I played the game better than he did.

Virtually all of my students in one school lived with either one or none of their parents. When I had both a mother and father attend a conference, I had to pinch myself to see if I was dreaming. Many students were being raised by elderly parents because Mom and Dad had custody removed because they were in jail or habitual drug offenders. If grandma, wasn't available, it was usually the Mom's younger sister who got stuck with her bastard crotch goblins and she had a life of her own, and no time for the kids.

I had students at my last high school whose lofty goal in life was to quit school as soon as they could, so they could be a van driver for the local Amish population, because they paid well and had great working hours. Many followed Dad into that business when growing tobacco became untenable.

Is that sufficient, because I have 21 years of hate and discontent that I can provide if you really want it?
There is no one size fits all anything- that seems to be a disease bureaucrats have- those bureaucrats attended mandated classes- in DC, where mandates come from, lawyers abound, as law writers, interns and lobbyist- there seem to be common denominators- Reading, Writing and Arithmetic- with those basic tools/skills one can learn anything- all the feel good *studies* are time fillers to meet the mandated hours attended- yes, it could be said "it's the public that's failing our children"- it could also be traced to Public Education of the "public"-
Reading doesn't appear to be a strong suit- just look here in this forum for anecdotal evidence- look further and find remedial reading and basic math for college entrants-
To engage kids it has to interest them- if kids are not intellectually challenged they won't be engaged intellectually- is that the "publics" fault?
You can have two schools. One being a top performing magnet school and the other being a cesspool. Change all the students from one school to the other. At the end, you will have a cesspool where the magnet used to be and and marginal school where the cesspool used to be.

Why? The students didn't change, except the magnet school students were given lowered expectations in the former cesspool!

What causes the cesspool to exist?
I'm very curious as to your view.

Have you ever seen a student whose parents dropped out of high school, placed no value on education, and have zero involvement with their child's education? They are epidemic in numbers!

I had students who walked into my classroom class every day with nothing but the clothes on their back. How do you expect them to learn if they are not prepared?

I have students show up in the dead of winter, snow on the ground, and no coat, because they left it hanging on the back of the chair in my classroom the day, week, or month before and had it stolen by someone else.

We issued laptops to the students in a couple of my schools, but usually less than half the class had them at any one time because they either:
a) forgot and left them at home,
b) forgot to charge them so they were dead as a door nail,
c) dropped them and broke the screen and couldn't use it,
d) had it in the school repair shop.
e) had it loaded down with some much malware that it was slower than fog off of shit on a cold day

At parent teacher conferences, we held them in the afternoon and evening so all parents would have the opportunity to attend. The only parents who showed up were the parents of kids who were doing fine and had no problems. If parents showed up during the day, we met with them during our planning time as required. Usually the inquiry was about why their student failed and to chew on my ass for not keeping them informed, despite their having access to my grade book on-line, and e-mailing them progress reports every 4 and 1/2 weeks.

I was once called in by my principal and threatened with being fired because parents complained that I was not keeping them updated as to their student's grades. My union representative attended the meeting and I had copies of all the progress reports I had sent home by the students on a weekly basis! My principal looked like he wanted to find a hole to crawl in when I embarrassed the hell out of him. He decided not to renew my teaching contract at the end of the year for absolutely no reason, simply because he could. I did NOTHING wrong. As a former high school administrator who went back to the classroom, he realized that I played the game better than he did.

Virtually all of my students in one school lived with either one or none of their parents. When I had both a mother and father attend a conference, I had to pinch myself to see if I was dreaming. Many students were being raised by elderly parents because Mom and Dad had custody removed because they were in jail or habitual drug offenders. If grandma, wasn't available, it was usually the Mom's younger sister who got stuck with her bastard crotch goblins and she had a life of her own, and no time for the kids.

I had students at my last high school whose lofty goal in life was to quit school as soon as they could, so they could be a van driver for the local Amish population, because they paid well and had great working hours. Many followed Dad into that business when growing tobacco became untenable.

Is that sufficient, because I have 21 years of hate and discontent that I can provide if you really want it?

I don't know where you taught school but where I live (southern NH) that isn't the case.

perhaps in inner city Manchester NH or Boston but MOST towns and cities do NOT have those problems.
Opium dreams.

School choice means closing some schools while overloading others.

Or maybe the competition would force the lacking schools to improve their game.

That doesn't work, because you still have the same students.

The object is to figure out how to get the students to learn, and to get the parents involved in the process. Giving them the visual of choice in the matter could help both.

Read my post #15.
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There is no one size fits all anything- that seems to be a disease bureaucrats have- those bureaucrats attended mandated classes- in DC, where mandates come from, lawyers abound, as law writers, interns and lobbyist- there seem to be common denominators- Reading, Writing and Arithmetic- with those basic tools/skills one can learn anything- all the feel good *studies* are time fillers to meet the mandated hours attended- yes, it could be said "it's the public that's failing our children"- it could also be traced to Public Education of the "public"-
Reading doesn't appear to be a strong suit- just look here in this forum for anecdotal evidence- look further and find remedial reading and basic math for college entrants-
To engage kids it has to interest them- if kids are not intellectually challenged they won't be engaged intellectually- is that the "publics" fault?

So what is intellectually challenging? Bumper sticker slogans don't solve the problem.
So what is intellectually challenging? Bumper sticker slogans don't solve the problem.
Everyone is wired different- is that a bumper sticker slogan? Manifest Destiny was- the only good Indian is a dead Indian was-
Better dead than red was- the axis of evil was- the war on drugs is- the war on poverty is- man made climate change is-
There is NO one size fits all anything- mandates assume there are- assume being key ass- u - me- BTW, the bumper stickers people make- where did they get their education from?

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