Seven Countries in Trump's Ban Doesn't Include Saudi Arabia or Jordan - None He Does Business In!


Gold Member
Jul 24, 2016
New Orleans
What an asshole this Trump. Notice he left out the real players....and of course countries where he does business.

President Trump's Muslim ban excludes countries linked to his sprawling business empire
Trump's Muslim ban excludes countries linked to his businesses

Here are the countries in his Muslim ban:
"""The order also stops the admission of refugees from Syria indefinitely, and bars entry into the United States for 90 days from seven predominantly Muslim countries linked to concerns about terrorism. Those countries are Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen.""


Hijackers by Nationality:
Mohamed Atta
Ziad Jarrah
Saudi Arabia
Ahmed al Ghamdi
Hamza al Ghamdi
Saeed al Ghamdi
Hani Hanjour
Nawaf al Hazmi
Salem al Hazmi
Ahmad al Haznawi
Ahmed al Nami
Khalid al Mihdhar
Majed Moqed
Abdul Aziz al Omari
Mohand al Shehri
Wail al Shehri
Waleed al Shehri
Satam al Suqami
United Arab Emirates
Fayez Banihammad
Marwan al Shehhi
September 11th Hijackers Fast Facts -

But democrats have been going on and in about this being a Muslim ban. Are you trying to tell me that not all Muslims are being kept out? Are you saying democrats lied?!?!
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But democrats have been going on and in about this being a Muslim ban. Are you trying to tell me that not all Muslims are being kept out? Are you saying democrats lied?!?!

I don't know what you are babbling about, but can you refute anything I posted above? No? Didn't think so. Just continue babbling.
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Here's Trump and the First Lady, er, I mean daughter, with one of the GOOD Muslims. Some guy from Saudi Arabia where 18 of the 9/11 terrorists came from.

But democrats have been going on and in about this being a Muslim ban. Are you trying to tell me that not all Muslims are being kept out? Are you saying democrats lied?!?!

I don't know what you are babbling about, but can you refute anything I posted above? No? Didn't think so. Just continue babbling.

I'm sorry. I didn't know English wasn't your first language.

I'm pointing out how your thread debunks the lie that there is a Muslim ban. Cause you can't be evil for banning all Muslim and hypocritical for not banning all Muslims. Or do you honestly not see how those arguments are mutually exclusive?
I don't know if it can be called a 'Ban.' He's 'Limiting' Immigration from some of those nations. Personally, i'd prefer it be a ban. All Immigration should be temporarily suspended from known Terror-Haven nations.

Start with: Iraq, Syria, Iran, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, and Tunisia.

No Immigration at all from those nations until they get their Terrorism problem under control.

I do hear the OP though, I would consider adding Pakistan and a few others to the list.
And the Democrat lawsuits have already begun. So it's more important than ever that Trump get some Conservative Supreme Court Justices in there. Most Democrats have become Leftist Globalist extremists. They don't put Americans first. They will fight this.
What an asshole this Trump. Notice he left out the real players....and of course countries where he does business.

President Trump's Muslim ban excludes countries linked to his sprawling business empire
Trump's Muslim ban excludes countries linked to his businesses

Here are the countries in his Muslim ban:
"""The order also stops the admission of refugees from Syria indefinitely, and bars entry into the United States for 90 days from seven predominantly Muslim countries linked to concerns about terrorism. Those countries are Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen.""


Hijackers by Nationality:
Mohamed Atta
Ziad Jarrah
Saudi Arabia
Ahmed al Ghamdi
Hamza al Ghamdi
Saeed al Ghamdi
Hani Hanjour
Nawaf al Hazmi
Salem al Hazmi
Ahmad al Haznawi
Ahmed al Nami
Khalid al Mihdhar
Majed Moqed
Abdul Aziz al Omari
Mohand al Shehri
Wail al Shehri
Waleed al Shehri
Satam al Suqami
United Arab Emirates
Fayez Banihammad
Marwan al Shehhi
September 11th Hijackers Fast Facts -


Poor 2020s life is now shitty,

having trouble keeping on the government titty!

Thinks he can get his way by throwing a FITty,

He says---->please let me stay on my warm government titty-)
What an asshole this Trump. Notice he left out the real players....and of course countries where he does business.

President Trump's Muslim ban excludes countries linked to his sprawling business empire
Trump's Muslim ban excludes countries linked to his businesses

Here are the countries in his Muslim ban:
"""The order also stops the admission of refugees from Syria indefinitely, and bars entry into the United States for 90 days from seven predominantly Muslim countries linked to concerns about terrorism. Those countries are Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen.""


Hijackers by Nationality:
Mohamed Atta
Ziad Jarrah
Saudi Arabia
Ahmed al Ghamdi
Hamza al Ghamdi
Saeed al Ghamdi
Hani Hanjour
Nawaf al Hazmi
Salem al Hazmi
Ahmad al Haznawi
Ahmed al Nami
Khalid al Mihdhar
Majed Moqed
Abdul Aziz al Omari
Mohand al Shehri
Wail al Shehri
Waleed al Shehri
Satam al Suqami
United Arab Emirates
Fayez Banihammad
Marwan al Shehhi
September 11th Hijackers Fast Facts -


This has to be the dumbest post of the day

Thosecountries are Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia andYemen.""

You do know all 7 are war torn or hostile to the United States right?

I've been saying for years that Saudi Arabia is the most evil nation on earth. Most of the 9/11 Terrorists were Saudis. But there's so much money being made. The US Government made a deal with the Saudi Devil a long time ago. I agree it should be on the list, but it ain't gonna happen.

But the OP shouldn't be so angry. At least Trump's doing something. Temporary suspensions of Immigration from some known Terror-Haven nations, is a great revolutionary start. He's doing much more than past several American Presidents have done to protect Americans.
I've been saying for years that Saudi Arabia is the most evil nation on earth. Most of the 9/11 Terrorists were Saudis. But there's so much money being made. The US Government made a deal with the Saudi Devil a long time ago. I agree it should be on the list, but it ain't gonna happen.

But the OP shouldn't be so angry. At least Trump's doing something. Temporary suspensions of Immigration from some known Terror-Haven nations, is a great revolutionary start. He's doing much more than past several American Presidents have done to protect Americans.

Interesting.. Why do you say the Saudis is the most evil country?

Hell they are fighting our proxy war with Iran right now in Yemen..
I've been saying for years that Saudi Arabia is the most evil nation on earth. Most of the 9/11 Terrorists were Saudis. But there's so much money being made. The US Government made a deal with the Saudi Devil a long time ago. I agree it should be on the list, but it ain't gonna happen.

But the OP shouldn't be so angry. At least Trump's doing something. Temporary suspensions of Immigration from some known Terror-Haven nations, is a great revolutionary start. He's doing much more than past several American Presidents have done to protect Americans.

Interesting.. Why do you say the Saudis is the most evil country?

Hell they are fighting our proxy war with Iran right now in Yemen..

They have a long bloody history of funding and arming brutal Sunni Terrorist Orgs like Al Qaeda and ISIS. They're very bad folks. I'm ashamed my Government considers Saudi Arabia a 'Good Friend.'
I've been saying for years that Saudi Arabia is the most evil nation on earth. Most of the 9/11 Terrorists were Saudis. But there's so much money being made. The US Government made a deal with the Saudi Devil a long time ago. I agree it should be on the list, but it ain't gonna happen.

But the OP shouldn't be so angry. At least Trump's doing something. Temporary suspensions of Immigration from some known Terror-Haven nations, is a great revolutionary start. He's doing much more than past several American Presidents have done to protect Americans.

Interesting.. Why do you say the Saudis is the most evil country?

Hell they are fighting our proxy war with Iran right now in Yemen..

They have a long bloody history of funding and arming brutal Sunni Terrorist Orgs like Al Qaeda and ISIS. They're very bad folks. I'm ashamed my Government considers Saudi Arabia a 'Good Friend.'

I am not again they are using there military to fight our proxy war with Iran in Yemen..
I've been saying for years that Saudi Arabia is the most evil nation on earth. Most of the 9/11 Terrorists were Saudis. But there's so much money being made. The US Government made a deal with the Saudi Devil a long time ago. I agree it should be on the list, but it ain't gonna happen.

But the OP shouldn't be so angry. At least Trump's doing something. Temporary suspensions of Immigration from some known Terror-Haven nations, is a great revolutionary start. He's doing much more than past several American Presidents have done to protect Americans.

Interesting.. Why do you say the Saudis is the most evil country?

Hell they are fighting our proxy war with Iran right now in Yemen..

They have a long bloody history of funding and arming brutal Sunni Terrorist Orgs like Al Qaeda and ISIS. They're very bad folks. I'm ashamed my Government considers Saudi Arabia a 'Good Friend.'

I am not again they are using there military to fight our proxy war with Iran in Yemen..

Let's get out of the Middle East. The Saudis are responsible for more Americans being murdered than Iran. Their Wahhabi Sunni teachings have spawned all of the horrific Sunni Terror Orgs around the globe. It is an evil country.

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