Settled ScienceRocked Hard


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
Neanderthals were not hunched-over savages, according to a discovery that could radically alter our image of the ascent of man.

Digital reconstruction of a Neanderthal's rib cage has revealed that the primitive hominid had a better posture than modern humans - as well as stronger lungs.

Far from the knuckle-dragging beasts we thought them to be, the upright walking style of Neanderthals allowed them to walk far farther than Homo sapiens. 3D reconstruction of a 60,000-year-old rib-cage reveals that Neanderthals stood up straight | Daily Mail Online
Could it be we are devolving
Figures the bitches fucked up the dinosaurs too at first

Science is settled, science is settled, my butt.

Neanderthals were not hunched-over savages, according to a discovery that could radically alter our image of the ascent of man.

Digital reconstruction of a Neanderthal's rib cage has revealed that the primitive hominid had a better posture than modern humans - as well as stronger lungs.

Far from the knuckle-dragging beasts we thought them to be, the upright walking style of Neanderthals allowed them to walk far farther than Homo sapiens. 3D reconstruction of a 60,000-year-old rib-cage reveals that Neanderthals stood up straight | Daily Mail Online
Could it be we are devolving
Good lord, it has been known for decades that the Neanderthals were not as first pictured. The original skeleton was that of a man with severe arthritis.
Where did the modern humans that lived and camped at the same time the Neanderthal showed up?
Uh...didn't you just answer your own question?

No, the phony evolution chain had Modern man evolving from Neanderthal. Sucked for them to find out that Modern man already existed.
Care to cite that source? Because I have never seen any credible source that stated that. While the neanderthals predated the cro-magnon, I have never seen a credible claim that we evolved from them. Modern man did interbreed with them, and most of us that have European ancestory have some of the genetic material. So the neanderthals are not truly extinct.
No, the phony evolution chain had Modern man evolving from Neanderthal.
When was that? Evolution is quite safe and is a fact, by the way.

If that is the case, and science has decided we are devolving now, how long before you turn back into a monkey?
Given that post, I think you have beat us all there. LOL. No, I have not seen credible sources stating that we are devolving.

Logic is escapes you?

No, the phony evolution chain had Modern man evolving from Neanderthal.
When was that? Evolution is quite safe and is a fact, by the way.

If that is the case, and science has decided we are devolving now, how long before you turn back into a monkey?
Given that post, I think you have beat us all there. LOL. No, I have not seen credible sources stating that we are devolving.

Logic is escapes you?

Care to try that again, in English, please.

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