Settled Science Kills you again


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
We had the fat reversal earlier this yr I believe....natural fat good again,,,,low fat comes this

'Good' cholesterol might actually be bad
Traditionally, we have been told by physicians not to worry about "good" cholesterol, which is scientifically known as high-density lipoprotein. New research, however, finds an alarming association between high levels of this cholesterol type and excessive mortality.

Didnt we get a reversal on life expentancy...........whats old is new again,,,,,until the next taxpayer science palooza says otherwise
I've lost 55 lbs so far this year.......and often my last meal of the day is 1/2 a dozen eggs with cheese and half a 12 oz. package of bacon fried crispy.
We had the fat reversal earlier this yr I believe....natural fat good again,,,,low fat comes this

'Good' cholesterol might actually be bad
Traditionally, we have been told by physicians not to worry about "good" cholesterol, which is scientifically known as high-density lipoprotein. New research, however, finds an alarming association between high levels of this cholesterol type and excessive mortality.

Didnt we get a reversal on life expentancy...........whats old is new again,,,,,until the next taxpayer science palooza says otherwise
We had the fat reversal earlier this yr I believe....natural fat good again,,,,low fat comes this

'Good' cholesterol might actually be bad
Traditionally, we have been told by physicians not to worry about "good" cholesterol, which is scientifically known as high-density lipoprotein. New research, however, finds an alarming association between high levels of this cholesterol type and excessive mortality.

Didnt we get a reversal on life expentancy...........whats old is new again,,,,,until the next taxpayer science palooza says otherwise

I do 90 minutes of weight training five days a week and do a minimum of 30 minutes of aerobics seven days a week. I have to be honest: I eat pretty much whatever I want to eat at any given moment. A consequence of that is my "six pack" being, for most of the year, a "four pack," although I "pull it together" for the summer months.
As for the types of cholesterol and fats I consume, well, they're the same ones Granny and my forebears ate. What that amounts to is Southern cuisine supplemented by a little bit of everything from just about any- and every- where else in the world so long as I think it tastes good.

In recent history, my direct ancestors passed at 89, 93, 91 and 99, and none of them had the fitness regimen I do and, like me, they lived by the notion that "everything tastes better with butter or bacon." I've become like Granddaddy in that I don't even want potatoes fried/sauteed in anything but duck fat.

The point is, I have long since given up on worrying about what kind of "this" is okay and what kind isn't. I just make sure to eat a balanced diet that sufficiently nourishes my body. I operate on the principle that says "the body needs enough nourishment to sustain itself, but it doesn't need so much that it feels obliged to put some calories in storage for later use on during a "dry spell."
We had the fat reversal earlier this yr I believe....natural fat good again,,,,low fat comes this

'Good' cholesterol might actually be bad
Traditionally, we have been told by physicians not to worry about "good" cholesterol, which is scientifically known as high-density lipoprotein. New research, however, finds an alarming association between high levels of this cholesterol type and excessive mortality.

Didnt we get a reversal on life expentancy...........whats old is new again,,,,,until the next taxpayer science palooza says otherwise

Not as cool as actual bolshie posters from the 20's
We had the fat reversal earlier this yr I believe....natural fat good again,,,,low fat comes this

'Good' cholesterol might actually be bad
Traditionally, we have been told by physicians not to worry about "good" cholesterol, which is scientifically known as high-density lipoprotein. New research, however, finds an alarming association between high levels of this cholesterol type and excessive mortality.

Didnt we get a reversal on life expentancy...........whats old is new again,,,,,until the next taxpayer science palooza says otherwise

Not as cool as actual bolshie posters from the 20's
^ fag
We had the fat reversal earlier this yr I believe....natural fat good again,,,,low fat comes this

'Good' cholesterol might actually be bad
Traditionally, we have been told by physicians not to worry about "good" cholesterol, which is scientifically known as high-density lipoprotein. New research, however, finds an alarming association between high levels of this cholesterol type and excessive mortality.

Didnt we get a reversal on life expentancy...........whats old is new again,,,,,until the next taxpayer science palooza says otherwise

Not as cool as actual bolshie posters from the 20's
^ fag
Doesn't he have to try harder?
Exercise won't lose pounds.

Sorry, but its true.

Exercise keeps your metabolism up. If you sit around, your metabolism soon hits bottom. Once that happens, the only thing you can do is cut calories down to (pun fully intended) bare bones.

As for the OP, I fully expect that one day, we will be told that research has finally proven that we should buy the drugs and vitamins, throw them away and eat the bottles and boxes they came in.

For me - I'll just keep doing what has worked for me since the early 80s - no meat, very little dairy (only when we go out) and very few eggs and only from chickens we have personally met.
I've lost 55 lbs so far this year.......and often my last meal of the day is 1/2 a dozen eggs with cheese and half a 12 oz. package of bacon fried crispy.

Highly unlikely that's true but ...

In college, I had to keep a nutrition journal. I had to list everything, all food and drink. In those days, I lived on wine and cigs and could no more eat an entire candy bar than I could fly. And candy bars were a lot smaller back in yon olden days. But, damn, I could put away the booze.

Thing is, I kept a very accurate journal and was shocked to find I never ate more than 900 calories. Including wine.

We eat too much. We are accustomed to enormous meals and feel like we're missing something if we don't get a 1000 calorie meal.

When we go out now, we often get three meals from one.

Eat less, lose weight.
Tailor-Made Science

You can bet that this study was made to order for some Pharmafia corp that wanted to sell a product that is low in the formerly good cholesterol.

PhDs are escapists nerds who spend years working without pay in college. That lifestyle is unnatural even for such inhibited freaks. It turns them into GreedHead zombies trying to make up for student poverty.
Tailor-Made Science

You can bet that this study was made to order for some Pharmafia corp that wanted to sell a product that is low in the formerly good cholesterol.

PhDs are escapists nerds who spend years working without pay in college. That lifestyle is unnatural even for such inhibited freaks. It turns them into GreedHead zombies trying to make up for student poverty.
I would not rule that out either
I've lost 55 lbs so far this year.......and often my last meal of the day is 1/2 a dozen eggs with cheese and half a 12 oz. package of bacon fried crispy.

Highly unlikely that's true but ...

In college, I had to keep a nutrition journal. I had to list everything, all food and drink. In those days, I lived on wine and cigs and could no more eat an entire candy bar than I could fly. And candy bars were a lot smaller back in yon olden days. But, damn, I could put away the booze.

Thing is, I kept a very accurate journal and was shocked to find I never ate more than 900 calories. Including wine.

We eat too much. We are accustomed to enormous meals and feel like we're missing something if we don't get a 1000 calorie meal.

When we go out now, we often get three meals from one.

Eat less, lose weight.
It's highly likely, because I have lived it. But the rest of the story is that I have a salad (no dressing) for lunch and a high protein dinner (low or no carbs). Eating only 2 meals a day, I've cut back a lot from what I used to eat.
Exercise won't lose pounds.

Sorry, but its true.

Exercise keeps your metabolism up. If you sit around, your metabolism soon hits bottom. Once that happens, the only thing you can do is cut calories down to (pun fully intended) bare bones.

As for the OP, I fully expect that one day, we will be told that research has finally proven that we should buy the drugs and vitamins, throw them away and eat the bottles and boxes they came in.

For me - I'll just keep doing what has worked for me since the early 80s - no meat, very little dairy (only when we go out) and very few eggs and only from chickens we have personally met.
For me exercise suppresses my appetite. If I walk a few miles after dinner I don't have that craving for a big bowl of ice cream like I do if i am a couch potato.
I've lost 55 lbs so far this year.......and often my last meal of the day is 1/2 a dozen eggs with cheese and half a 12 oz. package of bacon fried crispy.
Vile Vicious Vegans

The reason only carbs make us fat is that they come from plant food. The body gets the message that you will starve to death in the winter, after the growing season, so it stores up the carbs' energy in the form of fat.

The reason soft upper-class girlymen oppose eating meat is that it gives people courage, which threatens our rulers. Nature reinforces any necessary trait. For most of human history, we had to hunt and kill dangerous wild animals in order to survive. Even today, our bodies get the same signal every time we eat meat. But nobody's paid to tell you this; not even Dr. Atkins was.
Calories from protein and fat don't count; excess is excreted. On the Atkins diet, I've eaten far over the profitable General Foods calorie theory and still lost weight. But it is inconvenient, especially when you're pressed for time.

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