Sessions And Rosenstein

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
Talk about a comedy team. They both clearly despise the President but for different reasons. Rosenstein believed he'd become the next AG when Trump ran Sessions out of town for recusing himself and giving an Alabama Senate seat to a Rat. Sessions was bored with being a Senator and thought becoming AG would put a crowning achievement on his shady career. Remember, he voted against the GM/Chrysler bailout to benefit his jap and german car plants in Alabama....a real patriot that old turd. And then he was told to follow the company line in the DOJ, recused himself from being the AG, and handed the job over to Rosenstein. Neither will have a job if Mueller ever shows his cards (a pair of 3's) and ends the collusion/obstruction charade. So now they're working together to get rid of Trump. So if Trump pink-slips Rosey, Sessions will supposedly resign. A letter has been sent to Sessions asking if he okayed the raid on Cohen's office. If he did, the President has to Rosenstein, accept Session's resignation, and tell Mueller he has until end of business Friday to show his cards or fold them. :45:

Talk about a comedy team. They both clearly despise the President but for different reasons. Rosenstein believed he'd become the next AG when Trump ran Sessions out of town for recusing himself and giving an Alabama Senate seat to a Rat. Sessions was bored with being a Senator and thought becoming AG would put a crowning achievement on his shady career. Remember, he voted against the GM/Chrysler bailout to benefit his jap and german car plants in Alabama....a real patriot that old turd. And then he was told to follow the company line in the DOJ, recused himself from being the AG, and handed the job over to Rosenstein. Neither will have a job if Mueller ever shows his cards (a pair of 3's) and ends the collusion/obstruction charade. So now they're working together to get rid of Trump. So if Trump pink-slips Rosey, Sessions will supposedly resign. A letter has been sent to Sessions asking if he okayed the raid on Cohen's office. If he did, the President has to Rosenstein, accept Session's resignation, and tell Mueller he has until end of business Friday to show his cards or fold them. :45:


an education.... try one.
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So the bottom-line is that by signing the memo to fire Comey, Rosenstein became a witness in the "obstruction" investigation and therefore should have rucused HIMSELF from further involvement. But instead, using Comey's leak of classified material to the NYTimes, gave Mueller, who has clear conflicts of interest from past dealings with Trump, the special prosecutor role, based on a felony committed by Comey. In other words, neither Sessions, or Rosenstein, or Mueller has legal standing in the matter and all three should be fired immediately.
So the bottom-line is that by signing the memo to fire Comey, Rosenstein became a witness in the "obstruction" investigation and therefore should have rucused HIMSELF from further involvement. But instead, using Comey's leak of classified material to the NYTimes, gave Mueller, who has clear conflicts of interest from past dealings with Trump, the special prosecutor role, based on a felony committed by Comey. In other words, neither Sessions, or Rosenstein, or Mueller has legal standing in the matter and all three should be fired immediately.

Spare us the Comey leaks nonsense Tom. We have a very strange practice of classifying materials AFTER THE FACT. They were Comey's personal notes - This dog ain't gonna hunt.
So the bottom-line is that by signing the memo to fire Comey, Rosenstein became a witness in the "obstruction" investigation and therefore should have rucused HIMSELF from further involvement. But instead, using Comey's leak of classified material to the NYTimes, gave Mueller, who has clear conflicts of interest from past dealings with Trump, the special prosecutor role, based on a felony committed by Comey. In other words, neither Sessions, or Rosenstein, or Mueller has legal standing in the matter and all three should be fired immediately.

Spare us the Comey leaks nonsense Tom. We have a very strange practice of classifying materials AFTER THE FACT. They were Comey's personal notes - This dog ain't gonna hunt.

Don't try going country or pretending you know anything about classified documents, ya little twerp. Those "memos" were FBI property, contained classified information, and were given first to a college professor pal who had no security clearance and then to the NYTimes who are also guilty of treason for printing them. TRIFECTA!
Don't try going country or pretending you know anything about classified documents, ya little twerp. Those "memos" were FBI property, contained classified information, and were given first to a college professor pal who had no security clearance and then to the NYTimes who are also guilty of treason for printing them. TRIFECTA!

You lose - but hey, investigate away. Trumptards just can't have enough distractions :)

Comey was an “original classification authority” or OCA, meaning he was empowered to determine the classification level of information. (The determination of who has this authority and how it works is complicated.)

Analysis | Comey, the memos and the question of what’s classified
Analysis | The Comey memos bolster his claim that he didn’t leak classified information
Don't try going country or pretending you know anything about classified documents, ya little twerp. Those "memos" were FBI property, contained classified information, and were given first to a college professor pal who had no security clearance and then to the NYTimes who are also guilty of treason for printing them. TRIFECTA!

You lose - but hey, investigate away. Trumptards just can't have enough distractions :)

Comey was an “original classification authority” or OCA, meaning he was empowered to determine the classification level of information. (The determination of who has this authority and how it works is complicated.)

Told ya you don't know can't use your OCA status on your own paperwork....a second OCA has to do that and none ever did. FAIL.
Further....given that Mueller has no legal standing, none of his indictments are valid, the President has no obligation to sit for an interview with him, and Mueller himself is in legal jeopardy for misuse of government funds by straying outside the mandate given him by Rosenstein via Sessions who also have no legal standing. This farce needs to be brought to a quick end with extreme prejudice.
So the bottom-line is that by signing the memo to fire Comey, Rosenstein became a witness in the "obstruction" investigation and therefore should have rucused HIMSELF from further involvement. But instead, using Comey's leak of classified material to the NYTimes, gave Mueller, who has clear conflicts of interest from past dealings with Trump, the special prosecutor role, based on a felony committed by Comey. In other words, neither Sessions, or Rosenstein, or Mueller has legal standing in the matter and all three should be fired immediately.

Spare us the Comey leaks nonsense Tom. We have a very strange practice of classifying materials AFTER THE FACT. They were Comey's personal notes - This dog ain't gonna hunt.
who did comey work for? they were property of the FBI. as such public exposure is a leak.
who did comey work for? they were property of the FBI. as such public exposure is a leak.

Correct....they were written on company time, in his capacity as Director, and were an aberration in that he'd never written memos during his time with the Obozo or Bush admins. If they are even real and not a CYA invention after he knew he's perjured himself in the Senate hearings, still he's such a putz, they exonerated Trump of any "obstruction"...Trump told him to go after any "satellite" they suspected of cozying up to the Ivans.

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