Serious question: why are Democrats so angry and violent


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
New film coming out called "Occupy Unmasked" which is a documentary about the OWS movement. In the movie, there is the most obscene forms of language, violence, actions, etc. There are people on film warning Fox News, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, etc. NOT to come down there.

Why are they so intolerant? Sean Hannity has stated how he can take liberal media like Alan Colmes, Juan Williams, etc. on the floor of the Republican National Convention and they are treated VERY well - people say hello to them, shake hands, etc. But if a conservative media persona goes onto the floor of the Democrat National Convention, they are attacked, sworn at, belittled, etc.

What an intolerant, hateful bunch.....
Don't get it twisted. Who was it promoting/cheering letting the hypothetical victim die is he did not have health insurance (remember the republican primaries debates). And who was it booing the gay soldier serving our country in Iraq (once again at the republican primaries debates). Don't forget the bullseyes on all the Democrat politicians. Talk about anger and violence--republicans have the market cornered on both.
Don't get it twisted. Who was it promoting/cheering letting the hypothetical victim die is he did not have health insurance (remember the republican primaries debates). And who was it booing the gay soldier serving our country in Iraq (once again at the republican primaries debates). Don't forget the bullseyes on all the Democrat politicians. Talk about anger and violence--republicans have the market cornered on both.
Its difficult, I understand.

But do try and focus.

The topic is about a documentary on the OWS crowd, and their actions reflecting accurately the rabid hatred of the left for anyone who does not look at the world in the exact same manner they do.
New film coming out called "Occupy Unmasked" which is a documentary about the OWS movement. In the movie, there is the most obscene forms of language, violence, actions, etc. There are people on film warning Fox News, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, etc. NOT to come down there.

Why are they so intolerant? Sean Hannity has stated how he can take liberal media like Alan Colmes, Juan Williams, etc. on the floor of the Republican National Convention and they are treated VERY well - people say hello to them, shake hands, etc. But if a conservative media persona goes onto the floor of the Democrat National Convention, they are attacked, sworn at, belittled, etc.

What an intolerant, hateful bunch.....

When you figure it out, you can make more excuses for the republicans.
Don't get it twisted. Who was it promoting/cheering letting the hypothetical victim die is he did not have health insurance (remember the republican primaries debates). And who was it booing the gay soldier serving our country in Iraq (once again at the republican primaries debates). Don't forget the bullseyes on all the Democrat politicians. Talk about anger and violence--republicans have the market cornered on both.

Sorry but no political party has a monopoly on ignorance, hate, and violence.
Neither party has the high road on that. But do you judge an organization by it's worst members? Up to you.
Don't get it twisted. Who was it promoting/cheering letting the hypothetical victim die is he did not have health insurance (remember the republican primaries debates). And who was it booing the gay soldier serving our country in Iraq (once again at the republican primaries debates). Don't forget the bullseyes on all the Democrat politicians. Talk about anger and violence--republicans have the market cornered on both.
Its difficult, I understand.

But do try and focus.

The topic is about a documentary on the OWS crowd, and their actions reflecting accurately the rabid hatred of the left for anyone who does not look at the world in the exact same manner they do.

I think what rickeybj was trying to say is that OWS was trying to equal the intollerence shown by the Republicans. A tuff challenge to be sure, and they tried their best, but in the end they could not overcome the Republicans.
I have not experienced some of the rage on the "right" that others have talked about but I have experienced rage and personal name calling and attacks questioning my sanity when I share how I think or feel about the current progressivist democrat candidates or positions. Why personal attacks? The conservatives are afraid of the future. The progressives seem to say "party on". What about when the well runs dry or the lenders will not lend any more? Who gets hurt? It's not the wealthy, the leading democrats who have padded their own wallets with a few republicans also guilty. We do not know what is going on as long as we get our "bama phone". Progressives vote emotions, conservatives vote facts. At least this is how it seems to me.
Don't get it twisted. Who was it promoting/cheering letting the hypothetical victim die is he did not have health insurance (remember the republican primaries debates). And who was it booing the gay soldier serving our country in Iraq (once again at the republican primaries debates). Don't forget the bullseyes on all the Democrat politicians. Talk about anger and violence--republicans have the market cornered on both.
Its difficult, I understand.

But do try and focus.

The topic is about a documentary on the OWS crowd, and their actions reflecting accurately the rabid hatred of the left for anyone who does not look at the world in the exact same manner they do.

I think what rickeybj was trying to say is that OWS was trying to equal the intollerence shown by the Republicans. A tuff challenge to be sure, and they tried their best, but in the end they could not overcome the Republicans.

Don't get it twisted. Who was it promoting/cheering letting the hypothetical victim die is he did not have health insurance (remember the republican primaries debates). And who was it booing the gay soldier serving our country in Iraq (once again at the republican primaries debates). Don't forget the bullseyes on all the Democrat politicians. Talk about anger and violence--republicans have the market cornered on both.

Were they "booing" the soldier or what he was saying (there is a difference)? How does that compare to the violence where ever liberal demonstrations are held?
I have not experienced some of the rage on the "right" that others have talked about but I have experienced rage and personal name calling and attacks questioning my sanity when I share how I think or feel about the current progressivist democrat candidates or positions. Why personal attacks? The conservatives are afraid of the future. The progressives seem to say "party on". What about when the well runs dry or the lenders will not lend any more? Who gets hurt? It's not the wealthy, the leading democrats who have padded their own wallets with a few republicans also guilty. We do not know what is going on as long as we get our "bama phone". Progressives vote emotions, conservatives vote facts. At least this is how it seems to me.

That's how is seems to me, as well. Progressives who live on entitlements seem to think their well will remain full when we head over the impending fiscal cliff. I can't wait to see their expressions, then.....:lol:
Don't get it twisted. Who was it promoting/cheering letting the hypothetical victim die is he did not have health insurance (remember the republican primaries debates). And who was it booing the gay soldier serving our country in Iraq (once again at the republican primaries debates). Don't forget the bullseyes on all the Democrat politicians. Talk about anger and violence--republicans have the market cornered on both.
Its difficult, I understand.

But do try and focus.

The topic is about a documentary on the OWS crowd, and their actions reflecting accurately the rabid hatred of the left for anyone who does not look at the world in the exact same manner they do.

I think what rickeybj was trying to say is that OWS was trying to equal the intollerence shown by the Republicans. A tuff challenge to be sure, and they tried their best, but in the end they could not overcome the Republicans.

Please list the acts of "intolerance" (different from not "accepting") acts of the Republicans.
Half the population is disheartened that at best we have four more years of a flat market, stagnant growth, high unemployment,and a persistent misery index. But that half has not become violent, has not taken to the streets to protest, riot, make threats, or otherwise behave in antisocial ways.

Would that have been the case had Romney won? I wonder.

We'll see how it goes. Right now I'm looking at a large list of businesses who are now laying off people--they waited until after the election at the President's request. And I'm looking at the estimates of thousands of businesses who are again shelving plans to get back into the game or expand their businesses and/or are laying off enough people to get under the threshhold that makes them subject to Obamacare penalities. My husband and I had hoped to restart our business at the beginning of 2013. We will not now do that and will remain retired.

But that is what the other half voted for. And there's nothing we can do about it.
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We are experiencing a new wave of religious intolerance, with liberalism being the religion of the Left. Anyone who disagrees with them is evil and must be destroyed in order to preserve the purity of their belief system.
New film coming out called "Occupy Unmasked" which is a documentary about the OWS movement. In the movie, there is the most obscene forms of language, violence, actions, etc. There are people on film warning Fox News, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, etc. NOT to come down there.

Why are they so intolerant? Sean Hannity has stated how he can take liberal media like Alan Colmes, Juan Williams, etc. on the floor of the Republican National Convention and they are treated VERY well - people say hello to them, shake hands, etc. But if a conservative media persona goes onto the floor of the Democrat National Convention, they are attacked, sworn at, belittled, etc.

What an intolerant, hateful bunch.....

OWS = Democrats? :lol:

:cuckoo: I guess you never saw the OWS people who hate the Democrats and the Republicans.

good golly you people are desperate and funny at teh same time.

Half the population is disheartened that at best we have four more years of a flat market, stagnant growth, high unemployment,and a persistent misery index. But that half has not become violent, has not taken to the streets to protest, riot, make threats, or otherwise behave in antisocial ways.

Would that have been the case had Romney won? I wonder.

We'll see how it goes. Right now I'm looking at a large list of businesses who are now laying off people--they waited until after the election at the President's request. And I'm looking at the estimates of thousands of businesses who are again shelving plans to get back into the game or expand their businesses and/or are laying off enough people to get under the threshhold that makes them subject to Obamacare penalities. My husband and I had hoped to restart our business at the beginning of 2013. We will not now do and will remain retired.

But that is what the other half voted for. And there's nothing we can do about it.

excellent post, sad times coming and you can't get through half the peoples heads..
New film coming out called "Occupy Unmasked" which is a documentary about the OWS movement. In the movie, there is the most obscene forms of language, violence, actions, etc. There are people on film warning Fox News, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, etc. NOT to come down there.

Why are they so intolerant? Sean Hannity has stated how he can take liberal media like Alan Colmes, Juan Williams, etc. on the floor of the Republican National Convention and they are treated VERY well - people say hello to them, shake hands, etc. But if a conservative media persona goes onto the floor of the Democrat National Convention, they are attacked, sworn at, belittled, etc.

What an intolerant, hateful bunch.....

They are NOT democrats.

dont you know anything that is true?
BTW the night of the election right leaning students rioted At Ole miss shouting racial insults.
New film coming out called "Occupy Unmasked" which is a documentary about the OWS movement. In the movie, there is the most obscene forms of language, violence, actions, etc. There are people on film warning Fox News, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, etc. NOT to come down there.

Why are they so intolerant? Sean Hannity has stated how he can take liberal media like Alan Colmes, Juan Williams, etc. on the floor of the Republican National Convention and they are treated VERY well - people say hello to them, shake hands, etc. But if a conservative media persona goes onto the floor of the Democrat National Convention, they are attacked, sworn at, belittled, etc.

What an intolerant, hateful bunch.....

I wouldn't classify the OWS people as Democrat or at least not mainstream Democrats it might have started that way but it quickly got taken over anarchist and nut jobs who had no real ties to a party or any real goals other than just to make noise and cause trouble. I do see your point to a degree on this board you still see a lot of anger and hate from at least some of the left despite the Obama win I'm not really sure what is keeping them honked off I'm not sure they even know.
New film coming out called "Occupy Unmasked" which is a documentary about the OWS movement. In the movie, there is the most obscene forms of language, violence, actions, etc. There are people on film warning Fox News, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, etc. NOT to come down there.

Why are they so intolerant? Sean Hannity has stated how he can take liberal media like Alan Colmes, Juan Williams, etc. on the floor of the Republican National Convention and they are treated VERY well - people say hello to them, shake hands, etc. But if a conservative media persona goes onto the floor of the Democrat National Convention, they are attacked, sworn at, belittled, etc.

What an intolerant, hateful bunch.....

I wouldn't classify the OWS people as Democrat or at least not mainstream Democrats it might have started that way but it quickly got taken over anarchist and nut jobs who had no real ties to a party or any real goals other than just to make noise and cause trouble. I do see your point to a degree on this board you still see a lot of anger and hate from at least some of the left despite the Obama win I'm not really sure what is keeping them honked off I'm not sure they even know.

the fringe left and the right wingers are hateful and angry, but the right wing is no longer truly fringe as it has a very powerful seat at the t able within the GOP.

the far left has what? GITMO closed? Troops out of Afghanistan? Dept of PEace? :lol:

Socialism? Yeah, Obamacare will be a boon for private insurance companies. :lol:

The hate on the right is mainstream GOP

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