Serious question for liberals


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Seriously, this is a question for liberals and I'd like honest answers. I would also like to win the lottery and probably have a better chance of the latter coming true.

So many libs want more gun control. Also, there is a proposal for neighborhoods to become more diversified, not just in color but in financial classes. Obama wants to integrate people by color. Recently, it was discovered that people living in rent-controlled housing were making well above the limit. One family was making over $400,000. The left said it's good for them to live among the poor because they are a positive influence.

Okay, so you liberals who are financially secure and desire more gun control should move to the south side of Chicago. That way, you will help improve the status of neighborhoods and you will get to live in a place where there is strict gun control. Win/win, right?

How many of you would seriously consider backing up the leftist ideas by moving?
I'd move anywhere I needed to move. But I wouldn't move somewhere to just to prove a point on a message board.

Who would do that? Think about it.

And by the way you start out addressing "Liberals" and end up babbling about "leftist ideas". Those are two different things. So I don't think you know what you're talking about to begin with.
Seriously, this is a question for liberals and I'd like honest answers. I would also like to win the lottery and probably have a better chance of the latter coming true.

So many libs want more gun control. Also, there is a proposal for neighborhoods to become more diversified, not just in color but in financial classes. Obama wants to integrate people by color. Recently, it was discovered that people living in rent-controlled housing were making well above the limit. One family was making over $400,000. The left said it's good for them to live among the poor because they are a positive influence.

Okay, so you liberals who are financially secure and desire more gun control should move to the south side of Chicago. That way, you will help improve the status of neighborhoods and you will get to live in a place where there is strict gun control. Win/win, right?

How many of you would seriously consider backing up the leftist ideas by moving?
The simple minded try to paint all liberals the same. Liberals like conservatives support some liberal initiatives but not all just like conservatives support some conservative initiatives. There are the really simple minded (stupid) conservatives and liberals who support every initiative of their discipline without thought.

With that being said there are those who support economically diverse neighborhoods who do move into diverse neighborhoods but there are many who do not and will not. They are hypocritical but there are hypocrites on both sides in fact everyone of us, liberal or conservative are probably a little hypocritical on some issues.

This is critical thinking and a bit much for you but read it at least 3 times and think about it.
Seriously, this is a question for liberals and I'd like honest answers. I would also like to win the lottery and probably have a better chance of the latter coming true.

So many libs want more gun control. Also, there is a proposal for neighborhoods to become more diversified, not just in color but in financial classes. Obama wants to integrate people by color. Recently, it was discovered that people living in rent-controlled housing were making well above the limit. One family was making over $400,000. The left said it's good for them to live among the poor because they are a positive influence.

Okay, so you liberals who are financially secure and desire more gun control should move to the south side of Chicago. That way, you will help improve the status of neighborhoods and you will get to live in a place where there is strict gun control. Win/win, right?

How many of you would seriously consider backing up the leftist ideas by moving?

This has to be the stupidest thread in weeks
"So many libs want more gun control."

Your thread premise fails as a lie and straw man fallacy yet you want a 'serious' response.

As already correctly noted: you have no idea what you're talking about.
As long as the black family my family was supplanting could be subsidized by high taxes on the rich and moved to LSD then fine.

Have a lottery. Half of south Chicago subsidized to move to affluent areas.....the same number of affluent families getting big tax breaks for living in South Chicago.

It could work.

Because neighborhoods are not made of the ground they are on but of the people that are in 'em.

Regards from Rosie
Seriously, this is a question for liberals and I'd like honest answers. I would also like to win the lottery and probably have a better chance of the latter coming true.

So many libs want more gun control. Also, there is a proposal for neighborhoods to become more diversified, not just in color but in financial classes. Obama wants to integrate people by color. Recently, it was discovered that people living in rent-controlled housing were making well above the limit. One family was making over $400,000. The left said it's good for them to live among the poor because they are a positive influence.

Okay, so you liberals who are financially secure and desire more gun control should move to the south side of Chicago. That way, you will help improve the status of neighborhoods and you will get to live in a place where there is strict gun control. Win/win, right?

How many of you would seriously consider backing up the leftist ideas by moving?
How many of your fellow conservatives have the courage to admit that your thread topic is ridiculous idiocy.
"So many libs want more gun control."

The stupidity of this is compounded by the fact that there is no definition as to what constitutes 'gun control.'

Gun control is ensuring that existing laws are enforced and police departments are adequately funded to do so.

Gun control is ensuring that the states update the NICS database in a timely and comprehensive manner.

Gun control is ensuring that citizens have access to mental health treatment likely to prevent acts of gun violence.

Of course most conservatives aren't interest in an honest, serious discussion as to gun control, the seek only to contrive and propagate lies for some perceived partisan advantage, and engage in unwarranted attacks devoid of merit – this thread being one of many examples.
The simple minded try to paint all liberals the same. Liberals like conservatives support some liberal initiatives but not all just like conservatives support some conservative initiatives. There are the really simple minded (stupid) conservatives and liberals who support every initiative of their discipline without thought.

With that being said there are those who support economically diverse neighborhoods who do move into diverse neighborhoods but there are many who do not and will not. They are hypocritical but there are hypocrites on both sides in fact everyone of us, liberal or conservative are probably a little hypocritical on some issues.

This is critical thinking and a bit much for you but read it at least 3 times and think about it.

Spare us your haughty bullshit.

Moonbats goosestep in unison. There are no democrook "mavericks" known for opposing abortion, gun control or the global warming hoax. You sit there and smugly berate the OP without even addressing the point of the thread.

You're just another bed wetter like Jerk Fakey or one of his sock accounts and not worth paying attention to.


The simple minded try to paint all liberals the same. Liberals like conservatives support some liberal initiatives but not all just like conservatives support some conservative initiatives. There are the really simple minded (stupid) conservatives and liberals who support every initiative of their discipline without thought.

With that being said there are those who support economically diverse neighborhoods who do move into diverse neighborhoods but there are many who do not and will not. They are hypocritical but there are hypocrites on both sides in fact everyone of us, liberal or conservative are probably a little hypocritical on some issues.

This is critical thinking and a bit much for you but read it at least 3 times and think about it.

Spare us your haughty bullshit.

Moonbats goosestep in unison. There are no democrook "mavericks" known for opposing abortion, gun control or the global warming hoax. You sit there and smugly berate the OP without even addressing the point of the thread.

You're just another bed wetter like Jerk Fakey or one of his sock accounts and not worth paying attention to.



"So many libs want more gun control."

The stupidity of this is compounded by the fact that there is no definition as to what constitutes 'gun control.'

Gun control is ensuring that existing laws are enforced and police departments are adequately funded to do so.

Gun control is ensuring that the states update the NICS database in a timely and comprehensive manner.

Gun control is ensuring that citizens have access to mental health treatment likely to prevent acts of gun violence.

Of course most conservatives aren't interest in an honest, serious discussion as to gun control, the seek only to contrive and propagate lies for some perceived partisan advantage, and engage in unwarranted attacks devoid of merit – this thread being one of many examples.

This lasts paragraph reeks of hypocrisy.

Does anyone think they could ever have a legitimate discussion with this pinhead about anything?

This lasts paragraph reeks of hypocrisy.

Does anyone think they could ever have a legitimate discussion with this pinhead about anything?

Fuck no.

You can't have a discussion with hardly any of these moonbats. First of all, they aren't here to discuss anything. They're here to parrot what they've been programmed with. You're not dealing with individuals who have taken a political stance based on critical analysis or independent thinking. They obviously resist thinking. Their political philosophy comes from their butthurt and bumper stickers, not thinking.

Ridicule them according to Alinsky Rule #5:

“Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”

“…you do what you can with what you have and clothe it with moral arguments.”

– Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals

Fight fire with better fire. Strike hard, strike deep and ignore their bullshit.

Most liberals, for starters, would like to know why so many gun rights extremists feel it's necessary to maintain loopholes in the background check laws.
Most liberals, for starters, would like to know why so many gun rights extremists feel it's necessary to maintain loopholes in the background check laws.

Because when does liberalism ever stop? When has a liberal ever proposed an idea and said "If we get X, we will be happy!"

Oh, they may have said it repeatedly, but when was it ever practiced?

Women's rights.
Gun control.
Gay rights.
Minority rights.
Environmental control.
Tobacco usage.

Most if not all of these started out as one idea. If we just have X, that's all we want. When they finally get X, they soon advance to the next step.

So conservatives give in to X gun control. Yeah, that may be good for a couple of months; a year perhaps. But after that, then it's on to get Y gun control, then Z gun control.

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