Separation of religion and state.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

How dare those self righteous religious nuts be brought into the hearings on Immigration Policy. When GOD is a GOD of laws, regulations and commandments. And he expect man to obey government he allow to be in place. He set borders and boundaries and those that cross them were severely punished. GOD set the first border when he put Adam in Eve in the Garden of Eden and commanded them not to eat of the Tree of Good and Evil and the day they did they would surely die, they did and they were sentences to death and all of their children and descendants.
How dare they presume to speak for GOD when they don’t know GOD at all. Jeff Sessions just set them straight on how GOD felt about borders. A big thanks you, Jeff Session.
Rom. 13, Titus 3, 1 Pet 2,
Boundaries (borders) were set in place by God from the beginning of time and for a reason. Gen 4;10,11....3;23,24... Gen 15;18-21. Ex 23;31..... To Abraham and his seed God promised a certain land with definitely stated boundaries. Gen 15;13-16.....would enforce an eviction decree when “the error of the Amorites” came to its completion. Deut 2;4,5,18,19....Jehovah God also decreed that the Israelites would not encrouch on the boundaries of the nations of Edom, .... Deut 32;8....when the Most High gave the nations an inheritance, when he parted the sons of Adam from one another, he proceeded to fix the boundary of the people with regard for the number of the sons of Israel.” Eph 2;12-16....Under penalty of death, Gentiles were prohibited beyond that boundary, such wall serving the apostle as an apt illustration of the division created by the Law covenant. Isa 54;l14,15...60;18..Co 3;16,17.

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