Separate The Russian Wheat From The Chaff


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
All right. We have some clear evidence that some members of the Trump campaign were in direct communication with Putin cutouts with respect to collusion. We also have clear evidence the Russian government unleashed hundreds of social media trolls to influence the opinions of creduloids who use those platforms as their chief source of propganda which they eagerly parrot.

However, there are a couple of things I think the media is deliberately conflating with this collusion and interference in our electoral process. And while this might be a tactical success, the long term strategy can and should come back to bitch slap them in their faces.

First, Jeff Sessions did not lie under oath. The context in which the relevant question was asked was that Al Franken said it was being reported that some Trump campaign officials had been colluding with Russians to influence the campaign.

Sessions responded he had not had contact with Russians, clearly meaning he had not participated in the alleged colluding to which Franken has just alluded. Sessions was not saying he had never spoken with a Russian in his life or that he had not spoken with any Russian at all during the campaign.

As a senator himself, Al Franken knows damned well senators regularly come in contact with dignitaries from all over the world in Washington, D.C. You can't go to any function in DC without encountering foreign officials.

If Franken had a shred of integrity, he would have taken this into account and defended Sessions' answer when it came out later that Sessions had encountered a Russian at a cocktail party.

Franken is the dickhead in this picture. Totally.

Second, there were two kinds of communication inside the Trump campaign with respect to Russia.

There was the communication between Donald, Jr. and the Russian cutout who offered dirt on Clinton, to which Junior enthusiastically responded. There was similar communication between the Russians and other Trump campaign officials, as has been reported in recent weeks.

It is very important to understand that right now there has not been a single shred of evidence that this type of communication went beyond the principal contacts, i.e. Donald, Jr, Papadapolous, etc. There is no evidence that any of these people informed the higher ups that this kind of communication was taking place.

The other communication which was reported up the campaign ladder was the idea of arranging a meeting between candidate Trump and Vladimir Putin. Said meeting to take place in Russia.

Every report up to this point indicates that the higher ups, including Sessions, rejected the idea of a meeting between Trump and Putin.

Now here's the thing. There is absolutely nothing wrong with planning a meeting between Trump and Putin, or talking about arranging a meeting between Trump and Putin.

We cannot make any assumptions about what would have been discussed during such a meeting. We cannot assume this was an extension of the collusion that was going on and that Putin would have roped Trump into the collusion.

Everyone knows I hate Trump for being such a Putin lickspittle. The man can't get enough of Putin's semen down his throat. Trump's been infatuated with Putin for many years.

However, there is nothing improper with the presumptive nominee of a major political party meeting with the leader of a foreign government during an election year.
Question: How many $100s' of million annual USD does "Russia" give to Red Cross or Wounded Warriors or Salvation Army or Meals on Wheels? You know, like the $145 million to the CCF.....Clinton Crime Foundation. Dont the "Russians" have charity needs at home?
Question: How many $100s' of million annual USD does "Russia" give to Red Cross or Wounded Warriors or Salvation Army or Meals on Wheels? You know, like the $145 million to the CCF.....Clinton Crime Foundation. Dont the "Russians" have charity needs at home?
Russia did not give $145 million to the Clinton Foundation. Sorry!
Actually I think the Franken question was quite successful in putting pressure on Sessions, who volunteered that he didn't meet with any Russians, he didn't clarify his answer. Since then Session's case of mysterious amnesia is slowly clearing up as he has been reminded that he was in the presence of conversations about colluding with Russians.

I don't think Sessions himself has colluded with Russia, however he seems to have taken part in not being honest about the contact or discussion of contact with Russians such as Papadopoulos.

Pence and Sessions have the memory of a gnat.
All right. We have some clear evidence that some members of the Trump campaign were in direct communication with Putin cutouts with respect to collusion. We also have clear evidence the Russian government unleashed hundreds of social media trolls to influence the opinions of creduloids who use those platforms as their chief source of propganda which they eagerly parrot.

However, there are a couple of things I think the media is deliberately conflating with this collusion and interference in our electoral process. And while this might be a tactical success, the long term strategy can and should come back to bitch slap them in their faces.

First, Jeff Sessions did not lie under oath. The context in which the relevant question was asked was that Al Franken said it was being reported that some Trump campaign officials had been colluding with Russians to influence the campaign.

Sessions responded he had not had contact with Russians, clearly meaning he had not participated in the alleged colluding to which Franken has just alluded. Sessions was not saying he had never spoken with a Russian in his life or that he had not spoken with any Russian at all during the campaign.

As a senator himself, Al Franken knows damned well senators regularly come in contact with dignitaries from all over the world in Washington, D.C. You can't go to any function in DC without encountering foreign officials.

If Franken had a shred of integrity, he would have taken this into account and defended Sessions' answer when it came out later that Sessions had encountered a Russian at a cocktail party.

Franken is the dickhead in this picture. Totally.

Second, there were two kinds of communication inside the Trump campaign with respect to Russia.

There was the communication between Donald, Jr. and the Russian cutout who offered dirt on Clinton, to which Junior enthusiastically responded. There was similar communication between the Russians and other Trump campaign officials, as has been reported in recent weeks.

It is very important to understand that right now there has not been a single shred of evidence that this type of communication went beyond the principal contacts, i.e. Donald, Jr, Papadapolous, etc. There is no evidence that any of these people informed the higher ups that this kind of communication was taking place.

The other communication which was reported up the campaign ladder was the idea of arranging a meeting between candidate Trump and Vladimir Putin. Said meeting to take place in Russia.

Every report up to this point indicates that the higher ups, including Sessions, rejected the idea of a meeting between Trump and Putin.

Now here's the thing. There is absolutely nothing wrong with planning a meeting between Trump and Putin, or talking about arranging a meeting between Trump and Putin.

We cannot make any assumptions about what would have been discussed during such a meeting. We cannot assume this was an extension of the collusion that was going on and that Putin would have roped Trump into the collusion.

Everyone knows I hate Trump for being such a Putin lickspittle. The man can't get enough of Putin's semen down his throat. Trump's been infatuated with Putin for many years.

However, there is nothing improper with the presumptive nominee of a major political party meeting with the leader of a foreign government during an election year.

That is one fucked up way to look at things. Nothing you claim has been proven. Why don't you make a list of clear evidence against Menendez or Hillary?
Actually I think the Franken question was quite successful in putting pressure on Sessions, who volunteered that he didn't meet with any Russians, he didn't clarify his answer. Since then Session's case of mysterious amnesia is slowly clearing up as he has been reminded that he was in the presence of conversations about colluding with Russians.
This is incorrect. Sessions was not in a meeting about colluding with Russians. This is precisely the erroneous conflation which caused me to start this topic.
One of the risks of engaging in heavy commerce with communists is that they will eventually stab you in the back and bribe your officials.

Clinton could probably write a book on how it is done and include personal examples and many more from within the party.
All right. We have some clear evidence that some members of the Trump campaign were in direct communication with Putin cutouts with respect to collusion. We also have clear evidence the Russian government unleashed hundreds of social media trolls to influence the opinions of creduloids who use those platforms as their chief source of propganda which they eagerly parrot.

However, there are a couple of things I think the media is deliberately conflating with this collusion and interference in our electoral process. And while this might be a tactical success, the long term strategy can and should come back to bitch slap them in their faces.

First, Jeff Sessions did not lie under oath. The context in which the relevant question was asked was that Al Franken said it was being reported that some Trump campaign officials had been colluding with Russians to influence the campaign.

Sessions responded he had not had contact with Russians, clearly meaning he had not participated in the alleged colluding to which Franken has just alluded. Sessions was not saying he had never spoken with a Russian in his life or that he had not spoken with any Russian at all during the campaign.

As a senator himself, Al Franken knows damned well senators regularly come in contact with dignitaries from all over the world in Washington, D.C. You can't go to any function in DC without encountering foreign officials.

If Franken had a shred of integrity, he would have taken this into account and defended Sessions' answer when it came out later that Sessions had encountered a Russian at a cocktail party.

Franken is the dickhead in this picture. Totally.

Second, there were two kinds of communication inside the Trump campaign with respect to Russia.

There was the communication between Donald, Jr. and the Russian cutout who offered dirt on Clinton, to which Junior enthusiastically responded. There was similar communication between the Russians and other Trump campaign officials, as has been reported in recent weeks.

It is very important to understand that right now there has not been a single shred of evidence that this type of communication went beyond the principal contacts, i.e. Donald, Jr, Papadapolous, etc. There is no evidence that any of these people informed the higher ups that this kind of communication was taking place.

The other communication which was reported up the campaign ladder was the idea of arranging a meeting between candidate Trump and Vladimir Putin. Said meeting to take place in Russia.

Every report up to this point indicates that the higher ups, including Sessions, rejected the idea of a meeting between Trump and Putin.

Now here's the thing. There is absolutely nothing wrong with planning a meeting between Trump and Putin, or talking about arranging a meeting between Trump and Putin.

We cannot make any assumptions about what would have been discussed during such a meeting. We cannot assume this was an extension of the collusion that was going on and that Putin would have roped Trump into the collusion.

Everyone knows I hate Trump for being such a Putin lickspittle. The man can't get enough of Putin's semen down his throat. Trump's been infatuated with Putin for many years.

However, there is nothing improper with the presumptive nominee of a major political party meeting with the leader of a foreign government during an election year.

"However, there is nothing improper with the presumptive nominee of a major political party meeting with the leader of a foreign government during an election year."

It is improper, when the candidate discusses undermining existing policies or sanctions. Very much so. That goes for his top guys, too.
No Russian grain harvest this year ... regardless of what Pravda says.

Actually I think the Franken question was quite successful in putting pressure on Sessions, who volunteered that he didn't meet with any Russians, he didn't clarify his answer. Since then Session's case of mysterious amnesia is slowly clearing up as he has been reminded that he was in the presence of conversations about colluding with Russians.
This is incorrect. Sessions was not in a meeting about colluding with Russians. This is precisely the erroneous conflation which caused me to start this topic.

Nope, he was there.

Sessions told the House Judiciary Committee that he now recalls a meeting last year with then-candidate Trump where a campaign adviser said he had connections with Moscow and could help arrange a Trump meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“I do now recall” the meeting where adviser George Papadopoulos made the proposal, Sessions said, “but I have no clear recollection of the details of what he said during the meeting.”

Sessions changes statement about Trump campaign and Russia

He had previously told Congress that he was unaware of any campaign contacts with the Russians. He lied and this brings us back to Franken's question who asked about any contacts. Sessions was being less than honest to say the least.
Actually I think the Franken question was quite successful in putting pressure on Sessions, who volunteered that he didn't meet with any Russians, he didn't clarify his answer. Since then Session's case of mysterious amnesia is slowly clearing up as he has been reminded that he was in the presence of conversations about colluding with Russians.
This is incorrect. Sessions was not in a meeting about colluding with Russians. This is precisely the erroneous conflation which caused me to start this topic.

Nope, he was there.

Sessions told the House Judiciary Committee that he now recalls a meeting last year with then-candidate Trump where a campaign adviser said he had connections with Moscow and could help arrange a Trump meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
You just proved my point.

Sessions was in a meeting about arranging a meet between Trump and Putin, NOT "in the presence of conversations about colluding with Russians" as you claimed.
All right. We have some clear evidence that some members of the Trump campaign were in direct communication with Putin cutouts with respect to collusion. We also have clear evidence the Russian government unleashed hundreds of social media trolls to influence the opinions of creduloids who use those platforms as their chief source of propganda which they eagerly parrot.

However, there are a couple of things I think the media is deliberately conflating with this collusion and interference in our electoral process. And while this might be a tactical success, the long term strategy can and should come back to bitch slap them in their faces.

First, Jeff Sessions did not lie under oath. The context in which the relevant question was asked was that Al Franken said it was being reported that some Trump campaign officials had been colluding with Russians to influence the campaign.

Sessions responded he had not had contact with Russians, clearly meaning he had not participated in the alleged colluding to which Franken has just alluded. Sessions was not saying he had never spoken with a Russian in his life or that he had not spoken with any Russian at all during the campaign.

As a senator himself, Al Franken knows damned well senators regularly come in contact with dignitaries from all over the world in Washington, D.C. You can't go to any function in DC without encountering foreign officials.

If Franken had a shred of integrity, he would have taken this into account and defended Sessions' answer when it came out later that Sessions had encountered a Russian at a cocktail party.

Franken is the dickhead in this picture. Totally.

Second, there were two kinds of communication inside the Trump campaign with respect to Russia.

There was the communication between Donald, Jr. and the Russian cutout who offered dirt on Clinton, to which Junior enthusiastically responded. There was similar communication between the Russians and other Trump campaign officials, as has been reported in recent weeks.

It is very important to understand that right now there has not been a single shred of evidence that this type of communication went beyond the principal contacts, i.e. Donald, Jr, Papadapolous, etc. There is no evidence that any of these people informed the higher ups that this kind of communication was taking place.

The other communication which was reported up the campaign ladder was the idea of arranging a meeting between candidate Trump and Vladimir Putin. Said meeting to take place in Russia.

Every report up to this point indicates that the higher ups, including Sessions, rejected the idea of a meeting between Trump and Putin.

Now here's the thing. There is absolutely nothing wrong with planning a meeting between Trump and Putin, or talking about arranging a meeting between Trump and Putin.

We cannot make any assumptions about what would have been discussed during such a meeting. We cannot assume this was an extension of the collusion that was going on and that Putin would have roped Trump into the collusion.

Everyone knows I hate Trump for being such a Putin lickspittle. The man can't get enough of Putin's semen down his throat. Trump's been infatuated with Putin for many years.

However, there is nothing improper with the presumptive nominee of a major political party meeting with the leader of a foreign government during an election year.

"However, there is nothing improper with the presumptive nominee of a major political party meeting with the leader of a foreign government during an election year."

It is improper, when the candidate discusses undermining existing policies or sanctions. Very much so. That goes for his top guys, too.
If a candidate of the opposite party of the incumbent President talks about doing things differently than the incumbent, that is not improper.
Obama meets with Merkel in Berlin

Barack Obama, the presumptive Democratic nominee for president, began the European leg of his overseas trip in Berlin on Thursday, meeting with the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, just hours before he was scheduled to give a major speech on U.S.-European relations.

Relations between the United States and Germany reached a post-war low under Merkel's predecessor, Gerhard Schröder, who strongly opposed the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003.

But the conservative Merkel, who grew up in the Communist East, has worked hard to repair ties and emerged as one of President George W. Bush's closest allies in Europe.

She said on the eve of Obama's visit that she expected to discuss NATO cooperation, climate change and trade issues with the Illinois senator.

They were also expected to discuss Afghanistan and Iraq, the countries where Obama started his overseas tour. In Kabul on Sunday, Obama described the situation in Afghanistan as precarious and urgent.

And there you have a "candidate discussing undermining existing policies or sanctions". Obama campaigned on unraveling the Bush Doctrine.
Actually I think the Franken question was quite successful in putting pressure on Sessions, who volunteered that he didn't meet with any Russians, he didn't clarify his answer. Since then Session's case of mysterious amnesia is slowly clearing up as he has been reminded that he was in the presence of conversations about colluding with Russians.
This is incorrect. Sessions was not in a meeting about colluding with Russians. This is precisely the erroneous conflation which caused me to start this topic.

Nope, he was there.

Sessions told the House Judiciary Committee that he now recalls a meeting last year with then-candidate Trump where a campaign adviser said he had connections with Moscow and could help arrange a Trump meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
You just proved my point.

Sessions was in a meeting about arranging a meet between Trump and Putin, NOT "in the presence of conversations about colluding with Russians" as you claimed.

Nobody said otherwise.
Candidate Obama met with the German leader, and was greeted like a rock star in that country.

It would not have been improper for candidate Trump to meet with the Russian leader.

Any campaign meetings where such a thing were discussed are not evidence of collusion to undermine our election whatsoever.

Actually I think the Franken question was quite successful in putting pressure on Sessions, who volunteered that he didn't meet with any Russians, he didn't clarify his answer. Since then Session's case of mysterious amnesia is slowly clearing up as he has been reminded that he was in the presence of conversations about colluding with Russians.
This is incorrect. Sessions was not in a meeting about colluding with Russians. This is precisely the erroneous conflation which caused me to start this topic.

Nope, he was there.

Sessions told the House Judiciary Committee that he now recalls a meeting last year with then-candidate Trump where a campaign adviser said he had connections with Moscow and could help arrange a Trump meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
You just proved my point.

Sessions was in a meeting about arranging a meet between Trump and Putin, NOT "in the presence of conversations about colluding with Russians" as you claimed.

Nobody said otherwise.
YOU said otherwise!

You plainly said Sessions was "was in the presence of conversations about colluding with Russians."

That is a false statement.

This is exactly why I started this topic.
Candidate Obama met with the German leader, and was greeted like a rock star in that country.

It would not have been improper for candidate Trump to meet with the Russian leader.

Any campaign meetings where such a thing were discussed are not evidence of collusion to undermine our election whatsoever.

Was the German government accused of breaking the law by stealing emails and giving them to Wikileaks? Did the Obama campaign work to change the party platform to tone down the rhetoric against Germany annexing Austria?
Actually I think the Franken question was quite successful in putting pressure on Sessions, who volunteered that he didn't meet with any Russians, he didn't clarify his answer. Since then Session's case of mysterious amnesia is slowly clearing up as he has been reminded that he was in the presence of conversations about colluding with Russians.
This is incorrect. Sessions was not in a meeting about colluding with Russians. This is precisely the erroneous conflation which caused me to start this topic.

Nope, he was there.

Sessions told the House Judiciary Committee that he now recalls a meeting last year with then-candidate Trump where a campaign adviser said he had connections with Moscow and could help arrange a Trump meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
You just proved my point.

Sessions was in a meeting about arranging a meet between Trump and Putin, NOT "in the presence of conversations about colluding with Russians" as you claimed.

Nobody said otherwise.
YOU said otherwise!

You plainly said Sessions was "was in the presence of conversations about colluding with Russians."

That is a false statement.

This is exactly why I started this topic.

A discussion about arranging a meeting to collude with Russians is in fact a discussion about Russian collusion.
This is incorrect. Sessions was not in a meeting about colluding with Russians. This is precisely the erroneous conflation which caused me to start this topic.

Nope, he was there.

Sessions told the House Judiciary Committee that he now recalls a meeting last year with then-candidate Trump where a campaign adviser said he had connections with Moscow and could help arrange a Trump meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
You just proved my point.

Sessions was in a meeting about arranging a meet between Trump and Putin, NOT "in the presence of conversations about colluding with Russians" as you claimed.

Nobody said otherwise.
YOU said otherwise!

You plainly said Sessions was "was in the presence of conversations about colluding with Russians."

That is a false statement.

This is exactly why I started this topic.

A discussion about arranging a meeting to collude with Russians is in fact a discussion about Russian collusion.
Now you are flat out lying.

The discussion was about meeting with Putin. Collusion to undermine our election was NOT the discussion.

And now you will flip flop again and say, "No one said otherwise." :lol:

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