Senior DHS Adviser: ‘Inevitable that ‘Caliphate’ Returns’


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
A comment by one of Obama's people who is an Islamofascist Muslim Brotherhood supporter....this is the guy who considers America to be 'an Islamic country'....who also has access to Homeland Security intelligence reports...:mad:

A controversial senior adviser to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is receiving criticism for tweeting that the recent takeover of Iraqi cities by a violent terror group is proof that a Muslim “caliphate” is making an “inevitable” return.

Senior DHS Adviser: ?Inevitable that ?Caliphate? Returns? | Washington Free Beacon

Mohamed Elibiary...
As long as democrats are in charge he is likely correct. The left needs islam to destroy Christianity.
A comment by one of Obama's people who is an Islamofascist Muslim Brotherhood supporter....

...and eater of puppies and crippled children, who wipes his ass with copies of the Constitution, and has a reptutation for all of his predictions coming true like Nostradamus...
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A comment by one of Obama's people who is an Islamofascist Muslim Brotherhood supporter....

...and eater of puppies and crippled children, who wipes his ass with copies of the Constitution...

So you deny he supports them? And what of this comment? A comment in support of violent murderous Islamist?

I just wanted to make sure your mind was right before reading an article about some guy's tweet.

Was it an argument in support of a caliphate, or a statement of observation?

If I report an extinction level asteroid is heading our way, does that mean I support it destroying us?

I suppose if someone first told you I was a puppy eater, you would believe my observation meant I was cheerleading the asteroid. See how that works?
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I fail to see the problem?? . :cool:

Muslims wanting to restore the Caliphate in the middle east.

Is no different than the zionist Jews who desired to revive the ancient land of Israel.

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