Senator Ron Paul says


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
'The bidens are corrupt as the day is long' any astute person that follows politics would deny that has to be because of bias.

Yet there are some biased peopl that still will admit the many however especically in the democratic party will let their bias rule their perceptions to the point they have no regard for the truth.

Exploiting your name is not "corruption." Allowing your son to exploit your name is not "corruption."

Corruption is taking official action in order to obtain a personal benefit. "If you give me money, I will back this piece of legislation." That's corruption.

If you have an example of Joe Biden doing so, now would be a good time to share it. Nobody else is aware.
I wonder what libertarians say about evidence and convictions and stuff...…

I am sure they will be in favor of having a free market investigation into the Bidens or something....maybe
Exploiting your name is not "corruption." Allowing your son to exploit your name is not "corruption."

Corruption is taking official action in order to obtain a personal benefit. "If you give me money, I will back this piece of legislation." That's corruption.

If you have an example of Joe Biden doing so, now would be a good time to share it. Nobody else is aware.

Surely you jest.

Biden threatened Ukraine prosecutor to protect his son.

WHILE DEMOCRATS PURSUE the impeachment of President Donald Trump for pressuring foreign countries to investigate Joe and Hunter Biden, they are left making an argument that is at once true and electorally and ethically compromising:

The problem for Democrats is that a review of Hunter Biden’s career shows clearly that he, along with Joe Biden’s brother James, has been trading on their family name for decades, cashing in on the implication — and sometimes the explicit argument — that giving money to a member of Joe Biden’s family wins the favor of Joe Biden.

Hunter Biden "didn't know anything about the industry he was in, he didn't have any discernible duties, and he's getting paid $50,000 a month? And then he gets a billion five from China?

...the entire media turns a blind eye." -@EricTrum

Ex-Ukraine prosecutor said he was told to back off probe of Biden-linked firm, files show

Video of Tom Brokaw calling out Joe and Hunter Biden's "corruption" resurfaces amid Trump's Ukraine scandal

Saagar Enjeti: Ignore media, investigate Bidens
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I wonder what libertarians say about evidence and convictions and stuff...…

I am sure they will be in favor of having a free market investigation into the Bidens or something....maybe

This libertarian, as well as most others I know, would neither assume nor presume to speak for another. That's what the politics of Party/personality does. In situations like this for one to assume, like you are, is ignorance- if it's presumptions that is arrogance- neither is flattering to the one making the assumption or presumption, but, does illustrate the effectiveness of brain dead sound bite influencers in those who worship empty suits who are actually the corrupted and feel compelled to force their corruption on their acolytes who lap it up like a kitten laps milk- mmmmm- mmmmm, good!
I wonder what libertarians say about evidence and convictions and stuff...…

I am sure they will be in favor of having a free market investigation into the Bidens or something....maybe

This libertarian, as well as most others I know, would neither assume nor presume to speak for another. That's what the politics of Party/personality does. In situations like this for one to assume, like you are, is ignorance- if it's presumptions that is arrogance- neither is flattering to the one making the assumption or presumption, but, does illustrate the effectiveness of brain dead sound bite influencers in those who worship empty suits who are actually the corrupted and feel compelled to force their corruption on their acolytes who lap it up like a kitten laps milk- mmmmm- mmmmm, good!
There are 282727342 different types of Libertarians...a new strain forms whenever they are presented with facts that expose how fantasy-laden their ideology really is.....

Which is why libertarian style government doesn't exist in no place on Earth....unless you want to count Somalia...
I wonder what libertarians say about evidence and convictions and stuff...…

I am sure they will be in favor of having a free market investigation into the Bidens or something....maybe

This libertarian, as well as most others I know, would neither assume nor presume to speak for another. That's what the politics of Party/personality does. In situations like this for one to assume, like you are, is ignorance- if it's presumptions that is arrogance- neither is flattering to the one making the assumption or presumption, but, does illustrate the effectiveness of brain dead sound bite influencers in those who worship empty suits who are actually the corrupted and feel compelled to force their corruption on their acolytes who lap it up like a kitten laps milk- mmmmm- mmmmm, good!
There are 282727342 different types of Libertarians...a new strain forms whenever they are presented with facts that exposed how fantasy-laden their ideology really is.....

Which is why libertarian style government doesn't exist in no place on Earth....unless you want to count Somalia...
I call myself a "conservatarian." Most strains are liberal, verging on on anarchy -- open borders, legalizing prostitution, legalizing drugs. I support none of that.
I wonder what libertarians say about evidence and convictions and stuff...…

I am sure they will be in favor of having a free market investigation into the Bidens or something....maybe

This libertarian, as well as most others I know, would neither assume nor presume to speak for another. That's what the politics of Party/personality does. In situations like this for one to assume, like you are, is ignorance- if it's presumptions that is arrogance- neither is flattering to the one making the assumption or presumption, but, does illustrate the effectiveness of brain dead sound bite influencers in those who worship empty suits who are actually the corrupted and feel compelled to force their corruption on their acolytes who lap it up like a kitten laps milk- mmmmm- mmmmm, good!
There are 282727342 different types of Libertarians...a new strain forms whenever they are presented with facts that exposed how fantasy-laden their ideology really is.....

Which is why libertarian style government doesn't exist in no place on Earth....unless you want to count Somalia...
I call myself a "conservatarian." Most strains are liberal, verging on on anarchy -- open borders, legalizing prostitution, legalizing drugs. I support none of that.
Do you want the monopolization of force to belong to the top 1% of corporations or do you want it to belong to the people in the form of representative government??
Joe Biden laundered money to pay his son through a energy company in Ukraine.. why wouldn’t trump say something??
There are 282727342 different types of Libertarians...a new strain forms whenever they are presented with facts that exposed how fantasy-laden their ideology really is.....

Which is why libertarian style government doesn't exist in no place on Earth....unless you want to count Somalia...
Hyperbole is not a valid argument- notice, if you can read, I said, THIS libertarian the ones I know- also notice I didn't capitalize libertarian, therefore not a Party acolyte- I suppose fantasy is hoping people can treat other with respect
Even this guy knows the Biden's are dirty.

There are 282727342 different types of Libertarians...a new strain forms whenever they are presented with facts that exposed how fantasy-laden their ideology really is.....

Which is why libertarian style government doesn't exist in no place on Earth....unless you want to count Somalia...
Hyperbole is not a valid argument- notice, if you can read, I said, THIS libertarian the ones I know- also notice I didn't capitalize libertarian, therefore not a Party acolyte- I suppose fantasy is hoping people can treat other with respect
No, the fantasy is thinking "treating each other with respect" is what libertarianism isn't
Never heard of senator Ron Paul. Who’s that?
Who the fuck are you? Another ignorant partisan troll? Get bent.

I'm surprised Paul was so succinct and straightforward in his comment. That sort of honesty is rare in Washington DC these days. I wish I had a senator like him, instead of the pin headed clowns I'm stuck with.
This is Senator RAND Paul, not his father RON Paul. Other than that, he's 100% right. Republicans better grow a spine and hit them 10 times more.

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