Senator Marco Rubio Tells Students He Does Not Agree With The March For Our Lives


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Rubio made sure the students knew that some Americans view them as a threat to the Second Amendment.

On a day when hundreds of thousands of people marched in support of the Parkland, Florida, school shooting survivors, one senator took time to tell those students he does not support their cause.

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) said in a Saturday statement that there are “many other Americans who do not support a gun ban” because they view it as a threat to the Second Amendment.

While Rubio included in his statement a line about respecting the demonstrators’ right to peaceful protests, he quickly expressed his opposition.

“While I do not agree with all of the solutions they propose, I respect their views and recognize that many Americans support certain gun bans,” the senator said.

Those against gun bans “want to prevent mass shootings” too, Rubio continued, but they “view banning guns as an infringement on the Second Amendment rights of law abiding citizens that ultimately will not prevent these tragedies.”

More: Sen. Marco Rubio Tells Students He Does Not Agree With The March For Our Lives

Wow, I would say that Rubio's days as a Senator are numbered - especially in Florida. Parkland is in Rubio's district. Sadly, Rubio isn't up for reelection until 2022. What do you think?
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I cherish my guns - but I'm not worried about these kids trying to take them away. They just want responsible and reasonable gun controls - like most responsible gun owners.

Something like this is what I've feared for some time. I've said for many years that the NRA is the greatest threat to my future gun rights. Their never-give-an-inch attitude must change - or the kids will change them.

These kids want sensible gun control just like most responsible gun owners want.

Ban assault weapons. Ban high-capacity magazines. Universal background checks. Address mental health, domestic abuse and reporting issues. Accurate up-to-date enhanced National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS).

If NRA gun nuts don't back off - we may end up with severe gun control and a national gun registry.

It's sadly funny that the Justice Department is reportedly going to ban bump stocks. What kind of retards allowed them to be legal in the first place? I realize that bump stocks are easy to replicate - but the penalty for using them should be severe.

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Rubio made sure the students knew that some Americans view them as a threat to the Second Amendment.

On a day when hundreds of thousands of people marched in support of the Parkland, Florida, school shooting survivors, one senator took time to tell those students he does not support their cause.

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) said in a Saturday statement that there are “many other Americans who do not support a gun ban” because they view it as a threat to the Second Amendment.

While Rubio included in his statement a line about respecting the demonstrators’ right to peaceful protests, he quickly expressed his opposition.

“While I do not agree with all of the solutions they propose, I respect their views and recognize that many Americans support certain gun bans,” the senator said.

Those against gun bans “want to prevent mass shootings” too, Rubio continued, but they “view banning guns as an infringement on the Second Amendment rights of law abiding citizens that ultimately will not prevent these tragedies.”

More: Sen. Marco Rubio Tells Students He Does Not Agree With The March For Our Lives

Wow, I would say that Rubio's days as a Senator are numbered - especially in Florida. What do you think?

Your dreaming
I think the democrats just managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in the midterms.

Gun control is and has always been liberals Waterloo.
Rubio made sure the students knew that some Americans view them as a threat to the Second Amendment.

On a day when hundreds of thousands of people marched in support of the Parkland, Florida, school shooting survivors, one senator took time to tell those students he does not support their cause.

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) said in a Saturday statement that there are “many other Americans who do not support a gun ban” because they view it as a threat to the Second Amendment.

While Rubio included in his statement a line about respecting the demonstrators’ right to peaceful protests, he quickly expressed his opposition.

“While I do not agree with all of the solutions they propose, I respect their views and recognize that many Americans support certain gun bans,” the senator said.

Those against gun bans “want to prevent mass shootings” too, Rubio continued, but they “view banning guns as an infringement on the Second Amendment rights of law abiding citizens that ultimately will not prevent these tragedies.”

More: Sen. Marco Rubio Tells Students He Does Not Agree With The March For Our Lives

Wow, I would say that Rubio's days as a Senator are numbered - especially in Florida. What do you think?

Good. It's about time some politician said that.
I cherish my guns - but I'm not worried about these kids trying to take them away. They just want responsible and reasonable gun controls - like most responsible gun owners.

Something like this is what I've feared for some time. I've said for many years that the NRA is the greatest threat to my future gun rights. Their never-give-an-inch attitude must change - or the kids will change them.

These kids want sensible gun control just like most responsible gun owners want.

Ban assault weapons. Ban high-capacity magazines. Universal background checks. Address mental health, domestic abuse and reporting issues. Accurate up-to-date enhanced National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS).

If NRA gun nuts don't back off - we may end up with severe gun control and a national gun registry.

It's sadly funny that the Justice Department is reportedly going to ban bump stocks. What kind of retards allowed them to be legal in the first place? I realize that bump stocks are easy to replicate - but the penalty for using them should be severe.

They were all gang members.
Rubio made sure the students knew that some Americans view them as a threat to the Second Amendment.

On a day when hundreds of thousands of people marched in support of the Parkland, Florida, school shooting survivors, one senator took time to tell those students he does not support their cause.

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) said in a Saturday statement that there are “many other Americans who do not support a gun ban” because they view it as a threat to the Second Amendment.

While Rubio included in his statement a line about respecting the demonstrators’ right to peaceful protests, he quickly expressed his opposition.

“While I do not agree with all of the solutions they propose, I respect their views and recognize that many Americans support certain gun bans,” the senator said.

Those against gun bans “want to prevent mass shootings” too, Rubio continued, but they “view banning guns as an infringement on the Second Amendment rights of law abiding citizens that ultimately will not prevent these tragedies.”

More: Sen. Marco Rubio Tells Students He Does Not Agree With The March For Our Lives

Wow, I would say that Rubio's days as a Senator are numbered - especially in Florida. What do you think?
Little Marco's always been a little coward
Rubio made sure the students knew that some Americans view them as a threat to the Second Amendment.

On a day when hundreds of thousands of people marched in support of the Parkland, Florida, school shooting survivors, one senator took time to tell those students he does not support their cause.

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) said in a Saturday statement that there are “many other Americans who do not support a gun ban” because they view it as a threat to the Second Amendment.

While Rubio included in his statement a line about respecting the demonstrators’ right to peaceful protests, he quickly expressed his opposition.

“While I do not agree with all of the solutions they propose, I respect their views and recognize that many Americans support certain gun bans,” the senator said.

Those against gun bans “want to prevent mass shootings” too, Rubio continued, but they “view banning guns as an infringement on the Second Amendment rights of law abiding citizens that ultimately will not prevent these tragedies.”

More: Sen. Marco Rubio Tells Students He Does Not Agree With The March For Our Lives

Wow, I would say that Rubio's days as a Senator are numbered - especially in Florida. What do you think?
Little Marco's always been a little coward

I agree! I think Rubio's really in deep shit now. I've always viewed him as a disingenuous, pretentious little piece of shit. When I see him - I think of plastic.
Rubio made sure the students knew that some Americans view them as a threat to the Second Amendment.

On a day when hundreds of thousands of people marched in support of the Parkland, Florida, school shooting survivors, one senator took time to tell those students he does not support their cause.

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) said in a Saturday statement that there are “many other Americans who do not support a gun ban” because they view it as a threat to the Second Amendment.

While Rubio included in his statement a line about respecting the demonstrators’ right to peaceful protests, he quickly expressed his opposition.

“While I do not agree with all of the solutions they propose, I respect their views and recognize that many Americans support certain gun bans,” the senator said.

Those against gun bans “want to prevent mass shootings” too, Rubio continued, but they “view banning guns as an infringement on the Second Amendment rights of law abiding citizens that ultimately will not prevent these tragedies.”

More: Sen. Marco Rubio Tells Students He Does Not Agree With The March For Our Lives

Wow, I would say that Rubio's days as a Senator are numbered - especially in Florida. What do you think?
Little Marco's always been a little coward

I agree! I think Rubio's really in deep shit now. I've always viewed him as a disingenuous, pretentious little piece of shit. When I see him - I think of plastic.
He was just re-elected despite having been made into a complete mockery by Trump. Don't overestimate his constituents.
Rubio made sure the students knew that some Americans view them as a threat to the Second Amendment.

On a day when hundreds of thousands of people marched in support of the Parkland, Florida, school shooting survivors, one senator took time to tell those students he does not support their cause.

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) said in a Saturday statement that there are “many other Americans who do not support a gun ban” because they view it as a threat to the Second Amendment.

While Rubio included in his statement a line about respecting the demonstrators’ right to peaceful protests, he quickly expressed his opposition.

“While I do not agree with all of the solutions they propose, I respect their views and recognize that many Americans support certain gun bans,” the senator said.

Those against gun bans “want to prevent mass shootings” too, Rubio continued, but they “view banning guns as an infringement on the Second Amendment rights of law abiding citizens that ultimately will not prevent these tragedies.”

More: Sen. Marco Rubio Tells Students He Does Not Agree With The March For Our Lives

Wow, I would say that Rubio's days as a Senator are numbered - especially in Florida. What do you think?
Little Marco's always been a little coward

I agree! I think Rubio's really in deep shit now. I've always viewed him as a disingenuous, pretentious little piece of shit. When I see him - I think of plastic.
He was just re-elected despite having been made into a complete mockery by Trump. Don't overestimate his constituents.

I agree - but he's about to have some new and highly energized constituents. Parkland is in Rubio's district. Sadly, Rubio isn't up for reelection until 2022.
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Rubio made sure the students knew that some Americans view them as a threat to the Second Amendment.

On a day when hundreds of thousands of people marched in support of the Parkland, Florida, school shooting survivors, one senator took time to tell those students he does not support their cause.

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) said in a Saturday statement that there are “many other Americans who do not support a gun ban” because they view it as a threat to the Second Amendment.

While Rubio included in his statement a line about respecting the demonstrators’ right to peaceful protests, he quickly expressed his opposition.

“While I do not agree with all of the solutions they propose, I respect their views and recognize that many Americans support certain gun bans,” the senator said.

Those against gun bans “want to prevent mass shootings” too, Rubio continued, but they “view banning guns as an infringement on the Second Amendment rights of law abiding citizens that ultimately will not prevent these tragedies.”

More: Sen. Marco Rubio Tells Students He Does Not Agree With The March For Our Lives

Wow, I would say that Rubio's days as a Senator are numbered - especially in Florida. What do you think?
Little Marco's always been a little coward

I agree! I think Rubio's really in deep shit now. I've always viewed him as a disingenuous, pretentious little piece of shit. When I see him - I think of plastic.
He was just re-elected despite having been made into a complete mockery by Trump. Don't overestimate his constituents.

I agree - but he's about to have some new and highly energized constituents.
I hope so. We're stuck with him until 2022.

When I was in school, there never was any thought of being shot by a gun. So I don't begrudge kids today wanting to feel safe! But this is a SCHOOL ISSUE! Why are THEIR STUDENTS coming back to shoot their teachers and friends? This is not a matter of some crazy adult breaking in and gunning kids down, it is kids doing it to each other. And while I hope REAL and SENSIBLE solutions can be found, I know they will have to occur at the SOCIAL level, not legislative, not in Washington DC, not by attacking the NRA and not by adding more useless gun laws.

But in absolute terms, I also realize that as bad as it is, 73 people are NOTHING. Teens are people. Want to know how many people died in car crashes last week? Due to bad food? Weather? Due to home invasion? Rape? Incompetent doctors? Drowning? Robbery? I also realize that school kids are not better than me. Their lives do not count for more. They are merely equal. Maybe not even that. I want them to live, grow up, stay safe and have a good life, but in absolute terms, how many of those 73 will grow up to be productive? How many will grow up to be criminals, dependents, burdens on society? We just do not know. But none of those kids have done jack for this world yet. Has any of them invented anything, made a breakthrough? Started a company? Saved a life, even paid payroll or property taxes? In absolute terms, children killed for no reason may pull at our heart strings (maternal instinct), but their 73 deaths are not even in the radar in the top ten problems we face in this country, not even in the top hundred. Maybe not even in the top THOUSAND. But no one wants to admit that. The entire matter of kids shooting other kids in school is a blight to our society, very troubling, makes for headline news and divisive politics, but in absolute terms, it is a toxic issue being blown way out of proportion far beyond its true scope only BECAUSE it involves two polarizing issues: children and guns.

Had those 73 been a bus in Puerto Rico gone off the road and over a cliff, hardly no one would notice. Had those 73 been slum gang killings of crack heads and whores, it would be forgotten tomorrow. But instead, because they were children in THIS country, we will forget that it was teens dying at the hands of other teens, and because it involved firearms, the topic will be used as a national story and movement to attack the likes of the NRA, Republican politicians and make for much media attention because behind it all is a group of adults seeing those kids as AN OPPORTUNITY TO EXPLOIT to further their own political agendas, and these children are simply useful tools in that battle. And whatever results from it all, NONE OF IT will be done to better children's lives and NOTHING coming out of this issue will make for safer children and schools UNTIL THE KIDS THEMSELVES, THEIR PARENTS and OTHERS INVOLVED DECIDE TO CHANGE THE WAY WE LIVE AND TEACH OUR KIDS and bring back personal tolerance and respect for others, national values and morality taken away by our age of dehumanization via the machine, the computer and the internet.
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Rubio made sure the students knew that some Americans view them as a threat to the Second Amendment.

On a day when hundreds of thousands of people marched in support of the Parkland, Florida, school shooting survivors, one senator took time to tell those students he does not support their cause.

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) said in a Saturday statement that there are “many other Americans who do not support a gun ban” because they view it as a threat to the Second Amendment.

While Rubio included in his statement a line about respecting the demonstrators’ right to peaceful protests, he quickly expressed his opposition.

“While I do not agree with all of the solutions they propose, I respect their views and recognize that many Americans support certain gun bans,” the senator said.

Those against gun bans “want to prevent mass shootings” too, Rubio continued, but they “view banning guns as an infringement on the Second Amendment rights of law abiding citizens that ultimately will not prevent these tragedies.”

More: Sen. Marco Rubio Tells Students He Does Not Agree With The March For Our Lives

Wow, I would say that Rubio's days as a Senator are numbered - especially in Florida. What do you think?
Little Marco's always been a little coward

I agree! I think Rubio's really in deep shit now. I've always viewed him as a disingenuous, pretentious little piece of shit. When I see him - I think of plastic.
He was just re-elected despite having been made into a complete mockery by Trump. Don't overestimate his constituents.

I agree - but he's about to have some new and highly energized constituents.
I hope so. We're stuck with him until 2022.

Rubio may believe it'll all blow over by 2022. I don't think so...
Little Marco's always been a little coward

I agree! I think Rubio's really in deep shit now. I've always viewed him as a disingenuous, pretentious little piece of shit. When I see him - I think of plastic.
He was just re-elected despite having been made into a complete mockery by Trump. Don't overestimate his constituents.

I agree - but he's about to have some new and highly energized constituents.
I hope so. We're stuck with him until 2022.

Rubio may believe it'll all blow over by 2022. I don't think so...
It will blow over in a week.
Rubio made sure the students knew that some Americans view them as a threat to the Second Amendment.

On a day when hundreds of thousands of people marched in support of the Parkland, Florida, school shooting survivors, one senator took time to tell those students he does not support their cause.

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) said in a Saturday statement that there are “many other Americans who do not support a gun ban” because they view it as a threat to the Second Amendment.

While Rubio included in his statement a line about respecting the demonstrators’ right to peaceful protests, he quickly expressed his opposition.

“While I do not agree with all of the solutions they propose, I respect their views and recognize that many Americans support certain gun bans,” the senator said.

Those against gun bans “want to prevent mass shootings” too, Rubio continued, but they “view banning guns as an infringement on the Second Amendment rights of law abiding citizens that ultimately will not prevent these tragedies.”

More: Sen. Marco Rubio Tells Students He Does Not Agree With The March For Our Lives

Wow, I would say that Rubio's days as a Senator are numbered - especially in Florida. Parkland is in Rubio's district. Sadly, Rubio isn't up for reelection until 2022. What do you think?

I think the days of your propaganda and commie movement are numbered.

Riddle me this commie, if this was all about the survivors, why did they deny a platform for a kid that actually lost a family member in the shooting??????????? None of the Douglas five lost a family member.

There is no way this BS is non partisan and about Americans coming together. It's all about pushing your regressive agenda on everyone, even the ones that disagree.

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