Senator Marco Rubio: It's Constitutionally Valid To Refuse Services To Gay Marriages (He's Right)


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
Just think, Jewish delicatessens are not obligated to serve ham sandwiches. Halal restaurants are not obligated to serve pork chops. Is that unconstitutional?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think newspapers have the right to refuse any ad that they please.

I have to agree that Marco Rubio, a non-natural born Citizen constitutionally ineligible to hold the office of the presidency, who will announce his candidacy on April 11th, is right on this issue.

Rubio Constitutionally Valid For People to Refuse Service to Gay Marriages - Breitbart
Just think, Jewish delicatessens are not obligated to serve ham sandwiches. Halal restaurants are not obligated to serve pork chops. Is that unconstitutional?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think newspapers have the right to refuse any ad that they please.

I have to agree that Marco Rubio, a non-natural born Citizen constitutionally ineligible to hold the office of the presidency, who will announce his candidacy on April 11th, is right on this issue.

Rubio Constitutionally Valid For People to Refuse Service to Gay
Marriages - Breitbart

You're understanding of what he actually said is severely flawed, as is your understanding of his status as a natural born citizen. But, as I said in a another thread, you just can't fix stupid.
I agree with everything he said and I will donate to his campaign.

Steve change you avater, please.

Rubio was born in Florida.
Just think, Jewish delicatessens are not obligated to serve ham sandwiches. Halal restaurants are not obligated to serve pork chops. Is that unconstitutional?
These aren't really the same thing. In this case, are we talking about a Jewish ran deli, or are you talking about a Jewish worker at a deli refuses to serve people ham sandwiches? The first is fine, just like McDonalds doesn't have to sell steak. This argument is empty and doesn't relate to the discussion.

If you're talking about the second one, that's technically not doing your job. Your religion, unless your boss/whatever says so, doesn't excuse you from work duties. The same goes to Halal restaurants; the restaurant is owned by a Halal man/woman, and they get to decide what they serve. That's not the same thing as a restaurant not serving a homosexual.
This is not Presidential material:

'Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) said that he believes people who don’t want to provide services for same-sex marriages on religious grounds have “a valid constitutional concern,” and that it shouldn’t be legal “to deny someone service at a restaurant or at a hotel because of their sexual orientation” on Monday’s broadcast of “The Five” on the Fox News Channel.'

Rubio makes no sense whatsoever, he obviously has no idea what he's talking about.

In states and jurisdictions whose public accommodations laws don't offer protections based on sexual orientation, business owners are at liberty to refuse to accommodate gay Americans with impunity, as state law offers gay Americans no recourse, having nothing to do with anyone's concerns being 'Constitutional.' Indiana is such a state, which illustrates why its 'religious liberty' measure was passed in bad faith, and seeks only to encourage discrimination – no one's 'religious liberty' was 'in jeopardy' in Indiana.

In states whose public accommodations laws do offer protections based on sexual orientation, such as Colorado, gay Americans do have recourse, as state law allows them to file suit in state court to seek injunctive relief.

Moreover, laws such as Colorado's are Constitutional because their primary intent is regulatory, seeking not to disadvantage 'religious liberty.' (Employment Division v. Smith (1990)).

'Rubio was then questioned on whether people who were opposed to interracial marriage on religious grounds would be allowed to refuse service for an interracial marriage, and he said “that’s not the same thing, because here you’re talking about a definition of an institution, not the — innate value of a single human being.'

Wrong again, Rubio.

It's difficult to believe someone so ignorant is a US senator, or might actually run for president.

The reason why individuals opposed to interracial marriage on religious grounds would not be allowed to refuse service to an interracial couple is because that would be in violation of Title II of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, where unlike a gay American, an interracial couple would be able to file suit in Federal court pursuant to Title II to seek injunctive relief.

Consequently, the remedy for the conflict and controversy over the Indiana measure is very simple: the state need only amend its public accommodations law to afford protection based on sexual orientation – problem solved.
Just think, Jewish delicatessens are not obligated to serve ham sandwiches. Halal restaurants are not obligated to serve pork chops. Is that unconstitutional?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think newspapers have the right to refuse any ad that they please.

I have to agree that Marco Rubio, a non-natural born Citizen constitutionally ineligible to hold the office of the presidency, who will announce his candidacy on April 11th, is right on this issue.

Rubio Constitutionally Valid For People to Refuse Service to Gay Marriages - Breitbart
Jewish delis don't serve ham to ANYONE. Halal restaurants don't serve pork chops to ANYONE.
Just think, Jewish delicatessens are not obligated to serve ham sandwiches. Halal restaurants are not obligated to serve pork chops. Is that unconstitutional?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think newspapers have the right to refuse any ad that they please.

I have to agree that Marco Rubio, a non-natural born Citizen constitutionally ineligible to hold the office of the presidency, who will announce his candidacy on April 11th, is right on this issue.

Rubio Constitutionally Valid For People to Refuse Service to Gay Marriages - Breitbart

Quoting Rubio:

"So, no one here is saying it should be legal to deny someone service at a restaurant or at a hotel because of their sexual orientation, I think that’s a consensus view in America."

He's right? That's the point of your thread?

Just think, Jewish delicatessens are not obligated to serve ham sandwiches. Halal restaurants are not obligated to serve pork chops. Is that unconstitutional?
These aren't really the same thing. In this case, are we talking about a Jewish ran deli, or are you talking about a Jewish worker at a deli refuses to serve people ham sandwiches? The first is fine, just like McDonalds doesn't have to sell steak. This argument is empty and doesn't relate to the discussion.

If you're talking about the second one, that's technically not doing your job. Your religion, unless your boss/whatever says so, doesn't excuse you from work duties. The same goes to Halal restaurants; the restaurant is owned by a Halal man/woman, and they get to decide what they serve. That's not the same thing as a restaurant not serving a homosexual.
It would be like the guy who wants to have his event at the kosher deli and insists they serve ham. The owner has every right to refuse service.
Just think, Jewish delicatessens are not obligated to serve ham sandwiches. Halal restaurants are not obligated to serve pork chops. Is that unconstitutional?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think newspapers have the right to refuse any ad that they please.

I have to agree that Marco Rubio, a non-natural born Citizen constitutionally ineligible to hold the office of the presidency, who will announce his candidacy on April 11th, is right on this issue.

Rubio Constitutionally Valid For People to Refuse Service to Gay Marriages - Breitbart
Rubio was born in Miami. Last I checked that's still the U.S. And that makes him a citizen, naturally born.
Just think, Jewish delicatessens are not obligated to serve ham sandwiches. Halal restaurants are not obligated to serve pork chops. Is that unconstitutional?
These aren't really the same thing. In this case, are we talking about a Jewish ran deli, or are you talking about a Jewish worker at a deli refuses to serve people ham sandwiches? The first is fine, just like McDonalds doesn't have to sell steak. This argument is empty and doesn't relate to the discussion.

If you're talking about the second one, that's technically not doing your job. Your religion, unless your boss/whatever says so, doesn't excuse you from work duties. The same goes to Halal restaurants; the restaurant is owned by a Halal man/woman, and they get to decide what they serve. That's not the same thing as a restaurant not serving a homosexual.
It would be like the guy who wants to have his event at the kosher deli and insists they serve ham. The owner has every right to refuse service.

The owner is not refusing service. He's refusing to sell a product he doesn't sell. There's a big difference.
Just think, Jewish delicatessens are not obligated to serve ham sandwiches. Halal restaurants are not obligated to serve pork chops. Is that unconstitutional?
These aren't really the same thing. In this case, are we talking about a Jewish ran deli, or are you talking about a Jewish worker at a deli refuses to serve people ham sandwiches? The first is fine, just like McDonalds doesn't have to sell steak. This argument is empty and doesn't relate to the discussion.

If you're talking about the second one, that's technically not doing your job. Your religion, unless your boss/whatever says so, doesn't excuse you from work duties. The same goes to Halal restaurants; the restaurant is owned by a Halal man/woman, and they get to decide what they serve. That's not the same thing as a restaurant not serving a homosexual.
It would be like the guy who wants to have his event at the kosher deli and insists they serve ham. The owner has every right to refuse service.
Have a cup of coffee and wake up. You can't demand lasagna at the Chinese restaurant or a burger at the vegetarian restaurant. You can only get products from a business if the business normally provides those products. You can not force the car dealer to sell bicycles.
Just think, Jewish delicatessens are not obligated to serve ham sandwiches. Halal restaurants are not obligated to serve pork chops. Is that unconstitutional?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think newspapers have the right to refuse any ad that they please.

I have to agree that Marco Rubio, a non-natural born Citizen constitutionally ineligible to hold the office of the presidency, who will announce his candidacy on April 11th, is right on this issue.

Rubio Constitutionally Valid For People to Refuse Service to Gay Marriages - Breitbart

There are federally protected classes of people you may not discriminate against. Ethnicity, handicapped, religious, sexual orientation, sex, gender identity, age, etc..

As was decided in recent cases, the newspaper example you cited can be compelled to run ads if they've done so for what would amount to the opposition pov.

A restaurant's choice of menu isn't infringing on a customer's rights. Just as a restaurant isn't obligated to run out to the store to obtain something it doesn't carry for a customer, it may decline to serve whatever it wants. If a customer wants pork from a Jewish Or Islamic establishment, they simply don't go there.

Nopt surprisingly, both you and Rubio are ignorant know-nothings better laughed at than taken seriously.
Just think, Jewish delicatessens are not obligated to serve ham sandwiches. Halal restaurants are not obligated to serve pork chops. Is that unconstitutional?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think newspapers have the right to refuse any ad that they please.

I have to agree that Marco Rubio, a non-natural born Citizen constitutionally ineligible to hold the office of the presidency, who will announce his candidacy on April 11th, is right on this issue.

Rubio Constitutionally Valid For People to Refuse Service to Gay Marriages - Breitbart
Rubio was born in Miami. Last I checked that's still the U.S. And that makes him a citizen, naturally born.

Steve McGarrett is a disgusting racist and anti-semite from the Right. He will question the eligibility of any non-white candidate. But you of course will give him a pass because he is a disgusting Rightie.

See how that works?
Just think, Jewish delicatessens are not obligated to serve ham sandwiches. Halal restaurants are not obligated to serve pork chops. Is that unconstitutional?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think newspapers have the right to refuse any ad that they please.

I have to agree that Marco Rubio, a non-natural born Citizen constitutionally ineligible to hold the office of the presidency, who will announce his candidacy on April 11th, is right on this issue.

Rubio Constitutionally Valid For People to Refuse Service to Gay
Marriages - Breitbart

You're understanding of what he actually said is severely flawed, as is your understanding of his status as a natural born citizen. But, as I said in a another thread, you just can't fix stupid.

No you can't. We have some loonies here on the Left, but you have more than your share on the right. Enjoy Steve McFuckMeInTheAss, he is really quite entertaining.

If you really want to know what side is the better side to be on in a debate, just make sure you are NOT on his side, then you will have better chances, statistically speaking.

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