Senator John Kerry Sails Through Confirmation Hearing: God Bless Him

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
:clap2:Senator John Kerry Sails Through Confirmation Hearing: God Bless Him:clap2:

This highly decorated, combat veteran has done America proud through most all of his life. We need more men and women like him. He even had the usually rabid GOP attack dogs on his side or running silent,


John Kerry Tears Up During Smooth Confirmation Hearing - ABC News

First there were near-tears, and then a protester had to be forced out, but Sen. John Kerry took it all in stride.

Kerry choked up at his secretary of state confirmation hearings this morning when discussing his father’s history in the U.S. Foreign Service, and how he was “equally proud” of both that history and his own as part of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

“If you confirm me, I would take office as secretary proud that the Senate is in my blood, but equally proud that so, too, is the Foreign Service,” the Massachusetts Democrat told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in Washington, where all the members greeted him warmly.

“My dad’s work under presidents, both Democratic and Republican, took me and my siblings around the world for a personal journey that brought home the sacrifices and commitment the men and women of the Foreign Service make every day on behalf of America.

“I wish everyone in the country could see and understand first-hand the devotion, loyalty and amazingly hard, often dangerous work that our diplomats on the front lines do.”

Republicans praised the Obama nominee today, with ranking member Republican Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee telling Kerry that he’s “almost lived his entire life for this moment,” adding that he was “thrilled” Kerry was in such a position.
:clap2:Senator John Kerry Sails Through Confirmation Hearing: God Bless Him:clap2:

This highly decorated, combat veteran has done America proud through most all of his life. We need more men and women like him. He even had the usually rabid GOP attack dogs on his side or running silent,


John Kerry Tears Up During Smooth Confirmation Hearing - ABC News

First there were near-tears, and then a protester had to be forced out, but Sen. John Kerry took it all in stride.

Kerry choked up at his secretary of state confirmation hearings this morning when discussing his father’s history in the U.S. Foreign Service, and how he was “equally proud” of both that history and his own as part of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

“If you confirm me, I would take office as secretary proud that the Senate is in my blood, but equally proud that so, too, is the Foreign Service,” the Massachusetts Democrat told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in Washington, where all the members greeted him warmly.

“My dad’s work under presidents, both Democratic and Republican, took me and my siblings around the world for a personal journey that brought home the sacrifices and commitment the men and women of the Foreign Service make every day on behalf of America.

“I wish everyone in the country could see and understand first-hand the devotion, loyalty and amazingly hard, often dangerous work that our diplomats on the front lines do.”

Republicans praised the Obama nominee today, with ranking member Republican Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee telling Kerry that he’s “almost lived his entire life for this moment,” adding that he was “thrilled” Kerry was in such a position.

Wonder if Kerry will throw any more of his BS medals over the wall of the White House??

Highly decorated.....Please..

I have a chunk of my left leg missing from an RPG at Quang Tri. Purple Heart. 1 Bronze Star for action. 6 Meritorious Achievement medals, 2 DIA Directors Achievement Medals, and on and on. Who cares? Not me.

Kerry gets a boo boo on his little pinky and got his Purple Heart.

You call him a "hero". I call him a REMF that fooled everyone.
:clap2:Senator John Kerry Sails Through Confirmation Hearing: God Bless Him:clap2:

This highly decorated, combat veteran has done America proud through most all of his life. We need more men and women like him. He even had the usually rabid GOP attack dogs on his side or running silent,

Even "Loose Cannon" McCain held-his-tongue, huh??

:clap2:Senator John Kerry Sails Through Confirmation Hearing: God Bless Him:clap2:

This highly decorated, combat veteran has done America proud through most all of his life. We need more men and women like him. He even had the usually rabid GOP attack dogs on his side or running silent,


John Kerry Tears Up During Smooth Confirmation Hearing - ABC News

First there were near-tears, and then a protester had to be forced out, but Sen. John Kerry took it all in stride.

Kerry choked up at his secretary of state confirmation hearings this morning when discussing his father’s history in the U.S. Foreign Service, and how he was “equally proud” of both that history and his own as part of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

“If you confirm me, I would take office as secretary proud that the Senate is in my blood, but equally proud that so, too, is the Foreign Service,” the Massachusetts Democrat told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in Washington, where all the members greeted him warmly.

“My dad’s work under presidents, both Democratic and Republican, took me and my siblings around the world for a personal journey that brought home the sacrifices and commitment the men and women of the Foreign Service make every day on behalf of America.

“I wish everyone in the country could see and understand first-hand the devotion, loyalty and amazingly hard, often dangerous work that our diplomats on the front lines do.”

Republicans praised the Obama nominee today, with ranking member Republican Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee telling Kerry that he’s “almost lived his entire life for this moment,” adding that he was “thrilled” Kerry was in such a position.

Wonder if Kerry will throw any more of his BS medals over the wall of the White House??

Highly decorated.....Please..

I have a chunk of my left leg missing from an RPG at Quang Tri. Purple Heart. 1 Bronze Star for action. 6 Meritorious Achievement medals, 2 DIA Directors Achievement Medals, and on and on. Who cares? Not me.

Kerry gets a boo boo on his little pinky and got his Purple Heart.

You call him a "hero". I call him a REMF that fooled everyone.
Lemme think "Loose Cannon" McCain is some kind o' "hero", though, right??
:clap2:Senator John Kerry Sails Through Confirmation Hearing: God Bless Him:clap2:

This highly decorated, combat veteran has done America proud through most all of his life. We need more men and women like him. He even had the usually rabid GOP attack dogs on his side or running silent,


John Kerry Tears Up During Smooth Confirmation Hearing - ABC News

First there were near-tears, and then a protester had to be forced out, but Sen. John Kerry took it all in stride.

Kerry choked up at his secretary of state confirmation hearings this morning when discussing his father’s history in the U.S. Foreign Service, and how he was “equally proud” of both that history and his own as part of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

“If you confirm me, I would take office as secretary proud that the Senate is in my blood, but equally proud that so, too, is the Foreign Service,” the Massachusetts Democrat told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in Washington, where all the members greeted him warmly.

“My dad’s work under presidents, both Democratic and Republican, took me and my siblings around the world for a personal journey that brought home the sacrifices and commitment the men and women of the Foreign Service make every day on behalf of America.

“I wish everyone in the country could see and understand first-hand the devotion, loyalty and amazingly hard, often dangerous work that our diplomats on the front lines do.”

Republicans praised the Obama nominee today, with ranking member Republican Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee telling Kerry that he’s “almost lived his entire life for this moment,” adding that he was “thrilled” Kerry was in such a position.

Was never a tremendous Kerry fan and I'm not gonna lie about that. But I see no reason that the president shouldn't have the secretary of his choosing. He's never gone off the rails bad enough to disqualify him.
:clap2:Senator John Kerry Sails Through Confirmation Hearing: God Bless Him:clap2:

This highly decorated, combat veteran has done America proud through most all of his life. We need more men and women like him. He even had the usually rabid GOP attack dogs on his side or running silent,


John Kerry Tears Up During Smooth Confirmation Hearing - ABC News

First there were near-tears, and then a protester had to be forced out, but Sen. John Kerry took it all in stride.

Kerry choked up at his secretary of state confirmation hearings this morning when discussing his father’s history in the U.S. Foreign Service, and how he was “equally proud” of both that history and his own as part of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

“If you confirm me, I would take office as secretary proud that the Senate is in my blood, but equally proud that so, too, is the Foreign Service,” the Massachusetts Democrat told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in Washington, where all the members greeted him warmly.

“My dad’s work under presidents, both Democratic and Republican, took me and my siblings around the world for a personal journey that brought home the sacrifices and commitment the men and women of the Foreign Service make every day on behalf of America.

“I wish everyone in the country could see and understand first-hand the devotion, loyalty and amazingly hard, often dangerous work that our diplomats on the front lines do.”

Republicans praised the Obama nominee today, with ranking member Republican Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee telling Kerry that he’s “almost lived his entire life for this moment,” adding that he was “thrilled” Kerry was in such a position.

Wonder if Kerry will throw any more of his BS medals over the wall of the White House??

Highly decorated.....Please..

I have a chunk of my left leg missing from an RPG at Quang Tri. Purple Heart. 1 Bronze Star for action. 6 Meritorious Achievement medals, 2 DIA Directors Achievement Medals, and on and on. Who cares? Not me.

Kerry gets a boo boo on his little pinky and got his Purple Heart.

You call him a "hero". I call him a REMF that fooled everyone.

Wrong, it is what the US Government calls him

a chunk of your leg? big deal.. Kerry rescued men under cover of fire from the enemy. Kerry is a genuine war hero who did more in the nam than you ever did.
Silver Star

Kerry's Silver Star medal has been called into question by George Elliott, Kerry's former commanding officer and a member of SBVT. Elliott's stated position on the award changed during the course of the 2004 Presidential campaign.

Kerry's medal citation indicates that he charged into an ambush, killing an enemy preparing to launch a rocket. In his 1969 performance evaluation, Elliot wrote "In a combat environment often requiring independent, decisive action, LTJG [Lieutenant Junior Grade] Kerry was unsurpassed. He constantly reviewed tactics and lessons learned in river operations and applied his experience at every opportunity. On one occasion, while in tactical command of a three boat operation his units were taken under fire from ambush. LTJG Kerry rapidly assessed the situation and ordered his units to turn directly into the ambush. This decision resulted in routing the attackers with several KIA [Killed in Action]. LTJG Kerry emerges as the acknowledged leader in his peer group. His bearing and appearance are above reproach."[39]

During Kerry's 1996 Senate re-election campaign, when there was criticism of his Silver Star, Elliott responded: "The fact that he chased armed enemies down is not something to be looked down on."[40] In June 2003, Elliott was quoted as saying the award was "well deserved" and that he had "no regrets or second thoughts at all about that."[41]

During the 2004 campaign, however, Elliott signed two affidavits that criticize the award. The first, in July 2004, stated in part, "When Kerry came back to the United States, he lied about what occurred in Vietnam..." After the release of this first affidavit, Michael Kranish of the Boston Globe quoted Elliott saying, "It was a terrible mistake probably for me to sign the affidavit with those words. I'm the one in trouble here...I knew it was wrong...In a hurry I signed it and faxed it back. That was a mistake."[42] Elliott contended that Kranish had substantially misquoted him, but the Globe stood by its account, calling the disputed quotes "absolutely accurate".[43]

The story prompted Elliott to release a second affidavit, in August 2004, in which he stated, "Had I known the facts, I would not have recommended Kerry for the Silver Star for simply pursuing and dispatching a single wounded, fleeing Viet Cong."[44] The second affidavit made what Elliott called an "immaterial clarification", in that he admitted that he had no personal knowledge of the circumstances of the shooting. Rather, his initial statement that Kerry had been dishonest was based on unspecified sources and a passage contributed by Kranish to a biography of Kerry.

However, although Elliott claims that he was not in possession of the facts of the event, the original citation that Elliott wrote (which is not the citation that appears in "Unfit for Command") incorporates most of the details in the after action report. The report states that Kerry chased and shot a single wounded, fleeing Viet Cong. In addition, it states that the PCFs were filled with troops, that all three boats turned into the first ambush and beached, that the troops conducted the first sweep, and that while Kerry led the first landing party during the second sweep, the other landing parties and troops followed and took out the VC.

Kerry’s crew members who were there that day do not agree with Elliott’s characterization of the event in his 2004 affidavits. They contend that the enemy soldier, although wounded, was still a threat. For example, one of them, Fred Short, said, "The guy was getting ready to stand up with a rocket on his shoulder, coming up. And Mr. Kerry took him out … he would have been about a 30-yard shot. … [T]here's no way he could miss us."[45] Del Sandusky, Kerry’s second in command, described the consequences to the lightly armored Swift Boat: "Charlie would have lit us up like a Roman candle because we're full of fuel, we're full of ammunition."[46] Another witness stated that the VC "had an entry wound at the side of his chest and exit wound at the opposite side of the chest cavity, a wound that was consistent with reports of the man turning to fire a second B-40 rocket."[47]

The only member of SBVT who was present that day, Larry Clayton Lee, has stated he believes Kerry earned the Silver Star.[4]

Another eyewitness, William Rood, a former Chicago Tribune editor, in a 2004 article gave an account that supports Kerry's version of the events of that day. Rood was commander of PCF-23, which was one of the two Swift Boats that accompanied Kerry's PCF-94.

Rood discounted several specific charges made by SBVT about the incident. In his (second-hand) book account, O'Neill implied that Kerry chased down a lone "teenager in a loincloth clutching a grenade launcher which may or may not have been loaded," without coming under enemy fire himself. In contrast, Rood stated that there were multiple attackers, there was heavy hostile fire, and the guerrilla Kerry shot was "a grown man, dressed in the kind of garb the Viet Cong usually wore" armed with a "loaded B-40 rocket launcher". Also, O'Neill called Kerry's tactic of charging the beach "stupidity, not courage." Similarly, Hoffman characterized Kerry's actions as reckless and impulsive. However, Rood stated that Kerry's tactic of charging the beach was discussed and mutually agreed with the other Swift boat commanders beforehand. He also notes that, at the time, Hoffman praised all three Swift boat commanders and called the tactics developed "a shining example of completely overwhelming the enemy" and that they "may be the most efficacious method of dealing with small numbers of ambushers."[48][49] O'Neill responded that Rood's criticism was "extremely unfair" and stated that Rood's account of events is not substantially different from what appeared in his book Unfit for Command, for which Rood had declined an interview.[50] The American eyewitnesses to the second sweep, including SBVT member Larry Clayton Lee, have stated that there were multiple VC at the scene of the second sweep.[51][52]

The accounts of Vietnamese witnesses are consistent on several points with Rood's. Ba Thanh, the guerrilla killed while carrying the B-40 rocket launcher, was "big and strong" and in his late 20's. Return fire was also intense, according to Vo Van Tam, who was then a local Viet Cong commander: "I led Ba Thanh's comrades, the whole unit, to fight back. And we ran around the back and fought the Americans from behind. We worked with the city soldiers to fire on the American boats." No Vietnamese witnesses saw how Thanh died or saw him being chased by an American.[53]

No individual who was present that day has disputed Kerry's version of events, nor suggested that he did not earn the Silver Star, and some said accounts given in Unfit for Command were incorrect.[53]

O'Neill states that the Silver Star was awarded after only two days, "with no review".[54] However, the medal was awarded on March 6, six days after the action, and Hoffmann and Lonsdale stated in 1996 that all proper review procedures were followed.

Some critics questioned the reason for the existence of three versions of the Silver Star citation with variations in the wording, the first being signed by Vice-Admiral Zumwalt, as Commander, U.S. Naval Forces, Vietnam, the second being signed by Admiral John Hyland as Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet, and the third being signed by John Lehman, as Secretary of the Navy.[55][56] In this connection, Mr. Lehman, who served as secretary from 1981 to 1987,[57] was quoted as saying he had never seen or signed the most recent citation (Kerry citation a 'total mystery' to ex-Navy chief, Thomas Lipscomb, Chicago Sun-Times, Aug. 28, 2004). However, in its October 2004 documentation of its investigation of Kerry's medals, the office of the Navy inspector general described the first, longer version as the "COMUSNAVFOR Vietnam version, signed by VADM Zumwalt" and the second version as the "official version, signed by the delegated award authority, ADM Hyland, CINCPACFLT." As to the third version, the report described it as one of several "duplicate citations" that were issued in 1985 after "considerable correspondence indicating efforts over the years to chase down various citations," and stated that the ones under Lehman's name were likely signed by machine.[58] In addition, in October 2004, Rowan Scarborough of the Washington Times reported:
“ Navy officials say that there is no evidence that Mr. Kerry's Silver Star, Bronze Star and three Purple Hearts were ever rescinded and that there is no evidence of misconduct in his records.

He did receive new medal citations in the mid-1980s. Officials say the Navy receives scores, and perhaps hundreds, of such requests each year from veterans who want a second copy or have lost the originals.

The citations are simply put through a machine that implants the signature of the current Navy secretary. John Lehman's signature, via a machine, appears on Mr. Kerry's new citation for his Silver Star.[59]

Commenting on the Silver Star issue, Republican Sen. John Warner, who was Under Secretary of the Navy at the time, stated "We did extraordinary, careful checking on that type of medal, a very high one, when it goes through the secretary...I'd stand by the process that awarded that medal, and I think we best acknowledge that his heroism did gain that recognition."[60] Elmo Zumwalt, Commander of the United States Naval Forces in Vietnam at that time, signed Kerry's original Silver Star citation and defended the award in 1996, saying "It is a disgrace to the United States Navy that there's any inference that the [medal] process was anything other than totally honest." Boston Herald, October 28, 1996.
John Kerry military service controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Kerry is the perfect face for this regime. He said he was going to implement obama's vision ffor the world. I'm sure the world was happy to hear that. This is getting good. I can't wait for the world to slap Kerry on his pretentious ass.

Pass the popcorn.
:clap2:Senator John Kerry Sails Through Confirmation Hearing: God Bless Him:clap2:

This highly decorated, combat veteran has done America proud through most all of his life. We need more men and women like him. He even had the usually rabid GOP attack dogs on his side or running silent,


John Kerry Tears Up During Smooth Confirmation Hearing - ABC News

Wonder if Kerry will throw any more of his BS medals over the wall of the White House??

Highly decorated.....Please..

I have a chunk of my left leg missing from an RPG at Quang Tri. Purple Heart. 1 Bronze Star for action. 6 Meritorious Achievement medals, 2 DIA Directors Achievement Medals, and on and on. Who cares? Not me.

Kerry gets a boo boo on his little pinky and got his Purple Heart.

You call him a "hero". I call him a REMF that fooled everyone.
Lemme think "Loose Cannon" McCain is some kind o' "hero", though, right??

Nope. McCain is a boob, nothing more, nothing less. He was captured and held out. Stories about his "heroism" have always been sketchy, to say the least. I applaud the man's service, however. When he wasn't crashing jets, he was actually doing a decent job.

He's another example of a man who saw an opportunity (ala Kerry) and made a life (for the rest of his life) on Capitol Hill. But - a boob nonetheless.
:clap2:Senator John Kerry Sails Through Confirmation Hearing: God Bless Him:clap2:

This highly decorated, combat veteran has done America proud through most all of his life. We need more men and women like him. He even had the usually rabid GOP attack dogs on his side or running silent,


John Kerry Tears Up During Smooth Confirmation Hearing - ABC News

First there were near-tears, and then a protester had to be forced out, but Sen. John Kerry took it all in stride.

Kerry choked up at his secretary of state confirmation hearings this morning when discussing his father’s history in the U.S. Foreign Service, and how he was “equally proud” of both that history and his own as part of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

“If you confirm me, I would take office as secretary proud that the Senate is in my blood, but equally proud that so, too, is the Foreign Service,” the Massachusetts Democrat told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in Washington, where all the members greeted him warmly.

“My dad’s work under presidents, both Democratic and Republican, took me and my siblings around the world for a personal journey that brought home the sacrifices and commitment the men and women of the Foreign Service make every day on behalf of America.

“I wish everyone in the country could see and understand first-hand the devotion, loyalty and amazingly hard, often dangerous work that our diplomats on the front lines do.”

Republicans praised the Obama nominee today, with ranking member Republican Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee telling Kerry that he’s “almost lived his entire life for this moment,” adding that he was “thrilled” Kerry was in such a position.

Wonder if Kerry will throw any more of his BS medals over the wall of the White House??

Highly decorated.....Please..

I have a chunk of my left leg missing from an RPG at Quang Tri. Purple Heart. 1 Bronze Star for action. 6 Meritorious Achievement medals, 2 DIA Directors Achievement Medals, and on and on. Who cares? Not me.

Kerry gets a boo boo on his little pinky and got his Purple Heart.

You call him a "hero". I call him a REMF that fooled everyone.

You have a bunch of hats in the rear window of your Town Car as well?

You are a spite of your military experience. Thanks for your sacrifice. Now shut the fuck up about it.
:clap2:Senator John Kerry Sails Through Confirmation Hearing: God Bless Him:clap2:

This highly decorated, combat veteran has done America proud through most all of his life. We need more men and women like him. He even had the usually rabid GOP attack dogs on his side or running silent,


John Kerry Tears Up During Smooth Confirmation Hearing - ABC News

First there were near-tears, and then a protester had to be forced out, but Sen. John Kerry took it all in stride.

Kerry choked up at his secretary of state confirmation hearings this morning when discussing his father’s history in the U.S. Foreign Service, and how he was “equally proud” of both that history and his own as part of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

“If you confirm me, I would take office as secretary proud that the Senate is in my blood, but equally proud that so, too, is the Foreign Service,” the Massachusetts Democrat told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in Washington, where all the members greeted him warmly.

“My dad’s work under presidents, both Democratic and Republican, took me and my siblings around the world for a personal journey that brought home the sacrifices and commitment the men and women of the Foreign Service make every day on behalf of America.

“I wish everyone in the country could see and understand first-hand the devotion, loyalty and amazingly hard, often dangerous work that our diplomats on the front lines do.”

Republicans praised the Obama nominee today, with ranking member Republican Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee telling Kerry that he’s “almost lived his entire life for this moment,” adding that he was “thrilled” Kerry was in such a position.

Was never a tremendous Kerry fan and I'm not gonna lie about that.


What he & Bobby Muller did, after "getting back", took a helluva lot more balls than what that PUNK.....

[ame=]Dick Cavett Show pt.1of 6 - YouTube[/ame]​
Of course he got confirmed. The GOP thinks they have a shot at his Senate seat.

are you saying (and applauding the concept) that the GOP would trade a threat to national security (what opponents see) for a cheap political chance...only a political gain in the Senate?


we need more honest people like you who will admit that putting party over good of nation is an assett
You can thank the Republicans for passing this nomination through. They did not uphold or obstruct....
Come on. What difference does it make that Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson, last seen getting clowned by Hillary Clinton, wasn’t at the intelligence briefing on Benghazi?

At John Kerry’s somnolent confirmation hearing for Secretary of State on Thursday, Kerry showed up Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Galt’s Gulch), on the latter’s very serious public crusade to get to the bottom of the killing of the American Ambassador in Benghazi — revealing that Johnson himself didn’t attend the intelligence briefing.

Read more at Idiot Senator Complains About Lack Of Benghazi Briefings He Skipped, Just Like The Other Idiots
:clap2:Senator John Kerry Sails Through Confirmation Hearing: God Bless Him:clap2:

This highly decorated, combat veteran has done America proud through most all of his life. We need more men and women like him. He even had the usually rabid GOP attack dogs on his side or running silent,

Even "Loose Cannon" McCain held-his-tongue, huh??


McCain actually said alot of nice things about Kerry.

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