Senator Gillibrand Loud About Women; Quiet About Muslim Women

So are most religions. Thanks to history’s other “Gillibrand’s,” women around the world have won reprieve from the abuses of religious doctrine. But there are still places with primitive beliefs about women, including in the U.S.
Yes, and nowhere more so than in the Muslim community. And there is no equating Islam with religions around the world or anything else. When it comes to abusing women, Islam is in a class by itself.
Not really. Abusing women is common to most religions. Secularism is the only defense.
Theyre deathly scared of speaking out against muslims. Mercy killings, rape, female genital mutilation etc. Mums the word.
Gillibrand and her type have been fighting against those things for centuries. Still are.
"those things" ? Not MUSLIM women things. If you can find one example of her doing that, by all means, let's hear it. You have the floor.

The rights she fights for are for all women, including Muslim women.
The thread's "point" is that all muslim women are abused because Islam is abusive towards women.
So are most religions. Thanks to history’s other “Gillibrand’s,” women around the world have won reprieve from the abuses of religious doctrine. But there are still places with primitive beliefs about women, including in the U.S.
That's true, but even the Christian denominations that deny women full participation would not harm women as the OP contends Islam does on a universal basis towards all women.
Show me one example where she speaks for women's rights, but makes it clear she’s not talking about Muslim women.
Not good enough. It's clear she's ALWAYS not talking about Muslim women, because she never mentioned Koran 4:34 (wife beating), Koran 4:24 (rape), or anything else specific to the Islam-woman problem.

Now answer my Post # 16.
Nope it’s good enough. You could not provide an example, so you ask me to imagine meanings that were not intended.
Not really. Abusing women is common to most religions. Secularism is the only defense.
FALSE, ridiculous and idiotic. Maybe you just are ignorant of Islam and it's treatment of women.

And you can skip the secularism rap. Islam is not a religion, so say most people around the world, including some entire nations (ex Italy)
Nope it’s good enough. You could not provide an example, so you ask me to imagine meanings that were not intended.
I DID provide example. EVERY time she speaks. >> No mention of Islam and Islamic abuse of women. That's what the OP says. Can you read ?

As for not providing an example, YOU haven't done that, in response to my request in Post # 16.
Her mother said when she was a little girl, they were going to take her to an ear doctor, because she was so loud. Well, she's still loud (as a US Senator, D-NY), especially regarding the "Me too" movement, and violence against women.

OK. All that is well and good, but there's one group of women whom the NY Senator is remarkbly quiet about >> MUSLIMS. Perhaps no group of women in America (or the world) is more maligned, sexually & non-sexually assaulted, discriminated against, and flat-out oppressed, than Muslims.

In the Koran, the foundation of Islam, Muslim husbands are directed (Sura 4:34), if not commanded, to beat their wives. Do Muslim husbands take this seriously ? Actually, not only do they adhere to this, but so do some US judges like nitwit New Jersey Judge Joseph Charles, who refused a Muslim wife a restrainng order, against her violent and rapist husband.

The ruling, of course, was overturned by an appeals court, but the wife had to wait a long time, while the case went throught he appeal process. In the meantime, you can bet her Muslim husband was continuing to beat and rape her, at will. One can guess that this goes on behind closed doors and shut window blinds, rampantly across America, with the Koran still trumpeting its 7th century words, that treat women worse than cattle. As for changing the Koran, one may note that in 14 centuries, not one word of the Koran has ever been changed.

So what does the illustrious Senator from New York have to say about this ? >> Dead silence. Yeah, those New York state crickets are awfully loud tonight.

So what about it Senator ? We've heard you talk about the black community. What's your position on Islam, the Koran, and misogeny gone wild in the Islamic community ? Might we conclude that it's your policy to simply exclude Muslim women from the entire womens' rights movement ? And if not, then what do you say about Islam, and its severe misogeny. I could go into graphic detail (photos too), to describe the horrific treament Muslim women endure, but I think it might be a bit disturbing, even for this computer forum.
Oh blow it out your ass.

You & your party trash the rights of gays & transgendered every fucking day. So go fuck yourself & your fake giving a shit about women.

You trash women every day by supporting a women assaulting, groper in chief.
Gillibrand and her type have been fighting against those things for centuries. Still are.
"those things" ? Not MUSLIM women things. If you can find one example of her doing that, by all means, let's hear it. You have the floor.

The rights she fights for are for all women, including Muslim women.
The thread's "point" is that all muslim women are abused because Islam is abusive towards women.
So are most religions. Thanks to history’s other “Gillibrand’s,” women around the world have won reprieve from the abuses of religious doctrine. But there are still places with primitive beliefs about women, including in the U.S.
That's true, but even the Christian denominations that deny women full participation would not harm women as the OP contends Islam does on a universal basis towards all women.
Well, now. After millenia of struggle.

Secularism will have the same effect on the middle east, if it ever gets a break from the East and West’s proxy wars and wars for resources there.
Nope it’s good enough. You could not provide an example, so you ask me to imagine meanings that were not intended.
I asked you to provide an example of Gillibrand speaking out in defense of Muslim women. I answered your challenge. You flunked on mine. (and you know it, and so does everyone else here)
Nope it’s good enough. You could not provide an example, so you ask me to imagine meanings that were not intended.
I DID provide example. EVERY time she speaks. >> No mention of Islam and Islamic abuse of women. That's what the OP says. Can you read ?

As for not providing an example, YOU haven't done that, in response to my request in Post # 16.
Nope you didn’t provide a single example of anytime she said “except Muslim women.”
Nope it’s good enough. You could not provide an example, so you ask me to imagine meanings that were not intended.
I asked you to provide an example of Gillibrand speaking out in defense of Muslim women. I answered your challenge. You flunked on mine. (and you know it, and so does everyone else here)
In defense of them how? I can provide plenty of links of Gillibrand fighting to get them better education, healthcare, etc.
Oh blow it out your ass.

You & your party trash the rights of gays & transgendered every fucking day. So go fuck yourself & your fake giving a shit about women.

You trash women every day by supporting a women assaulting, groper in chief.

Gays and transgendered are sick people. What rights they have, are the same as anyone else, other than what is supportive of their sickness.

As for Trump, you and your goons take everything he says and blow it up into a catastrophe in a clownish attempt to influence "center" people to vote for the left. Funny how you don't get that everyone is wise to you. Hilarious how you all though you were going to win last November 2016, and that election map just kept getting redder and redder.

As for what Trump said, you've probably said the same or worse a thousand times. Ho hum.

You're just another hypocrite. Big hot air about women, but no mention about the Muslim women. Gillibrand, Hillary, Obama, you. :bigboy:
"those things" ? Not MUSLIM women things. If you can find one example of her doing that, by all means, let's hear it. You have the floor.

The rights she fights for are for all women, including Muslim women.
The thread's "point" is that all muslim women are abused because Islam is abusive towards women.
So are most religions. Thanks to history’s other “Gillibrand’s,” women around the world have won reprieve from the abuses of religious doctrine. But there are still places with primitive beliefs about women, including in the U.S.
That's true, but even the Christian denominations that deny women full participation would not harm women as the OP contends Islam does on a universal basis towards all women.
Well, now. After millenia of struggle.

Secularism will have the same effect on the middle east, if it ever gets a break from the East and West’s proxy wars and wars for resources there.
And the gay issue is still troubling them. We Episcopalians put that one to bed too (-: but we bankrupted ourselves doing it.
Oh blow it out your ass.

You & your party trash the rights of gays & transgendered every fucking day. So go fuck yourself & your fake giving a shit about women.

You trash women every day by supporting a women assaulting, groper in chief.

Gays and transgendered are sick people. What rights they have, are the same as anyone else, other than what is supportive of their sickness.

As for Trump, you and your goons take everything he says and blow it up into a catastrophe in a clownish attempt to influence "center" people to vote for the left. Funny how you don't get that everyone is wise to you. Hilarious how you all though you were going to win last November 2016, and that election map just kept getting redder and redder.

As for what Trump said, you've probably said the same or worse a thousand times. Ho hum.

You're just another hypocrite. Big hot air about women, but no mention about the Muslim women. Gillibrand, Hillary, Obama, you. :bigboy:
Now we're getting down to what's behind the OP. Good job, Dave.
Her mother said when she was a little girl, they were going to take her to an ear doctor, because she was so loud. Well, she's still loud (as a US Senator, D-NY), especially regarding the "Me too" movement, and violence against women.

OK. All that is well and good, but there's one group of women whom the NY Senator is remarkbly quiet about >> MUSLIMS. Perhaps no group of women in America (or the world) is more maligned, sexually & non-sexually assaulted, discriminated against, and flat-out oppressed, than Muslims.

In the Koran, the foundation of Islam, Muslim husbands are directed (Sura 4:34), if not commanded, to beat their wives. Do Muslim husbands take this seriously ? Actually, not only do they adhere to this, but so do some US judges like nitwit New Jersey Judge Joseph Charles, who refused a Muslim wife a restrainng order, against her violent and rapist husband.

The ruling, of course, was overturned by an appeals court, but the wife had to wait a long time, while the case went throught he appeal process. In the meantime, you can bet her Muslim husband was continuing to beat and rape her, at will. One can guess that this goes on behind closed doors and shut window blinds, rampantly across America, with the Koran still trumpeting its 7th century words, that treat women worse than cattle. As for changing the Koran, one may note that in 14 centuries, not one word of the Koran has ever been changed.

So what does the illustrious Senator from New York have to say about this ? >> Dead silence. Yeah, those New York state crickets are awfully loud tonight.

So what about it Senator ? We've heard you talk about the black community. What's your position on Islam, the Koran, and misogeny gone wild in the Islamic community ? Might we conclude that it's your policy to simply exclude Muslim women from the entire womens' rights movement ? And if not, then what do you say about Islam, and its severe misogeny. I could go into graphic detail (photos too), to describe the horrific treament Muslim women endure, but I think it might be a bit disturbing, even for this computer forum.

When did Gillibrand ever talk about women's rights with an explicit exclusion of Muslim women?
In defense of them how? I can provide plenty of links of Gillibrand fighting to get them better education, healthcare, etc.
I'm not taslking about helathcare or education, or general things. I'm talking about the SPECIFIC problems /abuses of Muslim women, due to Islam. (and you know it)

"Them ?" Go ahead. Let's see just one that mentions MUSLIM women and their particular plight >>> (Koran 4:34. Koran 4:24, Koran 4:11, Koran 2:282, Koran 2:228, Koran 5:6, Koran 24:31, Koran 4:3, Koran 33:50, plus more that a dozen of the Hadiths)

A Woman Worth Less than a Man in Islam
Rob Porter is a Mormon, not a Muslim. You're confused. lolol
I know. I think Hatch has outlived his usefulness, but when he was finally appraised of facts, he pulled his support quickly and condemned violence against women clearly. Probably about ten years ago I head a speech by the then LDS president, I think it was Hinckley. He urged women to get college educations because while he thought their role a homemaker the highest calling, divorce required women to be able to take up where their husbands failed in family support.

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