Senator Flake is 100% right that Moore/Trump leads the GOP off the cliff


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
Sen. Flake says GOP is 'toast' if it follows Trump, Moore

The Senator was caught unawares on an open mike expressing his fears for the GOP, last Friday night at a political event.

He is right.

PHOENIX (AP) — Republican U.S. Sen. Jeff Flake was caught on an open microphone saying that the GOP is "toast" if it follows President Donald Trump and Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore. Flake was talking to the mayor of the Phoenix suburb of Mesa offstage Friday after speaking at a town hall session for aerospace company workers. He apparently didn't know the microphone attached to his lapel was still on when he said , "(If we) become the party of Roy Moore and Donald Trump, we are toast."
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Nope, you are a flake if you don't believe Flake, MM.
‘Giles didn't mention those comments in a statement to the TV station. "As a lifelong conservative Republican, I am troubled when candidates like Roy Moore send the wrong message about my party's ethics and policies," he said.’ Ibid

Moore isn’t sending the ‘wrong message’ about what Republicans stand for.

If being a ‘conservative Republican’ consists of opposing the privacy rights of women and the equal protection rights of gay Americans, then Moore is the perfect representative of the GOP.
Flakey knows flakes, that's for sure. As far as the driving them off the cliff nonsense, I have heard that all before, and from the usual suspects (of which flake is a prime member), they were wrong about the election and they are wrong now. They believe their own BS and that way they don't have to fix the problems in their own Party. The Dem Party has been corrupted to its core by the clintonistas. We need to clear their influence out ASAP or we are going to be the ones dropping off the cliff.
Sen. Flake says GOP is 'toast' if it follows Trump, Moore

The Senator was caught unawares on an open mike expressing his fears for the GOP, last Friday night at a political event.

He is right.

PHOENIX (AP) — Republican U.S. Sen. Jeff Flake was caught on an open microphone saying that the GOP is "toast" if it follows President Donald Trump and Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore. Flake was talking to the mayor of the Phoenix suburb of Mesa offstage Friday after speaking at a town hall session for aerospace company workers. He apparently didn't know the microphone attached to his lapel was still on when he said , "(If we) become the party of Roy Moore and Donald Trump, we are toast."
I guess that means you're not going to vote for them, they will be sad when they hear the news. It might even cost him the 2016 election.

The GOP needs to be lead off a cliff. That way their interconnections with the Centrists/Liberals can be permanently severed and a new, truly Conservative party can emerge in their place.
‘Giles didn't mention those comments in a statement to the TV station. "As a lifelong conservative Republican, I am troubled when candidates like Roy Moore send the wrong message about my party's ethics and policies," he said.’ Ibid

Moore isn’t sending the ‘wrong message’ about what Republicans stand for.

If being a ‘conservative Republican’ consists of opposing the privacy rights of women and the equal protection rights of gay Americans, then Moore is the perfect representative of the GOP.
Yes, that is what the GOP stands for. You so have hit the nail on the head with your outright bigoted hatred based on partisan bullshit.

Republicans are in great shape
Control the state houses, congress, White House, courts
Doesn't get any better than that

Only Trump is capable of ruining it
Its seems to be breaking down as "globalists" vs "populists". Flake and Obama are globalists, i.e. "those manufacturing jobs are gone, get over it". Trump won because he said he can bring back some of the manufacturing jobs. Currently 70% of the US economy is sales, with most manufacturing being done overseas. Also, corporations have been leaving the US for lower tax countries, Pfiser, Those are good jobs with good benefits. Voters know which track they want the US to be on, and Trump nailed it with his election promises. If he can bring back enough good jobs with good pay and benefits he will keep winning. If the globalists can block him, middle America is toast.
Only Trump is capable of ruining it

Not at all. Susan Collins, John McCain, Flake, etc... are all more than capable of ruining the run of success that the Republicans are on. They can do that by continuing to stand in the way of the promises that Donald Trump made to the American voting public last year.

I understand that Ms. Collins, Mr McShame and Mr. Flake are not and were not party to those promises, and in fact believe the total opposite of what Mr Trump promised is the better thing to do. Republicans on all levels need to determine what their core values for 2018 and 2020 will be. United they will likely stand. Divided their entire party could be slaughtered like turkeys next November.

Here's hoping they figure it our in time to take the noose off their own necks.
Sen. Flake says GOP is 'toast' if it follows Trump, Moore

The Senator was caught unawares on an open mike expressing his fears for the GOP, last Friday night at a political event.

He is right.

PHOENIX (AP) — Republican U.S. Sen. Jeff Flake was caught on an open microphone saying that the GOP is "toast" if it follows President Donald Trump and Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore. Flake was talking to the mayor of the Phoenix suburb of Mesa offstage Friday after speaking at a town hall session for aerospace company workers. He apparently didn't know the microphone attached to his lapel was still on when he said , "(If we) become the party of Roy Moore and Donald Trump, we are toast."

What does it mean when someone says "become the party of...?" Like, the national political party is going to establish it's platform on the thoughts and ideas of an individual? That's odd, since that has never happened in American political history before and is, in fact, the purpose and reason for a national party in the first place.

Do individuals have an influence on the party platform? Perhaps. That doesn't mean the party becomes "the party of" that individual. Certainly, they are the party in which those individuals belong to but they are also the party of Jeff Flake... and Susan Collins... and John McCain... and Lisa Murkowski.... and Lindsey Graham... and Rand Paul. There are LOTS of individual ideas which influence the party and of which the party is "the party of."
The political prognostication stuff is a crap shoot at best. For proof see: Elections, 2016.

I do know two things, though:

First, Trump is busy packing lower courts with right wingers and I'm reduced to hoping Ginsburg & Kennedy can remain vertical for a while longer...

And second, the Democrats (especially the Regressives) steadfastly refuse to look in the mirror for their role in why this happened.
The only thing that is heading toward the cliff is this (snow)-flake.
Flakey knows flakes, that's for sure. As far as the driving them off the cliff nonsense, I have heard that all before, and from the usual suspects (of which flake is a prime member), they were wrong about the election and they are wrong now. They believe their own BS and that way they don't have to fix the problems in their own Party. The Dem Party has been corrupted to its core by the clintonistas. We need to clear their influence out ASAP or we are going to be the ones dropping off the cliff.

You heard it in 2006, and the GOP lost the Senate because of fringe candidates like Sharron Angle and Christine O"Donnell.
This is looking like a repeat of that.

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