Senate's $1.1 Trillion Spending Bill: funds amnesty and Obamacare

Sometimes you have to picks your fights. Libertarians want to fight everything and end up winning nothing. The Democrats control the Senate until January 6th, so nothing is getting past Reid except what he wants. The republicans are not going to shut down the government. Let Obama do it next year.
There will be no need for the president to 'shutdown the government' if republicans continue to pursue responsible governance.

If however republicans return to pursuing irresponsible policies of idiocy and stupidity, then they alone will be responsible for the consequences, including a government shutdown.
No, a majority of it is PORK, and from both sides, or if would never have gone's so disheartening, only a few Republicans had BALLS!


The bulk of the more than $1.1 trillion in funding goes to the military and other repressive functions of the federal government, such as spying, prisons and the police.
I knew you fuckers were liars, I didn't know you were this stupid thinking you could tell such a lie in the OP that can be so easily debunked by going to a Congressional website to get the raw data in the bill.

...breakdown of the spending:
$521 billion for the military,
$492 billion for nonmilitary items,
$73 billion in emergency spending, most of it military-related.

This is highly misleading, since much of the “nonmilitary” spending is demonstrably in support of US military operations or domestic police and security operations directed against the American population
The $492 billion of “nonmilitary” spending can be found on the web site of Congress. (Click here and then page down to the section titled “Omnibus summaries,” which contains live links to department-by-department spending).
We're at war with real enemies. Right? Why shouldn't we fight these enemies??? Why shouldn't we spy on them to get the upper hand.

You seem clueless.
We started these wars of aggression, no different than the Nazis going into Poland. These are illegal and immoral wars and have no direct benefit for average Americans.
You are a bigger moron than I thought.

What's it like to hate yourself?
In a big win for House Republicans and President Barack Obama, the House passed a $1 trillion-plus funding bill Thursday night that will keep the government open into next year.
The final vote, which came after a high drama day of behind the scenes arm twisting and vote counting, was 219 to 206.

The Senate passed a two-day funding bill following the House vote, avoiding a government shutdown starting at midnight Thursday. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), however, warned that the “cromnibus,” as the massive spending package has come to be called on Capitol Hill, may not pass the Senate until Monday.

Read more: House passes 1.1 trillion spending bill after week of drama - Jake Sherman and John Bresnahan and Edward-Isaac Dovere - POLITICO

translation; the OP is full of shit.

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