Senate Republicans call on Twitter, Facebook bosses to testify amid censorship claims, say subpoena in works

Facebook can censor whatever they want.
No they can not. They are a public platform and if they censor they are not allowed 1st amendment protections... They also lose their tax status.

They are violating federal communications law, RICO or Election Fixing could apply to their companies. The DOJ could file a motion to enjoin them from this activity or seize the companies for these violations of RICO and Election law.
Outta the park, Billy Bob.
Gotta love Trumpster socialists.
Project much?
Not today. I'm neither Trumpsters nor socialist.

But there are lots of you out there.

The facts are, we are all socialists. Some may argue they still don't support that and there is likely a very small number that are being honest but they are few.
Too little too late. They should have dropped the hammer last time. Those who wish to destroy what made America so cherished, have little interest in abiding now. Fooled again it seems.

Senate Republicans call on Twitter, Facebook bosses to testify amid censorship claims, say subpoena in works
Republican Sens. Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham and Josh Hawley on Thursday called on the heads of Twitter and Facebook to testify, and said a subpoena was in the works, as critics claimed the social media platforms have been censoring reporting critical of Democrats.

“This is election interference and we're 19 days out from an election,” Cruz, R-Texas, said. “It has no precedent in the history of democracy. The Senate Judiciary Committee wants to know what the hell is going on.”

The Senate Judiciary Committee leaders announced they will vote on a subpoena Tuesday for Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter, to testify before the committee on Friday, Oct. 23. Hawley said he hoped the committee would also vote to subpoena Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg too.

The action comes as both Twitter and Facebook took steps to stop the widespread dissemination of an explosive New York Port report this week that purports to show emails from Hunter Biden linking his father his Ukraine business dealings.

Republicans blasted the social media platforms for censorship and implied the tech giants were in cahoots with the Biden campaign to suppress a negative story.
it should be called domestic election meddling
Facebook can censor whatever they want.
No they can not. They are a public platform and if they censor they are not allowed 1st amendment protections... They also lose their tax status.

They are violating federal communications law, RICO or Election Fixing could apply to their companies. The DOJ could file a motion to enjoin them from this activity or seize the companies for these violations of RICO and Election law.
Outta the park, Billy Bob.
Gotta love Trumpster socialists.
Project much?
Not today. I'm neither Trumpsters nor socialist.

But there are lots of you out there.

The facts are, we are all socialists.

Nope. Not me.
Facebook can censor whatever they want.
No they can not. They are a public platform and if they censor they are not allowed 1st amendment protections... They also lose their tax status.

They are violating federal communications law, RICO or Election Fixing could apply to their companies. The DOJ could file a motion to enjoin them from this activity or seize the companies for these violations of RICO and Election law.
Outta the park, Billy Bob.
Gotta love Trumpster socialists.
Project much?
Not today. I'm neither Trumpsters nor socialist.

But there are lots of you out there.

The facts are, we are all socialists.

Nope. Not me.

You may not agree with it but indeed you likely are. You will sign up for Medicare. Take and spend your stimulus checks, etc.
Facebook can censor whatever they want.
No they can not. They are a public platform and if they censor they are not allowed 1st amendment protections... They also lose their tax status.

They are violating federal communications law, RICO or Election Fixing could apply to their companies. The DOJ could file a motion to enjoin them from this activity or seize the companies for these violations of RICO and Election law.
Outta the park, Billy Bob.
Gotta love Trumpster socialists.
Project much?
Not today. I'm neither Trumpsters nor socialist.

But there are lots of you out there.

The facts are, we are all socialists.

Nope. Not me.

You may not agree with it but indeed you likely are. You will sign up for Medicare. Take and spend your stimulus checks, etc.
That makes no sense. Being trapped in a system polluted with socialism doesn't make one a socialist.
Trump should get an injuction
Libbie media just can’t allow differing opinions .

Though lefty is all about egalitarianism....apparently not when it comes to news dissemination....there has long been a standard for newspapers and the legal framework was established back in the 20's and 30's....time has now come to establish a new framework for electronic media news. Isn't it funny how the same lefty wants all the Billionaires to distribute their money but doesn't want access rich companies like facebook and twitter to share their web space? Notice any hypocrisy there? In the mean time the best way to fight back is to go here and patronize this's breathing down the necks of both facebook and twitter...

Facebook can censor whatever they want.
No they can not. They are a public platform and if they censor they are not allowed 1st amendment protections... They also lose their tax status.

They are violating federal communications law, RICO or Election Fixing could apply to their companies. The DOJ could file a motion to enjoin them from this activity or seize the companies for these violations of RICO and Election law.
Outta the park, Billy Bob.
Gotta love Trumpster socialists.
Project much?
Not today. I'm neither Trumpsters nor socialist.

But there are lots of you out there.

The facts are, we are all socialists.

Nope. Not me.

You may not agree with it but indeed you likely are. You will sign up for Medicare. Take and spend your stimulus checks, etc.
That makes no sense. Being trapped in a system polluted with socialism doesn't make one a socialist.

IMO that's more of a philosophical argument. Who are you voting for?
Though lefty is all about egalitarianism....apparently not when it comes to news dissemination....there has long been a standard for newspapers and the legal framework was established back in the 20's and 30's....time has now come to establish a new framework for electronic media news. Isn't it funny how the same lefty wants all the Billionaires to distribute their money but doesn't want access rich companies like facebook and twitter to share their web space? Notice any hypocrisy there?

Oh, the entire thing is drenched in hypocrisy. We have libs pretending to care about free markets, and Republicans, or at least Trumpsters, clamoring for a statist take down of social media companies. They switch sides so fast is dizzying.

In the mean time the best way to fight back is to go here and patronize this's breathing down the necks of both facebook and twitter...


Indeed. That's the way to handle it. No need for big government bullying.
Facebook can censor whatever they want.
No they can not. They are a public platform and if they censor they are not allowed 1st amendment protections... They also lose their tax status.

They are violating federal communications law, RICO or Election Fixing could apply to their companies. The DOJ could file a motion to enjoin them from this activity or seize the companies for these violations of RICO and Election law.
Outta the park, Billy Bob.
Gotta love Trumpster socialists.
Project much?
Not today. I'm neither Trumpsters nor socialist.

But there are lots of you out there.

The facts are, we are all socialists.

Nope. Not me.

You may not agree with it but indeed you likely are. You will sign up for Medicare. Take and spend your stimulus checks, etc.
That makes no sense. Being trapped in a system polluted with socialism doesn't make one a socialist.

IMO that's more of a philosophical argument. Who are you voting for?
Jorgensen - Libertarian. You?
Facebook can censor whatever they want.
No they can not. They are a public platform and if they censor they are not allowed 1st amendment protections... They also lose their tax status.

They are violating federal communications law, RICO or Election Fixing could apply to their companies. The DOJ could file a motion to enjoin them from this activity or seize the companies for these violations of RICO and Election law.
Outta the park, Billy Bob.
Gotta love Trumpster socialists.
Project much?
Not today. I'm neither Trumpsters nor socialist.

But there are lots of you out there.

The facts are, we are all socialists.

Nope. Not me.

You may not agree with it but indeed you likely are. You will sign up for Medicare. Take and spend your stimulus checks, etc.
That makes no sense. Being trapped in a system polluted with socialism doesn't make one a socialist.

IMO that's more of a philosophical argument. Who are you voting for?
Jorgensen - Libertarian. You?

Jorgensen. But I will take Medicare here in a few years.
Facebook can censor whatever they want.
No they can not. They are a public platform and if they censor they are not allowed 1st amendment protections... They also lose their tax status.

They are violating federal communications law, RICO or Election Fixing could apply to their companies. The DOJ could file a motion to enjoin them from this activity or seize the companies for these violations of RICO and Election law.
Outta the park, Billy Bob.
Gotta love Trumpster socialists.
Project much?
Not today. I'm neither Trumpsters nor socialist.

But there are lots of you out there.

The facts are, we are all socialists.

Nope. Not me.

You may not agree with it but indeed you likely are. You will sign up for Medicare. Take and spend your stimulus checks, etc.
That makes no sense. Being trapped in a system polluted with socialism doesn't make one a socialist.

IMO that's more of a philosophical argument. Who are you voting for?
Jorgensen - Libertarian. You?

Jorgensen. But I will take Medicare here in a few years.
That doesn't make you a socialist. Apart from philosophical nitpicking, we're talking about what we advocate for, what we fight for in society. Unless you voted for Medicare, or promoted it in some way, you're not a "socialist". What was the point of saying "we are all socialists"?
Facebook can censor whatever they want.
No they can not. They are a public platform and if they censor they are not allowed 1st amendment protections... They also lose their tax status.

They are violating federal communications law, RICO or Election Fixing could apply to their companies. The DOJ could file a motion to enjoin them from this activity or seize the companies for these violations of RICO and Election law.
Outta the park, Billy Bob.
Gotta love Trumpster socialists.
Project much?
Not today. I'm neither Trumpsters nor socialist.

But there are lots of you out there.

The facts are, we are all socialists.

Nope. Not me.

You may not agree with it but indeed you likely are. You will sign up for Medicare. Take and spend your stimulus checks, etc.
That makes no sense. Being trapped in a system polluted with socialism doesn't make one a socialist.

IMO that's more of a philosophical argument. Who are you voting for?
Jorgensen - Libertarian. You?

Jorgensen. But I will take Medicare here in a few years.
That doesn't make you a socialist. Apart from philosophical nitpicking, we're talking about what we advocate for, what we fight for in society. Unless you voted for Medicare, or promoted it in some way, you're not a "socialist". What was the point of saying "we are all socialists"?

I support the idea of every single person being able to see and afford to see a doctor or attend to their medical needs in this country. I'm not too particular as to how we get there but I support getting there.

As I told a friend of mine who knows I hold that position how it was that I was voting for Jorgensen, I told them that my choices were few and I still prefer doing nothing over doing the wrong thing. Biden and Trump will do the wrong thing.
Though lefty is all about egalitarianism....apparently not when it comes to news dissemination....there has long been a standard for newspapers and the legal framework was established back in the 20's and 30's....time has now come to establish a new framework for electronic media news. Isn't it funny how the same lefty wants all the Billionaires to distribute their money but doesn't want access rich companies like facebook and twitter to share their web space? Notice any hypocrisy there?

Oh, the entire thing is drenched in hypocrisy. We have libs pretending to care about free markets, and Republicans, or at least Trumpsters, clamoring for a statist take down of social media companies. They switch sides so fast is dizzying.

In the mean time the best way to fight back is to go here and patronize this's breathing down the necks of both facebook and twitter...


Indeed. That's the way to handle it. No need for big government bullying.

Excellent post.

Facebook can censor whatever they want.
No they can not. They are a public platform and if they censor they are not allowed 1st amendment protections... They also lose their tax status.

They are violating federal communications law, RICO or Election Fixing could apply to their companies. The DOJ could file a motion to enjoin them from this activity or seize the companies for these violations of RICO and Election law.
Outta the park, Billy Bob.
Gotta love Trumpster socialists.
Project much?
Not today. I'm neither Trumpsters nor socialist.

But there are lots of you out there.

The facts are, we are all socialists.

Nope. Not me.

You may not agree with it but indeed you likely are. You will sign up for Medicare. Take and spend your stimulus checks, etc.
That makes no sense. Being trapped in a system polluted with socialism doesn't make one a socialist.

IMO that's more of a philosophical argument. Who are you voting for?
Jorgensen - Libertarian. You?

Jorgensen. But I will take Medicare here in a few years.
That doesn't make you a socialist. Apart from philosophical nitpicking, we're talking about what we advocate for, what we fight for in society. Unless you voted for Medicare, or promoted it in some way, you're not a "socialist". What was the point of saying "we are all socialists"?

It's called LYING, and his goal was to support socialism.
Facebook can censor whatever they want.
Nope, and not if it is doing so for the purpose of using the platform in order to sway the election in one party's favor over another, and this by way of using slime tactics by it's management to do so.

Facebook and Twitter have a huge amount of conservatives using their platforms also, and to do such a thing in the ways that they've been doing things, is a huge slap in the face towards their conservative users..... It is a shame that they would even contemplate such a thing if they want to stay neutral in honor of their diverse memberships. It should be illegal for these platforms to sell adds for or engage in politic's period, especially after this bullcrap has been learned about them.

In fact they should actually self sensor themselves concerning all political activity, and stay neutral in regards to their huge diverse memberships.

At this point, if I were a member of either platform, I would definitely cancel my membership. No way am I making these people able to cut my head off like that.

If anyone stays after knowing what they know now, it's no different than ignoring Netflix after showing the show called "Cuties". It's really that bad.

Funny how people feel that they can't make it without these platforms, even though the internet has many ways to stay in touch with family members etc. It's like a drug I guess, otherwise once you get hooked on it or maybe you're the kind of person that loves such a thing that you can't or won't turn away from it. Who knows really, but for these platforms to betray the trust of it's membership is really a huge punch in the nose.
Facebook can censor whatever they want.
Nope, and not if it is doing so for the purpose of using the platform in order to sway the election in one party's favor over another, and this by way of using slime tactics by it's management to do so.

Facebook and Twitter have a huge amount of conservatives using their platforms also, and to do such a thing in the ways that they've been doing things, is a huge slap in the face towards their conservative users..... It is a shame that they would even contemplate such a thing if they want to stay neutral in honor of their diverse memberships. It should be illegal for these platforms to sell adds for or engage in politic's period, especially after this bullcrap has been learned about them.

In fact they should actually self sensor themselves concerning all political activity, and stay neutral in regards to their huge diverse memberships.

At this point, if I were a member of either platform, I would definitely cancel my membership. No way am I making these people able to cut my head off like that.

If anyone stays after knowing what they know now, it's no different than ignoring Netflix after showing the show called "Cuties". It's really that bad.

Funny how people feel that they can't make it without these platforms, even though the internet has many ways to stay in touch with family members etc. It's like a drug I guess, otherwise once you get hooked on it or maybe you're the kind of person that loves such a thing that you can't or won't turn away from it. Who knows really, but for these platforms to betray the trust of it's membership is really a huge punch in the nose.

They can. What you or anyone else feels they should do is different than what they can do. People do many things I disagree with but that is their right.
Facebook can censor whatever they want.

Especially if Biden wins. Then that is the end of Free Speech.

Hey, would you consider what I just said, "hate speech" and report me to the police?

Cause that day is coming.
Exactly right, because during the Obama administration he started that bullcrap about "if you hear something, say something" in which was the beginning of the end right then. The cratzi brown shirts were put in motion off of those words, and it got so bad that the crazy senator Maxine Watters started telling the minions to harass them, get in their faces if you see them in resteraunts etc. She should have been locked up for such a thing, but of course her skin color stopped that action. Obama's bullcrap will haunt this nation for years to come.
Facebook can censor whatever they want.
Nope, and not if it is doing so for the purpose of using the platform in order to sway the election in one party's favor over another, and this by way of using slime tactics by it's management to do so.

Facebook and Twitter have a huge amount of conservatives using their platforms also, and to do such a thing in the ways that they've been doing things, is a huge slap in the face towards their conservative users..... It is a shame that they would even contemplate such a thing if they want to stay neutral in honor of their diverse memberships. It should be illegal for these platforms to sell adds for or engage in politic's period, especially after this bullcrap has been learned about them.

In fact they should actually self sensor themselves concerning all political activity, and stay neutral in regards to their huge diverse memberships.

At this point, if I were a member of either platform, I would definitely cancel my membership. No way am I making these people able to cut my head off like that.

If anyone stays after knowing what they know now, it's no different than ignoring Netflix after showing the show called "Cuties". It's really that bad.

Funny how people feel that they can't make it without these platforms, even though the internet has many ways to stay in touch with family members etc. It's like a drug I guess, otherwise once you get hooked on it or maybe you're the kind of person that loves such a thing that you can't or won't turn away from it. Who knows really, but for these platforms to betray the trust of it's membership is really a huge punch in the nose.

They can. What you or anyone else feels they should do is different than what they can do. People do many things I disagree with but that is their right.
Nope, you are wrong.

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