Possible free speech censorship on Twitter coming back- Kanye BACK on Twitter... but there's a new censorship regime in town


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
As we all know, Twitter is a mega political platform along with YouTube and other social media sites. One way to manipulate political elections is to get these mega platforms to censor free speech. There are those who say, and perhaps its a cop out but they say, isn’t it a corporations right to decide what to do with their customers.? This is often brought to us by people who claim to be Democrats, but who are intentionally trolling. They are admitting in their own words that they don’t care about free-speech.

“Hey I thought you Republicans liked it when corporations do what they want “
-pro Biden zombie trolls

Isn’t that extraordinary. Masses of Democrats used to argue against corrupt corporations and say we need better employers we need fair regulations like regulations at the workplace. That’s how we got rid of child sweatshops. That’s what brought us the eight hour workday. But so many of my fellow Democrats today have lost it. They don’t care about core issues of the Democrat party, which are getting rid of the sweatshops getting rid of child labor, giving us a minimum wage, giving us union jobs. They have effectively given l into the pro BLM radical agenda of anti-Americanism.

When’s the last time any of us have heard a lot of Democrats in the US message board talk about things that affect everybody, ie the high cost of living, the astronomical price of a home, the fact that we only have about 10% of all jobs in America being unionized when in the 1960s, 35% of jobs were unionized. And with this topic, one of the most important topics in America which is censorship, and how mega platforms like Twitter, and YouTube can manipulate politics.

It really is extraordinary they just a few years ago. We had so many controversial speakers on YouTube, and we’ve always had controversial speeches we’ve seen on the history channel. But Americans don’t act on those types of people because Americans can think for themselves. So we have absolutely no room for political censorship in America.

Thankfully those like RFK Junior are gaining popularity, we are seeing a return of the Democrat party. A return of the party of the workingman.
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As we all know, Twitter is a mega political platform along with YouTube and other social media sites. One way to manipulate political elections is to get these mega platforms to censor free speech. There are those who say, and perhaps its a cop out but they say, isn’t it a corporations right to decide what to do with their customers.? This is often brought to us by people who claim to be Democrats, but who are intentionally trolling. They are admitting in their own words that they don’t care about free-speech.

“Hey I thought you Republicans liked it when corporations do what they want “
-pro Biden zombie trolls

Isn’t that extraordinary. Masses of Democrats used to argue against corrupt corporations and say we need better employers we need fair regulations like regulations at the workplace. That’s how we got rid of child sweatshops. That’s what brought us the eight hour workday. But so many of my fellow Democrats today have lost it. They don’t care about core issues of the Democrat party, which are getting rid of the sweatshops getting rid of child labor, giving us a minimum wage, giving us union jobs. They have effectively given l into the pro BLM radical agenda of anti-Americanism.

When’s the last time any of us have heard a lot of Democrats in the US message board talk about things that affect everybody, ie the high cost of living, the astronomical price of a home, the fact that we only have about 10% of all jobs in America being unionized when in the 1960s, 35% of jobs were unionized. And with this topic, one of the most important topics in America which is censorship, and how mega platforms like Twitter, and YouTube can manipulate politics.

It really is extraordinary they just a few years ago. We had so many controversial speakers on YouTube, and we’ve always had controversial speeches we’ve seen on the history channel. But Americans don’t act on those types of people because Americans can think for themselves. So we have absolutely no room for political censorship in America.

Thankfully those like RFK Junior are gaining popularity, we are seeing a return of the Democrat party. A return of the party of the workingman.

Twitter is privately owned. Don't you understand that?
Twitter can allow or disallow anyone they please.

If that is the best you have, I win.

Twitter is privately owned. Don't you understand that?
How weird....Libs happy to support those willing to violate ones First Amendment right.
Haven't seen that before.
NO good real core American would/does support the suppression of speech…never and nowhere.
We expect our Rights to be extended throughout the private sector.

but but but...we swear Conservatives are authoritarian fascists.
How weird....Libs happy to support those willing to violate ones First Amendment right.
Haven't seen that before.
NO good real core American would/does support the suppression of speech…never and nowhere.
We expect our Rights to be extended throughout the private sector.

but but but...we swear Conservatives are authoritarian fascists.

Edumacate yourself on the Right and how it works.

I understand that is asking a lot.
The Government is not allowed to tell the media what it can or cannot publish. The media however is not so restricted and can publish damn near anything these days, with certain exceptions. But they certainly can choose what not to publish as per the Constitution.
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Twitter is not a very good example of free speech. Didn't it cost the Muskrat billions and now he makes the rules of what Twitter publishes.
How weird....Libs happy to support those willing to violate ones First Amendment right.
Haven't seen that before.
NO good real core American would/does support the suppression of speech…never and nowhere.
We expect our Rights to be extended throughout the private sector.

but but but...we swear Conservatives are authoritarian fascists.

Then start your own twitter.
How weird....Libs happy to support those willing to violate ones First Amendment right.
Haven't seen that before.
NO good real core American would/does support the suppression of speech…never and nowhere.
We expect our Rights to be extended throughout the private sector.

but but but...we swear Conservatives are authoritarian fascists.

You're really stupid. The government can't censor your free speech, but a private company can... That means newspapers, magazines, social media etc. I don't owe you a venue.
You're really stupid. The government can't censor your free speech, but a private company can... That means newspapers, magazines, social media etc. I don't owe you a venue.
Excuses. Do you not know big tech is essentially an extension of government? Did you fail to learn anything from the Twitter Files, let alone the Church Committee findings from fucking 1975?

Whats the term that best defines the merger of big government and big business?

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